2 . PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, Janvary 27, 1987 It's Marg Wilbur by acclamation (from page 1) created Durham East riding (which includes all of Scugog Township, part of North Oshawa, Newcastle, Manvers and part of North Whitby) as an "'area in transition" that is rapidly becoming urbanized. . She said farmers need support to encourage them to keep farming rather than attempt to sell their land for development or speculation. While acknowledging that free Wilbur said the provincial govern- ment must work to ensure that Canada doesn't give away too much at the bargaining table. She refer- red specifically to the Auto Pact and said this should not be part of the bargaining chips. Mrs. Wilbur's nomination was' made by John Sinclair, a resident of the riding and president of Local 222 of the Canadian Auto Workers Union In a brief introductory speech, trade is a federal initiative, Mrs. } You work hard. You owe it to your- self to protect as much of your income as possible. There are many legitimate ways to shelter your income from taxes. | can show you how to do it. Call me today. BUS. 434-8400 RES. 985-8923 Niles SERINE Loar: iu fh DAVID ROTH DIVISION MANAGER Investors Group PROAT FROM OUR E XPERENCE a § CII SST TIN IY PORTE LU A ae ¢ Of BERS | CLEARAWAY SAVE $88 Victor Hugo, "Benchmark. Custom. Res. to S565. SAVE UP TO $125.00! 3 CLOTHIER & HABERDASHER SAVE UP TO $135.00! Nash, Gala, Merit, Custom. Reg. to SIO. SAVE UP TO $140.00! Arrow, Leo Chevalier, Gant, BV D Talls. Reg. to S48. NOW $24.99 EACH/2 FOR $47.00! Deacon Viyella, Gant. Leo Chevalier. Townline, Pacific Trader. Reg. to 565. . NOW 2 FOR 1 PLUS $1.00! Deacon Bros., ( rovdgn, Ashbridge. Reg. 10 \375. SAVE UP TO $110.00! TIES, SWEATERS. GLOVES. SCARVES. BELTS. ROBES ALSO REDUCED Alterations Extra No Special Orders GREAT SERVICE, SELECTION & SAVINGS. THE BEST VALUE AROUND! "SALE ENDS FEB. 7/87 Puen fons : Se 1017/2 MARY ST. W.. WHITBY 668-3743 Just an old-fashioned stroll west of Brock AN TW y Victor Hugo, Paragon, Benchmark, Custom. Reg. to S445. Mr. Sinclair took a verbal swipe at Conservative MPP Sam Curealz saying 'he spends all his time going around colting ribbons and smiling a lot' "We really need a change in Durham East," said Mr. Sinclair. Mrs. Wilbur's nomination was seconded by Tia Woodcraft of Prince Albert, a personal friend of the candidate and a trustee with the Catholic School Beard in Durham. ~ GUEST SPEAKER The guest speaker for the evening was NDP provincial leader Bob Rae, and if his address to the meeting is any indication, the Par- ty is rapidly gearing up for a tough election fight. _ Mr. Rae delivered a hard-hitting, dynamic speech in which he attack- ed both the Liberals and Conser- vatives at Queens Park. He said Ontario is living with a ""casino-type economy' that must be changed to improve the pro- spects for young people, workers and the elderly. He referred specifically to the an- " nouncement last week that the Cad- bury plant in Whitby would be shut . down with the loss of several hun- ~ Saskatchewan and M dred jobs and said bluntly *'the Cad- bury workers are getting the shaft." "It is the job of our Party to stop this casino economy in its tracks," he said. He called for legislation that would give prior notice to plant clos- ings and fustification for the closing. "We have to tell the companies you can't just make your Toney and then run with it." Several times during his speech, the party faithful at the meeting in- térrupted him with rounds of ap: plause, especially when he said the NDP must say to the federal govern- ment that the Auto Pact should never be part of free trade negotia- tions. He accused Ontario premier David Peterson of doing nothing to defend the Auto Pact. Other issues stressed by Mr. Rae included loop-holes in the Rent Review legislation, the lack of solid legislation to provide for equal pay for work of equal value, and the need for a "driver owned' aufo in- surance program. Mr. Rae noted that public in- surance plans are working in other provinces like British Columbia, Manitoba and these plans were not dismantled when the government in those pro- vinces changed. The NDP leader stated that he doesn't know when th : next provin- cial election will be called. The ac- cord signed between the Liborals and NDP expires in the middle of the summer, but thére are predic- tions from some quarters that the Liberals may not wait for that date lo call an election. * Scugog Township presently is in the riding of Durham York, held by Conservative Ross Stevenson However, changes in the riding boundaries put Scugog for the next election in the new riding of Durham East. Conservative MPP Sam Cureatz is expected to seek the nomination for this new riding for his party, while the Liberals have yet to an- nounce a nomination meeting. Mrs. Wilbur, her husband Jim and their three children live in the former Reach Township, south of Port Perry. She has been a can- didate for the party in this area in two provincial election campaigns and has served as campeign manager for NDP candidates at the federal level. Recreational needs study will have changes made The Recreational Needs Study for 'Scugog Township will become _ public likely in mid-February, after the consultants have made some changes to the study draft report. That draft report was received of- __ficially by the Township's recrea- tion needs committee who asked the consultants to make some changes to include implementation and the costs of some of the recommendations. Jack Cottrell, chairman of the Township committee said the final report from the consultants will go to Scugog council some time in mid- February and the findings will become public at that time. - The draft report of the study, prepared by Sesquaig Inc. of Ot- tawa, contained some 79 recommen- dations about recreation and cultural facilities and programs in Scugog Township. The final report will serve as a + Canadian Imperial |. Bank of Commerce "planning tool' for the lacal coun- cil for both short and long term - recreation issues in the Township. Voting one (from page 1) ] Fairgrounds at Simcoe and Durham Rd. 8 as the site for a new elemen- tary school. The School Board says it can't find another suitable site in north Port Perry for a' new school and has launched expropriation pro- ceedings to obtain the seven acres at the Fairgrounds which is owned Notice mn Bn RT An advertisement for-Carol's'Cut and: Curl on page three in the January 20 issue of the Port Perry Star should have included sale dates from January 27th to February 21st inclusive. These dates were in: advertently deleted from the ad. The Star regrets any inconve-~ nience the deletion may have caus- ed to Carol's Cut and Curl and their customers. The council is under no obligatio: to support or implement the recom- mendations in the final report. more time by. the municipality. Meanwhile, there may be some opposition starting to the expropria- tion process. Dr. William (Bill Cohoon of Port Perry has written a sharply worded letter to the editor in this week's Port Perry Star (see letters page) in which he is critical of Tow nship council and the -Board - Dr. Cohoon - charges that the Fairgrounds "*has been raped' and he's prepared to organize resistance to the expropriation through legal channels. "There are a lot of people in the community very unhappy with the situation. The fact that it has gone to expropriation is the reason w hy I'm objecting at this point." he told the Star in an interview. "If they would like me.to assist in this fight. I would be delighted to make a donation and canvass for donations towards legal fees." he "ay "a rs aio FUNERAL CHAPEL NEED MONEY ACROSS FROM PORT PERRY FAIRGROUNDS) DAN MARTIN -- FUNERAL DIRECTOR Personal, Professional and Friendly Service 985-733 -- Your Needs are Our Responsibility -- FOR an RRSP? Why not consider a | W | Personal Loan for ... 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