| 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 25, 1988 Anna to be inducted in Sports Hall of Fame Blackstock and Area News . by Joyce Kelly Apologies are extended to Mrs. V. Chaplin who celebrated her 95th birthday last week - not 90 as I reported. Many happy returns are wished for this grand lady. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mrs. George Johnston who passed away after a relatively short illness in her 90th year. She and Mr. Johnston lived in the Cadmus area for their entire married life. One of our residents, Anna Forder-McLaughlin will be honoured on Wednesday, May 25 when she is one of 5 people in- ducted into the Sports Hall of Fame at the Civic Auditorium, Oshawa. Anyone wishing to at- 0 0 0 0 SS GD 0 5 SS 5 SD 55 SN 0 G5 ES 0 GN 65 GN 65 SS A 68 a a 0 " PAINFUL FEET! tend this ceremony at 7:00 p.m. may obtain free advance tickets from Anna's father Harold Forder at 985-2396. Congratula- tions Anna for this very well deserved honour. The O.N.O. Club will be spon- soring a swimming lesson bus once again to Uxpool this sum- mer. Weeks of July 4th - 8th and 11th - 15th. Cost of bus is $10.00 plus swimming lessons. Registra- tion will be held at Blackstock Town Hall on Thursday, May 26th at 9 a.m. For more information call 986-5574. Best wishes to Henry Visser who recently sold his garage and held a successful auction sale a OSHAWA FAMILY § FOOT CARE CENTRE . across from Dines Plaza 18 Gibbons St. (next to the Oshawa Centre) TREATMENT FOR - Painful, tired, burning, aching feet. SKIN - conditions such as corns, callouses, warts & infections. NAIL problems including ° ingrowing nails, thick nails, fungused nails. Using our gait analysis machine, we can examine the way you walk and run and discover the causes of pain- ful foot, knee and back problems. Call today for an appointment. 579-5141 Bring in this coupon for a free gait analysis. PRODUCTS and SERVICES for the BUILDING INDUSTRY * Residential Design, Drafting and Bluepnnting Services * Kitchen Cabinetry * Doors and Mouldings + Windows -« Steel Cladding (416) 852-7722 * Roof Trusses R.R. 4, UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO . Durham Road 23 at Conc. 9 --_ SUNDAY week ago. Henry is moving to his trailer in the Bobcaygeon area. You will be missed in this area. Elsie Simmons and Joan Bayley are busy these days chair- ing the upcoming Lioness Surf and Turf Dinner and Dance which will be held on June 11 at the Rec. Centre. 'Advance sales only for this gourmet lobster dinner. See ad for further details. The young people of the area were busy enjoying two Junior Farmers dances over the weekend on Friday evening at Nestleton and on Saturday at Udora. Don't forget to attend the an- nual Drama Nights at the Rec. Centre on Thursday and Friday evenings when the three 'houses' of the High School present the three one act plays. This delightful entertainment begins at 8 p.m. each evening. The Alumni O.N.O. Club evening that was held at Joan Graham"s was a definite success. Seventeen former members joined the current group for a pleasant evening together. The ladies enjoyed look- ing at slides of earlier events, scrap books and reading minute books. The roll call -- A memory from O.N.O. days brought many chuckles. There was a great visiting time. Plans are underway for the Jack and Jill Dance in honour of John Green and Lynda Jones which will be held on Saturday evening in the Nestleton Hall. Friends of all ages are welcome to honour this young couple who will be married in June. The Blackstock Co-op Nursery "School had a very successful 10th Anniversary Open House and Registration on May 12. Some of the school's past presidents came for the celebration and were honoured with corsages and a beautiful momento mug. Those assembled for a photo were Cheryl Vogel, Janis Pashley, Marlene McKee, Dale Muirhead and Connie Stephenson. The ex- Teen DJ - Craig WED., THURS., FRIDAY DOOR PRIZES ANY ORDER OVER Lots S 00 Get A Monday to Saturday 11 (*Just Pizzas after 10:00 p.m.) unday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. - he " oe os a A a Dining Room Qpen S Ae nea ene a ow : - a i KIDS 13 - 18 yrs. Great Sound System Alcohol Free Drinks | Trader Sam's Fishing Derby Teen Dance follows. Dance (Knob) Venning - $2.00 COVER of Fun a.m. to 10 p.m.* ecutive was kept very busy at the registration table and a big thank you goes to Lori Aldred, Joan Burns, Cathy Garland and Karen Radford for their hard work. Pat Cole and Sheila Brunet helped look after new members while. Debbie Moore was kept busy with refreshments. Thanks to the girls as well. . Classes are filling up nicely and it looks as if there may even be an extra class or two opening up in the fall. The three teachers, Anne Lane, Ellen Russell Arsenault were presented with corsages and did a great job representing the school by con- versing with new and former members alike. Some snapshots of these popular ladies were taken under the new sign outside the centre to commemorate the school's tenth anniversary as well. Danny Hill, the clown, helped to | keep the children that attended amused even though the balloons kept breaking! Thanks for com- ing, Danny. Last but not least a corsage was presented to Paula Lishman who was one of the school's founding members ten years ago. The whole school thanks you, Paula, look what you started! Paul Larmer of Guelph joined family relatives over the weekend. No doubt he helped welcome his new nephew. Dave and Debbie and Ingrid Larmer added a new branch on the family tree with the "arrival of a baby boy last week. The Blackstock Rangers along .with their leaders Shirley Turner and Jessie Gunter enjoyed spen- ding Saturday at Wonderland. Dwayne Bryant of Mitchell and Julie Bryant along with a girl friend of Ottawa spent the long weekend with their parents " George and Brenda Bryant and Chris. This is Graduation time for many universities and colleges. If your family attends a ceremony when one of your young people completes that phase of life, please phone in the details so the rest of the community may share the news. Lynda Parsons of Colborne spent the weekend with Esther Kelly. C.C.P.S. Band and Choir by Shiane Holbik, Linda Kett & Jennifer Copithorn As you may have heard, the Cartwright Central Public School band and choir ensemble have recently returned from the genial capital of Canada-Ottawa. The group enjoyed a three day stay at the pleasant and attractive Chimo Inn. On the first day, we accepteda cordial invitation from Professor David Smith, to perform at Calvin Park Public School in Kingston, Ont. We played quite well con- (Turn to page 30) GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Annual Rates Monthly Rates 10 1/4% 10 1/4% 10 1/4% 10 1/2% 2 YEARS 3 YEARS 4 YEARS 5 YEARS 2 YEARS 3 YEARS 4 YEARS 5 YEARS 9 3/4% 9 3/4% 9 3/4% -- MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD -- Rates subject to change without notice. Call the office for information SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3832 All Members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Ask about our deferred payment financing plan. DEUTZ ALLIS LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS for every need! When you think green, think Deutz-Allis. TREWIN FARM EQUIPMENT Blackstock From 8 to 26 H.P. Front, Centre & Rear Mount Mowers USED UNITS in stock from 8 to 19 H.P. a W LIMITED Y 986-4283