ie ih bilan ui Liaise a ei lt bic SCR ASE RES SS SG ES GE rape EES iE A a ss LD 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 7 1988 Mayor Taylor kicks off for the Soccer Club The Scugog Youth Soccer Club is celebrating its 10th anni- versary this year, and the execu- tive. decided to do something a little different to mark that 6cca- sion and- officially. kick another season of soccer. On the evening of June 1, Scugog Mayor Jerry Taylor, as- sisted by numerous youngsters from the league, took part in an official kick-off at the soccer fields. ] The Mayor then drew the tick- et for the $1,000 draw which was won by Cliff McLean of Oshawa. Using the loudspeaker in the Port Perry Fire department emer- gency van (thanks to Chief Cook and captain Steele) MC Brian Cal- lery related a bit of the history of this succeessful organization. Ten years ago, a decision was made to sever the connection with the Uxbridge Soccer League and form an aassociation in Scugog. One of the main driving forces in the early days was Brian Yeo, who approached the local council to get permission to turn the lands into the present soccer fields. With a lot of hard work and the help of numerous parent vol- unteers and financial support from many local businesses, the new J sages was soon running smooth- y. In this the 10th season, regis- trations are up to 270 youngsters, an increase of about 60 over last year. Mr. Callery noted that while the fields are in fine condition and "the trailer-snack bar now has elec- trical power, proper washrooms are an absolute necessity. The League is now working to make that a reality and there is discus- sion going on about the possibili- ty of putting up lights for night soccer. He urged parents to get in- volved with the sport in some ca- pacity (coaching refereeing or serving on the executive of the league) Following the official kick-off by the Mayor and the short address by Mr. Callery, League president Ron Cosway presented the Mayor with a plaque as a reminder of the 10th anniversary cercmony. Name Port Perry Auto Glass Galley Fish & Seafood Sportsland Port Perry Oldtimers Barry's Variety A. Oppers Aluminum Seagrave Steel Buildings Kinsmen Forder's Insurance Square Boy Pizza RESULTS OF SCUGOG MENS LOB-BALL LEAGUE AS OF MAY 30, 1988 May 16th all games cancelled due to rainout. G WL T Pts 3 3 0 0 6 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 2 2 0 0 4 3 1 2 0 2 3 1 2 0 2 3 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 SQUARE BOY PIZZA 80 Water Street -- Port Perry 985-8448 wiry Waterfront across from the Tennis Court HEY KIDS! -- OPEN -- Sun. to Thurs. 11 AM to 11:30 PM Fri. and Sat. 11 AM to 2 AM PROGRAM "Fun, Games and Instructional Tennis in the Sport that lasts a Lifetime." -- 3 Week -- JUNIOR TENNIS beginning MONDAY, JULY 11th to FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1988 Young People ages 8 to 16 Years he "kicked off" a new soccer season. It is Scugog Mayor Jerry Taylor had plenty of young help around him last Eo SARA SRE TE week as the 10th anniversary for the Scugog Youth Soccer Club in Port Perry and registrations are up over last year. See sto- ry. Cliff McLean of Oshawa was the winner He picked up the G-note Saturday mornin of the Soccer Club's $1,000 bill draw. g from Soccer president Ron Cosway at left. Richard Hobbs at right was the seller of the winning ticket. Guaranteed Higher Interest Investment on Your Investments Certificates EMMERSON | §{] ()1/4% J | sHoRT TERM ji wins. | | DEPOSITS ALL LINES OF RSP's GENERAL INSURANCE A Division of : National Victoria NATIONAL TRUST 10% Annual Comp. RATES SHOWN -- PER ANNUM Weekday Mornings - 9 AM to 12 Noon At a cost of $36.00 per Person Registration at the Port Perry Tennis Courts on MONDAY, JUNE 27th from 5 PM to 7 PM (NO Pre-registration Please.) * sponsored by the Gatorade Youth Tennis Program and supported by the Ontario Tennis Association * Qualified Instructors * Performance Award Scheme Testing & Badges * Cold drinks supplied & a junior racquet (if needed) . For further information call: 985-3091 TRG AG OR I 0 1/4% 5 Year Annual Interest 10% SEMI-ANNUALLY Rates Subject to Change without Notice. Special rates also available on other amounts. All rates subject to change without notice. FY STANDAR TRUST Member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporati. 165 Queen St., Port Perry 734% 30 to 59 DAYS Min. Deposit $5,000. . "ey g Mam & D q | A Tel. 985-8435 (1 y. 9am to 1 prn® i {7 Cavlviiiie) M