20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 29, 1988 EASTER SPECIAL at ... PORT PERRY PLAZA £2 IFesTVLE 200 = 985-8054 One Week Only 4 0% OFF All Services & Equipment Stonehouse Folk Ant R.R. 2, OAKWOOD - CORNER of No. 7 & 46 (2 Miles East of Manilla) OPEN HOUSE April 8, 9, 10 -- 10 AM to 4 PM - classes for new and experienced pajnters - 8 weeks, 3 hour classes morning or evening - large selection of new patterns - reasonable prices for supplies JENNIFER CURRIE 105-357-3204 Sewage Treatment System A_FAQuarobic RESIDENTIAL COMMERICIAL & INSTITUTIONAL Sales - Service - Installation Available -- Concrete, Fiberglass or Poly Septic Tanks -- Limited Area Beds l.e. 144 sq.ft. for 3 bedroom house -- Efficient, quiet, quality components -- Health Unit Approved 'also ... -- BACKHOE SERVICES £4 -- GRAVEL - WASHED STONE - FILL CONTACT: J & A SERVICES 985-2673 *1000 "Sif" Hurry!! Limited Time-Limited offer 1988 SENTRA from *9388 1988 STANZA from 12,988 1988 PICK-UPS 2 WD from *7,688 4 WD from *11,988 FREIGHT, PDI. TAX EXTRA DEALER RETAINS REBATE FREE! Pinstripes with this ad! rscavour MIDWAY MOTORS = LIEEN Customer First _ 8 YEAR/100,000 KM WARRANTY | "h2 10M3£5* 10-05? powertroin worn in| the bus ness o No deductibles » No i __thorges + No tronster fees J 1300 Dundas Street East 668-6828 ADOID SECUMTY PLAN [i A lovely evening 45th anniversary Greenbank and Area News by Helen McKean On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee celebrated their 45th Wedding Anniversary by entertaining family and friends at "The Granite Club' in Toronto. Attending this lovely evening was Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Rodd, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Till, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lee and Mr. and Mrs. John Foster. John, on behalf of the 'Greenbank Gamblers" brought greetings and con- gratulations to Lloyd and Marion and presented them with a lovely silk flower arrangement. A Happy Neighbourhood Party was enjoyed at the home of Lola and Mike Sheriden on Saturday evening. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the families of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter. Jean's mother pass- ed away last Wednesday after a long and happy life with her hus- band Mr. Joe Symons and daughters Jean and Marie. The afternoon groups of Green- "bank U.C.W. will meet at the home of Muriel Gibson at 1:30 - April 6. Mrs. Doris Hill, Mary Jean Till, Margaret Couper- thwaite and Helen McKean at- tended the U.C.W. annual of Lind- say Presbytery in Fenelon Falls on Wednesday, March 23. Their theme was "Responding To The Call' and the speaker was Mrs. Betty Turcott. The music was en- Joyed and Mrs. Lynda Jewell in- troduced us to many songs writ- ten by Mrs. Turcott. Our newly in- ducted president is Mrs. T. Jones of Dunsford. I am sorry to report, my daughter Mrs. Sally Bishop is now in the Soldiers Memorial Hospital in Orillia. Mrs. Bon & Mrs. Moon of Oshawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Toni Minten last Thursday. Mrs. Moon is 103 years old and enjoys a wonderful life. On Sunday the Mintens visited Mr. and Mrs. Pen Haaf in Millbrook. Mrs. Mildred Thomson was entertained with dinner at The Murray House on Friday evening. Her three sons and their wives helped her celebrate her 80th bir- thday. She received certificates of congratulations from Mr. Brian Mulrooney, Sam Cureatz and Premier David Peterson. A fami- ly gathering after dinner helped her enjoy her birthday cake along with her 4 grandchildren. Our best wishes to Mildred too. The Greenbank Hall Commit- tee's "Annual Easter Egg Hunt" is coming up on Good Friday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Children up to the ages of 11 are invited to attend and join in on the fun which will include a sing-song and the hunt for Easter Eggs. The price will be $2.00 per child or a maximum of $5.00 per family. Don't miss it!! The Port Perry Novice Ringette team held a Talent and Pot Luck Supper at Greenbank Hall on Sun- day evening. Cancer answers This year more than 100,000 Canadians will be struck by cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society is trying to find the answers to cancer through research and be educating the public about the need for early diagnosis and prompt treatment. You can help by supporting the annual fund raising campaign of the Canadian Cancer Society. A community - shower for Sharon Baylis will be held at her home on Saturday, April 25 at 2 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. The Sunderland Skating Club delighted their audience, Sunday, performing their year end Car- nival entitled Spits & Spats. Children from our area who par- ticipated include: Tonya Trainor, Stacey & Ashley Richardson, Leedell Slute, Jennifer Banting, PREREQUISITES FOR A PEACEFUL SOCIETY Anson, Jason and Jeff Crosier, Barbara-Anne and Greg Pharye, and Laura Phoenix. Greg Pharye, Adam Hunter, Carl Phoenix, and Michael Phoenix have had a great year in hockey, but it's not over yet! Sun- day night the boys and the rest of the Sunderland Novice A's, clen- ched the title of Eastern Ontario Finalists by defeating Manvers in a terrific six game series. Good luck in the next series boys! Please call 852-6693 with next weeks news. Iv NO Oh w . Elimination of racism. Elimination of the inordinate disparity between rich and poor. . Elimination of unbridled nationalism. . Elimination of religious strife. Emancipation of women. . Implementation of a universal education. . Implementation of a universal language. "Peace stems from an inner state supported by . a spiritual or moral attitude, and it is chiefly in evoking this attitude that the possibility of enduring solutions can be found." -- from the Baha'i Writings BAHA'IS OF SCUGOG Box 1153, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO COME TO THE SPRING SING SATURDAY APRIL 9, 1988 7:30 PM at the UXBRIDGE BAPTIST CHURCH TWO HOURS OF GOSPEL MUSIC Featuring ANJA 7k THE PROVERBS Renowned gospel recording artists from Kingston, Ontario and the THE VOCAL IMPRESSIONS A group of young men singing contemporary Christian music from Toronto, Ontario Join us for an evening of PRAISE & WORSHIP through music FELLOWSHIP TO FOLLOW DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 PM NO TICKETS REQUIRED, NO RESERVED SEATING A FREE WILL OFFERING WILL BE TAKEN TO DEFRAY EXPENSES.