Long distance festivities Prince Albert and Area News by Earline Armstrong Alan Glasgow and his 10 year old daughter, Maggie, flew from Win- nipeg on Saturday, November 9 to be with his parents, Larry and Rita Glasgow, on the occasion of Alan's 40th birthday. Brother Dennis Glasgow and his lady friend, Reneta from Toronto joined in the celebra- tion as did Eva and Grant Hunter. Happy Birthday Alan from the folks at Prince Albert and come here anytime you want to celebrate, we will all help you. Alan and Maggie will fly back on Tuesday evening for Winnipeg. Forty ladies from Prince Albert, Scugog Island, Manchester, Pro- spect and Port Perry, boarded a bus on Monday, November 14 at Prince Albert Community centre and en- joyed a day of shopping at the Eaton's Centre in Toronto. This trip was sponsored by the U.C.W. at Prince Albert and thank you to all you girls for coming. Mr. and Mrs. Merv Pugh spent the weekend in Trout Creek visiting Ivan and Linda Pugh and by the way thanks Ilean for doing the news for me last week so I could go on the bus trip. The doors were opened at the Community Centre in Prince Albert once again on Thursday evening, November 7 for euchre. 12 tables were filled. Ladies high was May Griffen, se- cond was Fran Gibson and low was Annie Bowman and I see once again the ladies helped the men out. Phyllis Clarke took high, second was Richard Manns and low was Gord Smith. Please come out again next Thursday. November 14°See you there. Ladies of the U.C.W. at Prince Albert United Church please remember that this Wednesday, November 13 is the monthly meeting and we will be gathering at Linda McMillan's home on Simcoe Street. Sixteen members of the Prince Albert United Church choir made a trip to Toronto on Sunday to sing in the Lasing United Church, guests of Rev. Gordon Hunter. This is the se- cond time Prince Albert choir sang in that church. You all must be do- ing okay gang. Belated congratulations to Grant Hunter on celebrating a special bir- thday on Thursday November 7. Now he don't look 5 days over 69 does he? Happy Birthday Grant from all Prince Albert. And please remember to smile and say *'Hap- py Birthday' to Mary Williamson on Thursday, November 14 and Myrtle Snelgrove on Friday, November 15. She needs a smile and wish on her day too. And Margaret Holtby up there in Greenbank 'Happy Birthday' to you on November 16. Prince Albert often thinks of you. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Beacock hosted a very special dinner on Sun- day, November 10. It was Judy's mom and dads 35th wedding an- niversary. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. George Allison. Hope you en, Joy many more to come. And Bryan a lhttle bird told me you are celebrating another year this Satur- day. Lots of good wishes Bryan from your friends in Prince Albert. Belated Birthday wishes to James Hope. He was 85 on November 1. Please call Ilean Pugh with your news next week at 985-2146. WHITBY-OSHAWA HONDA 1110 Dundas St. East - Whithy, Out. SALES - SERVICE - LEASING NEW & USED CARS Call ... Kevin Cannon Nf 666-1772 686-1745 RESIDENCE - 985-2515 Xe XB | Xe SX % JEWELLERY APPRAISALS LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS?? LOOK: HERE! Where consumers in need shop for the professionals in business! CALL 985-7383 for more information! PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, November 13, 1985 -- 19 By appointment only - Please call ~~ While you wait ... 11 am. to 5 p.m. /| SAT., NOV. 16th 197 \ Queen Street Fort Femy 985.8260 Boras ora nama raes oem) BUSING $3 HOURS Mon Tues Wed 4 Sat ve Thorsdarb hray 99 anh of Ue XC XE The Management & Staff of , GUARDIAN DRUGS PORT PERRY PHARMACY LTD. 209 QUEEN STREEY, PORT PERRY - 985-2231 are celebrating their THIS WEEK Wednesday to Saturday, November 13th to 16th DROP IN AND SAY HELLO! We are having 3 Cash Register Tape Draws for $50.00 Value each day. SEE YOU THERE! IE Don't let your old mattress cause you to lose sleep! \ yo COME IN AND CHOOSE A NEW, ~RELAXING FOAM MATTRESS ... A" by Ballard & Carnegie 4 aw Vogue Mattress & Box Springs 54" MID COMFORT ............. $399.95 60" MID COMFORT ............. *495.00 Wily , zal) fi llr: 4 ; 4 f 1] wn oa Ji aki hi - 4 PE ay. al ith [1 Ww if] li Vie dl il UE Tw This I /