| | LS a -- -y . EE al a a aaa 26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. Janvary 22, 1985 aaa ans AP i aan a Re ll i ry PHONE 985-7383 Classified Ads Classified Deadline Monday 12:00 NOON ~ following. "CLASSIFIED RATES ~ WORD ADS: $3.50 first 15 words, 10* each word REPEAT: Second insertion of same ad ... $2.50 for - first 15 words, 10* each word following. ARTWORK/LOGO DESIGN , PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no later than Thursday prior to insertion date. DISPLAY ADS: For rates or info call 985-7383. ALL ADVERTISING: Must be paid for in cash or by Visa before 12:00 Noon Monday. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS - 12:00 NOON (No Ad Changes after 10:00 A.M. Monday) Although every precaution is taken to avoid errors in all adver- tising, the Star accepts advertising with the understanding that should an error occur it is liable only for the cost of that portion of the advertisement in which an error occurred, in relation to the en- tire advertisement |! an error should occur, it must be brought to our attention before the following publication ns EXTRA CHARGE Card of Thanks | ~My sincere thanks to Or. John Stewart and fo all the Nurses and Staff of Com: munity Hospital for their wonder ful care and kindness to me while | was a patient there. To the Rev. Ansley Tucker for her strength: giving prayers, and to all my friends and neighbours for their gifts, flowers, cards and inquiries: and especial ly to Shirley Burton. A great big 'Thank You' to all and Best Wishes for 1985. Sincerely May Allen | have always considered Port Perry a great place to live and raise a family. After living here over fifty years, the kindness of citizens has been wonderful. Today while my son was moving a refrigerator up the veran- dah stairs, a passing car . stopped and a young man came and assisted my son. We appreciate this good samaritan act, and | am sorry we didn't get their names. With Thanksgiving Connie Glass We would like to express sincere thanks to all our relatives, neighbours and friends for their kindnesses shown to us during our re- cent bereavement in the loss of a beloved husband, father and grandfather Kenneth J. Elson. A special thanks to the management and staff of 'McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home, Dr. Stewart, Dr. Cohoon, nurses, am: bulance attendants, Police officer Frank Hammond, Rev. Glenn Jackson for his comforting words and to the U.C.W.. Prince Albert Church for the lovely lunch served. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Elva Elson and Family To dear Doctors Cohoon and Allin, nurses Maxine, Elby and Pat, Ambulance staff and many more. We are pro. ud to announce the birth of Laurette Marie born to Sharon and Nick Tsotos on December 21, 1984, weighing 21bs. 1 02. We feel assured to make this announcement as Laurette is doing very well at Sick Children's Hospital Again thanks to the staff at Port Perry Community Hospital and all the special care given during a difficult situation. Thank you. Nick, Sharon and sons Byron and Jody Tsotos THANKS Many thanks to all our friends and family for the "homecoming" party It was a very special evening for us Thank you Dave Jame son for providing such fine entertainment Joan & Bill Peel Card of Thanks The family of the late William Blair would like to express our sincere ap- preciation to our friends, relatives and neighbours who gave us so much com- fort and help during the re- cent loss of our dearly loved and respected husband and father. We would also like to thank the nursing staff at the Community Memorial Hospital, Dr. Krempowich, the two Ambulance atten- dants arid the Uxbridge Legion Women's Auxiliary. Edie, Bubs & Gail Births ATKINSON: Paul and Rhon- da are very happy to an- nounce the birth of their son, Cameron Paul Forder Atkinson, born Friday, January 4, 1985 at 10:17 a.m. Cameron weighed 6 Ibs. 8'4 oz- a little brother for Sarah. Cameron is the seventh grandchild and first grand: son for Harold and Norma Forder of Port Perry, and fifth grandchild for Stan and Shella Atkinson of Whitby. Great grandmothers are Charlotte Byers of Bowman- ville and Jean Sleightholm of Whitby. Thank you to Dr. R.K. Miller, Dr. B.D. Cairns Dr. G.J. MacGillivray, O.R. staff and 4th floor nursing statt at Oshawa General. WEBBER: Rob and Sandy are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Grant Keast on January 1, 1985 weighing 7 Ibs. 6 oz. Proud grandparents are Grant and Edythe Webber of Columbus and Ray and Jean Leroux of Flinton. Special thanks to the super Port Perry Hospital maternity staff. At Rest HOFSTEN, Mary Catherine at the Community Memorial Hospital. Port Perry, on Thursday. January 17th, 1985 in her 63rd year. Belov: ed wife of .the late Thorolf Hofsten, dear mother of Leit of Port Perry, loved grand- mother of Dana, Tara, Der: rek and Kerri-Lynn.- Sister of Viola Beck of Toronto. and Donald Long of Apsley, and predeceased by Frank Long. Service was held in the Funeral Chapel of McDermott Panabaker, Port Perry. on Saturday. Janvary 19th at 2 p.m. Spring Interment, Green bank United Cemetery - -- LAWRENCE, Walter John who passed away January 23. 1980 Someday. somewhere, the joy we had in him we lost Will be renewed again beyond the Golden Gates for all eternity Wite Muriel & Family IVES FLORIST 110 " 985-2525 166 WATER STREET PORT PERRY A Complete Line of Floral Art tor All Occasions Flowers Wired World Wide In Memoriam GEER, Rick In memory of a dear friend who passed away January 27, 1983. He.is gone but not forgotten And, as dawns another year In our thinking Thoughts of him are always near Days of sadness will come o'er us Many think the wound is healed But they little know the Sorrow That lies concealed. Always remembered by Rick and Joanne Rahm in the heart GEER - In loving memory of a dear nephew and cousin Rick, who passed away Janvary 27, 1983. There is a face that haunts us ever And a voice which brought us cheer And a smile we'll forever remember - When in silence we dry every fear. Lovingly remembered by Don, Lorraine, Stephen and Keith GEER, Kay who passed away January 29, 1982. We mourned for her in silence No eyes can see us weep But many a silent tear is shed While others are asleep. -- Lovingly remembering a dear sister-in-law and aunt by Don, Lorraine, Stephen and Keith GEER - In loving memory of a dear nephew and cousin, Rick Geer, who died sudden- ly. January 27, 1983. To know him was to love him Both for family and friends And the sweetness of his memory Time can neither dim nor end. ) Sadly missed by Jack and Marion, Glenn, Garry, Marilyn and Gord, Michael, Tammie Melissa and Jennifer GEER - In loving memory. of our dear brother, Rick, who left us January 27, 1983. Brother although it has been two years today Since God has taken you to stay The memories you left behind Shine bright within our hearts and mind Your laugh, your smile, your loving way Cannot be dimmed by pass: ing days The times we shared through childhood years Are now remembered with sorrowful tears : There's so much more we had to do 'We wanted more time to spend with you There's nothing we would not give : To hear your laugh and joke like you once did And though God has taken you to stay He'll also come for us someday And once again, dear brother We'll be together And the times we will share Will only be better. ' Lovingly remembered by brothers and sister in law Dave. Dale. Randy, Bev and Dulande GEER, Ricky Bruce January 27, 1983 The Golden Gates were open Two years ago today The goodbyes left unspoken You quickly passed away So please God. take a message To Ricky in Heaven above Tell him your cousins miss him And give him all our love Fondly remembered by Janice. Scott, Bruce. Stephen, Shelley. Suzanne Michael, Gregory, Sandra Paul, Brad. Lisa & Jason lonely hours of In Memoriam GEER, Ricky Bruce - In lov- ing memory of our dear grandson. We who love you sadly miss you bile As it dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near. ' Grandma & Grandpa Strong GEER, Ricky Bruce - In lov- ing memory of our nephew -who passed away January 27, 1983. May the winds of heaven blow gently On a quiet and peaceful spot Where the one we love lies sleeping Will never be forgotten If teardrops were a stairway And heartaches make a lane. We'd walk a path to heaven And bring you home again. Sadly missed by your Aunts & Uncles June & Garry, Ruby & Harvey, Joyce & Alan Isabelle & John GEER - In loving memory of our son, Ricky Bruce, who left us on January 27, 1983. A wonderful man, not rich but proud Merely one of the working crowd Toiling and striving from day to day Facing whatever came his way A smile to all, a heart of gold One of the best the world could hold : To a wonderful man came a sudden end ' He died as he everyone's friend. Sadly missed and always loved and in our thoughts Mom and Dad lived, BRYANT - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Clarence, who passed away January 20th, 1983. We think of you in silence And make no outward show But what it meant to lose you The world will never know Just a memory from us that loved you Just a memory fond and true : In. our hearts you live forever For we thought the world of you. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your loving wife Ruby and Family GEER - In memory of a dear "wife, mother and grandmother, who passed away January 29, 1982. God knew that she was suffering That the hills were hard to climb So he closed her weary eyelids And whispered 'Peace be Thine." Always remembered by husband Murray, Carol, Bob & Family Douglas, Doreen & Family ANDREWS, Edith Elizabeth In loving memory of our Mother and Grandmother, who passed away January 26, 1983. Two years have now come and gone since you left us Our sense of loss is great, however, We thank God for the privilege of having you as our mother for the times we have shared together - You taught us much we can take with us on our journey Your memory is our keepsake With which we'll never part We cannot have the old days back, when we were altogether, but God has you in his keeping And we shall meet again some day Lovingly remembered by son Charlie, daughter - in law Lorraine, grand daughters Colleen & Tracie BEST - In loving memory of a dear .husband, father and grandfather, Lawrence, who passed' away January 23. 1980: . A little tribute, small and tender Just to remember. Sadly missed by The Family say, we still BEST - In precious memory of a dear father and grand- father, Lawrence Best, who passed away January 23, | 1980. Remembrance is the sweetest flower that in a garden grows. Forever remembered by Sally, Sandy, Steve and Scott HOUTHUYS - In loving memory of Shelley Ann, who passed away January 27, 1979. Sweet memories will linger forever Time cannot change them, it's true Years that may come can- not sever Our loving remembrance of you. Always remembered by sister Lorna, nieces Terry & Lorna Michelle HOUTHUYS - In memory of a dear friend, Shelley, who left us suddenly January 27, 1979. : We miss you so much in many ways We miss the things you used to say And when old times we do recall It's then we miss you most of Dawn Mount and Dawn Pelletier Notice GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For bookings, contact- Cathy Galberg 985-8351. TF Village Sitichary Alterations & Repairs to all types of Clothing & Leather BARB McINTYRE 985-2269 FLEA MARKET on Little Britain Rd., LINDSAY Farm Produce - Crafts - Gifts - New & Used Flea Market Items Notice BAHAI information write P.O. Box 1153, Port Perry. g . EOW TENSION PROBLEMS? SKIP STITCHES? Have your sewing machine servic- ed by an expert. All makes - free pick-up and delivery. Call- Jim 655-4107. MANCHESTER Communi: ty Centre available for ren tals. All' new facilities. Call 985-7274. A 23 HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY TONY FRANCES Love Mom & Dad © SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE ~~ HOME SUPPORT SERVICES ... for the frail elderly & those in special need. CALL WEEKDAYS 985-8461 9-12 Noon & 1-4 P.M. Notice FITNESS CLASSES. Man: aster Hall. Morning, after- noon and evening classes. Beginners and advanced. Contact Louise /Calvert 1-649-3155. J 29 Coming Events "CABIN FEVER' Kingston Winter Antique Show, Pert, smouth Olympic Harbour, Kingston, Ontario. February 2nd and 3rd. 40 distinguish- ed dealers, 10:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. both days. DANCE- Janetville Com- munity Centre, Saturday, January 26-9p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by Herb Vine and Durham County. $7 per cou- ple. Lunch served. MAYBELLE REBEKAH Lodge Is having a St. Valen- tine's Day- Luncheon on February 13th, and a St. Patrick's Day Luncheon on March 13th. Time: 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Price $3.50. VALENTINE DANCE, sponsored by Blackstock Nursery School. Saturday, February 9th, at the Blackstock Recreation Cen- tre. Disc Jockey. 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. $12 per couple. 'Bring Your Sweetheart." For tickets, call 986-5264. J 29 UTICA HALL BOARD AN- NUAL MEETING, election of officers and general business on Sunday, Janvary 27th at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. J 22 LEGION BINGO. The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419, will be on Thursday, January 24, 1985- 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $170 in 52 numbers. J 22 HOME HARDWARE will be Closed for Inventory - ONE DAY ONLY - TUESDAY, JANUARY 29th Re-Open: Wednesday 8 AM. IF YOU SEE TOM TENNYSON BLACKSTOCK and District Lions Country and Western Dance, Diamond Reo Band- Blackstock Rec Centre. Buf- fet and refreshments. $12.00 couple. 8:30 to 1:00. Fepruary 2, 1985. Proceeds to community projects. For tickets call 986-5604 -- 986-4461. Js HOT BEEF Dinner, Wednesday, March 27th, sponsored by Grace UCW, Scugog Island. Settings at 5, 6 and 7 p.m. at the Com- munity Centre. Tickets- Adults $7; Children- $3.25; pre-schoolers free. For tickets call 985-8578 or 985-2644. " MOVIE (FAMILY) Walt Disney's Lt. Robin Crusoe - Antiques - Home Baking - WISH HIM A Starring Dick Vian Dyke Good Food - Tools HAPPY 30th and Nancy Kwan 50 VENDORS WANTED! LATCHAM HALL Call 324-2783 \ PIRTHOAY Port Perry ov | * SATURDAY 9 AM. SOXCK Friday, Jan. 25 a | gl Coming Events Ramveson $1.75 ll ages Coming to ... ) THE CORRAL RESTAURANT & TAVERN Friday, January 25th 'KITTY WELLS SHOW' 2 SEPARATE SHOWS - 8 P.M. & 11:15 P:M. Tickets per show - $5.00 per person in advance OR $7.00 per person at-the-door Tickets available at THE CORRAL, 433 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ont. 571-1422