OPP warn motorists Stay sober over Easter If you're planning to be on rive at their destinations safely," the provincial highways this com- said Commissioner Tom O'Grady ing Easter Weekend, the OPP has last week. issued a stern warning that all Starting April 1 (Good Fri- traffic laws will be vigorously en- day) the OPP will send out more forced. than 500 cruisers on the highways "The Easter Weekend (April across Ontario, all equipped with | 1-4) will see a marked increase in radar and roadside breath testing the number of people travelling devices. All detachment com- on provincial highways and the manders, including Whitby which OPP is committed to doing every- patrols Highways 12 and 7A in thing possible to see that they ar- Scugog Township, have been in- structed to remind their officers to | be. vigilant. oo © ® L ; E Week- | No injuries «ics simmons were issued under the Highway No one was injured in a single Traffic Act, 240 drivers were vehicle accident on Highway 12 charged with alcohol related of- north of Greenbank Saturday fenses and a further 432 had their night March 19. licences lifted for a temporary 12- Beaverton Ontario Provincial hour suspension. Police say the crash happened at However, even with extra at- 10 p.m. when a 1982 GMC pick- tention from the OPP and an in- up driven by Osman Dzebo of creasing awareness on the part of Scarborough, slipped on the icey the motoring public, there were road and clipped a pole. 242 accidents on provincial high- The accident, at Highway 12 ways last Easter Weekend, which and Highway 7, caused moderate claimed 14 lives and caused seri- damage to the pick-up. The driver ous injury to 374 persons. wasn't injured. (Turn to page 8) It was standing room only Sunday night at the Scugog Arena and local Junior C supporters got their money's worth as the Port Perry MoJacks swept the Lakefield Chiefs four games straight to win the Division title. Here, Central League con- venor Andy McLauchlan presents the Walter Crowley plaque to Mojack captain Darren Nesbitt. - Playoff fever has arrived in Port Perry. (see story on front page and on the Sports pages of this is- sue of the Star. - Co - TT _--e | 0 | : [| rl 4} . 113 3 : GL BEE fa at d | Ea patti sid FERRE WT ps wie 8 FIAT Et 2% SAY ¢ 5s ATA BA Vol. 122 No. 17 Tuesday, March 22, 1988 Copy 50¢ 44 Pages Kideos "or the Kids With crayon-coloured hair, neon clothing, glitzy masks and original, genunine, rock and roll, Kideo is a popular band, but it's not designed to be liked by every- one. Designed to be popular with children, Kideo performs music that appeals to "a youngster's heart, while the lyrics send important messages to children's heads. Messages like, don't talk to strangers, and don't be afraid of the dark, are helping establish this energetic trio all over the province. For story and more photos, see Inside this issue of the Star. RR 7h : 53 =) 8 iid i 5 If you're a sports fan in Scugog The Legionaires hold a 2-0 lead over semi-finals. After losing 4-2 in Colling- a four-game sweep of the Lakefield Township, better fasten down the seat Glanbrook Township in a best of five wood, the Midgets went on the attack Chiefs, the all-Ontario defending belts because playoff fever has arrived as series, thanks to two victories by close Saturday night in Port Perry and scored champs. three local hockey teams continue their scores over the weekend. On Sunday af- five times in an overtime period en route It was standing room only last Sun- drive towards the coveted all-Ontario ternoon, the Pee Wees won 3-2 in a to a 6-1 victory. day night at the local arena and local fans crown, thriller. The next game in this serjs is Can the Midgets carry that momen- got more than their money's worth as the The Legionaire Pec Wees, the Men- this Friday night at the Scugog Arena, tum into the next game? You can find MoJacks once again put the game on ice zies Motors Midgets and the Junior C game time 9:00 PM. A win by the Le- out this Wednesday evening at 8:00 PM in the third period en route to a 7-4 vic- MolJacks are all in the thick of playoff gionaires will give them a berth in the at the Scugog Arena for game three in tory and a berth in Central League final Msi series, and if recent games arc any indica- all-Ontario championship. this series. . werios. tion, fans are going to be treated to some The Port Midgets are locked in a i As for the Junior C MoJacks, they A date for the opener in the next ser- outstanding hockey at the Scugog Arena tough series with Collingwood with cach have made believers out of a lot of hock- ies is yet to be set as the MoJacks are in the near future. team having one win in the best of five ey fans in the Port Perry area, thanks to (Turn to page 24) FAB TINE fii) BE 2 RE hay rd BRR five pels 3 S45 Hg Tak SRR RRS an nde Lo% NE 4% Fo LH 1X Egos i Fadia opi Bl $e Fo a FE BE) a Bin GE OE Sa alge het Sin ass SETI ARG At de Seles