(From page 2) He suggested that the water was very clear after the ice went out that spring and it was not until late May when the water became murky after the first heavy rains and run-off. The unusually clear water early that spring allowed sunlight to penetrate right to the bottom of the lake, giving the weeds a head-start on growth. Mr. Sherman noted that other Kawartha lakes which experienced severe weed growth several years ago, have less of a problem with weeds now. He could only speculate that aquatic weeds which suddenly "invade" and take over an area will reduce naturally after a couple of years as other plants regain lost areas. ECONOMICS Task Force member Bill Barr, past-president of the Scugog Chamber of Comerce, and Al Goreski who operates a marina on Scugog Island, submitted a brief to the meeting last week which said there has been a decrease in boat rentals because of the weed problem. Mr. Goreski told the meeting that some of his customers said last sum- mer they would take their boats elsewhere this year if the weed pro- blem continues. He said smaller boats and crafts used for Point cottageransacked household goods stolen Durham Police say a cottage at Williams Point was reported ransacked last week with about $1000 worth of household items stolen. : On January 30, the Durham Region Works Yard at the corner of Highways 21 and 23 were burglarized. Police say about 1000 litres of gasoline were siphoned from storage tanks. A similar incident has been - reported recently at the works depot in Sunderland, according to police. Police say a quantity of cash was reported stolen from the Funland Arcade on Water Street during the night of Feb. 2. STEOMANS i ut HWY. 7A -PORT PERRY PLAZA - PORT PERRY SPECIAL 1/3 OFF 12 EXP. -reg. 4.99 24 EXP. -reg. 9.29 ssessesessse sssessssesssae ssssssessces "FOR THE MONTH OF FEB. 1985. fishing seem to have the most problem getting caught in the weed growth. And he told the meeting that a lot of cot- tagers have simply dock- ed their boats for the summer because of the weeds. The brief submitted by Mr. Barr and Mr. Goreski suggested there should be a charge for launching boats at the public pier on Water Street in Port Perry and the funds generated from this used to pay for weed control operations. The Task Force is still in the information gathering stage, but a timetable for action shows March, 1986 as the date when final recom- mendations will be made on what to do about the weed problem. FISHING The information brief presented at the meeting last week from the Ministry of Natural Resources shows that in 1980, a total of 31,600 pounds of fish were taken by anglers from Lake Scugog, mostly pickerel and muskie. Biologist Cheryl Lewis said 1984 figures will be PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1985 -- 11 Handle water levels with caution-- official compiled over the next few weeks, and she speculated that the numbers will be lower than four years ago because there are less - people fishing the lake. She also said fishing in all lakes in the Kawartha chain was poor last year, probably because of large numbers of bait fish. The' game fish just weren't interested in anglers bait. She said sport fishing in Scugog is affected by the weeds by making it tougher to catch fish, but on the other hand, weeds provide food, cover and spawning areas for fish. Rick Johnston, representing the Lake Scugog Ratepayers Association presented a brief to the meeting ask- ing for scientific data on such things as evapora- tion, precipitation, and historic water levels. He wanted to know if the lake could be raised in summer six to 12 in- ches, provided the level does not exceed the average level in the spring of the year. Mr. Lea from Trent- Severn System said he would try to answer these questions at the february "THAW on prices! next meeting of the Task Force on March 6. The meetings, under the chairmanship of Township Mayor Jerry Taylor, are held in the municipal council chambers on Perry Street. The meetings are open to the public. (13. [ell] Of course you want to keep more of the money you work hard for. And you could--it you let H& R Block prepare your tax return. As a matter of fact, in a recent survey, 2 out ot big funds ( per relunda than if hey did their own taxes. H&R Block helps you get every possible deduction, exemption and credit you're entitled to. Call your near- est H& R Block office today. We could help you keep more of your hard-earned money. It pays to be prepared by THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS ABOVE THE POST OFFICE QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. PHONE 985-9803 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT SUITS REDUCED 30% Don't Forget Your Loved One on Feb. 14th v GIFT CERTIFICATES SPORTCOATS REDUCED 50. EA. -- a great gift idea -- A ee A& WV || | DREssPANTS My «30% OFF OTHER IN-STORE SAVINGS STILL AVAILABLE. -- Gjregony's Men's Wear Ltd. OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK! PORT PERRY PLAZA Mercy, Yuesdzy Thursday 10106; Thursday & Friday 985-8160 riday to 9; Saturday to 5. Evenings till 8 P.M. sho C 176 Perry Street - Port Perry - 985-2532 ©PPS