3 ¥ i : . sponsoring PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 12, 1985 -- 13 Kirk Guild raises the church roof Ashburn Area News by Mrs. E. Heron The Kirk Guild is going to be very active over the next few minutes because they are involv- ed in a "Raise the Church Roof' program. Besides a birthday party and fashion show of childrens and materni- ty wear on Sat. March 23rd in the church hall, the Kirk Guild is also another fashion show. The pro- ceeds from both will go toward rebuilding our church roof. "The Ritz" is a spring fashion show on Tues- day, April 9th at 8 p.m. at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club at Ashburn. It will feature 'Liselle Fashions Inc.', calupso fashions and swim wear, Julia shoes and hair and make-up by Jan of Hair Fair. Tickets available from Ashburn General Store, Warm Wollies and What Nots, Brooklin and Irwin Music Store in Port Perry or call 655-3434. There will be prizes, refreshments etc. There is also a bus trip under the auspices of the Guild planned for May 29th going to Niagara on the Lake. $39. will cover a trip to Niagara on the Lake and to see the play "Mad Women of Chailot" at the Shaw Festival. Your money needs to be in by April 15th in order to reserve the bus. For tickets and information please call 655-4652. The Ashburn group of the WMS met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Catherine Humphrey. The meeting was held by Bernice Gardner and Nellie Hopkins gave the open- ing worship service. Her message was the scrip- ture clinic and we were each given a little pill with a meaningful and helpful scripture verse inside. Chrissie McKin- ney led in prayer. The study was given by Lois Daw, she took her study from the book "The parables are a mirror." ~ She brought out many good points to make us think of how we measure up to the challenge of the parables. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess. March seems to be bir- thday month in Ashburn so Happy Birthday to all our friends who have a birthday this month. There was a good turn out at the Euchre party last Thursday evening with 8 tables playing. The 1st prize was won by" Ruby Birkett and Don Wood and the 2nd prizes won by Anne Ross and Bill Hodgins. George Harper had the most lone hand and he also got the 50/50 draw. The door prizes went to Bill Gard- ner and Jack Bright. There will be another euchre party on March 21st. Mrs. Jim Burroughs of Bancroft visited recently with her mother, Mrs Evelyn Lynde. Mr. and Mrs. W. McAndless, Karen and Scott of Don Mills, Rev. Mrs. Drew Leaper and son, lan of Mississauga, were with the Herons on the weekend when they celebrated a birthday and an anniversary. Doug and Florence Ashton visited Mrs. Ella Slack of Beamsville last children, Claire, Tim and ° Daren also Ken Brown, Heather and Cameron, spent last week skiing at the slopes of Mt. Sutton, Quebec. Visitors with 'Bernice and Bill Gardner and Jean recently were Mr. Douglas of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Evert Werefall, Heather and Trevor of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Rees Williams of Don Mills. There were four lovely pots of daffodils at the front of Burns Church a beautiful Sunday morning. Rev. Moore's message was titled **The Secret of a happy useful life." What we need to hear most is the call of God and to respond to it. Art Oliver read the responsive psalm, and Michael and Gerry Emm read from the old and new testament. The ushers for the month of March are Lois and Fred Daw. ~ Ken and Mrs. Heron of Hugh Knight sang a beautiful solo, "'My Wonderful Lord." Thought - The secret of success is to find a dream and fulfill it. re WINTER WORKSHOP Saturday. andWrs. Tom Yendle, Moyra Griffin and Brian, Amanda and last Sunday morning. A Bracebridge and Mr. and lovely touch of spring on FREE ESTIMATE BRING IN YOUR HOME, COTTAGE, GARAGE OR FARM AL \ OR( | BUILDING PLANS AND SEE HOW MUCH YOU SAVEY - NEWPORT INTERIOR DOORS Pnmed in white and ready to paint any colour you want Each 2'6"'x6'8"x1 3/8" thick Fin 0 ik 69 'SONOFL X Vd ww | LAY-IN PANELS They're made to bend and snap into place without crumbling or chipping. Washable and sound absorbent, they help save energy panel 100. Available in pebbled or etched Our Reg. $4.29 designs. T EMBOSSED i EMBOSSED PANEL | BRE BI-FOLD nf DOOR | DOOR 89 OE... 0, Our Reg. Comes complete $38.85 with hardware UTILITY ae Prefinished in white, edge-banded on one side. Use anywhere you need extra storage. 10" wide x 96" long Spacemaker CLOSET ORGANIZER Get organized and get extra storage space out of your closet with this rugged prefinished steel all-in-one unit. Expands to fit-closet openings from 44" to 110" wide. 9 Our Reg. $79.95 WEISER {oc ser Attractive passage lock set for interior doors. Beverley series. 2 3/4" backset. 49 Our Reg. $7.99 Here's a great way to get exira storage space. Finish with decorative "1.1 panels of your choice bi J (not included). Kit , Economical paneling with authentic looking ! woodgrain reproduction on 36 mm particleboary Morning Gold or Light Mocha includes track and all the hardware you'll need. All 80" high. * 477 50) 96. Our Reg. $5098 Our Reg. $63.99 Our Reg. $71.99 Our Reg. $53.09 HURRY IN NOW! MARCH WINTER PLUS! Check out our ! ASK US ABOUT | «P/L in PORT PERRY 10 Scugog Street 985-7334 yopysHop GIFT CERTIFICATES. e P/L in LINDSAY Hwy. No.35& 7 Ske Hs us arc y " - available at - e CASHWAY in BROOKLIN Hwy. 7 & 12 PETERBOROUGH LUMBER BUILDING CENTRES