2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, January 13, 1987 Commercial development Two snowmobiles is proposed in Blackstock Scugog Township council has been presented with a preliminary pro- posal for a restaurant-gas bar and convenience store on the west side of Old Simcoe St. in Blackstock. 'Lawyer Ed Iglar told. council Monday afternoon the clients he represents are interested in developing this commercial facility on property they own at the corner read allowance known as Alexander Street. (kitty-corner from the Becker Store in Blackstock) "Mr. Iglar told council his clients feel there is a need for such a com- mercial development in Blackstock, but the property would need a re- zoning from residential to C-1. Members of council expressed some initial doubts about the idea on the grounds that nearby neighbours : likely would obsject to such' a re: (From page 1) plaza parking lot. Time is becoming a critical factor in this issue, however, as the co-op housing project on the south side of Highway 7A is due to get started in the very near future, and there are other plans to develop a commercial IMPULSE BUY? Come February, a lot of people scrambl to get an RRSP before the deadline date. They may not be doing themselves any favours by impulse buying. It's important to choose the proper type _OfRRSP to meet your long term needs "and save taxes. "If you'd like to talk about retirement planning, or financial planning | in general, I can help 506-40 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1H 1A4 Chwestors PROFIT FROM OUR EXPERIENCE DAVID'ROTH, B.B.E. Division Manager : 'Bus. 434-8400 Res. 985-8923 5 or BN Annual Interest "Rates subject to change without notice 5 SHOPPERS Mortgage 'and Loan Corporation ~ APPLY TO " DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 30 Water Street, Port Pony $a58471 JERRY ORT AUTO GLASS & TRIM vo HB Complete Upholstery HB Windahields # Sunroofs . & Pinstripes BOAT TOPS -- - BOAT SEATS -. | Body Moulding 139 WATER STREET -- PORT PERRY 'CALL FOR YOUR APPT. ..- 985-8507 Fs COURT To ') | INSURANCE 'An NLL LCLAMS......... '23.0 0 Off | an zoning. There has been no formal applica- tion filed for a re-zoning, and coun- cil took no action after hearing Mr Iglar's presentation. Traffic study of Old Simcoe St. and the un-opened outlet fronting on the south side of Highway 7A. Mayor Jerry Taylor told the coun- cil Monday afternoon that the co-op housing corporation, the owners of the plaza and the owners of the pro- posed new commercial project. are all willing to co-operate, if possible, to relieve the traffic problems in this area of the community: Meanwhile the MTC has inform- ed the council that it will not pay for traffic signals at the entrance to the Port Perry Plaza. The MTC might consider approving the traffic signals there;-but only if the cost is picked up by somebody else. Estimates of the cost of signals there are in the $100,000 range. 'Graduate Mr. Clive Roane graduated in the fall of 1986 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Anthropology Psychology and Mathematics from Trent University. Mr, Roane is the son of the late Mr. A.W. Roane of In- dia and Perth Australia. He is cur- rently employed by the Durham Board of Education at R.H. Cornish Public School, Port Perry. For Quality HAMBURGERS visit Baba's Hamburgers Position available for morning person. Hwy. hod - Manchester LINDA SHEWAN, R.N. using the Kinesiology Technique (THYMUS / MUSCLE TESTING) Monday, January 19th From 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Please call in advance for appointment 985-8807 or drop in at QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY will be testing for food sensitivities' reported stolen For Durham Regional Police, most of their work was spent on ice last week. | Two snowmobiles were stolen in Scugog - Township over the: last seven days, one of which was recovered thanks to the $harp eye of a witness. On January 5 at 4:30. am., a Valenfia snowmobiler ran out of gas in front of the pier at Newbold's 'Beacon Marina in Caesarea., Police say he then abandoned his machine and walked to Washburn Island to seek shelter. Two hours later, marina operator Mitch Newbold witnessed someone driving a Yamaha machine hook up the abandened 1973 Ski-doo and tow it away. Mr. Newbold then followed the tracks and found the Ski-doo hid- den in some trees. "After a call to police, the machine was returned to its rightful owner. "Police are still. searching for suspects. A Rosa Street man wasn't so lucky. On January 11 he reported _ the theft of his 1984 Polaris, valued at $5,000. The machine was ap- parently stolen from his residence. Police warn snowmobile owners to remove the keys from their machines when they're not in use, and to park them away from temp- tation. Even without keys, police say, the machines are still fairly «easy to steal. And speaking of snowmobiles, Durham Police were driving their " own over the weekend, checking for liquor and equipment offences. Five "were charged on Lake Scugog. Back support group meet Been wondering what to do about the pain in your back? A group of fellow back pain suf- ferers have formed a back support group and will be meeting in the Community Memorial Hospital library on Tuesday, January 20 at 8 pm. ' | For more information call organizer Janice Holtby at 985-9146. . Save up to 30 % FURNITURE Custom Fabrics Included on our fine selection of 'WALLPAPER & PAINT 20% OFF SELECTED ACCESSORIES up to 50% OFF | Dont Miss this Once a Year Event 183 QUEEN ST. PORT PERRY + 985-8234 OPEN: Weekdays '@ Saturday 9:30 -'5:30 FRIDAYS TILL 9:00- SUNDAYS 1:00 - 5:00 Ee manu os (4 gL a . nn brifonio £5 a a ka