: : 16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 21, 1987 Lizylou opens doors Artful home decor store One of the prettiest new stores in town has got to be Lizylou Color Craft on Queen Street. Big, bright and overflowing with the colours of the rainbow, Lizylou features in-stock wallpaper and paint, as well as an amazing array of venetian blinds and gifts On top of the vertical and venetian blinds; Lizylou retails a variety of folk art, ceramics and handcrafted work by local people, all beautiful ly designed to fit in with the scheme of the store, as well as most people's homes The general theme of the gifts, as well as the decorating supplies, is country, mainly because it is the most popular trend in Canada. However, Lizylou also sells more traditional wallcoverings, to suit any home "The response to the store has been good," says one of Lizylou's proprietors, Liz Mennega. "People like our store, they think it's nice and bright." Together with her partner, Lois ~ McMillan, she has aimed from the beginning to provide Port Perry with top quality merchandise in a pleasant setting "There was only one decorating store in Port Perry and we thought there was a real need for having an in-stock paint and wallpaper store," Mennega said. 'We thought a lot of people were going to Oshawa" McMillan added, "And we're on _ the main street, so the store is real- ly handy." The two women opened the store April 1st but have been thinking and planning for almost a year. Finally, they just decided to jump in, and began seriously planning Lizylou in January. "We're two shoppers," Ménnega admitted. 'We like to shop, and now we can go out and spend our money on the store" And they're not stopping yet. In * the near future, the pair will be in- troducing craft supplies to the store isuch as styrofoam balls and wreaths---items not usually found in this area) Both women took considerable risks in opening their own buisness Mennega, for example, left a lucrative, yet demanding, bank job to start Lizylou. "1 felt it would be more rewar- ding," she said. 'And it's worked out fine." MACKEY & BAILEY BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Saturday Mornings - 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon Lake Scugog Lumber Building -- Oshawa Rd., Port Perry (416) 985-7391 GRAND OPENING Tuesday, April 21st KAAREN JOHNSTON"s FOLK & DECORATIVE Liz Mennega (left) and Lois McMillan are the owners of Lizylou Color Craft, a new store in Port Perry devoted to paint, wallpaper, crafts -- and a lot more things that are designed to make homes more beautiful. Be% sichy for details. Gerstsoworthal Gardena Aroticts, Iree ART STUDIO 24 Brock Street West -- Uxbridge 852-6858: BUSINESS HOURS: Monday - Saturday 9:30 AM to 5 PM: Fridays till 9:00 PM -. SUPPLIES - CLASSES - WOODENWARE - GIFTS 68 Water Street - Port Perry PHONE 985-9888 76 Baldwin St. - Brooklin PHONE 655-4229 FLASH ... = ~ If you drink water this concerns you! £3 A | ae ' : i un Have you ever thought about the water you drink and its relatonshp to your health and well being? Oscillating | H pray Most people think the water they drink is just water It isn't really Consider the facts Sprinkler | 'Hose Cassette : \ and Reel TAP WATER: A recent Environment Canada report stated that the quality of Lake Ontario's drinking water was in imminent danger of "ecological collapse" because of toxic chemicals Four million people in Ontario are supphed their tap water from Lake Ontarwo Fish in Lake Ontand are so contammated that the government ssues guidelines for eating them Another Environment Ministry survey indicated that oz cancer causing chemals are formed when chlorine is used to help pur ity water SPRING WATER: : Spring Water" which 1s really "hard water also carries impurities because of the minerals it picks up in the earth , Minerals in water are in their morganic state and therefore are potentally harmful Only after minerals have passed through plant lite do they become organ and therefore beneficial Practically ait "bottled" water is hard water : DISTILLED WATER: - IC engine with cast iron bore ' S DISTILLED WATER :s vapourized to remove impurities then condensed to form the pure liquid DISTILLED WATER ss the only water free from all impurnites * 38" Flex-N-Float mower DISTILLED WATER is produced by recreating nature's cleansing cycle deck * 6 forward Soeeds HEALTH BENEFITS: and reverse Doctors have written articles describing the benefits to your health to be gas Wo ---- drinking and cooking e Electr art, with DISTILLED WATER as summernzed below ~ Tt wilh the Chase ofa new Ariens YT iraclor Get these 3 Gardena products, worth $150, free when you buy a new Ariens YT tractor. Features include: | * Powerful 12 HP Ultra-Balanced Helps to loosen stiff pnts Helps control the eroson of water pollution h Arteres can become more elastic The water tastes better ys and Helps to normahze blood pressure Juxces, coffee and teas are more enpyable ® | ocal service Helps to frm up heart action Even «ce cubes nn muxed drinks improve the taste - and parts Helps to dissolve kidney & gall stones When cieanag & cookng food you get cleaner clean & taster taste ) . - Today, ust breathing has become'ls threat is there anything one can safely do in the right direction? YES. -- Ort lgnal bagger === Na AQUATEC introduces the Dol-Fyn Distillation Unit from Moyer Diebel. For a Free, No Obligation Water Comparison Test please call: AQUATEC 985-0381 N "1b. YOUR LIQUID LIFE LINE sold and serviced by HARRY'S REPAIR 986-0046 Hwy. 7A, Nestleton