Fr i-_ pa PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 22, 1988 -- 39 Work Wanted Work Wanted Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales CUSTOM dressmaking & design, reasonable rates. Port Perry area 985-7589. WILL DO some typing or translate French/English in my home, no transcript is too big. Call anytime 985-3587. SERIOUS first year fine | uvage student willing to Ole vade with child or adult In Port Perry or catchment area with basic knowledge of ASL. Hours negotiable. Please contact Julie after 5:30 p.m. 985-3736. LICENSED electrician, new ser- vices, renovations, new installa- tions. Call Ron 985-3754. M 22 PROFESSIONAL wall papering & painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 986-0371. TF M.R. LACEY ELECTRIC, rec rooms, additions, wired/upgrade service. Call for free estimate - 986-4377. M 22 SWEEPING Beauty Houseclean- ing Services, moving-in, moving- out, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Give us a call 852-9617, 986-5253 (Res.). BRICK & BLOCK Stone Mason, 20 years experience, reasonable rates, free estimates. Call 705-748-5687 or 705-652-3726. A 12 DOG GROOMING. Professional by Lynne. All breeds. Located in the Port Perry Pet Shop. 985-8065 or 985-7681. M 31 HOUSECLEANING by the day. Own car. 986-0509. M 22 CARE for your children in my home. Reasonable rates. Receipts provided. 985-7431. M 22 GENERAL home repairs & renovations, interior & exterior. For estimates call evenings 985-2366 or 985-2781. AS PROFESSIONAL painting & papeting. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF J.C. INSTALLATIONS. Sales, Service & Installations, carpet, vinyl & tile. Free estimates. 986-0323. . J 26 TYPING SERVICE. No job too small. Resumes, reports, thesis, statements, Office Overload let- ters etc. Reasonable rates. Hum- mingbird Word Processing 852-5765. M1 MORRIS HOME IM- PROVEMENTS (formerly Harry Morris, Handyman). Home renovations, basements, bathrooms, handyman. service etc. Work fully guaranteed. Free estimates. NO JOB TOO SMALL. Call 985-3663. Auctioneers K. Dave Muir Registered Industrial Accountant - BOOKKEEPING - - INCOME TAX - - ACCOUNTING - For Individuals - Small Businesses - Farmers and Companies - Phone 985-8494 YARD CLEAN-UP available for Early April! Call: RICK'S WEED CONTROL 985-2259 Income Tax - PERSONAL CORPORATE FARMS Professionally Prepared PAUL VAN CAMP 985-8522 i. SHERMAN MASONRY CONTRACTORS SINCE 1955 BLOCK - BRICK CONCRETE New Work & Repairs Complete Foundations a Specialty Phone 985-3111 30 ft. CONVEYOR & COCHRANE Auction Service Household -- Farm Antiques -- Real Estate PHONE 985-2188 DUMP TRUCK FOR HIRE. Auction Sales SATURDAY APRIL 2 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- the property of KARL ZIMMERMAN (Strawberry Farms Sold). 265 Massey Ferguson 62HP diesel tractor with 236 Massey Ferguson quick attach loader -1060 hours, 8' Triple K cultivator, Massey Ferguson 3-furrow trip beam plow, 7 tooth chisel plow, Wic straw shredder-mounted on single axle trailer, Rebel Bush Hog, 7° Lucknow snowblower, New Holland strawberry planter, 3 pt. hitch Maschio 5' roto-tiller-with 36 new blades, GSW self-priming water pump high pressure sprayer, stone fork, 1000 gallon water tank, quantity of tools & market gardening accessories. All machinery one owner & in good condition. Also consign a White 4 36' row plate corn planter, Minneapolis Moline gas tractor, No. 10 Massey hay baler, 6 ton wagon with good hay rack, a roller, 28' hay elevator, 6 disc tiller, 8 ft. disc, 3 pt. hitch cultivators, 12HP Sears garden tractor with mower, blade & snowblower attachments, quanti- ty of new tires & tools. Don Cor- nell Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Bri- tain 705-786-2183. M29 available at the Port Perry Star EFI If your business is in urgent need of sending or receiving important documents or let- ters,we can help! Simply call the Star office and we will set up an account So you may take advantage of the speed, and convenience of FAX. For more information call 985-7383 -- DJR -- MOBILE SANDBLASTING Steel Concrete Trucks 263-8644 Trailers Log Homes Painting INCOME TAX or BOOKKEEPING PROBLEMS? Let Me Help! Reasonable Rates. Will Pick-up & Deliver Call BETTY ... 985-9077 SATURDAY MARCH 26 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Farm Sold Auction Sale the property of ALBERT FOSTER, Lot 11, Conc. 13, Manvers Township. 7 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 to Janetville turn - west - first farm on east side. MACHINERY : John Deere 3130 diesel tractor 2500 hrs., power steering; John Deere 1830 diesel tractor with cab-power steering, 3024 hrs.; John Deere 2130 diesel tractor-power steering with 146 loader 2500 hrs.; New Holland 273 baler PTO.; New Holland 489 hay bine PTO.; Krone K151 round baler-800 Ib. bales PTO.; Case self-propelled gas combine with cab-10° header; M.F. 160 manure spreader; Triple K type cultivator 3 pt.; Ford 11' disc - trail type; John Deere 3-16's trip beam plough 3 pt.; New Holland Super 717 forage harvester - 2 row corn head & grass head; John Deere side rake; M.F. 33 17 run seed drill- grain, grass, & fertilizer; John Deere 1240-4 row corn planter- fertilizer; Kasten forage box with 8 ton gearing; M.F. forage box with 8 ton Martin gearing; John Deere 65 - forage blower PTO. Allied 32' hay elevator on wheels with motor; 2 sets of spike tooth harrows; bale buncher; bale stooker; circular saw PTO.; ce- ment mixer; hydraulic wood splitter; Ford 3 pt. blade; 3 grain augers; John Deere hay fluffer; cattle scales with rack; 3 wagons with racks - 2-16' 1-20"; Int. side rake; Calsa field sprayer 26' booms; 10° Packer; John Deere power washer; Ford post hole digger 8' & 12"; Gravity grain box with running gear; Cockshutt 32-42, 4-16's trip beam plough; Stuart cattle clippers; air com- pressor; new lawn mower; roto- tiller; deep freeze 2-200 gallon gas tanks; quantity of maple - mixed lumber and plank cedar posts; Forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. HAY: Approx. 125-800 Ib. bales; Approx. 1200 square bales. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is an excellent line of well maintained farm machinery. Plan to attend. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 12:30 P.M. Sharp. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario -- (705) 324-9959 or 324-8311. The Auctioneer or Pro- prietor will not be held responsi- ble for public injury, public liabili- ty, or property loss or damage in connection with this sale. M 22 ORVAL McLEAN AUCTONS - Consign Now to our spring machinery-vehicle auction - ac- cepting tractors, farm machinery, industrial equipment 8 tools, cars, trucks, recreation vehicles, boats, campers, riding lawnmowers, tools, motorcycles. Bring to barn or phone 324-2783 Lindsay or 324-0182 for pick up service. M 29 SATURDAY MARCH 26 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. A large & complete clearing auction of all antiques 8 collec- tibles for MacNEIL'S ANTIQUES 8 UPHOLSTERY LTD., at the store 413 Dundas St. E. (beside Beaver Lumber), Whitby. Selling over 300 items to include in part: Victorian & Canadiana furniture such as settees, parlour chairs, various tables, large & small dressers w/mirrors, Deacon's bench, wash stands, flatback cup- board, ice-box, many old rockers, blanket boxes, various sets of chairs, drop leaf tables, many oc- casional tables & chairs, 5 piece Duncan Phyfe dining suite, piano stools, desks, mirrors, pictures & frames, crocks, oil lamps, assort- ment of glass & china 8& much, much more!! A real good sale: Terms cash or good cheque (with 1.D.). No reserves. Building Sold. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 683-0041. SATURDAY APRIL 2 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Furniture, Antiques & Appliances Auction sale of furniture, anti- ques 8 appliances, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge - in- cluding G.E. heavy duty auto. washer 8 dryer-excellent condi- tion, Realistic 60 Chapnel Pro: grammable Scanner Receiver: new, Sony air band receiver, Panasonic Ghettoblaster, 8 piece Duncan Phyfe dining room suite, Neumier piano, accordian, pic- ture frames, dishes, dry cookers- new, ornaments, quantity of new Teddy Bears, quilt racks, 1979 Yamaha 1100 Special Motorbike: low mileage-excellent condition, 1981 Chev Impala-good condition. Full details later. If you wish to consign to this sale, please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge 416-852-3524. THURSDAY APRIL 7 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction sale of farm machinery, saw mill, Topaz car etc., the property of BRUCE & LOIS McMILLAN, Lot 13, Conc. 2, Brock Township, 32 miles south of Sunderland on Hwy. 7 & 12 or 2'2 miles north of Sainttield. TRACTORS: McCormick 1066 diesel tractor with cab, Case 970 diesel tractor with cab, David Brown 1200 diesel tractor with cab & loader, pair of duals (snap-on) 18.4x38, N.H. 975 gas combine with cab, 13' grain header, Owatonna 260 swather & crimper, 12 header, N.H. 847 round baler- good condition, McCormick 37 square baler, N.H. 770 harvester with grass head & 2 row corn head, Fox harvester with grass head & 2 row corn head-1000 RPM, 2 Kools forage blowers, McCormick side rake on rubber, windrow turner-3 pt., Gehl forage wagon with running gear, Cockshutt 2 row corn picker, Cockshutt 6 row corn planter- narrow row, 2 gravity boxes with running gear, N.I. 213 manure spreader, Cockshutt 76 seed drill, 18 run-grain only, Hydrien S5-furrow plow 18° auto-reset, Glencoe cultivator 16', Winco generator 15 kw, on trailer. MISCELLANEOUS: saw mill, stationary mill left hand, edger & planer-good running condition- will be running day of sale. 1986 Mercury Topaz-certified-4 door, 5 speed standard, air cond., power windows, 16° McCullough boat & trailer with Johnson 75HP motor, Kawasaki 100 dirt bike, Honda 80 dirt bike & much more. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Meuller bulk tank-600 gal. with auto wash, DelLaval vacuum pump, 4 Del aval milking units 12" glass pipe line. NOTE: Saw mill will be sold first. It is set up just south of farm to Wick corner & 1 mile west. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Lunch will be available. Reg & Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Owners or Auctioneers will not be responsible for any accidents in connection with this sale. AS SATURDAY MARCH 26 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Large sale- property of EDNA MON- TGOMERY, Lindsa¥ plus Toron- to Estate. Antique & modern fur- niture, antique chesterfield & 2 chairs, walnut tea wagon, wicker settee & 2 chairs, china cabinets, dining room suites, console table, antique quilt box, 2 Queen Anne chairs, console stereo, Frigidaire dryer-3 months old, brown bed chesterfield, Provincial chester- field, Singer vacuum, modern chesterfield & love seat & chair, chests, dressers, large beige rug, gold portable dishwasher, good auto washer, refrigerators-one like new, Royal Doulton figurines, dishes. 10 a.m. To list your sale call 324-2783 Lindsay. SATURDAY MARCH 26 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Pethick's Auction Barn 1 mile east of Enniskillen Large sale of furniture, anti- ques & collectibles, highlighted by exceptional personal library of books, coins, stamps, jewellery, dishes, accordian & much more. Watch for our huge 2 session an- tique 8 collectible sale. Easter Weekend. "The Friendly Auc- tion" 263-8710 - Steve Liptay-Earl Gauslin. YOU'LL GET ALL THAT AND MORE BY SHOPPING THE PORT PERRY STAR AUCTION SALE LISTINGS a he Watch his space each" week for more listings. SATURDAY APRIL 2 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Farm Sold Auction sale the property of LOUISE & ALFRED SCHWAR- ZIN, Lot 2, Concession 10, Eldon Township -- 4 miles east of Wood- ville to dead end -- turn north -- 2nd farm on east side or from Cambray -- turn west -- follow old road to farm (watch for signs). MACHINERY: 1982 Int. 384 diesel tractor-power steering-3 sets of chains-with 1850 manure loader-1300 hours; John Deere 2030 diesel tractor, power steering, 3000 hours, 15.5x38 tires; Int. 624 diesel tractor-power steer- ing; M.F. 300 gas self-propelled combine-cab with fan, Quick at- tach 10' header with pick-up; Int. 10° self propelled Swather with hay conditioner; New Holland 310 baler PTO; Wesston 10 haybine PTO; Allied automatic stooker- ground drive; Lucknow 7' snowblower 3 pt.; New Holland 510 manure spreader-2 heater PTO; New Holland 353 mixer grinder PTO-4 screens-20' auger; J.D.&B. field sprayer 21' boom; Int. 510 single disc seed drill, hydraulic lift, 18 disc, grain, grass, fertilizer & brohme grass; M.F. 10' tandem disc; John Deere 1240-4 row corn planter-fertilizer; John Deere F45-4-16's plough 3 pt.; New Holland Super 717 forage harvester-1 row-will take 2 row- PTO; New Holland 26 forage blower PTO; Dion forage wagon 16'; A-C forage wagon 16' with gearing; New Holland side rake; 26' pipe elevator with motor; 24' pipe elevator with motor; 1 hay rack 16'-John Deere gearing; 1 hay rack 16-running gear; 2 Turnco gravity grain boxes with gearing; M.F. posthole digger-12' auger; 41° Red Devil grain auger-6" on wheels; 21'4'* grain auger with 10' extension; 2- 16'4"' grain auger; bale buncher; bale fork; Triple K 116"' cultivator 3 pt. with harrows; Allied 106" cultivator 3 pt.; corn scuffler 3 pt.; Chizel plough-7 tooth- hydraulic lift-trail; 2 sets of spike harrows; 10° chain harrows; 3 drum land roller; John Deere 9 blade 6' tiller 3 pt.; hydraulic wood splitter; Bush Hog rotary mower 3 pt.; 3 pt. manure bucket; 3 pt. blade; 2 sets of dehorners; set of Burdizos; 2 bin dryers; cat- tle oiler; 2 electric fencers; 2 wheeled trailer; fertilizer spreader PTO; quantity of tools; forks. shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. FURNITURE: deep freezer; bed; single bed; dresser; table; antique chair; other items. POULTRY: 65 laying hens. PRO- DUCE : approx. 500 bales of hay; approx. 500 bales of straw. Owner selling due to ill health. AUC- TIONEER'S NOTE: This is a well maintained line of farm machinery. Plan to attend. Terms cash. No reserve. FURNITURE SALE AT 11 AM.; FARM MACHINERY AT 11:30 A.M. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. The Auc- tioneer or Proprietor will not be held responsible for public injury, public liability, or property loss or damage in connection with this sale. M 29 FRIDAY MARCH 25 SALE TIME: 11:30 A.M. Auction sale of furniture & building items for the Estate of the late ILEANA ZUECH, selling at the property, 1 mile south of Leaskdale, then 1 mile east - follow the bend around to first road on left. Including frost-free fridge, stove, bedroom suite, ches. erfields, beds, dishes, picnic tables, mortar mixer, Toro lawnmower, 1 HP water pump, jointer, gas water pump, vise, tent, wood scaffolding, garden tools, firewood, oil tanks, quanti- ty of brick. Sale will conclude by 1 p.m. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge 416-852-3524. FRIDAY MARCH 25 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- the Estate of the late MR. WES CONNELLY of Toronto. Walnut bookcase, secretariat combination, walnut drop front desk, 4 plece mahogany bedroom suite, 8 plece fruitwood dinette suite, antique dresser-moustache pulls, walnut lamp table, open face wash stand, chesterflelds, wing back chairs, walnut tier tables, floor lamps, walnut side chairs, walnut gate leg drop leaf table, mahogany drop leaf table, walnut inlaid cof- fee table, quantity of jewellery in- cluding 18 kt. white gold ring- 3 large & 8 small diamonds, 14 kt. yellow gold ring-7 diamonds, stirl- ing silver & gold chains & bracelets, quantity of linen, lace, bedding, china & glass, kitchen utensilsl, military badges etc. Don Cornell Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. MONDAY MARCH 28 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Going out of business sale of garage equipment at BARRY YANDT AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, 921 High St., Peter- borough. 85 Acu lift 8000 Ib. hoist, 85 R.J.W. brake lathe, Coates tire changer, 85 SHP twin Storingham air compressor, battery charger, diagnostic analyzer, engine hoist, jacks, bumper jack, brake bleeder, all meters & testers, cleaning tank, Miller welder & cables, 5 benches, welding bench, electric heaters, fluorescent lights, pressure washer, sockets, tools, all garage items, cabinets, some parts, oak office desk, chairs, filing cabinet etc. No reserve. Business Closed. Preview 9 a.m. Sale 11 a.m. For information call PETERBORO AUCTIONS & LIQUIDATIONS 745-5007. Dale McLean Auctioneer. THURSDAY MARCH 31 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Farm Machinery Auction sale of farm machinery for the Estate of the late BRUCE ACTON, R.R. 1, Sunderland, sell- ing at the farm - 1 mile east of Ux-- bridge to Durham Road 23, then north 4 miles to farm - or - 3 miles west of Sunderland to Durham Road 23, then south 5 miles to farm - including Gleaner F2 corn- soybean special combine with 4-row wide corn head & 13' grain head-air-600 hours-excellent, White 2-105 tractor with cab & 20.8-38 duals-2300 hours, A-C 180 tractor with loader, A-C 180 trac- tor with cab, A-C D-17 diesel trac- tor, White 584 5-furrow semi- mount plow, J.D. 7000 corn planter with insecticide boxes-2 years old, J.D. 336 baler with thrower-2 years old, N.H. 479 haybine, N.H. 518 manure spreader, Int. 510 seed drill, Bush Hog rotary mower, 2 bale thrower wagons with steel racks-1 new, 4 Turnco wagons, Kneverland 4-furrow 3 pt. plow, GT 370 dryer, Int. Vibra Shank 16' cultivator, Case packer & seeder, 3 pt. hitch sprayer, 6' snowblower, hydraulic fertilizer auger, N.I. side rake, Patz 14' silo unloader, hay elevator, 50° Westfield 7°' auger, harrows, A-C 12' disc, W-6 McCor- mick tractor, White 10HP garden tractor, A-C posthole digger, Vic- toria hay dryer, moisture tester, quantity of new Patz stable cleaner flites, chain harrows, steel stone boat, Int. cream separator, approx. 1500 bales hay, wagon load, plus many other items. NOTE : This is an excellent line of well cared for machinery. It was bought new, always stored Inside & used only on this farm. Lunch available. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. M 29 -- ATTENTION -- decisions. busy spring season! DAIRY FARMERS We are operating a Dairy Herd computer service which helps farmers computerize their dairy operations. This program was designed in Ontario and has proven to greatly assist the farmer in daily observations and Now is a good time to computerize your farm before the For more information contact: BRIAN EVANS EVANS AGRI SALES & SERVICE (416) 862-7606