v Shiota 8s i. Dates La Fee we - - - a Ebb ==" & 55 0 BE TT TUR SE ---- w TTT RyRy I -- EEE HEI I~... i -- RT TREN | 3 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, September 23, 1986 CENTENNIAL Presidents just want to Seba, SAT., OCTOBER 4th Men's Corner -- Popcorn Making Gingerbread Decorating for Children -- Nursery Provided -- 'Hot Luncheon' Adult Special Children's Menu help students have fun 0 AM 0200 } by Margaret Rowland --- i m-- ) Presidents do have fun. Just ask a --- i or M Kristy Armour or Joy Werry. : : Kristy: Armour, air 18 year old grade 13 student at Port Perry High School, wanted to become Student Council President because she lik- ed the idea. She had been a member of council before and becoming President was just something she wanted to do. She and her Vice-President, Leigh-Ann Goreski, had begun to plan the campaign long before the May elections ---- in October -- but didn't actually hit the campaign trail until March. They had met with the new principal, Mr. Morrison, and visited other schools to get UNITED CHURCH ideas. Rev. Glenn C. Jackson, Minister ~ Sofar, Kristy and Leigh-Ann have SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28 been able to get a new gym floor and Port Perry glass backboards for the basketball 10:00 a.m. - Morning Worship nets and want to make general im- and Church School Holy Baptism and Dedication provements in the school like hav- of the Access Ramp "ing bleachers put up and a torch, the Hwy 7A and Island Road East of Port Perry school symbol, painted on the wall, oo PAE e gym PRINCE ALBERT Church Office 565-366 Kristy loves her job. She says Aurliversary : she' y het bo ays 11:30 a.m. Anniversary Rev. G.E. Barton, M.A., M.Th. she's learning a organiza Family Worship skills. She likes the experience and Preacher - Rev. Dr. Rex R. Dolan 935-968] -- 985-8073 the respect that she gets from oi Dolloing Youth Pastor: Mr. T. Michael Putt others. The only thing she doesn't 7:00 p.m Cl i with 985-8154 -- 986-4773 like is the criticism she gets when 5 the Choir of th _ Sunday Services someone else mak mistak oir ot the Bible School 9:45 a.m. Ng makes a mistake. Church of the Ascension, Port P : The high school staff is suppor- 4 erry Worship 11:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. tive, enthusiastic, and very willing: SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Ladies Coffee Hour 3 to help. Mr. Morrison is a great per- Rev. Brian Robinson B.A. M.Div. Tuesday, 9:45 a.m. 4 son and Kristy says he respects the Scugog - 9:45 a.m. Nursery Provided council and he is also learning as he Manchester - 11:15 a.in. Prayer and Bible Study goes along. esday 7:30 p.m. Kristy is more than enthusiastic UNITED CHURCH 0] * Sanap A C..B, Boys Club Thursday 7 p.m. about upcoming events such as Blackotock 10:00 a.m Youth Meetings - Friday Evenings dances and picture day on Thurs- Norte Neatloton 12:05 adn. Call Youth Pastor - Special day, September 25. One thing she is Jer 3 Church School and Welcome to the Handicapped really excited about is the regional Duri ; HOPE CHRISTIAN REFORMED : _ air band contest to take place in Cartwright High School council president Joy Werry says the Nursery Worship CHURCH OF PORT PERRY .. © April. The best air bands from main objective of her term of office is making sure everyone has ~~ GREENBANK PASTORAL A Christian Reformed Fellowship - 4 schools all over will compete forthe FyN. CHARGE SERVICES 166 Simcoe Street, Prince Albert title of the best of the best. I Rev. David Shepherd, Minister Rev. Bart VanEyk, Pastor After grade 13 Kristy hopes to i ! TR a sprained 9:30 a.m. Seagrave 'The Church of the take a volleyball scholarship to the a a a iti ete i... 1.1 11:00 a.m. Greenbank Back-to-God Hour' United States where she wants to at- ---- i " 1 J pA 12:30 p.m. Pinedale Broadcasting Sundays A tend university in either the i ' Ko A ali COMMUNITY CHURCH 9:30 a.m. CHOO - 1390 AM 3 physical education department or or presses d CKAN h busi ----_ I PY CAESAREA an 1480 AM 3 usiness area, os EEE a. Rev. Dr. W.H. Crawford Services 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. - "Everything's big," Kristy says I { SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28 A Women's Inter-Faith Study of the new school year and from the at 11:00 a.m and Children's Story Hour excitement in her voice you know "Sunshine Club' Every Thursday 9:30 a.m. it's going to be a great one. WA -- This Tuesday - 23rd at 4 p.m.-5 p.m. Nursery Provided : « or ¥ pm. +h For info- call 986-5260 "Everyone Welcome" CARTWRIGHT H.S. EEA. SE. BW We invite you to Family Worship EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL {. " ra wl I" A Children s Church during Service FELLOWSHIP ¢ J We tara, 'elcome To The Country Church Durham Road 23 and 7th Conc. oy Werry, also an 18 year old ¥ A EMMANUEL Rev. G.B. Parks 852-5871 } grade 13 student, wanted to run for PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 9:45 a.m. Sunday School : President at Cartwright High School Wop : oe Queen and Rosa Streets UNDAY SEPTEMBER 28 | = 'because she likes to organize things Pastor R. Hilsd 10:30 a.m. Prayer { but admits that she is never Lee : wr © 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p ay Services : organized. == 958-3729. :30 p.m. Wednesday B i f Elections at the end of May saw SUNDAY SEPTEMDLR 28 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study ! } 9:45 a.m. Exciting Sunday A Church Moving | Joy and Kelly Hart become Presi- School For All In Spiritual Renewal : dent and Vice-President. Joy says 1 &7 N Ages . : that her candidacy was on the spur Evan: Ah, co ation-Wide PRESBYTERIAN p of the moment and campaign Range wh re yendy CHURCH OF CANADA 4 managers took care of the details in w a leis hg lead in Rev. Stuart McEntyre B.A., B.D. a couple of days. OSShip ai) ster in 985-3881 -- 985-3409 | She says she loves being at Cart- Song and the Word ST. JOHN'S, PORT PERRY ! wright HS. and stresses that this N Spring Singing 319 Queen Street * year they are going to have fun. She ATSOrY Care Luidrel s Church SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28 4 wants to see more group involve- arm Welcome To All 9:55 a.m. Family Worship ment of the students and has plann- ANGLICAN CHURCH Church School and ed numerous things. The Rev'd M. Ansley Tucker Nursery During Worship The teachers are great, and, ac- St. John's, Blackstock Welcome! ; cording to Joy, they are just like the SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28 / students. The principal, Mr. Harvest Festival Rav CHURN ATISLEN ~=, Musselman, is a wonderful man and 9:15 a.m. Holy Communion 11:15 a.m. Family Worshi has told Joy that "his office is her and Church School Nursery & Junior Church Welcome! ; office." Church of Ascension ) After a year of dances and fun- Port Perry Wednesday, September 24 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion draising, games days and more fun, Joy plans to go to college in "business oriented." a SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28 "od stresses that the Harvest Festival , oy again going to have and by Port Perry High School council president Kristy Armour has 11:15 a.m. Morning Prayér the twinkle in her eyes, youcan tell a whole slew of great ideas for the 1986-87 school year. See story and Church School that's what they're going to get. for details.