Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 17 Sep 1985, p. 33

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Bi la al FY AE SE a PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1985 -- 33 Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales FALL SALES for Lindsay Community Sales Barn and Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lind- say, Ontario. At Lindsay Community Sales Barn Regular sales every Monday at 1:00 p.m. and Friday at 11:00 a.m. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Three Complete Disposal Sales of 292 Head of top quality breeders cows. Pro- perties of: KILMORLIE FARMS, R.R. 2, Bradford, Ontarlo; ROSS JAMIESON, R.R. 2, Cavan, Ontario; VINCE AITKEN, Amherst Island, Ontario. SATURDAY OCTOBER 5 SALE TIME: 8:00 P.M. 62 Head of Charolais and Pinzgauer cattle- property of EDWARD BALLAN- TYNE, R.R. 1, Peter- borough; 76 Head of Charolais cattle- property of LESLIE GOROG, Brechin; 51 Head of Hereford- Limousin-Simmental- pro- perty of JOHN WHIT TINGTON, Millbrook. A cow-calf Dispersal Sale. Plan to attend. FALL STOCKER SALES WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. 1500 Head, Lindsay Com- munity Sale Barn Mixed Sale- Stocker steers, heifers and calves sold in truckload lots. Singles and doubles sold at the end of their categories. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 30 SALE TIME: 1:00 A.M. 1500 Head, Peterborough and Victoria County Cat- tlemen's Yearling and 2 Year Old Sale- All cattle must be consigned. No Dealers Cattle. Con- signments close October 24th at 9:00 p.m. Contact Wayne Telford 705-292-9531. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER ¢ SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. 2000 Head, Peterborough and Victoria County Cat- tlemen's Calf and Pre- conditional Calf Sale- Ex- pecting 500 to 800 pre- conditional calves. Con- signments close October 31st, at 9:00 p.m. Contact Wayne Telford 705-292 9531. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. 1800 Head, Peterborough and Victoria County Cat- tlemen's Mixed Stocker Sale- Consignments close November 7th at 9:00 p.m. Contact Wayne Telford 705-292-9531. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON First Annual Quinte Cat- tlemen's Stocker Sale- at Hoard Station, Sale Barn, R.R. 5, Campbelliford, On- tario. Consignments close November 10th at 9:00 p.m. Contact Jerald White 613-477-2699. AT HICKSON SALES ARENA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Monthly Machinery Con- signment Sale- For con: signments or further infor- mation contact Carl Hickson, Sales Manager and Auctioneer. SATURDAY OCTOBER § SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. 41 Head of Free Listed Limousin Cattle The Estate of BRUCE OLDHAM, Cann ington, Ontario. Catalogues available WEDNESDAY OCTOBER ¢ SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Victoria's Autumn Leaves Holstein Consignment Sale For consignments contact John Buckely 705-324-4017, Cliff Lillico 439 2380. Gail Snodden 357 3237 or Wade Reeds 324 9627 SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 SALE TIME: 98& 11:00 A.M. Fall Auction Sale of Draft and Light Horses: Equip ment 9:00 a.m.; Horses " 00 am. Expecting 200 horses. Fer consignments contact Don Robertson 705-324-2409; Clark Trent 705-953-9535. THURSDAY OCTOBER 24 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Monthly Machinery Con- signment Auction- Contact Sales Management. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Hickson Sales Arena 4th An- niversary Holstein Sale- Already some outstanding consignments. Contact Sales Management. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 28 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Monthly Machinery Con- signment Auction- Contact Sales Management. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Hickson Sales Arena Christmas Special Holstein Consignment Sale. For con- signments contact Sales Management. -- For further Information on any of the above sales, contact people listed, or Carl Hickson, Sales Manager and Auctioneer, Reaboro, On- tario. 705-324-9959; Sale Barn Office 705-324-2774 or Sales Arena 705-324-8311. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale- the property of REG HERNE, Lot 10, Concession 4, Hope Township, 12 miles north of Welcome (401) on County Road 10 to 4th Concession, 12 mile east and "4 mile north. MACHINERY: Ford 871 gas tractor- selecto-matic; M.H. 13 disc seed drill; M.F. No. 32- 7 ft. power manure 3 pt.; Ford 3- 12's plough 3 pt.; John Deere L51 manure spreader- ground drive; Ford 7 ft. cultivator 3 pt.; M.H. 11 hoe seed drill; M.H. 11 hoe seed drill for parts; 4 sections spike tooth har- rows; Cameroo plough; Set of Sheboggan sleighs; elec- tric Viking hammer-mill 3 HP motor; A-C 4 bar side rake; M.H. binder; electric motor and grinder; wagon wheel; forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. FURNITURE: Renfrew coal and wood cookstove; 4 wooden chairs; square oak table- 4 leaves; wooden stool; other Items. GRAIN: Approx. 1000 bus. of oats. HAY: Approx. 2500 bales mixed hay. CATTLE: 19 mature Hereford and Hereford- Holstein cows- 2 with calves by side- re- mainder due time of sale and October; 1 Hereford Bull rising 3 years old. All cattle proven negative to re- cent bloodtest. Terms cash. No reserve. Machine Sale at 1:00 p.m.; Cattle Sale at 2:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers, Reaboro, On- tario 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or Injury to the public in connection with this Auction Sale. S24 SEPTEMBER 20 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale: pine Secretariat, early druggist scales, butternut chests of drawers, dining room exten sion table, glass display case, Duncan Phyfe coffee and end tables, 6 Gunstock chairs, large brass kettle drums, flat to-wall cup- board, washstands, table saw, 4 matching walinut chairs, modern and antique dressers, wooden wardrobe, Harvest table, cookstove, parlour tables, pine dry sink, 5 HP snowblower, 12 ft tandem flatbed trailer, 410 shotgun, 1979 Datsun car, 1974 Chev van, quapry of new wooden deors, china and glass Don Corneil Auc tioneer, R R 1, Little Bri tain 705 786 2183 \ " Auctioneer will THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1? SALE TIME: 10:00 AM. Garage Equipment and Tools Large auction sale of garage equipment and tools, the property of GILBERT AUTO & WELDING, Udora, selling in the village of Udora, 8 miles north of Uxbridge- including 5 HP air compressor- 2 cylinder- 1 year old; 2 Lincoln Arc welders- 2500C; Porta Spot 2001 spot welder; Harris in- dustrial torch set; Coates 30-30 air tire changer; Hop- py Head lamp almer; KD ball joint checker; reversi- ble metal roller; machine lathe; 10 inch Grafsman radial arm saw- carbide blade; hi-speed electric hacksaw; 2 drill presses- upright- 1- § speed; 3 hydraulic floor jacks; 1 ton electric chain hoist; 3 Devilbiss paint spray guns; 5/8 Inch Thor electric drill; reversible alr hammer drill; ¥% inch drive socket set- 7/8 inch to 2 inch; snap-on rachet and sockets; snap-on electric pencil; brake drum micro-meter; M&W micro- meter- 1 inch to 2 Inch; Mikita saws-all; several Mikita grinders; under- coating spray gun; timing gun; impact guns; sand blaster; anvil; 6 Inch York vise; alr pig; 10 HP 32 Inch snowblower; 5 HP riding lawnmower; Ploneer chain saw; welding tank cart; metal work bench; exten- sion ladder; oak office desk; 4 drawer filing cabinet; large quantity of pipe; angle iron; rod; large quantity of new parts; complete line of body tools plus many other items. NOTE: This is a com- plete line of Garage Equip- ment all in excellent condi- tion. Garage is sold. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. S17 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 2 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Auction sale- household furniture, appliances, tools and tractor, the property of MR. AND MRS. GEORGE DENNIS, 4 miles north of Oshawa on Simcoe St., to Columbus, 2 mile west on Concession 7. Two fridges, electric stove, wringer- washer, sofa bed, bedroom suite with rounded foot- board, washstand, hall table, wicker rocker and chair, hall tree, lamps, set- tee, trunks, office desk, small secretary desk, large cribbage board on legs, high chairs, wrought iron table and 3 chairs, drop-leaf table, bedding, quantity of dishes, Coleman heater, humidifier, stereo and speakers, Int. cub tractor with attachments: plough, mower, scuffler, cultivator, harrow; push lawnmower, hedge clippers, garden tools, Bandsaw, riding lawnmower- 32 inch cut, antique tools, box trailer, ladders, 5 HP roto- tiller, scrap metal, plus many more useful items. Lunch available. Owner and not be responsible for accidents or injuries in connection with this sale. Auctioneers. Don and Philip Cochrane. Phone 985-2768. S17 WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 25 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. 870 Taunton Road East Whitby Auction Sale Private estate from THURSTONIA PARK plus others. Fur niture, antiques and new furniture. 9 plece walnut din ing room suite, 2 new chesterfield suites Braemore and Sklar, 8 piece oak diner, walnut bed, 2 large mirrors, new coffee and end tables, pictures, 6 new maple chairs, new Mat tel talk -to-telephones, dressers, wooden rocker, oak chair, bedroom suite, gas fireplace, G E. heaters, dishes, pots, pans etc , plus numerous other household articles. TOOLS 1 HP air compressor, bench saw, double sink, Maxaw circular saw etc NOTE TIME 6 p m Viewing from noon on day of sale Not a large auc tion Plan to attend Ross Mclean Auctioneer 576 7550 S 24 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 19 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction Sale of Furniture, Antiques, Tools, the proper ty of the Estate of ART M. WOOD, 127 Church St. Stouffville, including Fridge, stove, TV. chester field, Corner Cupboard, Pine Cupboard, number of dressers, Rockers, Chairs, Hall table, wash stand, Bells, secretary desk, Bedroom suites, Canes, Clocks, Hall tree, Captain Chair, Round table, Mirrors, apple peeler, silverware, assortment of Tools, Harness, Dishes, just about something for everyone Terms Cash, Sale at 6 p.m. Norm and Phil Faulkner, Earl Gauslin Auctioneers. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale- the property of JOHN TOWNSON, R.R. 3, Uxbridge, 3 miles east on 47, north on Marsh Road (see signs), or 3 miles west of Greenbank on 11th Conces- sion. Large assortment of household items, furniture, antiques, miscellaneous, car, farm equipment, office furniture, plumbing sup: plies. Cornwall pump organ, ox yoke, hay knives, Ice saws, cross-cut saws, plat- form scales, beam scale, oil lamps, 25 gal. antique crock, other crocks, bottles, jars, fernery, wood planes, horse drawn scoop shovel, wipplé trees, neck yokes, shelves, old wheels, antique pumps, wall telephone, maple sugar spiles and pails, barn beams, 20 and 30 |b. tailor irons, horse collars and crowns, paper collator, dispenser, office partitions, executive walnut desk, credenza, bookcase, desks, typewriter, adders, lateral filing cabinet, 3 pt. cultivator, Sedore snowblower, 12 inch Craft sman radial arm saw, grain trailer, chain hoist, barn jack, hydraulic jack, chains, farm gates, garden gates, snow fence, electric motors and supplies, 250 gal. water wagon, 50 gal. stock tank, tank heaters, new small air- tight stove, pottery kiln, blanket chest, hydro poles, new cedar siding, 10 speed bike, leather sides, garden tools, doors, beds, furniture, dressers, hurricane lamps, paint, nuts, bolts, brass bed, maple dining suite, win- dows, maple desk, dishes, cooking utensils plus hun- dreds of other items. Also 1981 Buick Riviera, cer- tified. Sale at 11 a.m. sharp. No reserve. Owner moving. Barry and Orval Mclean Auctioneers, 324-2783 Lind: say. S17 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques and garden equip- ment. The property of AUDRIE E. BROWN, 1 mile east of Yelverton on Highway 7A- 2 miles west of Junction of Highways 35 and 7A. Hi-fi, arm chairs, 2 anti que chairs, gate-leg table with extension, 2 antiques trunks, several suitcase.. Quebec heater, ping-pong table, chaise lounge, kitchen table, projector screen, toaster oven, tiling cabinet, small wall safe, antique kit- chen scale, Hoover vacuum, floor polisher, books, En- cyclopedia, antique 78 records, dishes, pots and pans, Int. Cub Cadet lawn tractor with 42 inch mower, traller, leaf and grass pickup, 2 Lawnboy mowers: good, snowblowers, roto- tiller, single walking plough, antique cutter, buggy wheels, snow fence and steel posts, 2 wheeled trailer with racks and tarpaulin, wheelbar type barn scales, ladders, scythe, hedge trimmer, electric drills, chain saw, sander, lawn fertilizer spreader, chain hoist, gas cans, post hole digger, car luggage racks, sheep feeders and dividing gates, Burdizos, tatoo kit, Ketchum pliers, forks, shovels, many other articles too numerous to mention Terms cash No reserve Sale at 10 am sharp Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ontario 705 324-9959 or 324 2774 5 17 WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 25 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale the property oft GLEN HARRIS, Lot 22, Concession 13, Brock Township, 5 miles north of Manilla off No. 7 Hwy to 14th line of Brock and ¥ mille west. MACHINERY: Int. B414 gas tractor and manure loader; Farmall 756 diesel tractor, power steer: ing, 4700 hours, 75 HP; Bob: cat 610 Skidsteer loader, bucket and fork; Lely vacuum liquid manure tank, 1000 gal.; 1981 New Holland 478 haybine 7 ft. PTO; Little Giant hay-grain elevator 38 ft.. Allled automatic bale stooker, ground drive; 2 Turnco grain wagons, 18 ton and 14 ton; 2 roller bearing hay wagons; Int. 1-row corn- picker-husker PTO; land roller; Int. manure spreader for parts; portable alr com- pressor; hay drying fan 36 inch; feed cart; water trough; water bowls; 642 ton upright concentrate bin; hog penning: wheelbarrow; Jack-all jack; 22 ft. logging chain; ¥% inch rachet set; clippers; 2 sets of electric dehorners; quantity of wood pallets; quantity of firewood; quantity of 6x6- 14 ft. pressure treated posts; forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. HAY: Approx. 4000 bales first cut hay; ap- prox. 1000 bales second cut hay. STRAW: Approx. 300 bales straw. CORN: Ap- prox. 28 acres of standing corn. HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE: airtight stove; 4 lengths chimney tile for In- side house. TRUCK: 1976 Chev 34 ton pick-up truck, 350 motor, automatic, power steering, power brakes. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 P.M. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or Injury to the public in connection with this Auction Sale. S17 THURSDAY OCTOBER 3 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale- the property of EDGAR DAVEY, Lot 20, Concession 2, Hamilton Township, 1v4 miles north of Port Hope on Hwy 28 to Dale Road, 5 miles east to Coun: ty Road 18, turn south 1% miles to farm or 12 miles north of Hwy 401 on Bur- nham St. (County Road 18). MACHINERY: 1979 John Deere 44-40 diesel tractor: 140 HP- 2200 hours- quad range: cab-air-radio- 20xBx38 tires- 20x4x38 snap- on duals; John Deere 2500 semi-mount 5- 18's spring reset plough; John Deere 7000. 4 row- 34 Inch corn planter- liquid fertilizer with monitors; Int. Vibra Shank 18'4 ft. cultivator with wings; 14 ft. harrows: Western type- fits Vibra Shank cultivator; Triple K 12 ft. cultivator 3 pt.; Bush Hog 14 ft. tandem disc. 24 inch heavy duty blades; George White trail field sprayer - 300 gallon- 34' boom sprayer control; Righ-Way stone picker PTO- high dump; Bush Hog 6 ft. rotary mower 3 pt. PTO; 51 ft. Hut chinson 7 inch grain auger on wheels PTO; John Deere 16 run seed drill; Little Giant 40 ft. hay elevator on wheels PTO; Little Glant 14 ft. silage conveyor; dump trailer 8x10 ft. PTO; M.F. 3 12's plough 3 pt.; 4 sections flex harrows- 18 ft. with evener; 3drum roller; stone boat; 1985 Comp- Air air compressor 2 HP motor twin cylinder 60 gallon tank; small Webster portable air compressor 1 HP motor; Miller arc welder; electric arc welder, John Deere 8 ft heavy duty grader blade 3 pt. 2 JM gravity grain box 210 bus. on 6 & 8 ton running gear, 2000 gal water tank; 2- 300 gallon tanks, Silo-Matic silo unloader 16 ft auger 4 inch, 1000 gal water tank on trailer, portable water pump gas motor, 7 ft sweep auger, John Deere 210 garden tractor 48 inch mower, push lawnmower power washer, 210 electric heater milk house heater 10 ton hydraulic jack, bench grinder, bench vise; New Idea 7 ft. double auger snowblower 3 pt; alr Impact wrench; tools, wrenches; 2: ¥a ton 16 inch rims and snow tires; sweeper for small tractor (mounts on); Homelite 14 inch chain saw; Homelite 18 inch chain saw; forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. MILKING EQUIPMENT: Delaval vacuum milk pump with 3 HP motor; 1 HP Copefand compressor; 600 U.S. gal. vacuum bulk milk tank (sold by Del aval); Surge 3 stall milking parlour; Del aval glass pipeline; § Surge units; double stainless steel sinks; hot water tank; 2- 30 gal. milk cans; other items. STRAW: Approx. 500 bales of straw. GRAIN: Approx. 300 bus. of oats. HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE & ANTIQUES: 1978 Honey 11 ft. camper: sleeps 6- fridge-stove: bathroom- fits 3 ton truck; large oak square table: § leaves- seats 16; 6 straight Pressback chairs; 4 small Pressback chairs; refinish- ed wash stand; glass front bookcase; hall seat and rack; planters peanut jar; small antique drop-leaf end table; Cherrywood love seat; Victorian oval lamp table; walnut coffee table: plate glass top; 2 oak lamps with granite bases; set of Britannica; antique dresser; 5 plece wooden bedroom suite; wicker fern stand; desk; butter bowl; flat irons; crocks; quantity of glass sealers; old trunk; books; cheese keg; quantity of dishes; quantity of silver; Hitachi 18 inch colour TV; 2 continental beds; tri-light lamp; black and white TV; electric kettle; electric iron; deep fryer; cookie can; tea can; 32 cup coffee maker; pots and pans; tupperware; quantity of bedding; quanti ty of linens; many other ar: ticles. Terms cash. No reserve. Furniture Sale at 11:00 a.m.; Machine Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or Injury to the public In connection with this auction sale. S 24 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction Sale the property of HARRY HALL (retiring from Farming) south 2 Lot 11, Con. 3, Mariposa Township - 2 miles south of Little Britain and 2 miles west or turn East at Village of Sonya, First Farm E ast of Zion United Church. 1982 MF. 540 Diesel Combine, Cab, Air, AM/FM Radio, Auger Extension, 13 Ft. Grain Header with Floating cutting bar, Automatic Header Height Control with U2 Pick-up Reel and Straw Shreader and 36 Inch 4 row corn Header - 1974 Chev. § Ton Truck with tipping box and 8 ton holst - 1975 Int. 1600 Truck, 14 ft. Box and Holst - White 1370 Diesel 4 Wheel Drive Tractor and Loader - White 285 12 Ft. 6 In. Cultivator with Mulchers White 4 Row Plate Corn Planter 8 Ton Wagon with 225 cu. Ft. Gravity Box - Hydraulic Fertilizer Auger - M. F.12 Baler Ford Post Hole Auguer - Wé Int. Trac: tor - Agretect Bale Stooker J B. and D Sprayer (21 Ft. Boom) JB Manure Spreader Int 3 pt Hitch Cultivator - 3 pt. Hitch Grass Spreader 3 Hay Wagons with Racks 6 Section of Harrows with Steel Draw Bar 28 Ft 4in. Grain Auger 24 Ft 6 in Grain Auger Allled Bale Fork - Stone Fork Jacuzzi Water Pump with 3 HP Gas Motor Round Bale Feeders Manuel Stooker Shopcraft Drill Press Power Hacksaw Single Plow Cattle Oller Graden Tiller McCullough Chain Saw Qty Steel Posts Qty Cedar Rails Qty Good Used Tires Iron Sap Ketitle Qty Miscellaneous items Don Corneil Auctioneer RR 1, Little Britain 705 784 2183 WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 25 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Holsteins Auction sale: September Cons.gnment Sale of Hols: teins, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, In- cluding fresh and close cows, bred and open helfers, featuring a (VG) Royalty trom KERSTENDALE FARMS, fresh Sept. 1/85; a (GP) Marquis Prince due at sale time to Rockman Ivanhoe from a (VG) Dam with 166-171; 2nd Dam (VG) with 188-204. Also 10 Registered open heifers from one farm including a Dec./83 Thunder from a (GP) Dam with 155-160. Also a service age bull. Con- signments will be accepted for this sale. Please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Ux- bridge 416-852-3524. S24 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2¢ SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay, the property of MR. AND MRS. EDWARD HOCKLEY and REV. AND MRS. MATTHEW MILLER, Bobcaygeon. Also shrub auction of Evergreen spreaders and uprights and about 100 Blue Spruce. Fur- niture, good appliances, household contents, Frigidaire freezer, Frigidaire dryer, Moffat 2-door frost-free refrigerator, matching automatic electric stove, Hotpoint dishwasher, spin- washer, old qulits, drop-leaf table, antique dressers, beds, wringer-washer, dressers, wardrobe, 9 plece dining room suite, maple buffet, hutch and round table, luggage, humidifier, console stereo, modern flowered chesterfield, Kroehler chesterfield set, trunks, chests, Lawnboy mower, garden and hand s~To list your sale call 705-324-27 val Mclean Auctions. S 24 SATURDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 28 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M, Auction sale of livestock- Breeder's Sale- 3 Complete Dispersals at Lindsay Com- munity Sale Barn, R.R.2, Lindsay, Ont. 292 head of top quality Breeder's Cows.and Calves. At 7:00 P.M. sharp. 212 head of High Grade and Purebred Simmental, Hereford and Angus Cattle. The property of KILMORLIE FARMS, R.R.2, Bradford - 85 mature Hereford Simmental Angus cows bred Simmental-Bull exposed April 1 to July V1. 37 Hereford-Simmental-Angus heifers rising 2 yrs. old - bred Angus - bull exposed Apr. 10 to July 1. 25 Purebred Simmental heifers and cows. Al bred. 10 Purebred Simmental bred heifers. 10 Purebred Sim: mental, open heifers. 45 Simmental-Angus weaned pre-conditioned heifer calves 400 to 600 Ibs. An outstanding herd well worth your attention. Im- mediately following - 29 head of Hereford and Sim: mental Cattle. The property of ROSS JAMIESON, R.R.2, Cavan, Ontario. 14 mature Hereford cows with 14 Simmental-Hereford calves by side. Bull exposed Aprli 1. Hereford -Simmental Bull rising 3 yr. old. Immediate: ly following 5! head of Hereford and Limousin Cat- tle. The property of VINCE AITKEN, Amherst Island (Kingston). 25 mature Hereford cows with 13 Hereford calves and 8 Hereford Limousin calves by side. 4 cows due time of sale. | Full Blood Limousin Bull 3 yrs. old. This Is an outstanding offering of cows and calves. Plan to attend Terms Cash, No Reserve Sale at 7 00 P.M. Sharp Carl and Greg Hickson Auc tioneers Carl Hickson Sales Mgr Reaboro, Ontario 705 324 9959 or 324-2774 Our next Breeder's Sale is Oc tober 5th at 7:00 P.M. More Auction Sales on page 35

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