A GI AI Ng, os tt at + sag pt a oy gn ges a ; a ap ------ a -- 6A -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 19, 1988 Sunday Night Couples April 10, 1988 Team Standings: Suckers 50, Sharks 45, Mudcats 33, Angel Fish 31, Sunfish 28, Muskies 23. Mens High Single Flat: Dale Stewart 264. Mens High Single With Han- dicap: George Wright 284. Mens High Triple Flat: Philip Brown 756. Mens High Triple With Han- dicap: Philip Brown 756. Ladies High Single Flat: San- dra Stewart 274. Ladies High Single With Han- dicap: Sandra Stewart 301. Ladies High Triple Flat: Vivian Rider 588. Ladies High Triple With Han- dicap: Marge Harrison 689. Ladies Over 210: Sandra Stewart 274, Marcy Trimble 210, 223, Vivian Rider 210. Ladies Triple Over 600: None. Men Over 210: Dale Stewart 264, Philip Brown 259, 251, 246, Jim Rider 259, 213, George Wright 255, Ken Pipher 217, Wally Got- thelf 214. Mens Triple Over 615: Philip Brown 756, Jim Rider 678, Dale Stewart 627. PORT PERRY CLINIC DR. EVA MUELLER is pleased to announce the relocation of the office to 230 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY on April 12, 1988 PHONE 985-9192 10 AM to 4 PM COUNTRY SENTIMENTS ORIGINAL DESIGN EVERY TIME 7/ Grapevine Wreaths, Straw Hats, N Gift Baskets & Gift Bags -- OPEN HOUSE -- v Saturday, April 30th -- REFRESHMENTS -- E Conc. 7 |& lo Q ©® COUNTRY |= SENTIMENTS |S (4th House) |= Country CORNER CERAMICS LIQUIDATION SALE All Greenware All Paints & Brushes 1/3 OFF 1/3 OFF KILN, MOLDS, SHELVING, AIR BRUSH also for sale. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10 to 2, until April 30th, 1988. 87 LILLA ST., PORT PERRY or cai for Appt. 985-9508 PORT PERRY KNOBBY'S PIZZA 150 WATER STREET 985-2225 $3.00 Off Large Pizza *4.00 Off Extra Large DELIVERY AVAILABLE - FREE IN PORT PERRY Open to 4:00 AM Thursday, Friday, Saturday PANZAROTTI, LASAGNA, CHEESEBREAD & SLICES PARAGON EXCAVATING RT PERRY -- BOX 1773 -- LOB 1NO Dozer - Track Loader - Dump Truck Rental Backfilling - Grading GARRY TRIPP 985-0481 Loading 985-0740 Sand - Gravel TERRY GATCHELL 986-4911 Pins and Strikes Ministry of Agriculture invites Centennial essay entries The ontards Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the On- tario Farmer invite you to enter the 1988 Centennial Essay Competition. The competition helps to mark the Ministry's Centennial year and offers prizes of $500, $250 and $100. There are three categories -- open (adult), elementary (Grades 5-8) and secondary (Grades 9-13). Each category will be judged separately. Authors have six topics to choose from: 1. Agriculture: How it shaped our province; 2. My grandparents' farm; 3. Ontario: Food Land vs. Concrete Jungle; 4. Agriculture in 2008; 5. Ontario Agriculture: Feeding the World; Ontario Dairy Herd banquet The annual Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation (ODHIC) banquet for Durham County was held in Orono on March 22. The banquet consisted of an ex- cellent dinner, the 1986 and 1987 ODHIC milk production awards, and the election of a new Durham County ODHIC committee. More than 100 area farmers attended. The guest speaker was Norris Hoag, Director of the Agricultural Representatives Branch of OMAF. Mr. Hoag spoke of the importance that each farmer know his or her eact costs of production and net farm income. Mr. Hoag also spoke of the need for goals in or- der for farmers to sruvive the cur- rent difficulties in agriculture. The highest production awards, donated by the Royal Bank, were awarded to: 1986--Willdina Holsteins, with a composite BCA of 180. 1987--Willdina Holsteins, with a composite BCA of 189.3. The 1986 award for most im- proved production, donated by H & M Wright Feeds of Blackstock, was presented 10 Willsona Hol- steins. The 1987 award, donated by Port Perry Feeds Ltd., was won by Dan Prosek. The ODHIC awards for best plus production cow were also given out. The 1986 winner was Willdina Holsteins for Willdina Majesty Peggy. The 1987 award went to Peter Hoogeveen for Top- perET. The newly elected ODHIC com- mittee for Durham County con- sists of Jim Millson, Chairman; John Heringa, Vice- Chairman; Bruce Henry, Secretary/Treasurer, John DeVries, ODHIC delegate; and Don Welch, aternate delegate. John DeVries, chairman of the previous ODHIC committee, thanked the sponsors of awards, and congratulated the winners be- fore wishing good luck to the new committee. The meeting and ban- quet was then adjourned. available at the Port Perry Star EFAX For more information call 985-7383 6. The story of my favourite food. Submissions must not exceed 1,000 words and should. by typewritten, double-spaced and stapled in the upper left-land cor- ner. Legible handwritten entries will be accepted. All entries must be the original unpublished writing of the en- trant. Entries must be postmark- ed no later than June 15, 1988. All submissions should be mailed to: Essay Contest, c/o Lorraine Holding, Rural Organizations and Services Branch, Guelph Agriculture Centre, Box 1030, Guelph, Ontario N1H 6N1. Winners will be notified by mail in August 1988. For more details, contact your local Ministry of Agriculture and Food office at 234 King Street East, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1P5 - Phone 416-623-3348. Honeydale women enjoy potluck lunch by Lillian Harper, P.R.O. The April meeting of Honeydale W.I. took the form of a delicious pot luck luncheon at 12:30. It be- ing the annual meeting our District President, Mrs. Helen McKean was present to install the officers for the coming term. Our President, Mabel Cawker opened the meeting by reading a thought - provoking peom, and called on the secretary for her report, also the treasurer's report. Theroll call was answered by the paying of dues. Each convenor gave an in- teresting resume of their par- ticular category. Margaret Cor- nish showed several new addi- tions for the "Tweedsmuir History" book. During the business period, plans were made for a bazaar and bake sale to be held May 12. Plans are to be made also for a bus trip early in June. More particulars to be announced at a later date. Helen McKean explained the plans for a W.I. display at the Port Perry Fair in September, which should prove to be an ex- cellent public relations event for our organization. Our next meeting will have as its motto 'Courtesy and kindness are the essence of good publici- ty!"' There is to be an auction sale to raise money for a worthy cause. Best wishes to the new officers for a successful year! Don't be a Slave To Hard or Problem Water! CAN YOU FIND YOUR PROBLEM HERE? Test Your Own Home Here! (0 Strange taste or odors in your drinking water. O Stiff, grey, not quite clean towels and sheets. OO Spots on dishes, glasses and silver. (0 Dull, stringy, lifeless hair. O That "itchy feeling' after bathing. O Lime spots on chrome fixtures and utensils. (0 Bathtub rings. OO Soap and detergents that just won't lather. 0 Trouble getting clothes to rinse really clean. OO Film on bathroom tile. 0 Spots and dulling film on car after washing. [0 Coffee that never tastes the same. (J Rusty water that stains fixtures and clothing. OJ High soap and detergent bills. 0 Lime scale and deposits that foul up pipes, automatic washers, dishwashers and water heaters. Wate. ~~ Ha Quality CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 1-705-324-6888 -- FREE WATER TEST -- -- FREE DEMONSTRATION -- Monthly Rental / Purchase Plan Fully Automatic Units AQUAIMNE AQUAFINE WATER CENTRES 51 Needham Street, Linday, Ontario K9V 979