- nt RL LN 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. August 20, 1985 Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted A MAJOR Northwestern On tario Weekly Newspaper re TRUCKING Careers Driver job training with quires an experienced placement help is available reporter Reply to: The Complete details can be Editor, Lakehead Living, mailed to you Phone Box 100, Thunder Bay. On Rodgers ~~ School at tario P7C aV5 416 769 3546 with postal code Real Estate CAESAREA FAMILY HOME -- CEDAR GROVE DRIVE. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, recreation room with airtight woodstove, large well landscaped lot. In- sulated workshop 24 x 36. Asking $82,500. IMMACULATE 4 bedroom 12 storey '*Jacobson" home, large kitchen, family room with walkout, living room with fireplace and large party size rec room, 2'2 baths plus other extras. Situated on 1 acre with large inground pool, 12 car garage/workshop. Asking $125,000. Call Valerie Butt. WATERFRONT PLUS ALL THE EX: TRAS - 4 bedroom home with ultra modern kitchen including appliances, 3 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, large separate dining, large insulated heated garage, many more features all on a beautiful treed landscaped lot close to Port Perry. Asking $175,000. Call Valerie Butt. OLDER COTTAGE ON OVER '2 ACRE lovely lot in Hamlet of Caesarea. Estate sale Open for offers. Call Carol Marquis. COUNTRY ESTATE HOBBY FARM. Large mill pond and river on 71 scenic acres. 1'2 storey 4 bedroom renovated century home with view of pond and coun tryside 17 acres bush. Asking $195,000. Call George Stone. CHARMING COUNTRY HOME. A love: ly view from every window, large coun try kitchen, large entrance with cathedral ceilings and winding oak staircase, large formal dining room, mother in-law apart ment, many other extras. Perfect hide-a way artists or writer's paradise, situated on beautifully treed 10 acres. Asking $239,000. Call Valerie Butt PORT PERRY -- POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LAND 135 acres ad joining Port Perry, high dry land with about 3500 ft frontage on Lake Scugog Asking $1,300,000. Call George Stone for information. BUILDING LOT ir. Port Perry on Lakeshore Drive, high dry lot overlook ing lake 75 ft. x 207 ft $35,000 firm. BUILDING LOT Caleb St 50 ft trontage x 155 f1. Water and sewer, mature trees. Asking $32,000 SEAGRAVE -- VERY SCENIC BUILDING LOT on Nonquon River, many mature trees on 63 acres. 130 ft frontage on River. Call for more details SERVICE 1S OUR BUSINESS. Call - Port Perry 985-7303 AFTER HOURS CALL: George Stone FRI CMR 985-2632 Valerie Butt 985-2122 Ken Holliday 123-5420 Larry Marquis 6553763 Carol Marquis 6553763 John Vernon 985 2806 NEEDED! Earthmoving contractor with De bulldozer or equivalent for construction of large pond, Peterborough area 416738375). 6pm. top m only NEEDED! Experienced people to do fence work, must have own equipment, Peterborough area 416 738-375), 6 pm. to8p m only CAREER in Trucking Transport drivers needed Now is the time to train for your Class 'A' license. For pre screening and job place ment information contact Merv Orr's Transport Oriver Training North Bay 705 472 2910 Sudbury 705 560 335) PRODUCTION Manager Web Offset Printing Plant We are looking for a hands on Production Manager who is capable of running a small web offset printing opera tion. The successful can: didate will run the daily operation of our business with particular emphasis and knowledge regarding GOSS printing equipment as well as the pre-press area and the ability to effective ly manage people and systems. Please reply in confidence stating remuneration expectations and experience to: Scott Mclaren Press Limited, P.O. Box 10,000, Bracebridge, Muskoka, On tario P0B 1C0. CLEANER/PRESSER wanted, minimum 5 years experience for Montral and West Island area. Possibili ty of managerial position available. Please call Mr. St. Pierre at 1-514-684-5461. CAREER in Trucking. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class 'A' License. For pre screening and job place: ment information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training, St. Catharines 4166854453; Brampton 416 791-1292. Real Estate PRIVATE SALE Barrie area, beautiful four bedroom, open plan sidesplit, pool, 100 x 130, steps to sandy beach, 24 x 24 kitchen tamily room, many more features 705 436 4868 UNIQUE job opportunity Reasonable, mature, loving person to provide physically and emotionally secure en vironment in my home for -one rambunctious 6 year old boy from approximately 3:30 p.m. to approximately 8 p m. (hours somewhat flex ible) Monday to Thursday To start as soon as possible at latest, August 28 or 29 Salary negotiable. ** Position could work into part time domestic as described above and part time clerical for person with bookkeeping experience Non smoker, confident driver on country roads. Call 986 0087 for interview or write PO. Box 9. Blackstock LOB 1B0 FULL TIME person re quired Apply in person Hank's Pastries, Friday 23, ltodpm PART TIME Waitress/ waiter four days a week ap proximately. Apply Port Perry Dairy Bar. A 27 FULL OR Part time service station attendants required. Inquire at Suny's Gas Bar, Manchester. MATURE male or female to weed spray for one month. Driver's license required. 985-2259. WANTED: Short order cook and general kitchen help. Apply in person at Haugen's Chicken, Hwy 12 in Manchester. WAITRESS/WAITER, full time/part time. Cooks- full time. Apply 'The North For- ty' 655-8911 after 5 p.m. REQUIRED immediately, babysitter for two small children. Scugog Island area Call 985-3969. A 20 - WANTED - SHORT ORDER COOK & GENERAL KITCHEN HELP Apply in Person at Haugen's Chicken Hwy. 12 - Manchester Unique 3 bed oom Board & Batton home completely hinished in cedar (walls & ceilings: tire lace anrtigh' stove & oil furnace Has beaut!tully Jecorated Large rec room bulb in jouble garage with electiic door opener A neated workshog Broadioom throughoc! Located an hedged ot with wea (ake WC ugoy ess than Ou 'eet from ake an public acce Home located | miles trom Port Perry Ashing $34 900 for appointment! please a 986-4623 ov - SALES PERSON for RETAIL LUMBER & HARDWARE STORE Experience preferred CALL 852-3801 or WRITE P.0.Box 1509, Uxbridge Ontario LOC1KO Real Estate $99 000 INVESTMENT PROPERTY 100 acres. well fenced some trees. good value North of Woodville Asking $30 000 WOODVILLE NORTH FARMS 99 acres 8 room brick and aluminum house. bank barn slab silo all buildings in good repair Asking GOOD VALUE 3b qroom brick house located in Beaverton close to churches and shopping Asking $43 900 SEE TO APPRECIATE 188 acre farm 6 room dwelling. modern loafing barns 2 large implement sheds Good land and loca thon north of Woodville Asking $160 000 FOR THE ABOVE PROPERTIES CALL Earl Dowswell Office 852-6106 or Res. 705-426-7024 LIE TR WILL BABYSIT in my home. Four years ex: perience with Durham Region Daycare. Receipts available. Call 986-5030. ELECTRIC Fencer Service Factory approved service centre for Shur Shock Fences Look for mobile repair shop at Wilsons Sales Arena. Livestock Sales and Lindsay Friday Sale. Walter Wright, Blackstock 416 986 4818. TF Real Estate COMPUTER operator for protessional office Ex perience in data entry and accounting required. Please reply to Box 8. c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO A 20 CUSTOM Round Baling. Call Mark 986-5689 or Wells 985-9842. A 27 I's Yel=hai=lAz NA -RNel tc] ZR =S=R} FINES] DC [SHeo NS] Sy. § Sy ge | FRANK @:LER ELL REALYOR TORONTO LINE 686-3931 Serving Durham Region 118 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY For == Years - OPEN HOUSE - Saturday, August 24th, 1985 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. 156 BLOSSOM COURT, PORT PERRY CONVENIENCE: 4 bedrooms, 1Y: baths, separate dining, walkout from family room, full fenced yard with pool. All for $84,500.00 Call Susan Bryant 985-7386 or 985-3110 or Maryanne Espie 985-7386 or 985-9457. aia A N\ COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE - IN TOWN L) VIEW FOR MILES: Luxury bungalow, 10 acres. Sunken living room, stone fireplace, full length deck, family room, 2 baths, double garage. Only $89,900.00 Call Mark Smith 985-7386 or 985-3110. PORT PERRY 10 MINUTES: Renovated 2 storey, king size master with ensuite, eatin kitchen with woodstove, main floor laundry & bath Heated garage and workshop $59.900 00. Call Mark Smith 985-7386 or 985-3110 COTTAGE NOW, HOME LATER: 3 bedroom insulated cottage Shady hillside lot with sand beach access $35.900. 00 Call Ross Carter 985-7386 or 985-7808 WATERFRONT: 3 bedroom insulated cottage. fireplace, rehable furnace. 125 feet of sand beach. all with wester ly exposure Asking $49,900 00 Call Ann Elliott 985 7386 or 985 5128 BROCK TWP. FARM: 136 acres. 90 acres workable. balance bush and pasture 3 bedroom frame home. all conveniences Implement shed. a good working farm Asking $140,000 00 Call Bruce Currie 985-7386 or 705-357 3392 BLACKSTOCK AREA: 154 acres 140 acres some of the most productive land in the area all fenced. creek 2 barns with paved yards. steel implement shed 40 x 100° 7 room 14 storey brick house. atiached garage For more informa tion call Harvey Moore 985-7386 or 655-3598 MARYANNE ESPIE MARK SMITH Manager A iin, a es NA Ce tt de wel