|} 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 17, 1986 Quilts highlight Pioneer Days, coming June 29th The art of quilting has been part of Ontario life for many years and it is enjoying great popularity not only for the people who fashion these beautiful pieces, but for those who just like to Jook at quilts and marvel "at the skill and dedication that went into them. A display of more than 50 quilts, including many from different parts of Ontario, will be one of the highlights at the annual Pioneer Days Festival coming up June 29 and 30 at the Scugog Shores Museum. Quilters from Port Perry, Seagrave, Hamilton, Oshawa and Bowmanville will have their works on display that weekend, says Al Bertrand, who is co-ordinating this exhibition for Pioneer Days. But quilts will be just part of the We are now proud to serve PORT PERRY & AREA ALLROOF CONTRACTORS INC. "We Keep On Top Of It" 832 MARY ST. N., OSHAWA 7125-0521 10% Discoun MOTHER JACKSON'S 132 Simcoe Street North, Port Perry -- No. 2 SHOP -- NEW HOURS: Monday to Friday -- 12 Noon to 5:00 P.M. SPECIAL on 6-PACK MEAT PIES 50¢ Off per pkg. 56. 00 Off per case (While Supplies Last) LAKEVIEW ST., CAESAREA 986-5623 FOR SENIORS BUY DIRECT FROM THE GROWER AND SAVE "ALL" ALL "ALL" ALL Ayusis : Al/ssum ¢ Seed Potatoes 89°¢ 1 2incias, i " 89 bo (All Kinds) .............. kg. "ALL" Vegetables: Cabbage, AY | CALL" ree. ALL Cauliflower, Sprouts, Onions, Peppers Orange, White Leeks. Lettuce, ¢ Pink, Fuschia, 44 Broccoli, etc. .......... 34 box Red/White ............. box " 11) T ALL Early Girl uv "ALL" Lv omatoes: Early Girl, Glamour, Bonnie Best, \% Geraniums 4" pot (\S Roma, Beet Eater, Beef Steak, Tiny Pink, Salmon 89°. [nome 19% Tim, Sweet 100's ... box or varigated ....... doz Hanging Baskets ... From *4.99 cach 2,000 to choose from INDIVIDUAL POTS - Melons, Herbs, Parsley, Cucumbers, Watermelons, Castor Plant, Fuschia, Ivy, Geraniums, Dracena, Bulbs, Peonies, Bleeding Heart, Flowering Shrubs, Rose Bushes, Evergreens, etc. SOIL - PEAT - DUTCH SETS FRESH PRODUCE NOW AVAILABLE! CORN, ASPARAGUS, ETC. SHOP RAIN or SHINE in our 7 GREENHOUSES 75,000 Boxes to choose from. Allan Underhill Flowers & Greenhouses 220 Main St. North, Uxbridge 852-6395 or 852-6283 OPEN EVERY DAY .. 9am to 8 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Red, White Sun. to Fri. Pioneer Days festivities. The two day event is a unique way to turn back the pages of time to catch a glimpse of how the early settlers in Ontario lived and worked. The visitor to the Scugog Shores Museum will see numerous displays and exhibits, such things as old trac- tors, buggies and Indian crafts. 'Experts will be demonstrating a variety of pioneer activities such as spinning, weaving, soap-making, sheepshearing, and black-smithing. Visitors will also be able to treat their taste buds to old fashioned home made ice cream, apple cider and real country butter. The local UCW group will be operating their tea room; there will be plenty of home baking and a strawberry social. Pioneer Days is a festival for the entire family. And with the children in mind, there will be a series of races and contests. Of course, the Museum itself with all its interesting treasures will be open to the public. The Scugog Shores Museum grounds are located on Scugog Island, just half a mile north of Highway 7A east of Port Perry. The gates will be open from 12 noon to 5 p.m. both days June 29 and June 30. Admission is reasonablv priced at $2.50 for adults and 4..25 for students. Children are admitted free. So make plans to attend this uni- que Pioneer Festival that is an an- nual tradition for the Scugog Shores Museum. You just may be surpris- ed and delighted at what you'll see. Quilts, quilts and more quilts, some 60 in all, including this beautiful one call the Tree of Life, will be on display during Pioneer Days at the Scugog Shores Museum, June 29 and 30 (see story). That's Al Bertrand in photo displaying this quilt. He's co-ordinating the quilt display and says there will be exhibits from several areas of Ontario. Yard and bake sale a success Seagrave and Area News by Diane Cooke The Seagrave Church Yard and Bake Sale on Sat. was a great finan- cial success. To all those people who KRIS KRISTOFFERSON was very fortunate to have his- picture taken with MRS. SANDRA MacDONALD on the movie set of his new film. CONGRATULATIONS! Your Friends & Relatives donated items and all the workers a special thankyou. The Seagrave Park had its official opening on Sat. The weather was perfect for the busy day. There will be lots of news about everything that went on in next weeks column. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Bill Keen who will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary this com- ing Sat. from 2 - 5 p.m. in the base- ment of the Seagrave Church. The sacrament of the Lords Sup- per will be celebrated next Sunday at the Seagrave Church at 9:30. The Seagrave Sunday School pic- -nic will be Sunday, June 29th, follow- ing the service, at the Seagrave Park. The Greenbank/Seagrave group AT THE JOREENBANK 11th Line -- « MAIR'S 10th Line EN Eh a NAN \ NN NN PORT PERRY committee are having a paper drive this Saturday, June 21st:If you want papers picked up please call 985-9206. The Scouts and Cubs are asked to meet at Seagrave Church at 9:00 a.m. - your help is essential. If you are a parent of a Cub, Scout or Beaver and can supply a vehicle for this paper drive it will be gratefully appreciated. Extra vehicles and drivers are needed for this paper drive. Please, especially if you have not been able to help this year, call 985-9206. The Seagrave Playschool i is off to Cullen Gardens Wednesday the 18th and the 20th is "Graduation Day' at the Seagrave Park. Hope all the kids have a great time. Special thanks to Patty Williams for organizing everything. Please phone Marilyn Beacock f you have news for next weeks col- umn at 985-3595. MAIR'S Scugog Township Trg, Pa as ps a