It's Entertainment Week PORT PERRY STAR -- THER August 3, 1988 -- 13 Air band contest held at the Playground PORT PERRY by Jennifer Wonder, Michelle Bryan, Kim Hale Nicole Cliche, Lisa Steinmuller As the weeks 'roll' by we 'rock' into next week with -- "Entertain- ment Week', and what a week its going to be. A reminder that Monday, August 1st, is a holiday and there will be no playground. On Tues- day we will have our annual Walk-a-Thon that will help raise money for our trip to Ontario Place. As an additional fund raiser to raise money for our trip to Ontario Place, we would like to ask the children and parents to bring in bottles for the entire week for our bottle drive. If you like to "rock and roll"', well get ready because we will be holding an Air Band contest, where you can dress up as your favourite rock star or group. Prizes will be awarded for best costume and group. On Thursday, we will visit Square Boys Pizza for a tour, and pizza. Jube-Jube Guess winner was Michael Gouldburn and Child of the Week was Rachael Hall. GREENBANK by Annette, Julie, Mike It has been a busy week. We took two trips, one to the Chicken Coop Bakery which was fun and interesting. We went to the barns and saw chickens, turkeys, peacocks and even a pet rabbit. Most important, we were shown how to make bread, and got to take an unpleasant sniff of real sourdough. Our second trip this week was to the Peterborough Zoo. We appreciate the help Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Van Veghel gave us. This week will be nature week. We will be doing exciting new games and crafts. On Tuesday, we will be selling ice cream for 50 cents and on Wed. we will be tak- ing a big picnic. Also, Wed. is our movie day and popcorn will be sold for 50 cents. Thursday is swim day and Friday we will make an exotic fruit salad, asking everyone to bring in one exotic fruit. Our cake raffle winner was drawn on July 29th and will be shown in next week's article, also showing the best seller. Thanks to everyone. For this week's fundraiser we will be having a bottle drive on Tuesday and freezies will be sold at lunch hours every day for 10 cents each. We have an exciting week planned. See you there! ! BLACKSTOCK by Tammy, CAT, Denise, Chris Hey kids! Blackstock playground is back again this week. We had lots of fun last week during country week. Movie day was on Monday, and we made Canadian flags. Even though our swimming was cancelled on Tues- day, our trip to the Peterborough Zoo was a great success. Hotdog day was on Thursday, and we had a mini Olympics on Friday. Rib- bons and prizes were awarded to everyone who participated. This week our theme is Talent Week. Even though its a short week we still have lots of fun, and exciting things planned. Tuesday we are going swimming, and Wednesday, is our usual hotdog day. The cost is $1.50 for 1 hotdog, a drink and a popsicle. Thursday we will take our trip of the week to Trader Sam's. On Friday, we will have a dress up day, where the kids dress up as their favourite rock star. Don't miss the fun! Come join our Blackstock Playground. SCUGOG ISLAND by Pam Smith, July Young Ron Halligan Last week our playground was very busy. It was trip around the world week and we had many games and crafts such as Hawaiian grass skirts and a beach dance. We also took a fun trip to Square Boys where we all had a piece of their delicious pizza. We are now into our fifth week of playground and this week is 'Special Day Week". Monday is Health and Safety Week and we will be doing safety crafts. We will also be watching movies in the afternoon with popcorn and a drink. On Tuesday, it is hat day and we're going to be having a hat contest to see who has the biggest, smallest and the weirdest hats. Wednesday is stuffed animal day. We will be having contests and games with our stuffed animals. We will then take a bus into Palmer Park to play and later in the afternoon we'll walk over to Birdseye Pool for a swim. On Thursday, we are going to visit the Peterborough Zoo for the day. Friday is sunglasses day and we're going to make crazy sunglasses for craft. We are also having ice-cream cones and we'll make cookies too! : During the week, we might also sneak in a trip to the Lindsay Lit- tle Theatre. We are also having a jellybean guess and a cake raffle. Everybody is welcome at "The Islanders" Playground, so come and join the fun. PRINCE ALBERT by Jill, Kariann, Jackie Well kids, another week just zipped by. You wouldn't believe how well Prince Albert's kids can limbo or hop like kangaroos. The Cowboy Says: 1985 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER SE 7 passenger, maroon, automatic 1981 BUICK RIVIERA T-type, loaded Kentucky Fried Chicken was finger licking good. Thanks to Matthew Boyce who was able to break oug pinata, we've all had our fill of candy. Kids keep selling those raffle tickets. The draw is on Tuesday, Aug. 2. This week is Health and Safety Week. We've planned lots of great things. We are making an insect farm. Be ready for lots of fun with goop. Practise and be ready for soccer and baseball games. Thank you to Port Perry for their support in our pop bottle drive. Don't forget there's no playground on Monday. LETS 1986 CHEV WRANGLER PICKUP "mint", loaded 1984 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER silver, automatic =, 1983 CHEV PICKUP = CUSTOM DELUXE grey with red stripe Higher Interest on Your Investments Guaranteed Investment Certificates 10% 2 YR. TERM - Annual Comp. Minimum Deposit $500. RSP's Sy 75% 1YR. TERM - Annual Comp. SHORT TERM DEPOSITS 1979 FORD ECONOLINE VAN "a great work truck', heavy duty E250 73°" 30 to 59 DAYS Min. Deposit $5,000. RATES SHOWN -- PER ANNUM ial rates also available on other amounts. All rates subject to change without notice. STANDARD TRUST The saga continues ... COW - BOY CARS TO DISCOVER Water Street & Hwy. 7A at Knopp's Corners Hwy. 7A & Water Street , 985-2368 _ Member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 165 Queen St., Port Perry Tel. 985-8435 Open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5 pm; Friday 9am to 6pm; Saturday 9am to 1 pm