he ede Se hae a. aie dai adh ie ddl. dhe hee di a ad aes. ceed. Aes he dB dod he. A dE ode dR a Ae i il adie BR 40 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 29, 1988 Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales FRIDAY APRIL 8 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Machinery Auction sale of farm machinery for DR. DEACON & OTHERS, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge including: M.F. 65 trac- tor with loader, J.D. 300 garden tractor with mower & blade, W-6 Int. tractor, M.F. 135 tractor with loader, McKee 6' snowblower, A.C. 4row air planter, N.1. 2 row corn picker & grinder-good condi- tion, 3 furrow 16° Kverneland plow-auto. reset, chain harrows, J.D. 14' disc, JB&D sprayer, 24° cultivator, 4 row Int. corn planter, N.H. 469 haybine, N.H. 263 baler, 2 bale thrower wagons, 3 flat rack wagons, 10' Int. Dozer blade, 32' hay elevator on wheels, J.D. 494 corn planter, Cobey manure spreader, feed cart, 10° calf feeder-new, quantity of new farm gates 12-18', round bale feeder, ¥% HP air compressor-new. If you wish to consign to this sale, please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. SATURDAY APRIL 2 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Furniture, Antiques & Appliances Auction sale of furniture, anti- ques & appliances selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge in- cluding: G.E. heavy duty auto. washer & dryer-excellent condi- tion, Realistic 60 Channel Pro- grammable Scanner Receiver- new, Sony air band receiver, Panasonic Ghetto Blaster, 8 piece Duncan Phyfe dining room suite, Neumier piano, accordian, dresser, hide-a-bed, dehumidifier, steel desk, humidifier, quantity of toys, picture frames, dishes, dry cookers-new, ornaments, quanti- ty of new Teddy Bears, quilt racks, 4x8' pool table, 2 Clipper lawnmowers, tools, 1979 Yamaha 1100 Special Motorbike-low mileage-excellent condition, 1981 Chev Impala-good condition plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN Due to Good Friday, there will be no auction on Friday evening. MACHINERY SALE, SATUR- DAY APRIL 2 at 11:00 AM. Regular Sale next Friday. If plan- ning a Spring Auction at your place or mine, contact Don Cor- neil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Bri- tain 705-786-2183. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTONS - Consign Now to our spring machinery-vehicle auction - ac- cepting tractors, farm machinery, industrial equipment & tools, cars, trucks, recreation vehicles, boats, campers, riding lawnmowers, tools, motorcycles. Bring to barn or phone 324-2783 Lindsay or 324-0182 for pick up service. M29 SATURDAY APRIL 23 Consignment Auction Sale to be held at the Malmont Sales Arena, Va mile south of Blackstock. We would welcome con- signments of trucks, tractors, farm machinery, lawn & garden equipment, household items & an- tiques. Phone Cochrane Auction Service at 985-2788 Port Perry. Turn those no longer-used items into cash! For information call Don Cochrane Auctioneer 985-2788. AS THURSDAY MARCH 3 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Farm Machinery Auction sale of farm machinery for the Estate of the late BRUCE ACTON, R.R. 1, Sunderland, sell- ing at the farm, 1 mile east of Ux- bridge to Durham Road 23, then north 4 miles to farm -- or -- 3 miles west of Sunderland to Durham Road 23, then south 5 miles to farm. Including Gleaner F2 corn soybean special combine with 4 row wide corn head & 13' grain head-air-600 hours- excellent, White 2-105 tractor with cab & 20.8-38 duals-2300 hours, A.C. 180 tractor with loader, A.C. 180 tractor with cab, A.C. D-17 diesel tractor, White 584 5-furrow semi-mount plow, J.D. 7000 corn planter with insecticide boxes-2 years old, J.D. 336 baler with thrower-2 years old, N.H. 479 haybine, N.H. 518 manure spreader, Int. 510 seed drill, Bush Hog rotary mower, 2 bale thrower wagons with steel-racks-1 new, 4 Turnco wagons, Kneverland 4 fur- row 3 pt. plow, GT 370 dryer, Int. Vibra Shank 16' cultivator, Case packer & seeder, 3 pt. hitch sprayer, 6' snowblower, hydraulic fertilizer auger, N.Il. side rake, Patz 14' silo unloader, hay elevator, 50° Westfield 7°' auger, harrows, A.C. 12' disc, W-6 McCormick Tractor, A.C. post hole digger, Victoria hay dryer, moisture tester, quantity of new Patz stable cleaner flites, chain harrows, steel stone boat, Int. cream separator, approx. -4000 bales hay, wagon load, plus many other items. NOTE: This is an excellent line of well cared for machinery. It was bought new, always stored inside & used only on this farm. Lunch available. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. SATURDAY APRIL 23 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Farm machinery & vehicle sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Accepting tractors, farm machinery, construction equipment, trailers, recreation vehicles, boats, motorcycles, riding lawnmowers, tools. CON- SIGN by April 14th. Bring to barn or phone 324-2783 McLean Auctioneers. -- ATTENTION -- decisions. busy spring season! DAIRY FARMERS We are operating a Dairy Herd computer service which helps farmers computerize their dairy operations. This program was designed in Ontario and has proven to greatly assist the farmer in daily observations and Now is a good time to computerize your farm before the For more information contact: BRIAN EVANS EVANS AGRI SALES & SERVICE (4186) 8652-7505 Uxbridge, Ontario Thursday, April 7th - 10:30 AM -- HOLSTEINS -- WILSON'S SPRING SENSATION CALF SENSATION selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario DEEP PEDIGREED YOUNG COWS WITH GREAT POTENTIAL, MANY FROM VERY GOOD & EXCELLENT DAMS, SEVERAL DAMS OVER 200 BCA Daughters of Popular Sires including STARBUCK, ASTRO JET, ENHANCER, WARDEN, TRIPLE THREAT, TONY A GREAT GROUP of 4-H AGE CALVES by STARBUCK, WARDEN, INSPIRATION, MARK ANTHONY, CHIEF MARK Several from (VG) and (EX) DAMS with 4% Test. Also a group from IVAN CLARK & SONS, Shanty Bay, Ontario. Several fresh or close at sale time. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd." PHONE 416-852-3524 SATURDAY APRIL 2 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Farm Sold Auction sale the property of LOUISE & ALFRED SCHWAR- ZIN, Lot 2, Concession 10," Eldon Township -- 4 miles east of Wood- ville to dead end -- turn north -- 2nd farm on east side or from Cambray -- turn west -- follow old road to farm (watch for signs). MACHINERY: 1982 Int. 384 diesel tractor-power steering-3 sets of chains-with 1850 manure loader-1300 hours; John Deere 2030 diesel tractor, power steering, 3000 hours, 15.5x38 tires; Int. 624 diesel tractor-power steer- ing; M.F. 300 gas self-propelled combine-cab with fan, Quick at- tach 10' header with pick-up; Int. 10° self propelled Swather with hay conditioner; New Holland 310 baler PTO; Wesston 10 haybine PTO; Allied automatic stooker- ground drive; Lucknow 7' snowblower 3 pt.; New Holland 510 manure spreader-2 heater PTO; New Holland 353 mixer grinder PTO-4 screens-20' auger; J.D.&B. field sprayer 21' boom; Int. 510 single disc seed drill, hydraulic lift, 18 disc, grain, grass, fertilizer & brohme grass; M.F. 10' tandem disc; John Deere 1240-4 row corn planter-fertilizer; John Deere F45-4-16's plough 3 pt.; New Holland Super 717 forage harvester-1 row-will take 2 row- PTO; New Holland 26 forage blower PTO; Dion forage wagon 16'; A-C forage wagon 16' with gearing; New Holland side rake; 26' pipe elevator with motor; 24' pipe elevator with motor; 1 hay rack 16'-John Deere gearing; 1 hay rack 16'-running gear; 2 Turnco gravity grain boxes with gearing; M.F. posthole digger-12' auger; 41° Red Devil grain auger-6" on wheels; 21'4" grain auger with 10' extension; 2- 16'4"' grain auger; bale buncher; bale fork; Triple K 116' cultivator 3 pt. with harrows; Allied 106" cultivator 3 pt.; corn scuffler 3 pt.; Chizel plough-7 tooth- hydraulic lift-trail; 2 sets of spike harrows; 10° chain harrows; 3 drum land roller; John Deere 9 blade 6' tiller 3 pt.; hydraulic wood splitter; Bush Hog rotary mower 3 pt.; 3 pt. manure bucket; 3 pt. blade; 2 sets of dehorners; set of Burdizos; 2 bin dryers; cat- tle oiler; 2 electric fencers; 2 wheeled trailer; fertilizer spreader PTO; quantity of tools; forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. FURNITURE: deep freezer; bed; single bed; dresser; table; antique chair; other items. POULTRY: 65 laying hens. PRO- DUCE: approx. 500 bales of hay; approx. 500 bales of straw. Owner selling due to ill health. AUC- TIONEER'S NOTE: This is a well maintained line of farm machinery. Plan to attend. Terms cash. No reserve. FURNITURE SALE AT 11 A.M.; FARM MACHINERY AT 11:30 A.M. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. The Auc- tioneer or Proprietor will not be held responsible for public injury, public liability, or property loss or damage in connection with this sale. M 29 THURSDAY APRIL 14 SALE TIME: 12:00 P.M. Auction sale of farm machinery, hay & straw, the pro- perty of RALPH 8 SHAARYN CHAMBERS, Lot 1, Conc. 12 Brock Township at Wilfrid. TRACTORS: M.F. 255 diesel tractor-1100 hours with fast hitch loader, both manure & gravel bucket; M.F. 65 diesel tractor. MACHINERY: M.F. 12 baler; N.H. mower 450-7" 2-wheel win- drow turner; smoker elevator-32' with undercarriage; N.H. 329 manure spreader-good; 3 rubber tired wagons with good hay racks; hay buncher 8 stooker; Century seeder & packer-10'; M.F. seed drill, grain & fertilizer-15 disc-good-on rubber; McCormick Vibra Shank deep tillage cultivator-17 tooth; set of chain harrows; McCormick 80 snowblower-7'; Hydrien plow; 3 furrows 16"; McCormick 2 furrow plow; bale fork; McCormick single plow; 3 drum steel roller; grain box for 2 ton truck; wheelbarrow; 3 antique corn planters; cattle dehorners; 2 pair cattle clippers; 100' heavy duty ext. cord; quantity of fence posts; portable feed rack; feed cart; heavy block & tackle; Champion oat roller & motor; farm scales & much more. FEED: approx. 2000 bales of hay; 500 bales of straw. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Lunch available. Reg & Larry Johnson Auctioneers 705-357-3270. Owners 8 Auctioneers will not be responsible for accidents in con- nection with this auction sale. A 5 SATURDAY APRIL 9 SALE TIME: 11:30 AM. Farm Sold Auction sale the property of KAREDIN FARMS, Lot 24-25, Conc. 12, Smith Township -- 4 miles north of Peterborough on Hwy. 28 to Hwy. 507 & 52 miles north- first farm north of Selwyn. MACHINERY: David Brown 880 diesel tractor; 1976 Int. 444 diesel tractor with Int. 1500 manure loader -power steering-1820 hours; ~| 1980. New Holland 479 haybi PTO; New Holland 273 vals. | bale thrower PTO; New Holland hay rake; 45° hay elevator; M.F. 3 row forage harvester PTO; 36' pipe hay elevator with undercar- riage; Kools forage blower PTO; 28' silage pipes; 32° pipe hay elevator with undercarriage; 2- 1985 Martin bale throwing wagons-8x18' with 8 ton gearing; portable cattle squeeze with weigh scales; 12' chain harrows; 29 tooth cultivator 3 pt.; fertilizer spreader 3 pt.; Cyclone seedar 3 pt.; electric hay-straw chopper; Int. manure spreader PTO; 6 doz. rack stretchers; 20-330 Conibear traps; oat roller; John Deere 7' snowblower 3 pt.; cattle oiler; 24' grain auger 4' with electric motor; 1984 John Deere diesel 330 riding garden tractor-55HP with 48-50" mower; 5 oz. 2 muskrat traps; mower; 2 doz. 12 muskrat traps; forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. FURNITURE: Westinghouse refrigerator-gold; Kenmore automatic washer; Westinghouse dryer; pool table 4x8'-heavy slate-complete;. B/W TV; table top Video Galaxian; TV cabinet; card table; stereo set & stand; 2 bar stools; portable scales; electric ice-cream maker; child's bedroom suite; electric. air cleaner for oil fur- nace; Electrolux rug shampooer; many other items. TACK: Pony forward seat saddle; bare back saddle; cirsingle; 6 riding hard hats; 3 pairs riding chaps; 2 soft Derby riding hats; 3 English riding suits; bridle; many other items. HORSES: Registered Ara- bian Stallion-Pure Polish- Registered in Canada & USA; 1 Registered Arabian show gelding was 1986 Show Gelding-High Point Amateur English Champion; 1 Registered Arabian 2 year old gelding-Pure Polish; all horses have great show potential; 60 gallon truck tank-fits in box of 12 ton; 2 horse 5th wheel trailer-tack room & sleeping quarters; 1986 Chev 1 ton truck-duals-crew cable-automatic-for 5th wheel. Furniture Sale at 11:30 a.m.; Farm Machinery at 1 p.m.; Tack & Horses at 3 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. The Owner or Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or injury to the public in connec- tion with this Auction Sale. A 5 WEDNESDAY APRIL 6 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Complete REEDSVIEW HOLS- TEIN DISPERSAL at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lindsay On- tario. 110 Head of Registered Holsteins-Classified, O.D.H.I.C. Tested, re-classification before sale - all heifers under 20 months of age are vaccinated. 60 Milking females. 1981 Moch Four VG-due in October to Hanover Hill Starbuck-projected BCA 158-159 -- her 1984 GP 2 year old Astro Jet daughter-a candidate for VG-2 year record BCA 157-163 -- fresh March 7 with twin Starbuck heifers. A 1984 Astro Jet-fresh January-2 year record BCA 180-187 -- milking 90 Ibs of 3.7. A 1983 Marquis Ned-fresh January 18 -- milking 109 Ibs. of 5.2. 1984 GP Thunder BCA 135-153 -- fresh March 2-a candidate for VG re- classification. 1984 GP Astro Jet-84 points. BCA 185-182 -- due May 30th to Moch Four-2nd 2 year old at Lindsay Ex. 1987. A September 1987 Astro Jet from GP Ultimate with BCA 145-177 -- good show prospect. A 1983 GP Warden BCA 173-175-fresh January 13 -- milking 92 Ib. of 3.6-from 2 VG Dams. An outstan- ding herd well worth your atten- tion. Catalogues available. Herd can be inspected at the farm, R.R. 1, Reaboro, Ontario. Contact Sales Manager John Buckley 705-324-4017; Wade Reeds 328-0659; Pedigrees-Ken Empey, Dorchester, Ontario 519-268-3954. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, On- tario 324-9959 or 324-8311. Com- plete REEDSVIEW FARM MACHINERY AUCTION, April 30th-10:30 a.m. at the farm, R.R. 1, Reaboro, Ontario. SATURDAY APRIL 9 SALE TIME: 11:30 A.M. Farm Sold Auction sale of Arabian Horses & Tack, Farm Machinery & Household Furniture the proper- ty of KAREDIN FARMS, Lot 24-25, Conc. 12 Smith Township -- 4 miles north of Peterborough on Hwy. 28 to Hwy. 507 & 52 miles north or first. farm north of Selwyn. Registered Arabian | Stallion-Pure Polish-registered in Canada & U.S.A. Registered Ara- bian Show Gelding-was 1986 Show Gelding High Point Amateur English Champion. Registered Arabian 2 year old gelding pure Polish. Pony forward seat saddle. Bare back saddle. 6 riding hard hats. 3 pair riding chaps, 2 soft Derby riding hats, 3 English riding suits, bridles, many other items. David Brown 880 diesel tractor, 1976 Int. 444 diesel tractor-power steering with Int. 1500 manure loader-1820 hours, 1980 New Holland 479 haybine PTO, New Holland 273 baler with thrower PTO, 2-1985 Martin bale throwing wagons 8x18' with 8 ton gearing, New Holland rake, 32x36' pipe elevators with undercar- 'riage, 1980 Chev one ton tuck- duals, crew cab-automatic-for 5th tack room & sleeping quarters, 60 gal. truck tank-fits in box of 2 ton, M.F. 3 row forage harvester PTO, Kool forage blower PTO-28' of pipes, 45° hay elevator, Int. manure spreader PTO, portable cattle squeeze 8 weigh scales, calf creep feeder, 12' chain har- rows, 29 tooth cultivator 3 pt., fer- tilizer spreader 3 pt., Cyclone seeder 3 pt., electric hay-straw chopper, oat roller, John Deere 7' snowblower 3 pt.. cattle oiler, 24' grain auger 4° with electric motor, John Deere diesel 330 18HP riding garden tractor with 48-50 mower, 5 doz. 2 muskrat traps, 2 doz. 12 muskrat traps, 20-330 Conibear traps-6 doz. rack stretchers, forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention, Westinghouse gold refrigerator, Kenmore automatic washer, Westinghouse dryer, heavy slate 4x8' pool table- complete, B&W TV, table top video, TV cabinet, card table, stereo set & stand, 2 bar stools, portable scales, electric ice- cream maker, child's bedroom suite, electric air cleaner for oil furnace, Electrolux rug sham- pooer, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Furniture Sale at 11:30 a.m. Machine Sale at 1 p.m. Horses & Tack at 3 p.m. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. THURSDAY APRIL 7 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of farm' machinery, saw mill, Topaz car etc., the property of BRUCE & LOIS McMILLAN, Lot 13, Conc. 2, Brock Township, 32 miles south of Sunderland on Hwy. 7 & 12 or 22 miles north of Saintfield. TRACTORS: McCormick 1066 diesel tractor with cab, Case 970 diesel tractor with cab, David Brown 1200 diesel tractor with cab & loader, pair of duals (snap-on) 18.4x38, N.H. 975 gas combine with cab, 13° grain header, Owatonna 260 swather & crimper, 12' header, N.H. 847 round baler- good condition, McCormick 37 square baler, N.H. 770 harvester with grass head & 2 row corn head, Fox harvester with grass head & 2 row corn head-1000 RPM, 2 Kools forage blowers, McCormick side rake on rubber, windrow turner-3 pt., Gehl forage wagon With running gear, Cockshutt 2 row corn picker, Cockshutt 6 row corn planfer- narrow row, 2 gravity boxes with running gear, N.l. 213 manure spreader, Cockshutt 76 seed drill, 18 run-grain only, Hydrien 5-furrow plow 18 auto-reset, Glencoe cultivator 16', Winco generator 15 kw, on trailer. MISCELLANEOUS: saw mill, stationary mill left hand, edger 8 planer-good running condition- will be running day of sale. 1986 Mercury Topaz-certified-4 door, 5 speed standard, air cond., power windows, 16' McCullough boat & trailer with Johnson 75HP motor, Kawasaki 100 dirt bike, Honda 80 dirt bike 8& much more. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Meuller bulk tank-600 gal. with auto wash, DelL.aval vacuum pump, 4 Del aval milking units 12" glass pipe line. NOTE : Saw mill will be sold first. It is set up just south of farm to Wick corner 8 1 mile west. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Lunch will be available. Reg 8 Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Owners or Auctioneers will not be responsible for any accidents in connection with this sale. AS Le. wheel, 2 horse 5th wheel trailer, SATURDAY APRIL 2 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Cornells Auction Barn Auction sale- the property of KARL ZIMMERMAN (Strawberry Farms Sold). 265 Massey Ferguson 62HP diesel tractor with 236 Massey Ferguson quick attach loader -1060 hours, 8' Triple K cultivator, Massey Ferguson 3-furrow trip beam plow, 7 tooth chisel plow, Wic straw shredder-mounted on single "axle traller, Rebel Bush Hog, 7 Lucknow snowblower, New Holland strawberry planter, 3 pt. hitch Maschio 5 roto-tiller-with 36 Anew blades, GSW selfpriming water pump high pressure sprayer, stone fork, 1000 gallon water tank, quantity of tools & market gardening accessories. All machinery one owner & In good condition. Also consign a White 4 36" row plate corn planter, Minneapolis Moline gas tractor, No. 10 Massey hay baler, 6 ton wagon with good hay rack, a roller, 28' hay elevator, 6 disc tiller, 8 ft. disc, 3 pt. hitch cultivators, 4-furrow 14°' bottom plow, 11' Triple K cultivator, 1976 Ford 1-ton cab & chassis, David Brown 885 gas tractor, approx. 125 sap pails, large quantity of sap spyles, quantity of new tires & tools. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. M 29 FRIDAY APRIL SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. SATURDAY APRIL 2 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Spectacular 2 Session Auction Sale Pethick Auction Barn Haydon, 1 mi. east of Enniskillen 10 miles N/E of Oshawa Selling from various estates, moving households & antique store close-outs, over 1000 lots of antiques, collectibles, including antique Grandfather clock, Gingerbread clock, antique organs, several wash stands, tables, chairs, several china cabinets, bow-front china cabinet, buffets, bonnet chest, secretary, chests, dressers, cedar chest, oc- casional chairs, ice-box, oak file cabinet, several sets of -good chairs-ladder back, walnut cane bottom, walnut, ocak, excellent high quality stereo system, violin music stands, various old carpets, various prints, paintings in- cluding 2 Dumas signed prints "Bisons," "Ducks," soapstone sculptures, 6 antique signs-Coke- Crush etc., collection of old cameras, lots of collectibleés-milk bottles, crocks, jugs, newspapers etc, hundreds of pieces of good dishes, glassware, crystal, figurines including Bavarian, Royal Doulton, Limoges, Oc- cupied Japan, Goebel, Nippon, Capidimante, Depression, jewellery, tools, radios etc., Port Perry wooden pump, Victrola gramaphone, wooden washing machine. Come out for an en- joyable Good Friday 8 Easter Saturday Sale at "The Friendly Auction'" 263-8710 Steve Liptay- Earl Gauslin. THURSDAY APRIL 7 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Machinery, Tool and Handyman Sale Pethick Auction Barn 1 mile east of Enniskillen Selling from various moving households & farms, 'Super *'C" Farmall tractor-excellent, Allis Chalmers 'B" tractor, potato equipment including potato dig- ger, potato planter, potato sorter, potato packer, sprayer, manure spreader, seed drill, trailer, other small equipment, lawnmowers, tillers, lots of tools, chains, axes, ladders etc. More things arriving daily. Consignments for this sale are welcome. 263-8710 Steve Liptay-Earl Gauslin. available at the Port Perry Star FAX If your business is in urgent need of sending or receiving important documents or let- ters, we can help! Simply call the Star office and we will set up an account so you may take dvantage of the speed, and convenience of FAX. For more information call 985-7383