Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 16 Jul 1985, p. 35

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A eH Ce A MS a EM wis ii ER ! : 1 | PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 23, 1985 -- 35 Used Trucks For Rent Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted TRUCK 3 ton, 1969 Chev Best ofter 985 2029 1980 GMC % TON 4X4 Pickup. excellent condition - $5,300. 986-4384 1977 GMC % TON VAN $1,200. as is. 985 2677. '81 GMC ¥s TON - 4 speed. AM/FM stereo, tinted glass. pulse wipers - $6,200. cer tified. 985-2006. 1985 GMC S-15 TRUCK & cap. 6,000 km., V6, plus 7 op- tions $8,500. certified. Phone 985-2853. 1979 DODGE, one ton, less than 5000 miles on rebuilt motor, new exhaust, new brakes, new tires and new paint. Certified. 705-357-3027. Wanted to Buy ALIVE any complete stan: dard size car, free towing. 576-2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF WANTED: Crippled and disabled cattle. Highest _ prices paid. Call collect anytime. Uxbridge 852-3238. M & M Livestock. License No. 1189. TF OLD CLOTHING from 50's and back, hats, petticoats, nighties, dresses, coats and blouses. Also old linen and dollles. 985-8331. Jy 30 BOAT TRAILER reasonably priced, 1,000 Ib. capacity trailer. 263-8275. HORSE COLLAR- 26inchor 28 inch useable- also back band and belly band. 986-5200. For Rent FARM HOUSE 3 bedrooms, no appliances, 1 acre, 2 miles south of Port Perry, near Simcoe St. $625.00 per month. First and last. 1-534-7941, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. FARMHOUSE, Blackstock area. Available September 15th, couple preferred. $425 plus utilities. 986-5618.Jy 16 PERSON to share country home on Scugog Island $250. 985-2074. TF KIN SCOUT HALL, 245 Lilla St. N., Port Perry. 985-3736. SPACE for rent. Durham Road 8 - 1350 square feet. 985-7085. TF STORAGE Units, large and small. Monthly rentals. Port Perry area. 985-7622. TF PORT PERRY, clean one bedroom basement apart ment, including fridge and stove, new carpet, drapes and parking for one car. Suitable for working adult. No children or pets Available August 1st. $250 month plus utilities, first and last. Call after 7 p.m 6553047. STURGEON LAKE, Greenhurst Park, housekeeping cottages 1 705-357-2144 or 705 357 3713 (jreqony Mena Wear Lid. vour headquarters for FREEMAN FORMAL RENTALS Book Your Wedding Party Beriy! PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-8160 Open Fridays to 9 PM STORAGE SPACE tor tur nifure Adjustable units to suit your needs On a mon thly basis. 985-2597. It no answer please call 705-454-8442 FOR RENT NEW APARTMENT Bachelor, Broadloom, New Appliances. Available Now. 985-8711 After 6 P.M. - 985-7246 Wanted to Rent HOUSE or Farm, preferably on water. Port Perry/Oshawa/Whitby area, by retiring couple. We are professional land: scapers and will maintain and landscape if reasonable rent and long lease or option to buy in 2 or 3 years. Call collect 1-705-738-4284 or write to P.O. Box 30, Hwy. 36, R.R. 3, Bobcaygeon, Ontario KOM 1A0. Jy 16 WORKING mom very urgently needs 2 bedroom apartment or reasonable house for family. Please call 666-2094 collect. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED personre quired tor child care 1n our Apply Valley area home. Wednesday to Friday. 8a.m to 5 pm starting September Two small children and a third In schgol ull day. Call 985 9007 wo 7 and 8 p.m. for ap pointment Jy 23 DENTAL HYGIENIST for Uxbridge Health Centre. Please reply to Box 851, Ux: bridge. LOC 1KO. J23 PRESSMAN REQUIRED - Performance Printing re quires an experienced pressman to produce quali ty work on a 2-colour 25" Heidelberg Press. We offer competitive wages with pro- fit sharing and an outstan- ding benefits package. Some shift work and over time required. Smiths Falls is located on the Rideau Canal and offers excellent recreational opportunities including fishing, boating, hunting, golf, curling etc. Send a letter detailing your work experience and ex: pected wage to Perfor: mance Printing, 65 Lorne St.. Smiths Falls, Ontario K7A 4T1. Attention: Plant Manager. J23. EXPERIENCED CHEF for resort with large dining room located in heart of Rideau Waterway. Apply in writing with resume: Rideau Ferry Inn, Rideau Ferry, KOG 1W0. CHEF required. Please rep- ly to P.O. Box 980, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB INO.TF PERSON for light housekeeping and compa- nion wanted for five hours a day for Saturdays and Sun- days from 1 to 5 p.m. Call evenings 985-3333. BABYSITTER, steady posi: tion for mature, reliable babysitter in our Greenbank home. Two boys, ages 4 and 1. Mondays and Tuesdays only. Good wages for the right person. 985-8398. Jy 23 STUDENT for July and August at 1 Hour Photo, Port Perry Plaza. Apply in person. HELP WANTED We now have openings for EXPERIENCED WAITERS/ WAITRESSES Apply in Person: GATE RESTAURANT Port Perry Plaza \ Y PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR PART TIME Location: Port Perry Duties: Direct program leadership /supervision for commnnity programs ac tivities Administrative sup port tor office staffing, records Program leader ship development Market ing Y Services Flexible hours evenings. some Saturdays Qualifications: Enthusiastic self starter with an ability to grow with anticipated ex pansion Excellent com munication interpersonal skills Demonstrative capacity 'experience in supervising community ser vices Training "experience in fitness. sports (specify) youth adult leadership Strong organizational skills Car essenhal Availability: August 1985 Apply with resume to DURHAM REGION FAMILY YMCA P.0. Box 216, Whitby, Ontario LIN 5S1 ATTENTION: General Manager, Deadline: Friday. July 26 1985 Q HYGIENIST required 3 days per week for preven: titive oriented Port Perry Dental practice. Pleae app- ly Box 19, c/o Port Perry Star, P.O. Box 90, 235 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB INO. J23 BABYSITTER, babysit: ter/housekeeper, Monday to Friday, September to June. In our house (Utica area) or yours. Reply Box 24, Port Perry, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry LOB 1NO. WANTED: Cook's helper, willing to train. 985-2066 for appointment. Work Wanted CUSTOM 'ROUND baling, call Mark 986-5689 or Wells 985-9842. Al CUSTOM BALING, Hay and Straw, 4,50r 6 ft. New John Deer equipment, Call Mark 986 5689 or Wells 985-9842. A3 HOUSECLEANING SER- VICE Introductory offer, 8 weeks for price of 7 weeks. 985 2223; 985 2886 Jy 16 PAINTING - Interior/Ex terior, free estimates. Cal' Neil McDermott - 985-7977 or 985-2084. TF FURNITURE refinishing Specializing in hand stripp ing and finishing. Call Dianne Burke 9853085 M 12 HARRY MORRIS, han dyman specialist Work ful SHORT'S ROOFING specializing in FLAT ROOFS RE-ROOFS NEW & REPAIRS Free Estimates 986-4531 ANTENNA MAN Grant Noble Installations, Repair Work, Comb Colour Heads, Rotors, Power Boosters, Towers New Homes Pre-Wired. UXBRIDGE 852-7717 Sunderland (705) 357-2419 I. JEWELL EXCAVATING & Septic Tank Installation 2x 3 139 Simcoe St. S., Port Perry, Ontario 16) 985-1085 -- Owner -- IRVINE JEWELL x DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals. $10.00 Service Charge on Sheep. Goats & Pigs - any size $20 00 Charge for all rotten ammals Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM ~ HAMPTON (416) 263-2721 CARPETS AND Upholstery professionally cleaned at reasonable rates We move the furniture Call anytime 852 671) MS MOUNTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE Septic Tank & Tile Bed Installations, Trenching, Water Lines, Basements, Screened Stone, Sand & Crushed Gravel. CALL BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 2868 Queen 8t., PORT PERRY C.0.D.E (Central Ontario Drivers Education) DRIVING SCHOOL Government Licenced Instructors Private Lessons 985-9889 aue. 986-5318 Res. EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE & PAINTING This includes. painting. grass cutting & tamming, window washing and any other outdoor task that you are never able to find the time to do bul that needed to be done yesterday All at a low student rate! 3 Years txpernience References are available PHONE NOW! Ask for Rich: 985-8100 Deck Work Discounts for Seniors! pS LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE Fertilizing - Patio Work 15 Yrs. Experience 985-3873 Gary Johnstone 985-9539 Pipe Renovations and Repairs Cottage Systems PIPE SERVICES Gas Installations Maintenance Registered - Gas Fitter 1, Pipeline Inspector ROOFING Flats & Shingles Sheet Metal Duct Work JIM FOSTER 985-9941 - EREE ESTIMATES - MIKE JORDAN DRYWALL i ) 11 HIMATE PHONE (105) 324-0603 ' < Jt YT: WE ( fr NG 5! \ Port Perry 1-416-985-3960 MINI BACKHOE A EARTH MOVING IN SMALL AREAS! Under existing buildings Barn clean-outs Landscaping - Backhilling Tile Repairs - . NO JOB TOO SMALL Gardening Hourly rates DEAN HUNTER MASONRY [] Block Laying [] Brick Work [] Footings [.] Chimneys 985-3111 Country Upholstery T.V. Service!!! OPENING: AUGUST 1st In Port Perry Picture Perfect Television Service Sales - Service - Rentals 12 Water Street 985-9500 ly guaranteed References So No Job Too Small Give Custom Me A Call 9853663 TF 7 Furniture Upholstering [! Stripping & ELECTRIC Fencer Service . Refinishing Factory approved service : ' centre for Shur Shock J i [} Fences Look far mobile i - : repair shop at Wilsons Sales DONNA & BILL ° ' a Call Now Arena Livestock Sales and LININGTON Free Estimates Lindsay Friday Sale Walter Wright. tslackstock Nestleton. Ont 986-5640 416 986 4818 TF LAKESHORE New Homes - Additions LANDSCAPING & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Ye oe de de de Ye de x Walk-Ways & Patios and Retaining Walls Te fe de de fe ke de Wx CALL GERRY 985-2188 General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S General Contracting Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 OFFICE: 985-8216 P.O. BOX 608 -- PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation CENTRAL SEVEN INDUSTRIES RAPID PRINT *Top quality copies "Coloured stock 'Raffle tickets 'Dance tickets * Advertising flyers *"In-Memory" Cards 'Forms "Mailings and ""What-have-you?" FREE ESTIMATES 985-8511 James Duncan WOOD refinishing and can- ing. Specializing in antiques and fine furniture. Call Terry Dyer 655 4092. TF PROFESSIONAL painting and papering. Reasonable. Call Keven 985-8358. M 19 - CUMMINGS BACKHOE & COTTAGE RAISING Septic Systems, Trenching, Basements, Drain Tile, Water Lines, Sand, Gravel, Top Soil 986-5601 Auctioneers RON KING - AUCTIONEER- Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your Auction Needs ... DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you! 985-2788 PEARCE Auction Services E xper ienced In All Types of Auction Sales We do Trucking and Appraisals. wis) 655-8073 Auction Sales FRIDAY JULY 19 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale the estate of the late MRS. MARGARET POLITO of Lindsay. 9 piece walnut dining suite, mat ching gold Westinghouse 30 inch stove and 2 door fridge, walnut tea wagon, upright piano, hanging lamp, Cherry bonnet chest, pine chests of drawers, Victorian pine secretariat, set of 8 1847 Rogers Brothers silver ware, green chesterfield and chair, Philco console colour TV, Duncan Phyfe coffee table, walnut gate leg table, oak hall mirror, mantle clock, antique dressers, bookcase, oak library table, parlour tables, wicker sew ing basket, table lamps, Hoover spin washer, apart ment size Simplicity dryer, 5 piece walnut bedroom suite, air conditioner, quan tity of silverware, bedding, china and glass. Don Corneil Auctioneer, RR. 1, Little Britain 705 786 2183 TUESDAY JULY 23 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale the estate of the late ANGUS D. GILLESPIE of Beaverton, plus others Antique dressers, wicker fern stand, Pressback chairs, oak library table, wash stands, portable and console colour TVs, chesterfields, parlour tables, maple bunk beds, modern dressers, coffee and end tables, 9.2 Chrysler out: board motor, platform rocker, occasional chairs, odd wooden kitchen chairs, quantity of tools, china and glass. Don Cornell Auc- tioneer, R.R. 1, Little Bri tain 705-788-2183.

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