Yes mama, even little kids like rock 'n roll! Kids can rock and roll too! That was the inspired message delivered to approximately 50 young children at Scugog Memo- rial Library during Winter Break. For about an hour on March 15, the rules of silence at the library were totally ignored in a wash of music, cheering, and applause. The library's normally staid gal- lery was transformed into a vivid | rock show, courtesy of an energet- ic trio called "Kideo." Made up of three young adult males with the unlikely names of Buddy Goodfellow, Ace Manners and JB Stiles, Kideo combines original rock and roll music and all the glitz that goes accompa- nies it, with solid messages for growing children. | With the first song, called KI- i DEO, the group snags the chil- dren's interest and tells them that NE they too can rock and roll! | And once the kids are interested, show. the group uses its influence to wam children about strangers (in a song called "Stranger Danger"), to tell them not to be afraid of the dark, and to show them how im- portant grandparents are. The music is pure metal- influenced rock; the costumes are all glitter (crayon coloured wigs, white-face make-up and neon pants and t-shirts); but the mes- sages are important ones to young children. As a result, the 10 and under set just loves Kideo, its very own rock band, and everywhere it goes, Kideo is received enthusiastically. Two years old and originally from Toronto, the band has just released its first album, and plays two concerts a day in southern Ontario and the United States. The library concert, like many others, was partially paid for by the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture. ed Kideo had 'em clapping and stomping their feet with some terrific music and a bright, energetic stage is pleased to announce the relocation of her practice on APRIL 5th, 1988, to -- PORT PERRY -- COUNSELLING SERVICE -- MEDICAL ASSOCIATES -- 462 Paxton St., Port Perry, Ont. LOB 1NO prone: 985-0757 for appointments and inquiries. | PSYCHOTHERAPY MARRIAGE and FAMILY COUNSELLING DIVORCE MEDIATION, STRESS MANAGEMENT -- DAY and EVENING -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 22, 1988 -- 13 KIDEO rocks the tricycle set at library The gallery at Scugog Memorial Library may not be as big as Maple Leaf Gar- dens, and the people in this picture might be a little younger than the average ticket buyer, but the enthusiasm is just the same as you might find in any big- time concert venue. During Winter Break, the library brought "Kideo" to a sold- out group of youngsters who proved that they can appreciate rock music just as much as their older siblings. See story for details. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM IN THE MATTER OF: The Municipal Act, Sections 298 and 301 (R.S.0. 1980) TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham may pass by-laws authorizing construction of the following projects. ROAD NO. 1 12 16 21 22 28 29 31 36 38 44 ROAD NAME Brock Rd. Cameron St. Ritson Rd. Goodwood Rd. Bloor St. Rossland Rd. Liverpool Rd. Westney Rd. Consumers Dr. Whites Rd. 4 Harwood Ave. Park Rd. MUNICIPALITY Pickering Brock Oshawa Uxbridge Whitby Whitby Pickering Ajax Whitby Pickering Ajax Oshawa Scugog LOCATION South Bound Bypass Lane at the 5th Concession From Dobson Bridge to Regional Road 2 From Regional Road 58 (Adelaide Ave.) to Regional Road 28 (Rossland Rd.) Truck Acceleration Lanes at the 7th Concession Bypass Lane Widening at Hopkins St. From Garden St. to Regional Road 26 (Thickson Rd.) From Hwy. 2 to Glenanna Rd. From 1.0 km north of Hwy. 2 to Concession Ill Road From Brock St. to the new 401 Ramps From Hwy. 2 to Regional Road 37 (Finch Ave.) Left Turn Lane at Harwood / 410 West Bound Ramp Left Turn Bypass Lane at G.M. Gates From Caesarea Easterly to Regional Boundary Plans showing details of the projects and the lands affected may be seen at the office of the Chief Design Engineer of the Durham Works Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, Telephone 668-7721. Wor'<s Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearing body, shall hear in person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his or her land will be prejudicially affected by the by-laws and who applies on or before March 23, 1988, to the undersigned to be heard at a meeting of the Works Committee on March 29, 1988. Dated at Whitby this 25th day of February, 1988. G. Emm, Works Committee Chairman W.A. Twelvetrees, P.Eng. Commissioner of Works