16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. January 22, 1985 Here, the future Jane Fondas crouch down like bean sprouts in one of the warm- up exercises. Doesn't have to be monotonous pa Nestleton - Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker ~- A Thought project for the year was Whatever comments discussed and Marion -we may make about the Hall will present the first cold, adverse, January chapter at the February weather -- it really - doesn't need to be monotonous. While we may envy the many folks who are basking in sun- ny Florida -- we, at home base aren't half bad- we're warm with plenty to eat, and live in good old Canada! However! if you are grouching and feel discouraged -- get with it -- when you arise in the morning put on a smile -- after all we are not dressed until we do. A cheerful smile is the best sauce for breakfast and costs nothing. Come on folks -- face the balance of the winter with a bit of optimism and courage, and banish the winter blues! Nestleton U.C.W Afternoon Unit The first meeting for 1985 was held at the home of Gwendolyn Malcolm, Tuesday, January 15th, 1:30 p.m. Unit leader Jean Williams. opened the meeting with a poem "What Is Trust?' and a hymn was sung. Marion / Hall read Psalm 37 for. the inspiring worship period followed by a short reading by Helen Vine. This portion of the meeting closéd with a hymn. Roll Call- How Can We Improve Our Meetings? Many in- teresting answers were given. Members decided to forego the study due to planning of the meetings for the year ahead. The Oshawa Presbyterial will be held March 19th, at Kingsview United Church -- Lois McLeod will be the special speaker at this all day meeting. The study of Korea -- our Missionary meeting. Some time was spent arranging the year's programmes. Jean Williams and Gwen Malcolm were hostesses for the afternoon and served a delightful lunch. Sociability was enjoyed. Donations amounting to _ $57.00 were received. A splendid start for the New Year! ~ Caesarea Euchre Results At the weekly euchre party, Wednesday, January 16th, 8 p.m. at Caesarea Community Centre, the following winners are to be con- gratulated. First prize- Roy Werry 72;. Second- Del Marlow 68. Third- Owen Gray 52. Next week as usual. Try and attend for a pleasant evening with neighbours and friends! Nestleton United Church The faithfuls attended the service at Nestleton United on Sunday morn- ing. With the extreme cold one would wonder- but some 35 were present to hear the fine message presented by Rev. Dale Davis entitled "The Demands of Discipleship." He was assisted throughout the service by Student Minister Elaine Barber. Greeting at: the door were Cliff and Chri Davis, Scott and Carleton. Carol Mairs and Ken Weir assisted in the nursery. Choir number "How Great Thou Art" with the con- gregation singing along supporting the choir. Organist- Gwen Malcolm. Notice: Next Sunday, January 27th, Nestleton Pot Luck Luncheon and Annual congregational meeting following morn- ing worship. All members invited to attend. Community Interests Norma Wilson of Nun- troon has been visitng with. her sister Ma.el and brother-in-law Sam Cawker of Scugog Point Road for a few days of relaxation and diversion. We have had a real musical feast- organ and piano duets- vocal _renditions- and so forth. We're waiting for son Ted to come with his guitar. Next- we're going in for boogie-woogie -- thus- we blow away the winter "blahs!'"' A nostalgic time for all! Recently, Barb Weir, Janice MacKenzie and Gwen Malcolm attended the U.C.W. workshop held at Kingsview United Church in Oshawa, representing Nestleton. Keep in mind the Ar- buckle Benefit Dance to be held in Nestleton Community Centre on the evening of February 9th. This is a community effort and we trust everyone will get behind this project in a very sup- portive way and make it a tremendous success. Tickets are available " from Arlene Malcolm LAKESIDE 986-4409 and Janice MacKenzie 986-5598. The Cawker boys, Chris and Curt were working at the farm dur- ing the week doing various tasks to assist grandpa Sam -- who has just been released from Port Perry Hospital. We're glad to have him home again in fine spirits making a good recovery. Caesarea Community Church The Caesarea Com- munity Church had a good attendance con- sidering the very cold wintry day. Robert Heayn Jed the service with Daniel Pugh reading the Scripture. Rev. W.H. Crawford D.D. spoke on 'A Work- ing Faith" using content of 2nd Chapter of Mark. The minister also played for the interesting ser- vice. Next Sunday at 11 a.m. A warm welcome to the friendly church.- Our warmest wishes and loving thoughts go out to our Minister Rev. Dale Davis and wife Anita who celebrated their 31st Wedding An- niversary on January 22. We wish them many more happy anniversaries. ELECTRONICS / \ / At Last the ONE METER Satellite - Dish at an AFFORDABLE PRICE! -----" Fully portablé, ideal for cottage or trailer. Picture perfect reception. FEATURES: - General. Instrument Receiver. with Infra-Red cordless control - allows you to mute and adjust volume, digital clock - select antenna mode or satellite signal mode - preset channels for more convenient viewing - turn TV on/off Your satellite receiver can be hooked up to your Antenna - VCR or Video Game Equipment. Immune to Microwave Interference For Demonstration or More Information CALL 985-2652 Kids learn fitness withwriggly worms (From page 14) teaching adult fitness for some time. The idea for more youthful par- ticipants came while -she was teaching a group of women, with their children in the next room. "The kids made any excuse to use the wash- room 14 times so they could do the exercises," she laughs. She says aerobic fit- ness is an excellent way for children to be intro- duced to exercise as it includes basic loco- motor movements that provide large-muscle exertion. But while the exer- cises themselves work out the same muscles as "older aerobics,' the kids weekly exercises are a whole lot more fun. In one song they pretend they're sprouts, crouched down on the floor, /which eventually grow to tall begn stalks, waving in the wind. In another, they're wiggly worms, squirming around from one end of the hall to the other. They do ooey-gooey stretches with pretend marshmallows and pre- tend they're frogs and ducks. Sure sounds like more fun than the Ed Allen Show. Ruffles folks to offer interior design tips Ashburn Area News by Mrs. E. Heron The Kirk Guild executive has planned a very interesting meet- ing for Tuesday Feb. 5th at 8 o'clock in the evening. Two ladies, Cathy Beavis and Ruth MacHale from their lovely shop in Whitby called "Ruffles" Country Classics, will be with us. They will bring along interesting things to do and to show. It is all related to interior designing and a good example of how a hobby turned into a business. So don't miss this delightful meeting in the Church Hall. The. Community Centre Board has arranged for a dance to be held on Jan. 26, Saturday night at the Thunderbird Golf Club. Everyone over 19 are invited to come. There will be prizes and a chicken salad buffet. The cost is $15.00 a ~~ couple and you can get your tickets at Ashburn General Store. The disc jockey will be Mr. Frank Trull. The annual meeting for the Community Centre will be held on Jan. 30th at 8 p.m. A special invitation is extended to all new- comers to come out and get aquainted. Bernice Gardner, Ray Death, Chrissie Mec- Kinney and Rose Heron attended the annual meeting of the Lindsay Presbyterial W. M.S. last 'Thursday morning and afternoon. The reports in the morning were very encouraging. The financial report showed the givings were , fifteen hundred dollars over the objective for the year. In the after- noon the speaker was ° Miss Jean Davidson of the Presbyterian World Service. Jean gave a very interesting talk on how our money is spent on Mission fields to help people read etc. but their immediate need is food. The women were taught bee keeping and they planted trees that bore fruit to eat, honey for the bees and planted grass that would grow and pasture goats used for milk and meat. And many other skills were taught that brought new life and new interests to the fields that Jean has Just recently visited. Last Sunday was a very cold but beautiful morning and the church service was held in the Church Hall where i was warm. The Scriptures were read by Mary Briscoe and Ken Brown. Rev. McEntyre's message was titled "Our Stand- ing Orders in a Chang- ing World." The choir sang as their anthem "Love Lifted Me." A big thank you to all those who have saved stamps. If there are any more please bring them to the Church. They will be sent on the end of this month. In case anyone wonders where the stamps go, they go through WMS Channels and are sold and the money goes to Mission work such as helping furnish hospital rooms and buying hospital equipment. Don't forget to feed the birds, they really need some extra feed these cold days. HELPFUL HINTS For varnished floors or woodwork of any kind, rub with cold tea. - BLIZZARD BEATER Jee lo BOX EVERY FRL,SAT, & SUN. for "ns month of January FRIED CHICKEN AND SEAFOOD 136 WATER ST. PORT PERRY