Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 1 Sep 1987, p. 36

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TT I HH ITY -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, September 1, 1987 Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Auctioneers Auction Sales MOTHER of two fo babysit, 'walk: ing distance to Prince Albert School, full time occasional days or after school. 985-9621. PAUL'S ALUMINUM special of fer for Fall on windows & caulk: ing. To seal all cracks with MONO. Window: free Installa- tion, caulking 20 per cent off. Of- fer expires end of Sept. 985-3657 or 985-8646. S29 BABYSITTING, Blackstock area. Responsible mother of 2 wishes fo care for others In her home. Nutritious lunches & snacks, lofs of T.L.C. Bus to door. Call 986-5060. S$ DAYCARE provided by warm and loving homemaker In her home. Creative Stimulation, hot meals & T.L.C. provided. Port Perry 985-9121. S$ EXCELLENT home care provid: ed for your child. Nutritious meals & snacks, fenced yard. Ap- ple Valley area. 985-9018. PROFESSIONAL Esthetician & part time college instructor pro- vides all esthetic service in home. Faclal, waxing, manicures, pedicures and more. Reasonable rates. Port Perry 985-9121. S1 CARPENTRY, small additions, garages & rec rooms. Call 985-3890 or 985-2853. CAR CARE. Satisfaction guaranteed, wash, wax, Interior clean, pick-up & deliver. By ap- poiniment call 985-9369. S$ HARRY MORRIS handyman specialist. Work fully guaranteed. References. No Job Too Small -- Give Me A Call. 985-3663. TF ELECTRIC Fencer Service repairs to all CSA approved makes. Mobile repair shop at Lindsay Sale Barn every Friday. Come early for same day service. Walter Wright, Blackstgck 416-986-4818. TF STEAM CLEANING . carpets & couches Nn. 8526710 96857105 New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation | P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 bales, hay or straw. Call Mark 986-5689 or 985-7568 or Wells Pehlemann. 985-9842. Jy 28 PROFESSIONAL wall papering & painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 9846-0371. TF CUMMINGS BACKHOE & COTTAGE RAISING Septic Systems, Trenching, Basements, Drain Tile, Water Lines, Sand, Gravel, Grading, Concrete Flooring 986-5601 RELIABLE experienced daycare available in my home, Scugog Island, fenced yard, playmates 2 & up. Call 985-3750 anytime. PROFESSIONAL 'painting & papering. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF CARPENTRY, residential- commercial. Renovations, small jobs no problem. 12 years ex- perience. Phone Rob 985-3223.5 15 PROP & SKEG Repairs, fast ser- vice, boat repairs. Durham Reglon's largest suppliers of fibreglass, epoxy & plastic material. Oshawa Glass Fibre- Rayplex, 341 Durham St. 579-1433. 027 NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 RON VOKINS HAULAGE Fill 986-4273 NESTLETON R & R Driveway Sealing Basement Sealing Welding Repairs & Fabrication 986-5318 986-5580 Sand & Gravel || Real Estate Exclusive: Agent tor Stephenson Point Estates «® REMIX STEPHENSON POINT ESTATES EXCELLENT COUNTRY LOTS HTT [TCE LR =] = Priced from --{ $62,900 to $75,000 For more Information Contact GUY LATREILLE 985-8192 985 7361 14 QUEEN STREET. POF CENTRAL SEVEN INDUSTRIES RAPID PRINT dic *Top Quality Copies - *Coloured Stock *Raffle Tickets *Advertising Flyers *"In Memory" Cards. *Forms *Mailings and ... What-have-you? FREE ESTIMATES! ounean 989-8911 ANTENNA MAN | GRANT NOBLE oo - Satellite Dishes AY > aN - Installations - Repair Work ya - Comb. Colour Heads - Rotors - Power Boosters - Towers New Homes PreWired UXBRIDGE 852-77 1 7 sunoeruanD 705) 397-2419 Tenders REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM DURHAM TENDER FOR SNOW CLEARING AND REMOVAL FOR THE 1987/88 SEASON WD 72-87 SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Regional Clerk, until 2:00 p.m., FRI., SEPT. 11, 1987 Specifications and tender forms may be secured from the Pur- chasing Section, Supply and Services Division at tel 571-3311. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GARY HERREMA, REGIONAL CHAIRMAN. J. SLORNE, CET . MBA. Manager of Supply & Services, 60 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Ontano L1H 8B6 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER ¢ SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Victoria's Harvestime Holstein Sale at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ontario. Approx. 90 Head of Registered & Grade Hols: tein females. A good opportunity to upgrade your herd. For con- signments or further information contact John Buckley 705-324-4017; Gail Snodden 357-3237; Cliff Lillico 439-2380 or Carl Hickson Sales Manager & Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock 985-2788 Port Perry 433-5055 Oshawa DON PHIL Auction Sales SATURDAY SEPTEMBER § SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Cannington Arena Large auction sale of antiques, furniture, Victorian pleces, china, collectibles, boat & motor, tools etc., property of GEORGE & JOYCE APPLEBY of Lindsay. Sale to include some very excep- tional & clean pieces. Plan to at- tend. Lunch available. Calvin Mabee Auctions, Cambray. 705-374-4435; 705-374-4800. S1 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 5 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale the property of the late BRUCE ANDRUS, Lot 9, Conc. 2, Hope Township - 2 mile north of Port Hope to Road 106 -- west 3 miles to Cranberry Road -- south 2 mile to first road west (watch for signs). MACHINERY: M.F. 1105 diesel tractor with cab; M.F. 65 diesel tractor; M.F. 180 diesel tractor-cab-with manure loader; Bob Cat Skid Steel loader-3 buckets; John Deere 25 forage harvester 3 pt.; 2 Turnco forage wagons 16' with 6 ton John Deere gearing; M.F. 33- 17 run seed drill-hydraulic lift-like new; Int. 56 4-row corn planter-trail; M.F. 7' dyna-balance power mower; John Deere rake 3 pt. PTO; M.F.12baler PTO; Agretec automatic bale stooker; bale fork loader; hay buncher on wheels; Ferguson spring cultivator 8'; Krause 12' tandem disc; Glenco 13' cultivator 3 pt.; A.C. 1200 trail cultivator & harrows 20'; Bush Hog 10° tandem disc; George White 150 gal. sprayer 24' boom; Farm Hand 810 mix-mill PTO; Kneverland 4- 18's spring reset plough; New ldea 2 row corn sheller PTO; New Idea 24' hay- grain elevator PTO; 4 bar Web- ber harrows 21' new pony type; New ldea 140 bus. manure spreader PTO; A2 diesel Gleaner combine-grain head-2 reels-corn head 2 row-38"-12 Hume reel; 24' feed bunk on wheels; Horst 6 ton farm wagon; 2 wheeled hay trailer; 2 wheeled dump trailer; 500 gal. water tank; gas motor- pump & hoses; fuel tank & pump for truck; 2 cattle oilers; 1 round bale feeder; Danuser 14' auger posthole digger PTO; 2 grain wagons; PTO grass seeder; PTO fertilizer spreader; shallow well gas pump; 3 pt. blade; A.C. welder 225 amp; cutting torch; heated water bowl; quantity of hand tools; forks, shovels, chains, many articles too numerous to mention. HAY: 42 big bales of hay- 1000 Ib. STRAW: quantity of straw. FURNITURE: G.E. stove; Westinghouse refrigerator; Wood Stanley air- tight cookstove; many other items. CATTLE: 26 mature Hereford cows with 6 calves by side-remainder due Sept. to Dec.; 11 Hereford first calf heifers due Jan. & Feb.; Hereford bull 4 years old. Terms cash. No reserve. Welcome U.C.W. will serve lunch. Furniture Sale at 11:00 a.m. Farm Machinery at 11:30 a.m. Cattle Sale at 3:00 p.m. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or Sales Office 324-8311. The Auctioneer or Pro- prietor will not be held responsi- ble for public injury, public liabili- ty or property loss or damage in connectiorf™with this sale. S$ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 3 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Restaurant Auction 662 Yonge St., Toronto Having received instructions from the principals, we are clear- ing the assets included Blakeslee dishwasher rinse sink 5' long with rinse hose double sink finishing area 8' long, Leader fan, 3 prep tables, Foster 2-door S.S. fridge, 2 chest freezers, Scotsman ice- maker, pastry fridge, Hobart 20 qt. dough mixer, meat slicer, Bunn coffee machine, hot & cold tables, single S.S. sink, 12' hood & CO2 unit, Garland range oven & grill, Garland deep fryer, 2 Blodgett pizza ovens, 2 pizza cold prep tables, original Coke cooler, Curtis walk-in fridge, Cory coffee maker, 4 baseboard heaters 7' long, plus many other articles. NOTE TIME: 11:00 a.m. Some good equipment. Viewing from 10 a.m. Approximately 50 articles. Come early. McLean Auctions & Viguidations 5 576-7550 -- 686-3291. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Giving Up Farming Due To iii Health Auction sale the property of JOHN BONSMA, Lot 16, Conc. 2, Cartwright Township -- off 401 to Waverley Road 57 (Bowman: ville), north 17 miles to Scugog Concession Line 1 & 12 miles east or 5 miles south of Blackstock and 12 miles east. MACHINERY: 1968 M.F. 1100 diesel tractor with cab-rebuilt with duals; 1968 M.F. 1100 diesel tractor-rebuilt; 1977 M.F. 1155 V8 diesel tractor, cab (snap on)-duals, air; M.F. 165 diesel tractor, power steering, new tires, 3 pt.; John Deere 7000 corn planter 1981-rebullt in 1985- 6 row narrow with fertilizer auger- with new track 200 monitor; John Deere self-propelled 5400 4 wheel drive forage harvester with 3 row narrow corn header & 7° hay header & snapper head & with Anhydrous tanks; Dump Chief dump wagon 650-heavy duty undercarriage (silage); Badger forage blower PTO; 200" of 9" silage pipes; Int. 182' Vibra Shank cultivator with wings; New Holland 270 baler PTO; Allied automatic bale stooker-ground drive; 1980 New Holland 488 haybine PTO; New Holland 67 haybiner baler PTO; New Holland rake 55; 1986 Calsa 500 gal. tandem field sprayer with 42 floating boom-electric controls; Shaver post hole digger 3 pt.; 1980 John Deere tandem-680 manure spreader-hydraulic tail gate- double chain; 1978 Husky 3000 gal. tandem liquid manure tank; 1980 Husky manure pump 10' with 22' of pipe-rebuilt; John Deere 8 ton wagon with rack 9x18'; Cardinal 32' hay-grain elevator; 12' grain auger 4"-new; 2 Horst wagons, 10 ton running gear-heavy duty roller bearing running gear; dump trailer frame with 3 axles; 3 overhead garage doors 8'; bale fork; 2 livestock self locking head gates; 14' chain harrows; 2 Chev. V2 ton for parts; 5000 gal. water tank; 3000 gal. water tank; 1000 gal. water tank on wagon; 200 gal. water tank; 500 gal. water tank; 300 bags of shavings; quantity of tires; New Holland baler for parts; full line of machinery- NOTE: Not a large quantity of - small items; trucks, trailers & feeder wagons; 1973 Int. CO 4070A highway tractor-rebuiit 903 Cum- mings engine- wet line, new tires, paint, 5000 miles on new motor; 1975 Chev model 65-feeder truck with 366 motor with Oswald mix- er, completely rebuilt with elec- tronic scale; 1976 G.M. 6500 gas truck- rebuilt motor-air brakes, with 19' steel cattle rack, painted, certified, new 427 motor; 1970 G.M. 1 ton stake truck with 12' steel rack; 1976 G.M. 6 wheel drive truck with 2000 gal. Husky tank-used for water or could be reconverted to manure tank; 1976 Wilson double deck (pot) 45'; 1972 Chamberlain double deck pot; 45' stick straight trailer with built-in divides; 1971 Truckauf 45' flat bed trailer; 26' aluminum dump trailer-hoist; 20° steel dump trailer-hoist; all steel farm type dump trailer-hoist, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale time: 11:00 a.m. sharp. Auc- - tioneer's Note: This is a large sale of well maintained farm machinery. Very few small items. PLAN TO ATTEND. Sale manag- ed & sold by Carl Hickson Auc- tions, Reaboro, Ontario -- Phone 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. The Auc- tioneer or Proprietor will not be held responsible for public injury, public liability, or property loss or damage in connection with this sale. S9 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 7 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Monthly Sadd'e Horse 8 Tack Auction at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay, On- tario. All saddle horses & tack welcome. For consignments or further information contact Bill or Leslie Ellins 705-324-0724. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. S$ SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Real Estate, furniture, ap- pliances, some antiques at Estate of late WILLIAM A. MITCHELL, 34 Queen Street, Fenelon Falls. Good assortment of household contents. REAL ESTATE: duplex-modern 3 bedroom 2232 sq. ft. split level home with 1 bedroom basement apartment on beautifully landscaped lot 90x192 in excellent location. Low reserve bid. Don't miss this luxury home with income. Open house Sat. & Sun. Sept. 5 & 4, 1 to 3 or by ap- pointment. Call Orval McLean Auctions 324-2783 Lindsay. S 9 SAC dh Ae an RE DS aii

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