34 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 16, 1985 PHONE 985-7383 Classified Ads Classified Deadline Monday 12:00 NOON following. publication ~ CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS: $3.50 first 15 words, 15° each word REPEAT: Second insertion of same ad first 15 words, 15° each word following. ARTWORK /LOGO DESIGN .. PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no later than Thursday prior to insertion date. DISPLAY ADS: For rates or info call 985-7383. ALL ADVERTISING: Must be pad for in cash or by Visa -before 12:00 noon Monday. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS - 12:00 NOON (No Ad Changes after 10:00 a.m. Monday) Although every precaution 1s taken 10 avoid errors in all advertising, the Star accepts advertising with the understanding that should an error occur i 1s hable only for the cost of that portion of the advertisement in which an error occurred, in relation to the entire advertisement If an er ror should occur. it must be brought 10 our attention betore the following $2.50 for .... EXTRA'CHARGE -- Card of Thanks I would like to thank everyone for the lovely flowers, gifts, visits, cards and for the food brought in while | was in hospital and then later at home. Thanks also to the Doctors, Nurses and all the others who helped in anyway | deeply appreciate everything Sincerely Luella Kennedy Thank you to all our customers for- your con tinued support of our paper drive Greenbank/Seagrave Group Committee for Scouting Wasn't That A Party! What a great way to celebrate 25 years of mar: riage! Thanks to our daughters Angela and Kari for the wonderful surprise and to the many triends and relatives who attended. All the gifts are much ap: preciated. Special thanks to Barb, Roselyn, Dorothy and Vivian for all the help they gave the girls. This was tru ly an act of love and we love you for it! Maureen & Keith Fielding P.S Thanks to all who brought food. it was delicious Special thanks to Roy Hope for helping my wife take me to Port Perry Hospital, March 13th. Thanks to Emergency staff, Dr Monahan, Ambulance drivers to Oshawa Hospital. also Emergency staff there Words cannot express my appreciation fo nurses, staff on 6th Floor. G Wing. Inten sive Care Unit, Dr Frost. his assistant doctor during my operation and stay there Also to Rev Glenn Jackson for his friendliness, urs, friends, cards. phone calls, in iries. coming to see me uring my stay in Hospital nd since returning home. Dr Millar for the care heJs giving me Clarence Masters Hearty congratulations Port Perry Figure Skating Club 'under the direction of Janice Patton. another tine Car nival | must not fail to men tion the efforts of Donna Prentice, Gail Chellew, Anne Zaparaniuk and all the music ladies who donated so much to this successful skating season | wish to thank the members and ex ecutive for the lovely gift on behalf of my students. | wish to thank 'Chick' and Ralph of Homestead Furniture for their generous donation to our video sessions. To my students, thanks for your hard work. Have a safe sum mer. See you In the fall you in the fall. - Sharalyn Campbell Give Away ONE YEAR old Springer Spaniel, female, spayed. Needs good home, room to run. 994-5429. SHOOK, Ed Yesterday holds so many memories Good ones. Bad ones. All of lite's best and worst moments. Please believe me when | say | will keep my memories of you In a box on the top shelf of my mind | will take it down often, dust the cobwebs, and remember you But you must know that is where you are to remain On the top shelf of my mind. We love you, Anna-Marie and Cathy VENNING - In loving memory of my dear hus: band Orr, who passed away April 11, 1976. God knows how much | miss him * Never shall his memory tade : Loving thoughts shall ever . wander . To the spot where he is laid. Lovingly remembered by wife Edna STONE, Wilbert Earl. A dear husband and father, who passed away April 18, 1984 He left us quietly His thoughts unknown But left us a memory We are proud to own So treasure him Lord In Your garden of rest For when on earth He was one of the best. Always remembered by The Family BURROWS, Jessie In lov ing memory of Nan who passed away April 12, 1984 | remember the time Nan in vited me over and we were likg best friends And giggling, she whispered it was only between us | so much wanted to say 'thank you. but instead | just smiled | remember the time Nan showed me all her childhood pictures And she showed me that her favourite was the one of her and gramp kissing So she gave it to me I so much wanted to say | loved it But instead. | just smiled Now that | have found words that | needed to say. Nan's gone So I have my dreams Now | only have her faded dreams and pictures Wet from tears to talk to Sadly missed by granddaughters Nickie and Stacey BURROWS, Jessie In lov ing memory of a dear Mother who passed away April 12, 1984 Two tired eyes are sleeping Two willing hands are still For one who suffered far too much Is resting in Gods' will You never said goodbye to us . For perhaps it's just as well We never could have said goodbye To one we loved so well. Sadly missed by daughter Bonnie and son-in law Don In Memoriam SKINNFR - In loving memory of a dear grandg mother and good friend, Lil- ly. who passed away April 20, 1982. Sadly missed along lifes' way v Quietly remembered every day No longer in our life to share But in our hearts she's always there. Lovingly remembered by Doreen, grandchildren Paul, Alan, Philip and Susan At Rest JENNINGS, Gordon Thomas at the Doctor J.O. Ruddy Hospital, Whitby, on Friday, April 12, 1985 in his 79th year. Beloved husband of the late Mary Dixon Jen- nings. dear brother of Mae (Mrs. W.D. Cowan) of Markham, also survived by many nieces and nephews. Service was held at the Wagg Funeral Home, Port Perry on Monday. April 15 at 1:30 p.m. Interment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. SHOOK, Edward Charles suddenly as the result of an accident on Saturday, April 13, 1985 in his 19th year. Dearly loved son of Charles and Lorna Shook of Port Perry. Dear brother of Stephen of Toronto; Bryan of Port Perry and Bob of Toronto. Rested at the Wagg Funeral Home, Port Perry. Funeral Mass was said at the Church of The Im- maculate Conception, Port Perry, on Monday, April 15th at 10:30 a.m. Interment, Spring Creek Cemetery, Clarkson. WATSON, David Ambrose - Entered into rest suddenly at home on Sunday, April 14, 1985. David Ambrose Wat- L son, beloved husband of Elena Velichoff. Loving father of David George and William Joseph, both at home. Son of Mrs. Vera Wat- son of Port Perry. Son-in- law of Mrs. J. Velichoff of Scarborough. Dear brother of George, Robert, James, William and John. Mr, Wat- son will rest at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Road West, Pickering. No 2 Hwy., Pickering Village (Town of Ajax), at 7 p.m. Monday. Funeral on Wednesday. April 17 in St. George's Anglican Church (No. 2 Hwy., Pickering Village) at 10:30 a.m. Inter- ment Greenbank United Church Cemetery. Dona- tions may be flowers or to The Kidney Dialysis Unit, c/o Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. The family will receive visitors in the Funeral Home from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday 2 to 4:30. Birth LANE, Peter. Vicki, Jen: nifer and Christa are pleas: ed to announce the birth of Joseph Peter. born April §, 1985 weighing 9 Ibs. 2 oz Proud grandparents are Bud and Carol Ayer, Dart mouth N.S., and Roy and Joan Lane, Port Perry IRVINE The best gifts do come in large packages. Our first graridson, Corey David, weighed in at 9 1b 102. on April 11, 1985. Overjoyed grandparents are David and Sandi Irvine. First nephew for Mickie. Thanks to Dr Davidson and the OBS staff of Ajax/Pickering Hospital 985-2525 166 WATER STREET PORT PERRY A Complete Line of Floral Art for All Occasions Flowers Wired World Wide. 'Mr. IVES FLORIST wo. | Announcement and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, Nestleton are pleased to announce the marriage of their youngest daughter Laurie Anne to Graham Wells, on February 15, 1985 at Walhou, North Island, New Zealand, where they now reside. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hall, Port Perry. Ontario are pleased to announce the for- thcoming marriage of their daughter Jennifer Louise to Mr. James Alexander Donaldson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Donaldson, R.R. 3, Port Perry. The marriage will take place in Port Perry United Church on Saturday. June 1, 1985 at Mam. 25 Wedding Invitations get the rest FREE (max. 75 free) at: From My Heart, 177 Queen St., Port Perry. 985-9954.A 30 Notice THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Oshawa General Hospital . Chaplaincy Association will be held in the hospital: Room 1002 on Wednesday, April 24th, 7:30 p.m. The theme is: Listen: ing to Love. The Rev. Bill Tadeja- Associate Chaplain will be the guest speaker. Hospital people, church peo- pie and the public are welcome. IN RESPONSE to your in- quiries, Carolyn Bridge- water announces that Durham Shoes Inc., family shoe store is opening as scheduled at 230 Queen St., this summer. A 30 Notice WOMEN Rewarding opportunities in technology. Anderson Col legiate, Whitby, is offering a new, adult technological studies program, specially designed for women, leading to employment in high pay- ing, skilled trades. Free courses for Durham residents. Register- April 10-11; 7-9 p.m., both days and 1-3 p.m. April 10 at: Anderson CVI, 400 Anderson St., or call Mary Shea 668-5809 for details. The Durham Board of Educa- tion: Excellence through growth. A 16 KAWARTHA Ceramics' Studio and Supply, Green- ware, Glazes, Firing, Classes, Duncan dealer wholesale/retail. Little Bri- tain. 705-786-3353 or 705-786-3269. A 6 MANCHESTER Communi- ty Centre available for ren- tals. All new facilities. Call 985-7274. A 23 MASONIC HALL available for dances, receptions, par- ties and for meetings. Kit- chen and bar. New facilities. Seats 141. Call 985-8130. TF A A MEETING in Port Perry. If you think you have a drinking problem (chances are you have)- For information 985-2415 or 985-3196. May 28 DON HADDEN., Port Perry Liberal Campaign office now open, 10a.m. to 5p.m._; 72 Water Street, 985-9060. BAHAI information- write P.O. Box 1153, Port Perry. EOW GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For bookings, contact: Cathy Galberg 985-8351. TF HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAWN Virginia, Lee & Kris SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE HOME SUPPORT SERVICES .. for the frail elderly & those in special need CALL WEEKDAYS 985-8461 9-12Noon& 14PM SHEILA'S HAIRSTYLING 117 Perry St.. Port Perry 985-2274 PERM SPECIAL 30%. Porcelain Nails SPECIAL Full Set 30.00 Fal 17.00 Nail Manicure 5.00 Village Stitchery Alterations & Repairs to all types of Clothing & Leather BARB MCINTYRE 985-2269 BLANCHARD SUPPLY CO. Cleaning Supplies Maintenance Chemicals Paper Products 985-2640 Yard Sale GIANT Yard Sale, Saturday May 11, 1985, Church of Ascension, North and John St. 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Books, baking, furniture, dishes, bikes, lunch available, new crafts, car wash and much more. Pro- ceeds to Church restoration. Donations accepted. Phone 985-8364. M7 TABLES for rent for Yard Sale at Church of Ascension: for sale of new crafts. Phone 985-8364 TWO FAMILY, Epsom, 2 miles west of highway 12 on Durham Road 8. 9a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. April 20. Children's toys and clothes, generators, tires, Cabbage Patch clothes, desk, etc... Coming Events Coming Events RED CROSS Blood Do Clinic, Wednesday, May Ist ~ at Latcham Centre, from 2-3:30 and 58:30 p.m. A 23 TRAVEL CLUB program at Scugog Library -- 'The Yukon Experience' with Wendy Bateman and Marilyn Baker, April, 18, 7:30 p.m. SPRING Book Fair. Sunday April 28, 1985- 11 a.m. to § p.m. Concert Hall, 888 Yonge Street, Toronto. Rare and second-hand books, prints, maps and related items. $2.50 entrance. 416-977-4654. ART EXHIBIT at the Library by Raj Mosur, April 13 to May 4. A collection of | modern and oriental works. The artist will be in atten- dance on Saturday, April 20, from 10 to 12 a.m. A 23 FASHION SHOW sponsored by the Blackstock and District Lioness Club featuring "GREAT LOOKS" by Diane Kroes WED., APR. 24 - 8 P.M. BLACKSTOCK REC CENTRE Tickets $2.00 - Available at the door or call 986-5278 ANNUAL MEETING Town Hall 1873 at EMIEL'S PLACE CONFERENCE ROOM 8:00 P.M. MON., MAY 6th Public Welcome BLACKSTOCK & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB will be having a FLEA MARKET May 25 & 26 If you have any articles - big or small - to donate, please call: 986-5599; 986-4728; 986-5552; 986-5685 for Pick-Up. Coming Events YOGA and Relaxation, star ting Wednesday May 1, 9 30 to11:30a.m .and 7:30 to 9 30 p.m. 8 classes: $40. Call Elaine Arsenault 985 9483 A 23 SATURDAY, April 27th at 2:00. Erewhon Theatre of Canada at the Library presents Alice In Wonderland. Children grades K-6. Tickets available now. A 23 ZAIRE NIGHT, Wednesday April 17, 1985- 7:30. Come to an evening of awareness at Port Perry United Church See the country on slides Hear the music, taste the food, interest centres in clude Peace and Justice Issues, artifacts, children's stories, health, agriculture All welcome. AUCTION SALE phone calls to be made "PEARCE AUC TION SERVICES" new phone number. Moved to north of Raglan 416-655-8073. A 23 FAMILY YMCA REGISTER AT THE 'Y' OFFICE 269 Queen St., Port Perry for OUR TIME TOGETHER Moms & Tots Ages 18 months to 3 Yrs . Starting: FRI., APRIL 26 9:30 to 11 A.M. PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH 6 WEEKS $1800 Linda McMillan Leader Minimum registration 10 i) Maximum registration 15 for Further Information CALL 985-2824 NESTLETON COMMUNITY CENTRE FRI., MAY 3 5 to 6:30 p.m. ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY! Adults - $7.00 Children under 12 - $3.00 Pre-Schoolers - Free FOR TICKETS CALL: 986-5527; 986-4489 or 986-5570 Sponsored by Nestleton United Church Women HOSPITAL AUXILIARY SPRING FAIR LATCHAM CENTRE "SAT. APRIL 27 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Tea tables, bake and deli tables, crafts, plants, Penny auction, toys, white elephant. Donations welcome. 985-7137 or 985-2644 "The Glass Cat" Stained Glass ONE DAY WORKSHOPS Saturdays: APRIL 20, APRIL 27, MAY 4, and MAY 11 $35 includes all materials for creating 3 or 4 suncatchers GREAT FOR GIFTS Call (416) 985-3243 "after 6 p.m. or Saturday Last Chance! Only a Few Seats Left ROYAL TOURS OF SCOTLAND with Paul Arculus See Display Advertisement elsewhere in paper for particulars - ANNUAL - SPRING CONCERT Scugog Choir & Friends - Scugog Island Community Centre CONCERT - Fri., Apr. 19th -8 P.M. NEW -- DINNER & CONCERT Sat., April 20th - 6:30 P.M. DINNER THEATRE TICKETS - Advance Sales Only' $12.00 per person. For Tickets Call - 985-8168 or pick up at Irwin Smith Music Ltd, Port Perry