26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, January 13, 1987 Classified Ads Deadline: Monday -12 Noon Phone 985-7383 15C each word following. ARTWORK /LOGO DESIGN . Prior to insertion. noon on Monday. Although every precaution 1s taken [ CLASSIFIED RATES ; WORD ADS: $5.00 first 20 words; 15C each word following : REPEAT: Second insert of same ad ..... . Extra Charge PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no later than Thursday "DISPLAY ADS: For rates and information call 985-7383. ALL ADVERTISING: Must be paid for in cash or by VISA before 12:00 DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS -'12 NOON (No Ad Changes after 10:00 a. m.-Monday) avoid errors in all advertising, this ngwspaper accepts advertising with the understanding that should an error occur it 1s able only for the cost of that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, in relation to the entire advertisement If an'error should occur, 1 must be brought to our attenthon before the following publication $4.00 for the first 20 words, Card of Thanks I "would like to thank friends and neighbours for cards, flowers and their many acts of kindness shown to me on Walters passing Muriel King Sincere thanks to Dr. Cohoon, Nursing, Ambularice Medics. Special mention to Betty and Vicki Heayn and everyone who visited me in hospital. You were wonderful, . i Doris Pargeter The family of the late May Wotten would - like to express-their sincere thanks to all of their friends and relatives for the beautiful flowers, cards and donations during our recent bereavement. A very special thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Davis, the United Church Women, Wagg Funeral Home and the Community Nur- sing Home, Port Perry for their very. kind care. Ruby, Bill, Helen, Henry, Muriel, + Dorothy and John We wish fo express. our Pr thanks to family, friends and neighbours for in- quiries, flowers, donations and food dur- "ing our recent loss. Special thanks to Durham Ambulance Service, Dr. Silins and the emergency staff of Por} Perry Hospital. Nari. Butt ~ Bonnie Ballingall & Families The family of the late Ruby Tripp ex- tends a sincere thank you to all friends ~ and relatives. for the floral tributes, dona- tions, cards and personal expressions of sympathy in the passing of a wife and mother. A special thank you to Rev. Glenn Jackson for the visits and words - of consolation. Thanks also to Wagg Funeral Chapel, and Audrey Beauchamp for the organ music, to Maybelle Rebekah Lodge for the tunch served to our family and friends. The kindness and concern of all Doctors and Nurses in Port Perry and Oshawa Hospitals will long be | remembered. Elwood Tripp. i Earle & Audrey Geer | Norine & Allen Card, Velma & Everett-Wray Norma Geer On behalf of the Port Perry Ringette Association, | would like to thank everyone who helped make our Annual Lions Club Tournament a success. Carol Traynor GINN. We wish to express our sincere ap- preciation to relatives, friends and "neighbours for their sympathy, kindness, cards, memorial donations and flowers received in the loss of our mother and grand mother Amy. Special thanks to Reverend O'Neil (Wick) 0.13 consoling . and comforting words and beautiful ser vice. The Wagg Funeral Home for their efficiency and kindness. To everyone who visited mother in the Port Perry Nursing Home and the hospital and helped to make her life more enjoyable The Nestleton Presbyterian Church - Ladies .for the beautiful-lunch-served -- after the service Our sincere and heart felt thanks to all : Ronald, Marion a Ann-Marie & Richard ING We wish to express our sincer thanks to relatives and friands for their flowers cards, memorial donations and acts of kindness following the loss of our loved one Leanne. Sincere appreciation to Police, Ambulance drivers, Doctors and Nurses of Bowmanville. Special thanks to Rev..D. McKinnell, the staff of Wagg- McDermott-Panabaker ~Chapel Tyrone U.C.W. It has truly helped us through this time knowing we have so many friends who share our sorrow. The Haines Family and - Card of Thanks A sincere thank you for all the donations from Epsom-Utica area neighbours and friends in memory of the late Ruby (Geer) Tripp. Forwarded to Prince Albert United Church. The Family Special thanks to friends and relatives for cards of sympathy, Wagg Funeral Home, the Minister and organist of the Presbyterian Church of Wick, and the Ladies from the Presbyterian Church of | Nesheton for lunch. Amy Ginn & Family Brooklin Day Nursery wish to thank the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 152, for their donation of money to go towards tricycles. From The Kids & The Staff [J Birth COTTRELL, Jack and Patsy are thrill- ed to announce the safe arrival of Justin Edward Cottrell, weighing 7 Ibs. 10 0z. on Monday, December 29th, 1986. A precious brother for Keliy-Ann, John and Jason. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mervin DeNure and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Coftrell. Thanks to Dr. M. Ban and maternity staff of Oshawa General Hospital. present for Dad. SCOTT, Ken and Deanna (nee Griffen) are ecstatic to annqunce the birth of their first child Kenton John on December 30, 1986 at 12:20 p.m, weighing 6 Ibs. 14 oz. Thrilled first time grandparents are Rev. John and Barbara - Griffen of Newmarket, proud sixth time grand- father is Bev Scott of Cameron. Happy great grandparents are Mrs. Gladys Scott, Mrs. Marjorie Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Griffen. Special thanks to Dr. Rowe and 4th Floor Nursing Staff of Oshawa General Hospital. Also thanks to everyone for flowers; cards and gitfs. A great birthday Personal Touch FLOWERS & GIFT SHOP "Where Experienced Artistry and Complete Satisfaction Comes First DAILY DELIVERY TQ PORT PERRY, OSHAWA and BROOKLIN AREAS. FRESH FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS" funerals - Weddings - Every Occasion Plaats & Sik 209 MARY ST. LR 9360 PORT PERRY " Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamonf of R.R. 1, Formosa and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomasof R.R. 2, Seagrave are pleased to announce the engagement of their children, Linda Lee and Richard James. Wedding to be announced at a later date A Valentine's Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beauchamp are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Aileen Marie to Gerald Karl White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl White of Hampton, Ontario The wedding will take place on Saturday. February 14th, 1987 at 2:00 p.m _, Colum bus United Church -.a_ 'Announcement Rita Scully, Jim & Bonnie Ballingall are pleased to announce the engagement of their children Kerry Scully & Dean Ballingall. | M mo. i ES WRAY-MARCOTTE - In loving memory of two'dear friends. Little Michael who left us on January 8, 1983 and Jerry who left on January 24, 1984. Always remembered by Herb & Mary Payne & Family R111 Seugog Wemovial FUNERAL CHAPEL across from the PORT PERRY FAIRGROUNDS 985-7331 Your Needs are Our ETE "ee RR. \\ NAAN Responsibility. | FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 7 - DAN MARTIN & A At Rest GRANT, Sarah (nee Neil) on Toesdoy. January 6, 1987 at the Comunity Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Sarah . 2 Grant of Seagrave and formerly of- Toronto. Beloved wife of the late James Grant. Dear mother of Frank and his wife Ruth of Seagrave, and the late Elizabeth . (Mrs. Peter Macintosh) of Toronto. Dear grandmother of Lois, - Lynne, Stephen, Patricia, Catherine and Matthew. Service was held at the Wagg- LY McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home, - Port Perry on Friday, January 9th at "1:30 p.m. Interment Prospect Cemetery, Toronto. If desired, a donation, to the Port Perry Hospital would be Bpprecisied. DeSHANE, Edna M. (nee Do denly on Monday, January 5, 1987 at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry in her 64th year. Beloved wife of Harry L. DeShane. Dear mother of Kathy Fowler and Ricky DeShane both of Oshawa. Loved grandmother of four grandchildren. Sister of Ora Reader of Caesarea, Bob Dowson and Jean McNul- ty both of Peterborough, Bernice Palmer of Oshawa, Doris McMillan and Jack Dowson both of Port Perry. Service was held at the Wagg-McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home, Port Perry on Thursday, January 8th at 1:30 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, a donation to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Port Perry Haspitay n) sud- helt would be appreciated. BIE FAMILY MONUMENTS ® Quality Monuments - @® Bronze & Granite Markers Hi ® Cemetery Lettering 318 Dundas Street East, P.0. Box 133, Whitby, Ontario 668-3552 LIN 5R7 Private appointments in your . home gladly arranged by calling Mr Philip J. Dawson at 1-668-3552 during day or after hours at 579-11 16 in Oshawa Notice IVES FLORIST vo 985-2525 166 Water St., Port Perry A Complete Line of Floral Art "for All Occasions FLOWERS WIRED WORLD WIDE SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE MEALS ON WHEELS service to the frail elderly and thosé in special need CALL WEEKDAYS: 985-8461 . 912Noon 8 14PM " At Rest BRECKON, Horace David at Scar: borough Centenary Hospital on Satur- day, January 10, 1987 in his 72nd year. Long time summer resident of View Lake. Beloved husband of Gwendoline _ Evans. Dearly loved father of Brenda Haist of Whitby, Sharron and her. hus- band Arvice Fisher of Seagrave, Marilyn and her husband Barry Youmans of Plattsville and Doris and her husband - Doug Youmans of Claremont. Fondly remembered by grandchildren Steven, " Dean, Cindy. Todd, Kristine, Michael, Leigh-Ann, Keith and Jeff. Dear brother of Ethel Baxter of Unionville, William' Breckon of Scarborough, predeceased by Mae (Mrs. William Howe) and Arthur Breckon. Resting at the Jerrett Funeral Chapel, 660 Kennedy Road, Scarborough with Funeral Service in the Chapel on Tuesday, January 13th at 1:00 p.m. Inter- ment Pine Hills Cemetery, Scarborough. If desired, memorial donations may be . made to the Scarborough Centenary Hospital Building Fund. 'Notice _ | oo -- os No ATi \ / i e% LL PORT Sai, PERRY = DRIVING SCHOOL J.C. HANLEY-HAINES 085-8124 New Year's Resolution SPECIAL ... $275.00 O.S.L. Driver's Ed Certificate Course -- Lower Insurance rate -- Tax deductible -- Automatic & Standard Shift Phone 655-3637 Notice MOBILE hairstyling, first call - first serve. From my house to yours, fully licensed. Phone 986-0140. J 20 LEGION Bingo. The next. Legion Bingo, Branch 419, will be Jan. 22, 1987 - Jackpot, $160 in 51 numbers. Sickpot winner- George Symes. . J 20 $100 anyone wishing to switch Driver Ex- amination appointment at Latcham Cen- tre, earlier than March 6: 985- 9581 after 6 p.m. WEAVING | Jan. 20th, no more infor essons, First class Tues. uipment necessary. For tion call 985-7285. BAHAI INFORMATION- write P.O. Box 1153, Por Perry. GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For bookings contact Patti Fletcher 985-3489. TF Best of Things FLOWERS - PLANTS - GIFTS Weddings - Hospitals - Funerals SPECIAL OCCASIONS Port Perry Plaza - Hwy. 7A 985- 0170 EOW . (rego ys ~ CLOTHIER & "HABERDASHER _ your headquarters'ior FREEMAN "FORMALWE AR now located at . "PEARSON LANES 101% Mary St. West, WHITBY 1-668-3743 ~ OPEN: Mon-Thurs 10 to 6; Friday to 9; Saturday to 5. "SENIOR CITIZENS take advantage of a storewide 10% DISCOUNT EVERY TUESDAY ~~ Af from my heart + 177 Queen a Port Perry Phone 985-9954 Coming Events TSM TEEN DANCE "Blow Your Exam Blues!" Fri., January 16th ~~ 8PM. to12 LATCHAM CENTRE $3.00 per Person COUNTRY CORNER CERAMICS Winter Workshops 10 WEEKS (7to 10P.M.or1t0o 4P.M.) ... SAVE * Firing 1/3 Price of Greenware * SAVE Call Now to Enrol or Book Studio Time - 3 Hours $2.50 $20.00 Just South of the lights at Lilla and Hwy. 7A 110 Ontario St., Port Perry PS We are relocating to' bigger premises March Ist one block from downtown. to serve you better, 985-9508 by January 20th. A "ATTENTION? Copies of the 'LIVING & SHOPPING' (Business Directory) will be delivered to residents of Prince Albert, Utica. Man- chester, Nestleton, Blackstock, Caesarea, and Scugog Island If we miss your house, you can pick up your copy at the "OLD MILL BOOK SHOP" in Port Perry (Water Street across from the Bank of Commerce 'Parking Lot), after January 20th. We hope that everyone finds the book useful. SCUGOG CRISIS CENTRE 41 =: 3 £1 2 3 7 x "»