> 1 MORNINGS -- 9 AM to 12 Noon The Tennis Racket ww Programs for youngsters Monday Night League Tennis has progressed into its fourth week and is providing to be a fun evening again this year: The 'Pro Point Stan- dings' as of last week are: Laurie's Lobs and Muirs Marauders tied at first place with 6 points; Scott's Squad, Ballards Bombers and - George's Gang tied at second place with 5 points each followed by Charles' Angels, Allin's Aces and Ken's Klan, in that order. Summer js here and with it comes two programs. for our youths. For our Junior members. every Tues- day and Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. beginning July 7th we are plan- ning a Junior League. This is their opportunity to develop those skills taught at the tennis classes. A sign- up sheet is at the Bulletin Board. posted by Bob Alexander. our organizer. Back agnin by popular demand is our Junior Summer Program run- ning for three weeks from July 13 to July 31, 9a.m. - 12 noon at a cost of $34.00 per child. The coaching team PORT PERRY ¥ MINOR HOCKEY Persons interested in the positions of coach. mar ager 1987.88 season. please submit your written appli Minor Hockey, Box 1466, Port Perry. Ont. LOB IN New applicants please state previous experience preference for No. 1 or No 2 teams or House Le "you wish to work with . All successful O MH A. applicants will be regu -and hockey trainers certificates. (House League exempt All Coaches, All Star and House League must apply. "HEY KIDS!" 3 Week JUNIOR TENNIS PROGRAM Games and instructona! Tenn:s Nn the Sport ~4% 3 tat. me - (8.9 3 - - "Beginning MONDAY, JULY 13th o FRIDAY, JULY 31st, 1987 Boys and Girls ages 8 to 16 Years At a cost of $35 00 per child REGISTRATION at the Courts MONDAY, JULY 6th (No Pre-registration Please 1 FOR MORE NEOR TION CAI Pn ard eccheme testing FORMA IN CALL eriormance awarag sCneme es 3 upported by the Ontario Tennis Associatior 985-3091 "~ ~et ER TP 'ornn Nn. games. pop' instruct:onal te Dr (Va) includes our well-qualified instruc- tor Alex Pilepic, organizer Diane Burt and Rebecca Kahn. There will be games, drills and - -prizes for children, aged 8 to 1§.years. Drinks of coke, sprite and orange are sup- plied at 50 cents per day. Be sure to, check the paper for ads and further information. The opening tournament of the season is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, July 4 and 5. Entry fee is $12.00 per team plus 1 new can of tennis balls. Each team is guaranteed a minimum of 2 mat- ches as there will.be a consolation round. The sign-up deadline of July Lis on the poster on the new bulletin' board, at courtside; 6:00 p.m Last Septefnber the PP TC's Kawartha League Championship team travelled to Trenton to play for the Eastern Lake Ontario Cham- pionship: On that occasion Trenton : defeated Port Perry 5 matches to 1. matches closely contested. with all On Sunday, June 14. Trenton visited our-courts for a day of 'social' ten- nis competition in almost perfect tennis weather This time we turn- ed the tables on them, winning 5 of the 6 matches After the tennis the plavers of both teams drove to the Island home of Gale and Ralph Ballards for a delicious barbeque and refreshments Thanks to Bob McCrae and Ralph Ballard for ar- ranging the day and to Gale. Tonya. Meagan and Kyhe Ballard for the great food 'Experiment '87° 1s a Mens and Ladies Doubles Tournament scheduled for August 15 and 16 at the Lindsay Tennis Club. Each player must be at least 40 years of age and the total 'team' age must be at least 87. This is the first time the Kawar- tha League has run such an event so it [should be very interesting. This could be one way for all those '39 years and holding' tennins players to actually admit their ages and still have some good fun' Further details regarding this tournament can be obtained by checking the 'Experi- ment 87° poster on the bulletin board at courtside. A Free Instruction Clinic is com- ing Monday, Stacey Allistar from Tennis Canada The Junior Instruction will be from 2-4 p.m. and Stacey will circulate among the League Teams with con- structive comments for the entire 4 hours of league More details will follow soon PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 23, 1987 -- 29 Todd Taylor named to elite Ontario Selects Todd Taylor of Seagrave has been named to the elite Central Ontario Selects summer hockey team under the direction of coach John Johnson More than 40 forwards and defensemen along with 11 goalies tried out for'Yhis team at the Wood ville Arena The Central Ontario program 1s designed to develop the skills of serious young hockey players who hope to be successful at the Junior level Last month, the Central team beat out five other major Bantam squads from Ontario and Quebec to win their first tournament of the season in Smith Falls Todd is a centre who played last winter for the Port Perry Bantams where he enjoyed an outstanding season. He is a versatile player who combines scoring, play-making and forechecking abilities. In 48 games with the Bantams last winter, he ran up 50 goals and 60 assists. He also turned in 15 games at the Midget level, and with 12 goals and 17 assists, he averaged almost two points per game In the accompanying photo, Todd 1s in the back row at the far left Gold medals for YM judo club The Durham Region Family YM- CA Shodokai Judo Club concluded their first season by attending two tournaments. (®n Friday June 5 the club attended a 'tournament in Markham Todd Parry and Mike Wright both won gold medals despite the very tough competition Patrick Sheeham and*Jake La Rose brought home silver medals he On Friday June 12 the club travelled to Bramalea to compete against the Tora Club. This meet had over 80 competitors but once again our team met with great suc- cess. Jamie Campbell and Adam and Aaron Tussen all won gold medals. Conrad Spunde and Patrick Sheehan placed second and receiv- ed silver medals. Todd Parry and Mike Wright also attended the tour- nament but didn't place this time. Un Tuesday, June 16 the club con- cluded their first season with a pro- motion evening at Immaculate Con- ception School. Trophies were presented by the instructors Duncan and Donna Vignale. Top Competitor for 86-87 was Todd Parry and Top Performance for 86-87 went to Mike Wright As we conclude our season the boys and girls would like to thank our instructors for all the time and effort they have put into making our club so successful. We are looking forward to our 87-88 season ard a number 'of tournaments have already been lined up. Our club is small but we are getting excellent instruction and quietly making a name for ourselves. If you are interested in the YMCA Judo Program call the "Y' at 985-2824 after Aug. 15 for more details regarding the Fall session [ } 5 Year Annual Interest (1/4 = os COMMLPETY 3H COMM NITY TRU ST COMPANY LTD. APPLY TO DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 30 Water Street, Port Perry 985-8471 July 27, given by - Sunroofs & Pinstripes INSURANCE CLAIMS... | B Windshields EB Complete Upholstery # Body Moulding ._.- 139 WATER STREET -- PORT PERRY CALL FOR YOUR APPT 985-8507 WITH THIS COUPON! 25.00 Off