Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 13 Nov 1985, p. 29

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dian Rin ov pe oe ee a un eS "en SG OK i di LTH 8S EE RRR RRR RE PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, November 13, 1985 -- 29 Coming Events Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale LEGION BINGO The next Legion Bingo Branch 419 will be on Thursday Latcham Hall. Port Perry Friday November 14, 1985, 7 30 p m Jackpot November 15th. 7 pm Admission $2 all $200 00 in 55 numbers ages HOLISTIC HEALTH | Chimes fobs sums, oom Christmas Tea and Bazaar, Thursday SPEAKER: Carol Fisher, RN Nurse November 21st. 1985 at 7 30 p Mm atl the Nestleton Community Centre Cratts Consultant, Durham Region Network tor American Holistic Nursing Bake Table. Penny Sale Draws Admis Association sion $1 adults. 50 cents children Enter tainment Refreshments N 19 TIME: Tuesday. November from 3tod4 PM FILMS AT THE Library, P A. Day, Fri day. November 15th, | 4 pm Admission PLACE: Community Nursing Home. 50 cents Free popcorn 451 Lilla Street, Port Perry, Ont SUBJECT: Holistic Health An oppor tunity to change and grow through an ap proach which 1s best for you Future lectures and speakers will be Tuesday, Nov. 26, Dec. 3 & Dec. 10 from 2 to 3 p.m. MOVIE (Family) Follow That Bird 19th. VENDORS ARE WANTED tor the Com munity Nursing Home and Villa Bazaar, Saturday. December 7th, 1°30 to 4 p.m $5 per table. For more information call Kim 985-3205. N19 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Church. Communion Brunch, Sunday, November SURPRISE 24, 1985. 12 Noon at the Church Hall AUNT RETA! Adults $4; children $2. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus and Youth Group Friends and relatives are _ NA cordially invited to attend an TOY AUCTION: Saturday. November OPEN HOUSE 16th, 6 p.m. at Oddfellows Hall in Port ) Perry. All new toys. Kenner, Coleco, Ir- in honour of win, Fisher Price, Tonka, Cabbage RETA RODMAN'S | Palch, Care Bears, Space toys. games uc re. Pearce Auction Ser- SPECIAL BIRTHDAY vices 655-8073. N12 Saturday, Nov. 23rd SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17th af the Port At the home of Alice & Gordon Perry United Church auditorium, Beech, 21 Parkway Cres, dessert, tea and coffee at 7 p.m. and at Bowmanville from 1 to 4 P.M. 8 p.m. Marilyn Wallace and her group BEST WISHES ONLY that went to China will be showing slides and a commentary on their trip. $3 at door. Everyone welcome. N12 SCUGOG MEMORIAL Public Library Travel Club Thursday, November 14, 7:30 p.m. Bruce Snelgrove takes us on a trip to Alaska and the Yukon. All welcome. PLUS BUS TOUR "One of a Kind' craft show. Exhibition Park, Thursday, November 28th, $15 (65 plus $13). In cludes transportation and show entrance. Departing Port Perry Plaza, Myrtle. Plus Bus Donations to be made to Pot Pourri Handicraft Guild 655-3401. N 12 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH NEW YEARS EVE DANCE At the Catholic Church Hall Port Perry TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31st 8:30 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. Music by the "ARC OF SOUND" Hot & Cold Buffet - Door Prizes ADMISSION: $18.00 per Person ANGLICAN CHRISTMAS Bazaar and Hot Luncheon, 11 a.m. to 2 p.-m., Satur day, November 30th. N 19 * The Dittle Prince ¥ adapted by JEFFREY COHEN from the book by ANTOINE DE SAINTE EXUPERY presented by The Borelians Community Theatre of Port Perry Friday, Nov. 15th ............ 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16th ....... 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 17th .......... 2:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 22nd ........... Saturday, Nov. 23rd ....... TICKETS: $3.00 person available in person at Irwin Smith Music Ltd, Queen Street, Port Perry Produced and Directed by LYN SPARLING Stage Management 7:30 p.m. by LYNN RELF 2:30 p.m. BORELIANS DISCOVER THE FEEUNG! 9," TOWN HALL 1873 -- Port Perry -- SCUGOG CHORAL SOCIETY presents -- ¢ DOWN y Se MEMORY i y LANE ° An Evening of Nostalgia, Favourites Old & New -- at TOWN HALL 1873, Port Perry NOV. 28th - 29th - 30th, 1985 8:00 P.M. Sharp ADMISSION $7 50 Adults.Seniors & Children under 12 - $5 00 Tickets available at Irwin Smith Music or any Member of Choral Society TWO PAIR Cross country skis with poles and boots. almost new Phone 985 2343 NEW OVERHEAD garage door 95x82 inches and all hardware $190 Call 986 5369 SNOW TIRES with rims used 2 months C78 14 Polyester $50 pair 985 3433 WOODWORKERS Special 6 inch Jointer Planer. 4 blades in head while they last $259 Port Perry 985 2443 TF J POLARIS 600 Indy Snowmobile suits, XL Regular, XL Tall and small 986 5467 after 6 pm N 19 WARBLE CONTROL specials. only three weeks left Spotton 472ml $22 95. Grubex 4L $14.95; Ivomec 200m! $138 20 Port Perry Feeds Ltd. (tormerly Marlows) 40 Vanedward Dr 985 7363 1982 YAMAHA Vision motorcycle, 4000 km, excellent condition asking $1700 985 8683 NEW 30x60 INCH executive desk, teak with leatherette and chrome top Regular $595 Christmas Special $475 Call 985 7383. VIC 20 FT. Graphic Printer 1525E, ex cellent condition $150. Call 985-3448. ANTIQUE CARS & MOTOR BIKE: 1967 Ford Ranchero, reconditioned $2500; 1969- 80cc Yamaha, nearly new $250; 1971 MGB GT, almost restored $2500. Weekdays 1-927-9775; Weekends 985-8264. ONE PAIR cross country skis, new boots 912- $65; 3 young men's suits: jacket size 40- $125 complete. 985-3628. MINI MANURE spreader, excellent for hobby farm, also one large oak desk and 2 chairs. Call 985-3960. PUREBRED GERMAN Shepherd, female, 3 years old; Scotch Collie, male, 7 years old. 986-4741. 1979 ) CHEVY VAN, automatic, camper equipped, 4 Captain chairs, two tables, fold-down back bench, seat, sink, fridge, air conditioning, cruise, certified. Asking $6000. 985-3594 after 6 p.m. N19 ACETYLENE TORCH set and cart. Good condition $250. 985 7704. SPEAKERS Realistic, J way, 75 watts, regular $239 each -- sell $200 pair. 985-2291. CHAIRS: Two occasional, black and white, good condition Best offer 985-2291. FIVE CUTLASS Rally wheels, 15 inch, $150; 1889 National Cash Register $500; 68 72 Ford XLT Ranger, body parts, box doors etc. 9858652 mornings' NEW HOLLAND 210 bushel manure spreader excellent condition 1263 2735 BOOK SALE & other resources from the Canec Bookroom PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Christmas gift giving has not been forgot ten IN MEMORY OF' labels available Country Curtains Priscillas - Tab Curtains - New Country Ruffles Over 60 Fabric Choices * Made-to Measure SET LEMENT HOUSE 183 (Queen Street, Port Perry Phone 985-8234 SQUARE BALES hay and straw 986 4735 N12 FURNITURE LIQUIDATION SALE 870 TAUNTON RD. E WHITBY WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY 10:00 A.M. We are clearing approximately $150,000 of BRAND NEW FURNITURE - CHESTERFIELDS, COFFEE AND END TABLES. BED CHESTER FIELDS. DINING ROOM SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, OCCASIONAL TABLES, COMPLETE TELEPHONE SYSTEMS, ETC. DON'T MISS THE BARGAINS on brand names such as Kroehler, Lanark, Vilas, House of Braemore, Roxton and others. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. McLean Auction and Li quidations, 870 Taunton Road East, Whit 'by 686 3291 -- 576 7550 1985 KAWASAKI KX 80 moto cross bike excellent condition 985 7678 MEN's 3 PIECE suit, 38 jacket, 30 pants, like new; also girl's skates sizes 4 and 6 Call atter 4 pm 985729 < WATKINS Products Spices. liniments, cleaning products etc For information phone 985 2070 TF 24 FT. CORN Conveyor, "Little Giant 8 inch paddles. undercarriage with wheels Like new $800 Listed at $2500 986 5601 leave message TF CEDAR POSTS, 8 ft long. 4 to 7 inch tops Excellent for tencing 986 5431 APPLES: Spy and Delicious $5 bushel. Oak Ridge Marraine Orchards. Durham Road 2 South. No Sunday sales. N12 MIXED FIREWOOD for sale $25 $50 per load. 985-2826. N 12 UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E., Oshawa. 579-5666. TF WOOD LOGS for sale Sold by the tandem or trailer load. All hardwood Fast delivery. Phone Haliburton 1 705 754 2515 anytime. TF FIREWOOD in log lengths, cut and split 985-3361. TF ALOE VERA and Honey Bee Products 986-4769. TF FIREWOOD, logs and/or cut and split Call Earle Barr 986 4408 D 24 ONE STOP building shopping centre All steel straight/slant, half round, cladding Free brochures on request. For action value and answers, call Wally 416 426 1794 Leave message or collect evenings and weekends TF NOW IS THE TIME! Asselstine's 1s the place, to trade, or have your presen! machine serviced by our competent staff Asslestine's Yamaha, south of Blackstock, Durham Road 57. 986 4437 TF BUILDINGS Priced below wholesale Final inventory clearance Various sizes available All steel 10 20 year warranty Limited stock available Act now and save No reserves held Call 1800 387 8130 or 1 416 828 6262 TF SHAVINGS. kiln dried. delivered 985 7288 TF WOODWORKERS Looking for a table saw, radial arm saw, |ointer, shaper. thickness planer. lathe. drill press. sander, bandsaw or Shopsmith machine call Port Perry 985 2443 TF AIR COMPRESSORS. spray booth and accessories, all sizes New and used Buy and sell 1 743 6299 TF Siraw QUALITY HAY and clean wheat Delivery optional 655 4946 0D 29 CAST IRON box stove ideal for garage or large basement Burns 36 inch wood $150 or best offer 10 inch Black and Decker deluxe radial arm saw good con dition 985 3837 OIL BURNER with motor for furnace qood snow scoop stenographer chair floor lamp new chairs goose tick tool trunk 98% BIB84 COCKER SPANIEL puppies 8 weeks old, CKC Registered $150 985 8200 N 19 ONE WAY AIRLINE ticket Imale to vancouver December 11th 986 4384 DOBERMAN male 15 985 3657 or 985 B644 months old $55 1984 YAMAHA Y/7 BO excellent condition $700 or best offer and a 1983 Honda XR 80 bought new in 84 $500 or bes! offer Call Al 985 7202 APPLES Willowtree Orchards east of Fpsom Mcintosh Spartan Courtlands Empires Delicious and Ida Red TF «a Mile p- WATER PROBLEMS? Smelly water? Iron? Hard or polluted water? Call Gary Young Plumbing tor tree water analysis and demonstration Buy. rent or lease Free installation 655 4936 or evenings 655 8989 TF FULLER Brush Products 985 9372 N26 WHY PAY MORE We sell new chestertields, kitchen and dining room sets, bedroom sets etc , at low prices everyday! Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St E . (at Ritson) Oshawa 728 3473 We Deliver TF Used Cars 1979 PONTIAC station wagon, good working condition Safety checked $2500 Roy Turner 986 4930 1985 SIGNET. automatic. 8000 km. $5,650 986 4624 1984 FORD TEMPO, 4 door, 5 speed. cloth interior. bucket seats, am tm cassette, new tires $6500 certified 985 3628 1977 GREMLIN, parts only, fenders, fibreglass 1 705 357 3424 front 1979 BUICK Century station wagon. runs good $1500 50 Orchard Road 985 9074 1975 GMC VAN. ': ton. 6 automatic. 87.000 miles. as is $795 985 7704 1978 440 E.X. Yamaha Immaculate con dition $1600 or best reasonable offer; 1972 25 Colt $350 or best reasonaonle otter Call 986 5204 1977 ASTRA, fair condition As is 985 2765 1974 TOYOTA Celica. $550 certified 985 7558 1985 CHEV Caprice Classic V8, loaded. best offer Phone atter 5 p.m. 986 5434 1973 NOVA must sell, good condition, 4 door, $350 00 as is 985 9442 1976 BUICK LeSabre. new brakes, tire and exhaust, must sell. $700 or best offer 985 9247 1977 CHEVETTE good condition, cer tified. 986 4280 CERTIFIED USED CARS 1978's, 79's, 80's & 81's Best Prices - All Certified J-1 USED CAR SALES 666-2555 Whitby Used Trucks SILVER 1984 GMC S15 pickup Extend ed cab with jump seats, 4 wd, V6, 4 speed manual fransmission. pt. air, ps, pb, bucket seats. am fm radio. cassette, super cap Mint condition With supercap $11.800 without! cap $11.500 Call 985 7547 after 4 pm Wanted to Buy WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any com plete standard size car. free towing 576 2160 Art's Auto Wreckers Limited TF WANTED: Crippled or disabled cattle Highest prices paid Call collect anytime Uxbridge 852 3238 M & M Livestock License No 1189 TF Wanted USED GRINDERS and Soldering irons for stained glass crafts Call after 6p m or Saturdays 985 324) N 19 WILL PICK UP without charge. all used appliances. refrigerators and freezers Empty your cellars and garages Also us rd TVs an! radios Call 986 4926 TF Help Wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed Now 1s the 'ime to train for your Class A licence For pre screening inter yiex and job placement information contac! Mer, Orr Transport Driver Training Brampton 1 800 265 1260 TF FULLER BRUSH Dealers are looking for sales reps for Port Perry and sur rounding areas 9859372 N26

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