| At Port Perry High School 3 by Heidi Spannbauer ] Over one hundred students plac- ed in one classroom? No, we weren't breaking a Guiness' record but we were having our first S ADD. meeting. On Thursday, November 14, the students of Port Perry join- ed together to start the organization at PPHS. SADD. (Students against Driving Drunk) will be totally run by the students of PPHS, but without the help of Mr. BUSINESS DIRECTORY lV Nl) [c Hela] hyo). .Nojy do] =f-] THOMSON HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING LTD. Gas, Oil or Electric Furnace - Air Conditioning PHONE: angers os 985-3365 THE PORT PERRY STAR IS NOW OPEN SATURDAYS 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. 24 Hr. Emergency Oil Burner Service FURNACE CLEANING McKEE OR Radio Dispatched FRED TIMMS HEATING CO. LTD. 2985-8712 985-3998 655-3316 € ROF » RON DAVIDSON FUELS LTD. P.O. Box 1170, Port Perry PETROLEUM TRANSPORT DIVISION SERVICE SATISFACTION \Shgoel Yoh g AVIS] )V4[e]---] ORT AUTO GLASS ERRY & TRIM 139 WATER STREET MOBIL E SERVICE Windshields, Insurance Work Complete Auto & Marine Upholstery, Sun Roofs, Pin Stripes & Mouldings 985-8507 fy = al=1-B\" [eld =]al-] QUALITY USED CARS * CONSIGNMENTS 257 Scugog Street Port Perry, Ont. LOB 1NO 2985-2420 RALPH RAINES CALL FOR YOUR COMPLETE CAR CARE SERVICE Scugog Oil Undercoating Service 985-9569 | WRECKING by Scala Bros. We do -- Car Washing Interior Shampoo -- Oil Undercoating -- Wax Treatment -- AUTO A Acres of Late Model Wrecks - HOT LINE SERVICE We Buy Cars & Light Trucks El RR 4, PORT PERRY ONTARIO LOB INO Cars - Trucks - PROPMIE MANA E | 4 mde west of Port Perry Toll Free Port Perry School Ye & Used Parts 1-800-263-7709 1-416-985-3132 1-416-985-3884 TAYLOR'S GULF SERVICE CENTRE specializing in BRAKES -- TUNE-UPS -- COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK CARE -- GOVERNMENT SAFETY CERTIFICATES -- Motorcycles HWY. 7A WEST, PORT PERRY Buses 288-3888 yaa. M/C Call & Petracan credit cards sccapled Paul Arculus we couldn't have got- ten the ba.! rolling. Thanks Mr. The students were split | 15 groups and each will help in their own specific way! Many friends have been killed from drinking and [R=] JEW. | Je ]U-) =] A SAA [eo] 3] DON CORNEIL Auctioneering 8ervices Sales at Your Residence Or Our Auction Barn R.R.1, LITTLE BRITAIN Call (7065) 786-2183 NOEL"S CLEANING JANITORIAL SERVICES Offices - Banks - Churches - etc Windows Floors - Carpets Phone 985-2925 CLARENCE WILLCOCK WELDING Shop & Mobile Fab. & Repairs PHONE 985-2589 ANALDA LANDSCAPING & NURSERIES (5 miles east of Port Perry) HWY. 7A and West 1/4 Line 2868-4771 R.A. JONES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING -- YEAR ROUND SERVICE -- Phone 985-3481 It no answer contact the Body Shop 985 3889 ABACA Computer Services Correspondence Data Entry Telephone Dicta Word Processing Statistical Reports Dicta Transcription 9865-8366 DANFORTH TYPEWRITER Rental - Sales - Service - Repairs RENT TO OWN 408 Dundas St. W., Whitby PHONE 666-1131 Mon Fri 900 to 530 Saturday 1000 to | 00 LYNDA'S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE ESTABLISHED 1975 Bonded Cleaners for Residential Homes Phone 433-1462 It Busy 985-7732 (res.) ROOM & BOARD FOR HORSES New Barn - Reasonable Rates CEDAR VALLEY STABLES 985-784 Frater Hoo PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 19, 1985 -- 35 driving in the past and now we want to find a solution to this problem! Don't blink, Rebels, or you'll miss out on the exciting events that November has in store for you! September and October have just flown by! Thanks to all Rebels at PPHS for your enthusiasm and support. Speaking of enthusiasm, last Wednesday brought the end to our first PPHS fundraiser. Scroll calen- dars and Christmas bows were the items sold this year. Thanks to all the parents who again supported their sons and daughters and thanks to all Rebels who brought their order forms in on Wednesday ; your co-operation was greatly ap- preciated. To all Rebels who didn't get their order forms in on time, we're sorry that your order did not get placed but in order for the items to arrive in early December, the en- tire school's order had to be sent out. Thanks Rebels for you spirit and thank you to our fundraisers, Kim DeHaas and Tammy Moffat for a job well done! Yearbooks, yearbooks, where are they? You'll be glad to hear that yearbooks will be in shortly! Sorry for the inconvenience, Rebels, but there was a problem with the ship- ping. Thanks for your patience. Starting November 18, graduation photos will be taken, so don't forget to smile, graduates! Stop the Presses! This is an an- nouncement to all Rebels who like | Students Against Drunk Drivers music! On December 6, in our PPHS gymnasium the 2nd annual Airband Contest will be held. That's right, Rebels, so start practising because the auditions will begin on Monday, December 2. You've got two weeks to become your favourite group! On your mark, get set, go! Friday, November 15 brought a great end to a busy week. All parents probably know what I mean because they remember it so clear- ly. The students of PPHS were given yet another day off school. I hope you enjoyed it, Rebels, because now it's straight ahead to Christmas. This Friday will be 50's day at PPHS and music will ring through the halls at noon when all the students will be bopping at the sockhop. Let's rev up all the spirit, Rebels, and let's see everyone dressed up! Arrive alive - drive! (S.A.D.D.) don't drink and Chesterfield Suites Love Seats - Sectionals & Mattresses -- A Large Selection -- LESS THAN 1/2 PRICE! McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 soe gj je] MV NER-]2AVA [ed] ALEX J. SHEPHERD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Corporation, Small Business Accounting & Taxation Farm Accounting & Taxation Bookkeeping Services 250 Queen St. - Port Perry 985-7031 LAW OFFICE HOURS Mon to fn 9AM to 5PM Evening Appointments Available RONALD I. BRIDGEWATER Barrister & Solicitor 230 Queen St. - Port Perry Bus.: 985-8491 Res.: 985-8828 EMIVIEF BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN 8T., PORT PERRY All Lines of General Insurance (ae) 9865-7306 (J E-e] JEW. NU] Je Ui-J8-] 2 Vi[e] T.V. Service We service all makes of Colour TV's and B & W We carry factory parts TRY OUR WRITTEN GUARANTEE! TARGET T.V. Uxbridge (416) 852-7391 Sunderland (705) 357-3110 SIGNS * VAN LETTERING * ART WORK * REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Washers Dryers Fridges Dishwashers REASONABLE RATES Stoves Freezers Dan's APPLIANCE Serviee 985-9585 Port Perry So lo oten::_ V3 LOGOS * MURALS * WILDLIFE ILLUSTRATIONS Lorenz Bazarin Shadow Brook Acres, Mestieton, Ont. LOB 1L0 4 1 6-986-5414 Scugog Appliance Call 986-B3 12 Anytime BASSETT'S SMALL ENGINES REPAIRS TO -- Outboards Tillers Lawnmowers Snowmobiles - Chainsaws Fibreglass Repairs Sun Valley, Seagrave 985-8677 Repair re TOM VANDERENDE "REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES & MODELS"