18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 25, 1985 ~ Bud Morrison, principal at Greenbank and Epsom Schools for the past seven years is leaving to take up new duties at Joseph Gould Sr. School in Uxbridge. Last Thursday afternoon, his students at Greenbank said goodbye and presented him with a lounge chair. In September, Cathy Hamilton will be the new principal at the twin schools. Her most recent job was as vice principal at Whitby Sr. For the past year, Mrs. Hamilton has been on educational leave. id TN » = A 3. 4 % oS Ga A Brett Puckrin and Lori Hillis were named top athletes at Green- bank Public School and received their plaques at award ceremonies last week. Don't Miss £4 DAIS (formerly Western Weekend) Greenbank Public School handed out academic and other achievement awards last week. The Armour McMillan presented by Mr. McMillan to the top grade six student Brett Puckrin at left. Sarah Phoenix won their Shier Award for grade six; Brian Madill, grade six progress; Ken Winslow, science fair; and at front Craig Beacock with the "Barry Grierson' plaque for grade 1 progress. OPP summer road safety strategy on full alert With alcohol and fast driving still the main contributors towards fatalities on the pro- vince's highways the OPP are on full alert for the summer months. Canada Day, the first major long weekend of the vacation season, has always seen a rise in the volume of traffic on all routes to and from cot- tage country. Statistics show an increase of five fatalities last year over the 20 traffic deaths that occurred within the OPP patrol areas on the same long weekend in 1983. "It is only through en- forcement and the public's awareness of the problems of impaired driving and excessive speed that we can save lives and ensure safe travel on our highways during the summer months," said OPP Com- missioner Archie Ferguson. "Summer should be a time of enjoyment and not tragedy," he added. The OPP will be in- creasing their visibility on all Ontario highways in a bid to reduce ac- cidents through the use of 400 Foadside A.LER.T. breath testing machines and 150 breathalyzer units with a Kiss unwanted items gooribye with CLASSIFIED ADS 383 DEADLINE: MONDAYS 12 NOON Ads must be paid for prior to insertion - Cash or Visa accepted PORT PERRY STAR CO. LIMITED 235 QUEEN STREET. PORT PERRY. ONTARIO (416) 985-738) total of 750 trained breathalyzer tech- nicians. Motorists who have been drinking alcoholic beverages but show a borderline or 'warn' breath test reading will have their licences suspended for 12 hours. Last year the licence suspension procedure was used in 12,674 cases. The suspensions may be an inconvenience to holidayers, but they just may have saved the lives of ~ the driver, his passengers and other motorists. In addition, all of the force's radar units will be utilized to monitor speeding motorists because the summer months of June, July and August are the worst time for highway accidents. 'We are aware of the expected carnage on the highways and our job is to do everything possible to prevent it,'"' said Insp. Norm Wasylyk, the anti- impaired driving co- ordinator with the OPP Traffic Programs Branch, adding; "Itis a major accident weekend and we are going to use every bit of our expertise to reverse therise in our accident death figures - for everybody's sake." OPEN: Sun_, June 31st-12:00to 7:00 P.M. OPEN: Mon , July Ist-12:00t0o 6:00 P.M. Ee 68 Water Street Port Perry 985-9888 | 0200 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000°0 / Gr th ho mint AL