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Building supply experience helpful. Contact: BOB WALTON 985-7334 SUMMER HELP WANTED. Stu- dent 18-24 years old to work with a Deaf-Blind child. No experience required. Access to a car necessary. 985-8937. CLERK/CASHIER required, full- part time only (suitable for female). Apply within: Port Perry Home Hardware. No phone calls please. SMALL engine mechanic, minimum experience. Contact office- Fisher's Farm Service, Ashburn 655-3842. M 29 CLERK INTERVIEWER for summer assistance star- ting about May 1st. Must be able to work Saturday AM, holidays and have vehicle. Preferably farm oriented. AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 170 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario Rolly Coy 985-3831 CAREER Opportunity- Financial Services, no experience necessary, full training provided THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BROCK requires a Building & Plumbing Inspector The successful applicant will be required to assist the Township of Brock Chief Building Official & Plumbing Inspec- tor in all phases of his duties. -- QUALIFICATIONS -- Applicants should possess good verbal and written com- munication skills, the aptitude to interpret and administer relevant By-Laws, Provincial Legislation and Regulations, be able to work well with others. Salary will be commensurate with experience, attractive fringe benefit package provided. Further details concerning the position may be obtained from the Township of Brock, Chief Building Official, (705) 426-7433 or (705) 432-2920. 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Applications will be accepted until Friday, March 25th, 1988. G.S. Graham, Clerk-Administrator Township of Brock, P.O. Box 513, Beaverton, Ontario LOK 1A0 - for personal interview call Mr LANDSCAPE & Sargeant 985-7931 from 9-5 p.m.M 29 GROUNDS LANDSCAPE foreperson | re- quired full time. Benefit package, MAINTENANCE year round, experience ) necessary, good drivers' licence. Forepersons required. Call 655-3331. M 29 These are career posi- tions with excellent ad- vancement potential. WELDER for working on truck bodies, full time, Brooklin area 655-3366. Benefits included. 985-7492 HAIR DRESSER wanted or. for downtown ARBORCON 1. ig | Tree and Shrub Specialists cai: 832-3829 Crew positions also available. NEW STORE OPENING PORT PERRY "Take It From Me!" "I've been working for my kids since they were born, so there hasn't been time for another career! Now that they're both in school, it's time to do something for me." If anyone tells you that having a family isn't like having a job, they're wrong. In fact, when | began talking to KFC about becoming an assistant manager, | wag surprised at how clearly they recognized my skills as a homemaker could translate into management skills. True, | hadn't had the actual job experience, but | knew a few things. And KFC training helped me put them to work. As a KFC assistant manager, I've already had a chance to prove myself. | oversee food preparation, hire and train person- nel, and manage.the budget. KFC has also taught me marketing and inventory control. If you're ready to do something different for yourself, you should do what | did -- talk to KFC. Sure, the salary and benefits are competitive, but nothing compares to that feeling of ac- complishment you'll feel when you become an assistant manager! For consideration, MANAGER and ASSISTANT MANAGER positions open Please send resume to: 177 HOLLAND ST. E., BRADFORD, ONT. L3Z 2B9 or call 775-4095 entuc Poe en The Place to be is KFC. EXPERIENCED LIFE UNDERWRITER Prospects Provided Top Renumeration Resume Required JOHN HARVEY 985-9814 SELWIN LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. 36 Water Street, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO Call: CASHWAY LUMBER & BUILDING SUPPLY INSIDE SALES PERSON REQUIRED. Must be experienced. Contact: BOB WALTON 985-7334 CHILD CARE and/or DEVELOPMENTAL WORKERS SCOTT'S PLACE, a group home for autistic adolescents and adults in Caesarea and Seagrave, is now seeking applicants for the following positions: -- FULL-TIME & PART-TIME PROGRAMME ASSISTANTS -- SLEEP-OVER SHIFTS -- PART-TIME OVER-NIGHT AWAKE. Experience with developmentally disabled persons would be an asset but not essential. Salary to commensurate with experience. Please submit resume and references to: Susan Repa, Programme Director, SCOTT'S PLACE P.O. Box 633, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO NOTICES TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of ERNEST EDGAR HEALEY. All persons having claims against the Estate of ERNEST EDGAR HEALEY, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 5th day of March, 1988 are hereby notified to send to the undersign- ed on or before the 22nd day of April 1988, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 15th day of March 1988. FOWLER, DAVIES, Barristers & Solicitors 175 North Street P.O. Box 131 PORT PERRY, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for Russell Edgar Healey & Bertha Marguerite Evans, Executors of the above Estate. AS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of FRANCES MARIE WARREN. All persons having claims against the Estate of FRANCES MARIE WARREN, late of the Township of Scugog in the Regional - Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 23rd day of February 1988, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of April 1988, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 15th day of March 1988. FOWLER, DAVIES, Barristers & Solicitors 175 North Street P.O. Box 131 PORT PERRY, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for Larry Thomas War- ren, Executor of the above' Estate. AS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of GEORGE EDWARD MIT- CHELL, late of R.R. 4, Port Perry, Ontario, who died on or about February 4, 1988, must be filed with the undersigned per- sonal! representative on or before April 18, 1988; thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED March 16, 1988. THE CANADA TRUST COM- PANY, Canada Trust Tower, Yonge-Eglinton Centre, 20 Eglin- ton Avenue West, Toronto, On- tario, M4R 2E2, Executors by their Solicitors Palmer, Mills. M 29 Tenders CASH IN - CASH OUT COKE, PEPSI, LIBBY'S, HEINZ - World famous Drinks you will re-fill in your new, unique cold pop/juice vendors with separate price settings. Min. investment of $11,980. secured as we supply freight, equipment installed in locations, product fills, supplies, etc. Own your cash business, your choice, part or full time. Call/Write (24 hrs.) for brochure. ' SOLAR BUSINESS CENTRES, 100 East Drive., Ste. 200, Bramalea, Ontario L6T 1B3 Mr. Halbot ...1 (416) 761-5705 ou Cg ARS Of goOV Tender No. 88-19 SERVICE CONTRACT FOR GRASS CUTTING AT VARIOUS SCHOOLS (1988-1989) (Two Year Term) SEALED TENDERS, in envelopes supplied and plainly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 11:00 AM Local Time, Thursday, April 7, 1988. Tender forms and / or specifica- tions may be obtained from the Purchasing Department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Please submit to: D.M. Homeniuk, C.P.P., CPPO Manager of Purchasing, The Durham Board of Education 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario L1J 3H3 LARGE brown garbage bag ac- cidently thrown out at Port Perry dump last Friday. containing dolls & stuffed animals (keep- sakes). Anyone finding please call 985-7369 after 6 p.m. REWARD. SET OF keys late Monday after- noon, March 14th at Port Perry Plaza. Please call 985-2362. Give Away LARGE breed Heinz 57 pupples, 3 gold, 1 black. Free to good home, 10 weeks old. Call 705-786-3144 after 6 p.m. Pets & Kennels AFFECTIONATE cats. All were destined to die. Long & short hairs. Fixed, shots, litter trained. 985-9524; 852-6365. Mortgage PRIVATE FUNDS Mortgages arranged & purchas- ed. For confidential quote, please call 416-723-4621. Anubis In- vestments Ltd. TF MORTGAGE Funds avallable. Prompt service assured. Scugog Financial Services. 985-3832. TF MORTGAGE LOANS + FIRST and SECONDS at PRIME RATES + UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES + REFINANCING at LOWER RATES +» EXISTING MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD +» VACATION and ALL OTHER PROPERTY +» DEBT CONSOLIDATION »» PERSONALIZED SERVICE AFTER HOURS AVAILABLE +» NO COMPLICATED INCOME or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS +» POWER of SALES REFINANCES +» REFINANCING of PROBLEM SITUATIONS For more information call: Hans Heller 571-2880 RAYCAN FINANCIAL LTD. Oshawa, Ontario Work Wanted EXPERIENCED church organist desires part time volunteer work. Small remuneration accepted for driving expenses. Write to Box 13, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Petry: Ontario LOB 1NO. Small Businesses ACCOUNTING & INCOME TAX SERVICE PAUL VAN CAMP Professional Accounting Services 985-8522 (Evenings) New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 NORM TRIPP: 985-3563