A ha nl Ea-- ART " 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 22, 1988 PRECISION AUTO ELECTRIC 80 VANEDWARD DRIVE 0 8 5 . 8 4 06 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO LOB 1NO PARTS - SALES - SERVICE - TESTING Of All Starters, Alternators, Generators and Regulators | -- BATTERIES -- | TUNE-UPS -- AIR CONDITIONING Owned & Operated by i OPEN: Monday - Friday 8 AM to 6 PM TIM BARTLEY ; Saturday 8 AM to 12 Noon by Wendy Clark Well, time sure is going fast. Do you realize that we are already in- to the third month of 1988. Feb. 29th, a small group watched movies. They were: 1.) Friends of Man: 'Mounties and Their Horses they do for the musical ride; 2.) Rodeo - this movie explained about all the events that are hosted in a rodeo; 3.) Flight of the Monarch II - an interesting show on the beautiful Monarch Butterf- ly and its life cycle. The first day of March we had bowling. Top scorer was Mr. Bill Moroz with 97 points. Good work Bill!! After everyone had a good workout at bowling, we all en- joyed a treat of donuts with our tea. In the evening the Port Perry Anglican Church visited and pro- vided a nice service. The evergrowing popular ac- tivity ---- 'Manicures' was in full action on Wednesday. The participation in this group activi- ty is fantastic. Thursday (3rd) was a very busy craft day. Several residents were involved in making St. Patrick's Day centrepieces and tray favours. After dinner there was a discussion group. Topic for the evening was "Happiness and What It Means to You."" We also joined in on a few challenging word games. To end the first week of March, was a very popular Bingo. Con- gratulations to all of our lucky winners. Also some ladies were extremely busy baking up some batches of fresh butter tarts. These were made especially for the treat wagon to deliver to those residents confined to bed. On Saturday, Mar. 5th, the residents had a "Comedy Hour." humourous movies 'Abbott & Costello' and "The Bowery Boys." With another full week ahead of us, we started out in the right direction on Monday, Mar. 7th be- ing the day of our Accreditation. Several ladies were kept busy throughout the morning baking -- NOW OPEN --- BRIDGEPORT SIGNS inc. A MEMBER OF THE RAINBOW GROUP (formerly National Sign & Store Supply) 3 BASCOM STREET, UXBRIDGE, ONT. LOC 1K0 852-9671 John Groeneveld and Chris Zugloff are pleased to announce the opening of Bridgeport Signs Inc. FOR A COMPLETE RANGE OF READY-MADE & CUSTOM SIGNS ~ * magnetic * banners * regulation * menu boards * changeable * vinyl lettering * and much more Please visit our shop or call to have our Mobile Showroom Truck visit at your location. * SELECTIVE GIFTWARE F WEDDINGS and SHOWERS * CARDS and GIFT WRAP * PARTY SUPPLIES \ 0 * CHILDREN'S BOOKS & EDUCATIONAL TOYS Ad a sey 2\, NOW ARRIVING -- .Infants' to Youth Size 16 10 ROEBUCK ST., BROOKLIN 655-4210 -- CLIP THIS COUPON -- -- Final Order Dates and 1988 Build Out Schedule Revisions have been received. All details now available at our dealership. G.M. Personnel wishing to purchase through the Modified Employee Purchase Program Plan No. 1 should take necessary early steps to insure pro- duction of any 1988 Model in the Program. Call our Sales Representatives for full details. PHILP PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 VANEDWARD DR., PORT PERRY 2985-84749 During the day on Monday," - which was all about the training - apple pies which were served at our special luncheon. I heard several comments on how delicious they were. NICE WORK LADIES!! During the accredita- tion dinner, several. residents received Gold Medals for their achievements. They were- Becky Gray: Social Improvement, Maude & Arthur Edmonds: Lifetime Achievement, Bill Moroz: Most Contribution to Staff, Larry Glasgow: Physical Improvement. A good day was had by all. During the afternoon there was a sing-song for all those interested singers. A special thank you to Mr. Archie Walker for providing us with his special talent. Archie also travelled through the halls on the 2nd & 3rd floors so that those who were unable to attend the sing-song could hear his delightful singing & guitar playing. Also several men were busy in the woodwork- ing shop. Much enthusiasm was brought out while making climb- ing bears (toy) and cat door stops. We hope to get this activity in full gear, but are in much need of more tools. Tuesday we loaded up several cars and the Handi-transit and headed out for lunch. We all en- joyed the delicious meals that we received from the Conway's restaurant. Upon returning to the homestead, there was a "Good Luck" quiz held in the activity room. Later on in the evening a church service was provided by the Port Perry United Church. During the day on the 16th was our monthly birthday party. Our delightful hosts for the afternoon was the Scugog Island Grace UCW: The residents joined in on a sing-song"and a Bible quiz. A Time flies at nursing home special story and poem were also read. Winners of "guess the number of Jellybeans:" Isabel Wright and the number of mints: Eveline Flieler. After all of the entertainment we sat back and ate some delicious.cupcakes and ice-cream. The special birthday residents received a lovely gift. A special thank you to this fine group for making our afternoon an enjoyable one. "Thursday we had crafts. We were all extremely busy making "weather tails."" A warm thank you to Kathleen Petrie for runn- ing the craft program. After sup- per hour, we had a Bingo game. Friday, Mar. 11th, was baking. Several batches of "Morning Glory Muffins' were made and some were delivered to residents by way of the treat wagon. Upcoming activities during March are Resident's Council Meeting (16), Irish Day - St. Patrick's Party (17), Ceramic Demonstration (18), Shopping Trip (22), Supper Club (24), Family Hour (26), and Easter Egg-making (28-29). Birthday congratulations are extended to Mrs. Phylis Midgely (22), Mrs. Eva Stone (25) and Mr. George Manderson (29). On behalf of the residents we send out birthday wishes to several staff. Happy Birthday Myrna Burnfield, Kim Mitchell, Linda Wassink, Sharon Heayn and Betty Wackett. Our sincerest sympathy to the family and friends of Esther Chapman. Esther passed away on Sunday, March 6th. We will always remember Esther for her extreme politeness and the staff always looked forward to her lit- tle love pinches. ATTENTION HEARING AID USERS Bolbone Hearing Aid Batteries are now available at BRUTON"S IDA QUEEN ST. PORT PERRY WE HAVE STAKEQUTT SEE THE Who Says A Little Danger Can't Be A Lot Of Fun? Available on VHS & Beta Videocassette [Rem HOME VIDEO ACTION-PACKED BOX-OFFICE HIT OF THE YEAR! Ing Fi uty De APN TARTYERS 4 Oy Ha HS 6 TOUCHSTONE mos +N oA AM a © Wer MHA erry en GH DUANPEN 8 ori wb JOU seer 1 JOHN BAOHAM C MCMIXXXVII Touchstone Pictures 68 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY 985-9888 Sunday to Thursday -- Noon to 8:00 PM Friday & Saturday -- Noon to 9:00 PM also available at /6 Baldwin St., Brooklin