38 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 3, 1987 TT HE --_---------- mm Wanted to Buy Wanted to Buy Wanted Wanted Mortgage "COCA COLA memorabilia, frays, signs etc., anything to do with Coca Cola Call 985-8128 COLLECTOR wishing to purchase duck goose and shorebird decoys, write: Art Philp, P.O. Box 1763, Port Perry or call 985-9527 evenings M 10 Real Estate 3 BEDROOM or larger home in Port Perry or Prince Albert for Dr. Gordon Jones. new physician with Medical Association. Call c/o W. Cohoon 985 8428 HEAVY 42 ton or % tor: pick-up 986 2482 BOATS, MOTORS and trailers wanted will pay cash for any type of small craft Call 852-3685 for details A 7 PORT PERRAY'S LONGEST EST ABLISHMED REALTOR REALTOR 118 WATER STREET (=lel=ha=1-1=]2h 4 IDEAL FOR SINGLE PERSON » Fully insulated, 2 bedrooms, elec- tric heat, 12' x 8' deck for leisure, "40" x 100" fenced-in yard, 2 tool sheds in back, access to Lake Scugog for fishing & boating. For appointment to view, please con- tact Tammy Silverman 985-7386 or 985-3441. - CANNINGTON BEAUTY » '$72. 900. Cozy, comfortable 3 "bedroom, 1/2 storey home, large eat-in 'Kitchen, living room with air tight stove, mam floor laundry & appliances, assumable mor Tammy Silverman 985- 7386 or 985-3441 985-3441 vinyl, 985-3110 SCUGOG ISLAND - $84 500 986-0186 Call for appoir tgage. For an appointment call - MARIPOSA TWP -- 79 acres with a stream, good bush approximately 40 acres, good farm land, good road frontage and building sites Asking $52.900 Call Susan Bryant 985-7386 or 985-2014 PARTIALLY TREED LOT -- Port Perry South, 175 x 210" building site Survey available, asking $43,900 Call Tammy Silverman 985-7386 or 70" x 136' BUILDING LOT -- Beautiful country setting for home or cot- tage retreat directly across from Lake Scugog. only $15,000. Come and compare value. Call Tammy Silverman or. Valerie Hoffman 985-7386 PORT PERRY -- CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN New construction, brick & 3 bedrooms, walkout from basement, attached garage Only $134,900. Shown by appointment only Call Mark Smith 985-7386 or - FAMILY HOME 3 bedrooms, dining area. family / room. all new OMAR wiring & roof, separate workshop, access to lake Only $92,900 For appointment call Mark Smith 985.7386 0r 985-3110 JUST IN TIME FOR PLANTING -- 99 acres Little Britain area Only yment with ROCHA pin res as 7sos |W. FRANK ' Susan Bryant ................... Res. 985-2014 ARR BIRR oven eciinsanissns Res. 98:-5128 REAL ESTAT Bruce Currie ......... Res. 705.357 3392 LIMITED Maurice Baker sevsesasssssecnnnn 985-81 6 118 Water Street Fro SIRI .ouivuvsiiniiiiisnn Res. 985-7639 t Bag : Tammy Silverman ............ Res. 985-3441 Port Perry - Ontario Valerie Hotlnan CI Rus. aor 085-7386 Mark Smith .... .. Res. 985-3110 | Ajax Line 686-3931 | FRANK@ELERELT: TORONTO LINE 686-3931 = TIT ToS & [PT al a -Ta al = [= To Tle Ta For P= 5 Years < WHY RENT / BUY NOW 79,000. Completely renovated two bedroom bungalow, brick fireplace, oak kitchen, walkout to fenced yard. Call now! Susan Bryant 985-7386 or 985-2014. < LUXURY SIDESPLIT 4 finished levels, 3 plus 2 bedrooms, all oak kitchen, fami- "ly room with fireplace, huge 4 car insulated garage with loft, 'z.acre_ fenced lot. $125,900. Call Mark -- Smith 985-7386 or 985-3110. <« COUNTRY ESTATE HOME HWY. 12 FRONTAGE --~ Nestled back in mature trees, pond and approximately 2 acres, double garage with entrance to full basement, 4 bedrooms, kit- chen with breakfast nook, overlooks - family room with fireplace and walkout. Asking $249 000. Call Valerie Hoffman 985-7386 or 985-2526 Rohn Timmins 985 7386 or WANTED: Crippled or disabled cattle Highest prices paid. Call collect anytime Uxbridge 852-3238. M&M Livestock License No. 1189 TF WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigerators and freezers Empty you. cellars and garages. Also us ed TVs and radios. Call 986 4926 TF Real Estate FIRST TIME OFFERED! Large, prestigious, semi-detached homes on over-sized 150 ft. Port Perry lots! ONLY 8 BEING OFFERED SO ACT NOW! ~ CALL: SZ xX scugoy realty iimited independent member broker i 1 144 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY WATERFRONT HOME. Partially finished 4 bedroom home on north shore of Lake Scugog. Complete this home to your own specifications. Asking $92,000. Call John Vernon for details. LARGE WELL KEPT HOME NORTH OF PORT PERRY. Tastefully decorated, extra large kitchen w/cupboards to spare, ceiling fans for. those hot days. 2 bathrooms, paved drive, large fenced yard. Many extras! Asking $157,900. Call John Vernon. - a BLACKWATER AREA 4 BEDROOM retreat oii"27 acres, large sunken living room with fireplace overlooking the cool inground swimming pool. Just listed at $135,900. Call John Vernon. SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Call - Port Perry 985-7303 AFTER HOURS CALL: - George Stone FRI. CMR 985-2632 Ken Holliday 7123-5420 John Vernon 985-2806 579-4287. FIRST, 2nd and 3rd mortgages, lowest daily market quotes. Brenda Harrison. The Mortgage Factory, 666-4986 or 985-2702. M 4 MORTGAGE Funds available. Prompt service assured. Scugog Financial Ser vices 985-3832 TF PRIVATE FUNDS Mortgages arranged and purchased For confidential quote, please call 416-723 4621 Anubls Investments Ltd TF ¢ Personals KAREN E. HUNT, Electrolysis- Perma nent hair removal. Medically approved. Fully qualified. Free confidential con sultation. 985-9085. M 24 INTERESTED in Losing Weight-Gaining Weight and/or eating a simple, tasty, cheap and calorie reduced balanced meal? Call Mrs. Read to hear more. 986-5369. F 24 Wanted to Rent HOUSE in Port Perry area by May Ist. Family of 4. References available. M3 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of ETHEL MAY WOTTEN. All persons having claims against the Estate of ETHEL MAY WOTTEN, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 22nd day of "December, 1986, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of March, 1987, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, day of February 1987. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers & Solicitors 175 North Street P.O. Box 131 PORT PERRY, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for Ruby May Johnson, Helen Irene Bradburn and Dorothy Aileen Ar- cher, Executrices of the above Estate. 3 tario this 9th NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of STANLEY HOWARD MALCOLM. All persons having claims against the Estate of STANLEY HOWARD MALCOLM, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 28th day of April, 1986, are hereby nofified to send to the undersigned on or before-the of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 10th day of February 1987. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers & Solicitors 175 North Street P.O. Box 131 PORT PERRY, Ontario LOB 1NO Solicitors for Lawrence Stanley Malcolm and Neil Taylor Malcolm, Executors for the above Estate. M3 "NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Matter of the Estate of SUSIE ALBERTA HARRIS. All persons having claims against the Estate of SUSIE ALBERTA HARRIS late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, whe died on or about the 14th day of December, 1986, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of March, 1987, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties en titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 12th day of February, 1987. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers & Solicitors 175 North Stree! P.O. Box 131 L7B INO Solicitors for Jean Mahaffy and Verna Chapman, Executrices of the above Estate M3 17th day of March, 1987, full particulars i Rk | PORT PERRY, Ontariv