i nhc cocoon Society R12x15 | _ll| py June 24th, 1987 was a beautiful 99 sq ft. HH Ar Pe sunny day for the Summer Rally of per bag " A PE WS AN Lindsay Presbyterial of the I | A | x : / Women's Missionary Society, held R20x15 iC. Ji Erg on " = in St. Andrews Presbyterian 54 sq.ft Ww, SinlE SN Zoe oe -al -- Church, Sutton. per bag - i i _--_ SI - a. . The group that attended from St. a SNE Sa tl a. Nae John's, Port Perry, had a most -- . : I . - _ Ty, rewarding day of spiritual renewal, fellowship and friendship. f President Mary Durward opened the day's proceedings with prayer. Our guest speaker was Miss Lois ® @ Powrie, Deaconess, from the WMS ; National Office. Lois serves on various committees and boards, one of them being ARMAGH (the house , i that LOVE built). Originally for E unwed mothers, ARMAGH now g opens it doors for seriously disturb- ¥ ed girsl -- victims of family break- : Ee some drug addicts, some , E LADDE x alcoholics. Abused women and E children are also helped. Through EXTENSION LADDERS 5 OTEP reg. 38 =R S33 «20 i her talk and slide presentation she No. 3024 24' Light duty © a 1 - SE ---- : gave us the background and direc- -reg. 99.02... " frie iui OB 9902 DRIVEWAY SEALER B Barbara McEachern, 1st vice 0. etter farade 101 ey : : = b= i president, presented highlights - reg. 117.00 .......commmenrnrommic - 17 litre pail # he Fi TH WF re AF 5 oe aie wie NE | i from Council & Congress 1987, No. 1020 20' Better Grade | which she attended in Winnipeg in CFE. 96.95 wooo 85.30 ECONOMY STUDS 99 £ May. RAY ...cvovorivmmmnmnnesssnse sevens each w : May Donnelly, Dorothy Deshane : & Jean Falconer reported on the RAILROAD TIES 3 Toronto-Kingston Synodical Annual GLIDDEN Square Edge - 6x8x8' . meeting held in Cobourg in April. q ge - [= ¢y -- ; The worship service was given by oO i | ST Al NI Stock Just Arrived .................. " 3 Uxbridge, & a mixed group from All Unfinished Sutton delighted us with their Redwood, Walnut or Cedar J | i O8 5 musical presentation. 4 litre Can o.oo " CUPBOARDS & FURNITURE 15% OFF : (0) THIS WEEK 3 IT'S TIME! SAKRETE CONCRETE MIX | Time to deworm your whole herd at turnout with : ~ 3 \ BANMINTH 11* DAIRY 66 Ib. bag ................ 3.79 | CATTLE DEWORMER PELLETS ) 4 Get the most out of your herd with Banminth II* GLASSCLAD 1 py ef) rfl (1) No Milk Withdrawal. 4x9x1" sheet .................... " 4 (2) Economical : ER 3 } 3) Convenient - j 3 oo Mid-Summer Panel Clearance! i Imperial on Luan Back - reg. 20.69 ......... 18.62 _-- Colonial Pine - reg. 18.49 ...................... 16.64 1 spre pOLIURETHANS Dorit \ i Promotional Oak - reg. 16.55 .................. 14.89 i Hot Fantasy Linen - reg. 20.69 ...................... 18.62 SENAW Natural Ash on Luan - reg. 14.35 ............ 12.92 | Rusticana Hickory - reg. 18.20 ................ 16.38 : Antique Pine o.oo... 6.99 i Chevron - reg. 6.99 oc... 6.50 ; Pink Panel - reg. 6.99 ................ci 6.50 Western Canadian A | CEDAR P.T. LUMBER 2x4 - reg. 49 ...... 43 2X4... lin ft. 41 : 2%6 - reg. 90 ........79 2X6 ...... lin.ft. .62 iy 2x8 - reg. 1.17... 1.03 | 2x8 ...... lin.ft. .83 ! Industrial Accident : 1.05 | : SH 4x4 - reg. 1.20 ... 1. 4x4 lin.ft. .81 1 Prevention Association 16 - reg. 47... 81 | 2. ft 2 4 is pleased to announce: INCLUDES DELIVERY 6x6 ...... lin. ft. .05 the election of : BARBARA A. ACORN Borg Warner Chemicals C.R.C. SHINGLES PATIO S BS : Cobourg, Ontario | | 9.39 Del. ~~ C&C z hdd h 10 Year ............... . 12"x24" 2.62 2.35 ' as Chairman of the 1 1 49 y \ : i 15 Year ........... . 24'"'x24 4.60 4.15 h CENTRAL ONTARIO 25¢ Bundle Deli ory | 1987 - 1988 DIVISION -25¢ Bundle Delivery 24"x30" 5.59 4.91 Since arriving on the safety scene in 1979, Barbara Acorn has been active in the Accident Prevention Association of Ontario as Chairman of the Cobourg/Port Hope Section of the .A.P.A. in 1983/84. The I.A.P.A. is a federation of ten safe- ty associations: Woodworkers, Ceramic & Stone: Metal Trades, Chemical In- dustries: Grain, Feed and Fertilizer, Food Products; Leather, Rubber and Tanners: Textiles and Allied Industries; Printing Trade and Retail. Established in 1917 and funded by Ontario In- dustry, the | APA, whose mandate 1s the Province of Ontario, is international ly recognized as an authority on educa- tion and consultation in the area of oc- cupational safety and health, for all employees in the above industries buiich contre o QUALITY PRODUCTS 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE - (OSHAWA ROAD) PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - PHONE 985-7391 ROOF TRUSS DIVISION - PHONE 985-3121 ® QUALIFIED SERVICE eo COMPETITIVE PRICING