| | 26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1985 We want to say 'Thank you' to our friends, neighbours and relatives for their cards, food, help, compassion and kindness In the sad sudden passing of our brother, Ken: neth Fox, who had come up from Nova Scotia fo spend a few days with us In our dif ficulties of sickness. A special 'Thank You' to Rev. Brian Robinson and Mrs. Bonnie Slute who have been right beside us through our sickness and this great grief. Words cannot express how we feel. Thanks again one and all and may God Bless You. Marvin and Marion Hughes The family of the late Mar |orie Beaton wish to express sincere appreciation to all relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind: ness and sympathy during the iliness and loss of a dear sister and aunt. The lovely flowers, donations and those who called at the Funeral Home were very much ap preciated by the family especially the many visits to the hospital. A thank you for the Funeral Tribute by Rev. Arthur Rodgers and the kindness shown by Wagg Funeral Home A special thank you to the nurses on JF and D.H.S. girls tor their special care during the long stay at Oshawa General Hospital. Thank you to the Greenbank U CW. for serv Ing lunch after the service. The Leask, Phoenix and Beaton families My sincere thanks to all my relatives and friends who visited me during my stay at Port Perry Hospital and thanks for all cards and gifts Also to the Nursing staff and Dr Cohoon and Dr Allin who took such ex cellent care of me Rev Glen Jackson tor his moral support! which was greatly appreciated Again many thanks Hazel Wilson We would like to thank the Seagrave Community for the many beautitul gifts that you showered upon us last Friday evening We are mos! grateful to you. for your friendship and generosity With thanks Cyril & Bonnie Sincere thanks to our many customers. friends and relatives. tor their kind en quiries, prayers. cards and gifts received since my acc) dent Special thanks to my husband for his wonderful care. to our staff tor carry ing on so capably. to the am bulance drivers for their quick response. and the Doc tors and nursing staff at Oshawa General and Por! Perry Hospitals All of your kindness has helped make a very painful time a little easier to bear Sincerely Phyllis Feasby We would like to thank our family. friends and customers for their thoughtfulness. flowers and cards during David s recent iHiness A special thanks goes to Nancy Jose Laura Shelley and Larry of David s Beauty Salon tor their ex'r a work Thanks also to Dr wart and Or Chiu avid & Valerie Men:ies My most sincere thanks 'co all distant and 'ocal friends relatives and neighbours tor their cards and other ex pressions of congratulations for joining with our tamily to help celebrate my 70th Bir Mwglay September 9th An evening to be remembered Geordie Beare PHONE 985-7383 Card of Thanks In Memoriam BASSANT - In loving memory of a déar father, who passed away on September 16, 1984. There Is nothing so treasured and nothing so rare As the love that a father shares Through joy, laughter and tears We developed a closeness that grew through the years Time will not dim his smil- ing face We think of him each day The many things he did for us In his kind and loving way When days are sad and lonely And everything goes wrong We seem to hear our dear Dad Whisper, cheer up and carry on And so wherever we go and whatever we do Always Dad, we are think ing of you Silent tears we will shed till the end of our time For a wonderful father, we're so proud to call ours Always in our hearts Grace and Murray BASSANT In loving memory of a dear grand father. who passed away on September 16, 1984. In tears we saw you sinking We watched you fade away Our hearts were almost broken You fought so hard to stay But when we saw you sleeping So peacefully free trom pain We could not wish you back To suffer that again In our hearts always Matthew, Sylvia and Tom sorrow, BASSANT In loving memory of a dear husband, who passed away on September 16, 1984 His smile is gone forever And his hand | cannot touch Still I have so many memories Of the one | loved so much His memory is my keepsake From which I'll never part God has him in His Keeping | have him in my heart Sadly missed by wife Grace TAYLOR In loving memory of Arnold Taylor, who passed away Sunday. September 19th, 1982 It's lonely here without you We miss you more each day For life is not the same here Since you were called away At your resting place we visit Place flowers there with care But no one knows the heartache When we turn and leave , uv there Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by The Family IVES FLORIST . 985-2525 166 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY A Complete | ne of Froral Art tor All Occasons Flowers Wired World Wide Classified Ads Classified Deadline Monday 12:00 NOON | Births JOBB, David and Marlene are very pleased to an: nounce the arrival of their daughter, Caitlin Nicole, born September 11, 1985 8:52 p-m. 7 Ibs. 6 oz. Néw grand- daughter for Ruby Smith, Columbus and David and Jane Jobb, Oshawa. Great granddaughter for Mrs. Wilma Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jobb. ARCHER, Ryan would like to tell the world that he has a baby sister! Jennifer, Alexandria Gall weighed 7 Ibs. 13 oz. on arrival at Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital on August 31, 1985. Mummy and Daddy (Sheila and Scott) survived her birth and all four of us are doing just fine. Jennifer is the first granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Hilmore Archer of Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Davison of Ajax. Many thanks to Dr. Eix and mater: nity staff. JAMIESON, A son, Tyler Nicholas, was born to Don and Cyndy on Tuesday, September 10th, 1985. He is the first grandchild for Doug and Diane Hogg and first grandson for Audrey and Jim Jamieson. Great grand parents are Mr. Hugh Santer, Mrs. Margaret Hogg. and Mr. Wilmot Jamieson. A very special thank you is extended to Dr. Krempowich and the mater nity statt of Community Memorial Hospital IT'S THE BIG GUY! BLOW, Bill and Julie (nee Latta) are thrilled to an nounce the safe arrival of their first child, a son, Ryan William, born September 8th, weighing in at 7 Ibs. 13 oz Proud grandparents are Carol and Lawrence Smith ot Port Perry, and Butch and Judy Latta of Green bank Special thanks to Dr Monahan and the excellent nursing staff at Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital IT'S A BOY! CHANDLER Trevor and Lesia are pleased to an nounce the safe arrival of their first child, Trevor Douglas Chandler, on September 1, 1985. weighing in at 8 Ibs 11 oz Proud grandparents are Douglas and Joyce Hall and Rodney and Ann Chandler A special thank you to Dr Millar, Dr Beatty of Oshawa. Dr Allin and Dr Krempowitch and the nurs ing statt at Port Perry Hospital Announcement Mr and Mrs James Heayn, Scugog Island. wish to an nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Sandra Diana to William David. son of Mr and Mrs Willy Houthuys. Port Perry Marriage to take place Oc tober 19 1985 3p m Colum bus United Church The wedding wll take | 1985 at 300 pm Nn Marriage Announcement Ken and Audrey Middleton ' nn ay the *artheam or 0a ounce e ( PATRICIA AUDREY BRENDON SEAN on of Robert & Zena tary of haw of Port Perry gre pleased r dau hter Nn Sat day VC tobher y » t Perry vite Chur Birth WALLACE - Nancy and Darcy thank God for the precious gift of their second daughter, Christina Louise, 5 Ibs., 9'2 oz., born at Kitchener Waterloo Hospital, July 21, 1985. A baby sister for Laura Joy. a granddaughter to Marilyn Wallace of Port Perry and Laurence and Olive Evans of Uxbridge. At Rest BEATON, Marjorie (nee Phoenix) at the Oshawa General Hospital, on Tues- day, September 10, 1985 in her 73rd year. Beloved wife of the late George Beaton. Sister of Kathleen Leask of Seagrave, Franklin and Fred Phoenix, both of Greenbank. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Service was held at the Wagg Funeral Home, Port Perry, on Thursday, September 12th, at 1:30 p.m. Interment McNeill Cemetery, Wick. If desired, a donation may be made to a favourite charity. FOX, William Kenneth - suddenly at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, on Sunday, September 8, 1985 in his 78th year. Brother of Marion and her husband Marvin Hughes, of Scugog Island. Funeral and interment at Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Funeral arrangements en- trusted to the Wagg Funeral Home, Port Perry. McKEE, Elsie Lucille (nee Dring) (of Ajax and former- ly of Cardiff) at the Ajax/Pickering Hospital, on Sunday. September 15th, 1985 in her 82nd year. Belov- ed wife of the late Lloyd McKee. Dear mother of Joyce (Mrs. R. Jackson) of Don Mills, Meredith of Port Perry, Margaret (Mrs. B. Sheedy) of Waterloo, Elwood of Hampton and Ross McKee of Oshawa. Loved grandmother of 10 grandchildren and one great grandson Sister of Feleda Street and Verna Reesor, both of Toronto, and Meredith Dring and Estella Patterson both of Oshawa. Service was held at the Wagg Funeral Home, Port Perry, on Tuesday, September 17th at 1 30p m Interment Pine Grove Cemetery If desired. a donation may be made to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation TRICKER, Harriet at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, on Fri day. September 13th, 1985 in her 88th year Beloved wife of the late Charles Tricker, sister of Flo Herivel of Michigan, Clarice, Ernest and Harold Renier and sister in law of Jessie Renier of England Aunt of Mildred and Edward In gram, Donald and Virginia Herivel and Elsie Naulls, Gail. Gordon and Marilyn Also survived by many nieces and nephews Dear friend of Helen Wilkinson Rested at the Wagq Funeral Home. Port Perry Service was held in the Community Church Caesarea. on Tues day September 17th at 2 pm Interment Nestleton United Cemetery If desired y donation may be made 'o the (Caesarea Community Church Yard Sales SATURDAY J'st Pull out couch corner pine bench and table wainut kitchen suite modern dining te Singer No 403 sewing mach ny smal bicyc'e ping ponq 'table rosewood Jueen s.ze bed electr 'vpewr iter 1982 2000 niscelianeous toys books IPD! Ances ot Faurth sideroad Fral Scugoq Island Follow signs September cw s Beach on - Yerd Sales SATURDAY Sept. 21 10-5 p.m. 23 Scugog St. N. Blackstock, Misc. household, baby seats, tricycles, clothing. SATURDAY/SUNDAY September 21/22 - Moving - Everything must go. Con: cession 4 & Wilson Road, Scugog Township (4 miles east of Blackstock. Farm and household items. SATURDAY, September 21st and Sunday, September 22nd, 83 Chester Crescent, 8:30 to 4 p.m. BIG YARD Sale, September 21-22 at 10a.m., Island Road, 11th Concession. Watch for signs. Chesterfields and some antiques and much more. Notice I AM interested in starting and participating in a "Meditation Study Graup." A group that could utilize everyones Ideas and con- cepts in a direction of a holistic nature which would include a meditation period. Any bites! All ideas and in- quiries very much ap- preciated. Call Elaine 985-9483. S17 < Notice MASONIC HALL - available for dances, receptions, par- ties and for meetings. Kit- chen and bar. New facilities. Seats 141. Call 985-8220. TF VOICE, PIANO and theory lessons with experienced teacher. Children and adults welcome. For more infor: mation phone Mrs. Rebecca Helsdon 986-4395. S24 Thurs., Sept. 19 Wish Her A Happy Birthday! HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY Ryan Archer (September 22nd) J Love, Gramy & Grampy HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY "PAMELA WOODWARD" Love, Gramma & Grampa When You See "Cj" on Sept. 19th Wish Her A Happy 18th! | Love, Mom & Dad HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY "TO M 1" on Fri., Sept. 20th. Monday to Friday Saturday 10 3 PORT PERRY PLAZA (HWY 7A) - 9858886 _ NE | NEW BUSINESS HOURS 10am to 7 pm m to 6 pm CLOSED SUNDAYS until further notice. Notice Flea Market September, 10, 17, 24 LINDSAY FLEA MARKET on Little Britain Road Open SATURDAY AND SUNDAY HALF PRICE on Conve: nience Store items, cards, books, bottle pop. most shoes, wallpaper, paint, most sport clothes, T shirts, etc. BARGAINS GALORE, many antiques. china, glassware, gifts, crafts, yard sales, home baking, Victoria County pork, good food booths. Vendors wanted phone 324-2783 or come set up Saturday morning. Free space for charity and farm produce. BAHAI information- write P.O. Box 1153, Port Perry. EOW GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For bookings, contact: Cathy Galberg 985-8351. TF DOGGIE SALON will be closed August 12th to September 30th. Moving to a new location. S17 Village Stitchery Alterations & Repairs to all types of Clothing & Leather BARB MCINTYRE 985-2269 BLANCHARD SUPPLY CO. Cleaning Supplies Maintenance Chemicals Paper Products q | | 3 { { | Cromicals 985-2640 DURHAM COLLEGE ADULT TRAINING CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Train to be a skilled tradesman - sign up now for WELDER FITTER, DRAFTING or MACHINE SHOP courses. For further information Call: 576-02 1 0 EXT. 228 © SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE C.LV.P. a mental health program serving your community CALL WEEKDAYS 985-8461 9-12Noon & 1-4P M Coming Events LUNCHEON at the Presbyterian Church on Fri day. October 18 from 11 30 to 1 30 CHRISTMAS Bazaar at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday December 7 RUMMAGE Sale a! the Presbyterian Church on Fri day September 20 from 9 'o 2 30 MOVIE Family Hey There Its Yoqg' Bear Lat ham Hall Port Perry Fr day September 20 7 pm Admission $2 00 all ages OCTOBERFEST Dance Saturday September 28th Catholic Church Hall Por? Music by Arc of Sound $5 per person For tickets phone 98% 375% or 98S 707 or contact any moamber of the Port Perry Knights of Columbus § 24 Perry A RB