22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. May 22, 1985 Senior citizens golfed few holes Several senior citizens from the Por Perry! .r- sing Home and Villa en- joyed a few holes of golf May 11, and at the same time helped contribute to the Mickey Barnier Benefit Fund. The seniors, several of whom had never before golfed, thoroughly en- joyed the outing which was made possible by the generous contributions of several local businesses. In all, about 100 men and women took part in and helped Mickey Barnier fund the Mickey Barner Benefit Golf Day at the Pine Ridge Club south of Port Perry, and organizer Vi McCulloch says about $3500 was raised. Barnier, 1s a north Oshawa resident battling muscular dystrophy. He hopes to be able to set up a consulting business for the breeding and training of horses. Proceeds from the golf day will help pay for a specially equipped van which will give Barnier mobility. He is now con- fined to a wheel chair. Barnier was able to be present at the course and personally thanked many of the people who took part. Ms. McCulloch was "very grateful to the local Scugog merchants and businesses who donated money which allowed the sehior citizens to get out on the course for a few rounds of golf. Sons of Beaches coming to take on Several seniors from the Nursing Home and Villa were able to help the Mickey Bar- nier Fund and enjoy a few holes of golf recently, thanks to donations from several local businesses. Standing at left are: Stan Ewen, Ray Kane, Lionel Blaikie, Harry Sanderson, Milton Howsam, Bill Moroz and Art Hyland. At front are organizers of the benefit Vi McCulloch and Mickey Barnier. (See story for details) slow pitch players \) K' Yq J ZLERS BIG FACTORY DISCOUNTS PLUS 9% APR MF FINANCING May 6-June 8 1985 Stop in today for red-hot savings on our popular 800 and 500 Sernes Combines. Along with BIG factory discounts. you can take your choice of these Massey Ferguson options Low-rate Financing or Waiver of Finance Charges 'til January 1, 1986.°* But hurry! Because the sooner you buy. the more you save 6.9% APR ON USED COMBINES! Or Waiver of Finance Charges 'til January 1, 1986 10.9% APR MF FINANCING June 9-July 6 1985 1.99 0 APR MF FINANCING July 7-August 3 1985 We ve got some great deals to offer on our used inventory. See us now for the best selection of these Sum- mer Sizzlers' CRAMD ey av Ma Rass 5d Nts d PE TERT 4 * T- : ~ bh} Im SR : : 7 vee . ' . a. a: Sree . ey (BEE AVA ET [VED Ty) MORROW FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. SUNDERLAND, ONT. PH: (705) 357-3121 The Sons of Beaches are coming to Port Perry again. The Sons have several things in common. They are all over 50 years of age, love slow pitch and play their games for charity. They will take on the Port Perry Legion Slo pitch team this Thursday evening at 6:30 (May 23) at the Legion diamond on Bay Street. This won't be the first time the two teams have hooked up as they met twice in July 1984. Thurs- Watch your blood pressure -- give your heart a break. NP S TROPHIES § i and f | ENGRAVING DO-NO's § RECORD, CRAFT & HOBBY WORLD Queen St, Port Perry % 985-2839 8 QD WED OD WHR TE WN earned dollar Even if you have only a small amount { each month to save. | can help you to start following a financial plan designed expressly for your needs 1 > 1" , and SOAS Cail me today 2 NELSON PATTERSON. C GA BUS (416) 491 740( RES 985-2034 DAVID ROTH. BBE BUS (416) 434 84(X RES 985-8923 , day night's game will be something of a rubber match as the teams split the two encounters a year ago. The team has been together for six years, playing something like 100 charity games each year and representing Canada at an Interna- tional Seniors Slo pitch tournament in Florida. It should be an enter- taining contest this Thursday evening at 6:30 P.M., when the Legion squad and the Sons of Beaches tangle at the Legion diamond. 'WHO NEEDSIT _ Some people think only highly paid ih executives can afford financial | planning services, but thatisn't the case. Financial planning can help ot anyone get the most from their hard- Travaux publics (OF: Ee F:] i Public Works Canada INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services listed below, addressed to the Chief, Contract Adminstration, Ontario Region, Public Works Canada, 4900 Yonge Street, (10th Floor). Willowdale. Ontario M2N 6A6. will be received un- tit 1500 hours on the specified closing date Tender Documents can be seen, or obtained on payment of the ap- plicable deposit, through the office of the Director General, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, Tender Office, 10th Floor. 4900 Yonge Street. Willowdale. Ontario PROJECTS No. 604633 -- for CANADA POST CORPORATION Port Perry, Ontario, GOCB, 192 Queen Street Cleaning. CLOSING DATE: Tuesday, June 11, 1985. DEPOSIT FOR TENDER DOCUMENTS: Nil ENQUIRIES 416-224-4240 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 0-201 (a) (81-11) Canada hadi oN & Cele PROFIT FROM OUR EXPERIENCE aig --