Garbage recycling on its way Blue Boxes coming to Port Perry . Glenda Giles, general manager of Durham Recy- cling, displays the "blue boxes" that will be appear- ing this June in Port Perry. The voluntary recycling program for certain kinds of household garbage has been accepted by 85 per cent of the population In other centres. (see story for details) A Weekend of Music and Fun ... JAZIMERIZE ALLL and FRIENDS Cabaret & Auction -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY -- APRIL 8th & 9th 8:00 PM $10.00 -- TOWN HALL 1873 -- Held under the auspices of a Special Occasion Permit. TABLE RESERVATIONS and TICKETS FOR SALE t ... IRWIN SMITH MUSIC LTD. 985-2635 APRIL 5th to 8th at Scugog Memorial Public Library ADVANCE SHOWING & RESERVE BIDS ACCEPTED on some auction items OIL PAINTINGS - WEAVING LISHMAN FURS & MORE by local artisans BE yt During the first week in June, Port Perry residents will start see- ing blue boxes along the curb- side. Recycling is on its way to Port Perry, and the blue plastic containers will be supplied to eve- ry Port Perry household by Dur- ham Recycling, the non-profit company which already is heavily involved in the collection and re- cycling of garbage in Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa, Whitby and New- castle. Glenda Gies, the general man- ager of Durham Recycling, told the Star last week, that 85 per cent of households in those four communities now participate in the voluntary recycling program and she sees no reason why the figure won't be similar for Port Perry this June. The program will also start in Uxbridge at the same time. Residents will be asked to separate their houschold garbage. Cans and non-refundable bottles are put in the blue boxes on regu- lar garbage collection day. News- papers, including flyers, must be bundled and placed separately at the curb side. On the designated days, trucks from Durham Recycling collect the contents of the blue boxes, along with the bundled newspa- N&R BUSINESS SERVICES 436-9817 Services to Business . Corporate & Individual x Tax Planning & Preparation x Bookkeeping * Payroll £3 Consulting Services to Individuals, Corporations -- CALL-- RICHARD LOWE, M.A.B.A. Director & Chief Consultant Allen's Sidin (FORMERLY CHRIS ALLEN ALUMINUM) ALUMINUM & VINYL WINDOWS -- Tilt for easy cleaning -- Install in existing frames PURT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 29, 1988 -- 3 pers. The remainder of the house- hold garbage is picked up in the normal fashion. The cans, glass bottles and jars, and the newspapers and hauled to the Recycling facility on Garrard Road in North Whitby, where everything is separated and then returned to the manufacturer for re-use. Ms. Gies said the company is now picking up about 1100 tons of recyclable garbage each month, and there are some 82,000 blue boxes now in use by houscholders in Durham Region. The collection will only be in Port Perry and only at residences. However, Ms. Gies said that Dur- ham Recycling will be setting up several drop-off depots in Scugog where people outside Port Perry can leave cans, bottles and news- papers on a voluntary basis. These locations will be at the Cartwright transfer station east of Blackstock, at the landfill site just west of the Scugog Arena, and a location on Scugog Island that has yet to be determined. An advertising and public re- lations program will start in the Port Perry arca in the weeks prior to the start-up date of the curb- side collection. Ms. Gies said it is not neces- sary for people to leave the blue box by the curb each pick-up day. In fact, it is prefereable if they wait until the boxes are full of glass bottles and cans before they are placed out for pick-up. There is no direct cost to the householder for the blue box or the pick-up, but Durham Recy- cling does receive grants from Durham Region and the provin- cial government. The company has a fleet of 14 trucks and 31 employees. The new 15,000 square foot recycling facility in Whitby was built with grants from several levels of gov- ernment, and just opened early in January. With a major garbage crisis looming just over the horizon for all of Durham Region (as carly as 1991 major existing landfill sites could be filled) people are going to have to get used to recycling whether they like it or not. Durham Region is now in the process of studying ways to col- lect hazardous houschold garbage like cleaning solvents, paints, res- ins, fertilizers, even nail polish and hair sprays. And Ms. Gies said that in the not too distant future, manufactur- ers may be- forced to market prod- ucts in containers that can be re- " cyled, as well as products them- (Turn to page 8) Ronald D. Bridgewater, s.x., is. -- BARRISTER & SOLICITOR -- Is pleased to announce that effective MARCH 21, 1988 his LAW OFFICES will be relocated to convenient new premises at 38 WATER ST., PORT PERRY telephone remains 985-8491 g P I} J Triple Glazed -- Casement Bay, Bow Side Sliders Enjoy the and many more styles. summer surrounded ¢ SHUTTERS by sunshine! Li WINDOWS For more information ce £ AWNINGS PHONE 985-3741 'Your One-Stop Aluminum Needs' IN-STOCK -- Variety of Colours 4 Siding, Soffit, Eavestrough - 5" Seamless ° SUPPLY ONLY or SUPPLY & INSTALL -- STEEL AVAILABLE -- (IN A VARIETY OF COLOURS 2PLUS2 The best roducts Jo. REACH INDUSTRIAL PARK FLORIDA ROOMS patio doors on the market! Double or FOR MORE INFORMATION & FREE ESTIMATES CALL: MIKE ................. - OPEN - Mon Fri 8 to 5 _ 985-3741 - 1-105-328-1402