Vi SESE fr rT de ET - Aloro pizza 64 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, January 20, 1987 DOWSON'S PORT PERRY PLAZA Scugog Street [Hwy. 7A East) OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 8 AM. to 9 P.M.; Sat. to 6 P.M. . Prices etféctive Monday to Saturday at Dowson s Valu mart, Sxciuding meat items We reserve the right to mit quantities ns = 89 productofU S A Canadano 1 199 cauliflower each product of France Canada apples ul tom Canad patie 2 bee or chack short rib roasts Burns doneiss smoked Bums sweet pusling product of Mexico, Canada No | . cheny tomatoes pun 1.29 product of Brazil : mangoes ah 1.69 product of Canada. Canada No. | 99 carrots © buen he 3.49 Mic con | 49 Wiltmane - NO name* Weston's super sesame "hot dog or hamburger buns Poe Soi or RadInCh © ight Towra date Weston" : ad Water n's 299 chelsea buns EE SR IT Wonder ™ - fish | on english muffins frozen heef-Suor 105. Panpe: Steak OF POT Faas! le Menudinners 3% 649 4 selected wares a PGTipstea regular or extra-spicy Mott's clamato juice Cam Ems chicken noodle a 49 regular or lemon-lime, for dishes 9? q9 Palmolive detergent ~~ oo selected omen wanes (45) selected vareties. 7sady 10 serve macarem & theese 'Catelli dinner seiecteg varettes - powdered laundry an A All detergent box spraybomborscentil 009 9 Lysol deodorizer iy Pinesol cleaner =n 290 Pe 7-UP 7 50 cleaner 3 Divoo Boopesesa Ate Yesterday's News CONE ER aor vanetes bQuad Cream ref Contac = we 3.49 capsules Oh 299 non capsules non Kotex Simeon 21. 2.09 ligh Lightiays > 2.99 Fam ye EHTS EE e.g Hasty froen dat gn inl Old El Paso bryos Tg Sache microwave : wi Dh Coupon and the purchase of 3 -s- Dole pine nown le selected yaredes dry roasted 9. mini ini puddings selected vanebes Planters peanuts 3s g oe "11love" rJ-- hl & CHINA DINNERWARE wall only at vale-mart" apt RL. S04 At Fe c A DIFFERENT PIECE EACN WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS product of U S.A Canada fancy 2.18 | liquid automatic dishwasher Palmolive ont Wa : hb «cont. enchiladas 284g pho "a 4 Sall £2.49 fier 22.29