14 -- PORT PERRY STAR - January 29, 1985 Heari Aid Centre ¢f Port Perry Dennis J Hogan ann Hearing Aid Consultant Or E Mannen's Office - 24 Water St S . Lakeview Plaza, Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO 985-9192 985-3003 GUARANTEED | INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES - Annual Rates - 2YEARS .................. 10 7/8% 3 YEARS 11% 4 YEARS 11 1/8% 5 YEARS - Monthly Rates - 2 YEARS 3 YEARS 4 YEARS 5 YEARS - MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD - Rates Subject to Change Without Notice Call the Office for More Information R.R.S.P.(5 Year)... 112% COMPOUNDED ANNUALLY ~ SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3832 All Members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corp. I TERE RRR Art show considered for May Scugog Island News by Mrs. Earl Reader The executive of the "Head" UCW met last Mon. evening to review catering prices, plan cer- tain types of Study thro' the year and arrange 'dates for annual ac- tivities or note dates that will affect the life of the Church or Community. Already we are consider- ing the Annual Art and Craft Show for early May. The Art has already been arranged and we trust the people who are interested in crafts will let us know about new demonstra- tions and a variety of work for display. Sun. was a beautiful winter day but it must be that the word "meeting" Backpacking is means something uninteresting and drawn out for many people who did not make it to the Island United. But the opposite proved to be true. According to plan all business moved along quickly and we were brought up to date-on the progression and future - needs. The reports show ed much interest and our attention to appreciation for those responsible for music, finances, Sunday School training, leader- ship, voluntary help and use of many talents. After the meeting about 50 adults and their children enjoyed a sump- tuous pot-luck lunch and had a chance to visit. an adventure (From page 3) man a while earlier (he phoned her from Greece and asked her to join him. So she said yes, naturally). But it was still an ex- citing proposition when Heather and fellow Trent University student Julie were talking last spring about their plans for the summer of 1984. "She said, 'this sum- mer, I'd really like to go to Europe.' So I said, let's go." Heather laughs. 'Travelling is a bug. You start and you want to see more and more. You get really greedy." Travel bugs can catch Heather's stories at the library February 14th at 7:30 p.m. QUALI We were pleased to hear of the good luck of Jim and Jan. Gerrow who welcomed another little girl on Wed. It has come to our at- tention that Leo Burton who attended the: '"Head"' School many years ago passed away in Belleville about a month ago. He had taught welding in a Belleville college and had 2 sons. His brother Harold lives in B.C. Some of our friends havé sought better weather in southern states, but are they get- ting it? Sun. Feb. 3is UC.W. day in the Pastora) Charge when the chairperson of Presbytery will conduct - the service. Ladies, don't forget meeting January 30th Greenbank News by Shirley Lee Ladies of the com- munity, don't forget the U.C.W. on Wednesday, January 30th at 8 p.m. Sorry to hear that Mr. Raymond Kerry has been in the hospital for a short stay. Carol Phoenix recent- - ly enjoyed a trip to Spain. Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan spent Satur- day afternoon visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honey. Miss Cathy Cookman and friend, Miss Carmie MacPherson .of St. Catherines visited with her pa.-ents Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cookman on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hunter of Scarboro spent Sunday visiting with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter. News is scarce this week, so everyone must be hibernating for the rest of the winter, never mind, we find out just how many more weeks of this cold, wintry weather we'll have on February 2nd, when that sleepy lit- tle Ground Hog comes out to see his shadow. We hope for a Sunny Day. Your correspondent for February will be Mrs. Don McKean, Mrs. Mel Milne and Mrs. Wayne Irwin, so please let any of these ladies know of any news you have. Thank you to Velma Foster for helping me and to those who phoned. Snow by-law (From page 1) citizens will comply willingly. "I thing there will be very few times when the Township will be forced to act (enforce) this by- law," he said. Scugog Township roads superintendent Ronn MacDonald will compile a list of the streets where the by-law will apply, and these will include Queen, Lilla, Scugog, Ontario, Perry, Paxton, parts of Cochrane, Casimir, part 'of Union Ave., Simcoe in Port Perry and Prince Albert; and Water Street. Regional councillor Lawrence Malcolm, who initially was luke warm to such a by-law said he could support it as the in- tent is to keep main thoroughfares clear and not apply to every foot of sidewalk in the entire municipality. @ -- . All Ijems Subject ha TY BRAND- NAME TEAMS! > Kelvinator REFRIGERATORS & RANGES Almond - Self Clean < __---- 2 699. < 17' KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR MOVIE RENTALS $2.00 All the Time