{ 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 9, 1985 - Sexy Contest really heating up Jamie Malcolm, 27, is the Sexiest Farmer nominee everyone's been making such a fuss about. He runs Malmont Farms in Blackstock with his Dad, and when he's | not working with prize-winning Holsteins, he likes harness racing, baseball and hanging out with his wife and two children. R ' » RARE ' x ho : wy # ig 227 h #3780 Bo SN | 4 AY i Hi Se TA Ry, A Aleahdpde ERIE CARN | SE ACE LTR I LY AG w Puy lab 155 § Wd 4 OY f { & Time 1s running short for nominating your favourite man for the Scugog Sexy Man Con- test, sponsored by the Kidney Foundation Cur- renly there are more than 100 men in the race and competition is keen Nominations close Thursday July 11. Polling Station A polling station will be set up on Queen Street during Festival Days on Friday from 10a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday 10 am. to5p.m. Socome on out and cast your votes and see how your can- didates are doing in their respective categories. Winners will be an- nounced and prizes awarded on Saturday Ju- ly 13 at 7 pm. at the Bandstand. Everyone is welcome. The contest is broken into 12 categories. Nominations are to be accompanied by a $3.00 fee and votes are col- lected on behalf of the sexy men. A vote will cost one penny, so for every dollar collected, the sexy man gets 100 votes. At the end of the contest there will be one overall winner and 12 category winners. Leading overall in voting is Chuck Dewhirst in the service club category with an astoun- ding 40,000 votes! Nominations Mr. Sexy Bachelor: Rick Cooper, Kevin Knight, Doug Olliffe, Larry Scott, Rick Short®, Mike Haigh, Brian Pomeroy, Nigel Mole. % Bias E&P SH "Ss - Mike Driscoll, 35, can colour your world with shades of the rain- bow, thanks to his own painting business. Mike has been nominated in the Sexy Businessman category, and when he's not thinking about business, he likes a good game of baseball or hockey. Wayne Slute, Mike Mole, Steven Foote. Mr Sexy Businessman: Robert Sutt, Edgar Brown, Jim Callahan, Jean-Paul Gosselin, Bill Barr, Chic Carnegie, Kevin Grieve, Peter Hvidsten, Warren Strong, John Irwin, Steve Snider, Wayne Luke, Mike Driscoll. Bob McCoy, Irwin Smith, Ken Irvine, Rick Laroc- que, Jim Burghgraet, Bob Goodman, Nick Rensink, Ken Goreski, John McClelland, Laing Cope, Mitch Kowal, Jim Grieve* Mr. Sexy Citizen: Thomas Horton*, Larry Skerratt, Cam Aldred Mr. Sexy Civil Ser- vant: John Foster®*, Wolfgang Palleskie, Wayne Goreski, Gary Holstock, Dave Mann, Murray Hamilton, Barry Lee, Cy Rahm Mr Sexy Farmer; Harvey Graham, Wm. Cohoon*, Jamie Malcolm, Lorne Jones, Doug Falis, Ray Whit- field, Rick Williams, Jerry Bray, Bruce Cum- mings, Larry Thachuck, Peter Christie, Klaas Spek, Jim Martyn, Floyd Beatty, Doug Anthony, Nick Rensink Jr. Mr. Sexy Politician: Jerry Taylor, Jack Cot- trell, Lawrence Malcolm Mr. Sexy Professional: Mike Fowler, Paul Ar- culus, Dr. John Stewart, Frank Murphy, James Duncan, John Scott, Dr. Kevin Dunkerley, Dr. Martin Shearer, Roger Moase* (Turn to page 25) Donnie Silverman, 44, is the apple of his wife Bev's eye, the lady who has been cam- paigning vigorously for "her Donnie" in the Sexy Working Man category. Don is a maintenance construction employee at General Motors, who enjoys carpentry, gardening and "chasing Bev around the house" when he's not working. Martin Shearer, 29, is a shy dental surgeon who hides his baby blues and dry sense of humour behind a drill. His friends say he's a nice guy with a nice mom and dad, TR T------ okie: ON HE | HIE My First off, he's Welsh, not Italian, although Dr. Jack Cottrell sure looks like an Italian Stallion in this shot. Thirty-six year old Jack is a dental surgeon and a Ward Two representative on Scugog Township Council. He's also a great cook, a squash fiend, a part time fisherman and a full-time daddy to new son Jason, just a couple of weeks old. Girls, you've gotta love water or be a mermaid to grab hold of this guy. Mike Haigh (who'll be 23 in August) works for the Durham Re{ion watermains crew, is an avid and excellent waterskier who lives down by the water on Pine Point. who likes sports and sank a Datsun the last time he went fishing. Sounds like a nominee n the Sexy Enigma category. i TR