Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 4 Dec 1984, p. 31

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eos ir in aii sli Sian am a lh EE PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, Dec. 4, 1984 -- 3) Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale COMMUNITY MEMORIAL Hospital Auxiliary are holding a Pre-Christmas Bake Sale on Friday, December 7 at 12:30 - 3:00 p.m. at the hospital. Any donations appreciated. Call. LEGION BINGO - The next Legion Bingo. Branch 419, will be on Thursday December 6 at 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $150. in 50 numbers. Congratulations to winner Kay McNenley. 9857137. REENBANK ANNUAL G NEW YEAR'S EVE SEAGRAVE BOY D ANC E SCOUTS & CUBS DANGE PAPER COMMUNITY HALL | MON. DEC. 31 DRIVE 9P.M.to 1 AM. Herb Tn County Sat., December 8 TICKETS: $25.00 couple. Have papers bundled Sunet, bar privileges. (panty and in front. FOR TICKETS: FOR PICK-UP CALL: 286-4788 Neste 9855580 985-8541 al Commitee McLean Flea Market - Lindsay - SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT, GIFT & DOLL SALE Sat. & Sun., December 8 & 9 SATURDAY 9 AM.to5P.M. SUNDAY 10A.M.to 4 P.M. -- VENDORS WANTED -- (705) 324-2783 LINDSAY Favours & Light Lunch BR. 419 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1984 "Larry, Dee & Dot"' DANCING - 8:30 p.m. - 7? TICKETS: $10.00 per person ENTERTAINMENT ROYAL CANADIAN "HERB VINE" FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7th 9:00 P.M. Members & Guests Welcome' LEGION BRANCH 419 PORT PERRY 'BASICS OF ART FOR JUNIOR ARTISTS 8 LESSONS $59.00 Instruction by Leslie A. Parkes on rules of perspective, principles of design and composition, methods of contour and gesture drawing. Enrol early! For registration or information call 985-2543 Classes begin mid-January AT THE LIBRARY, a new exhibit by designer Bill Fit ches, December 8 t0 28. The artist will be in attendance on December 8th from 2 to 4 p.m. HANDEL'S 'MESSIAH' pre sented by Uxbridge Messiah Singers. Trinity United Church, Tuesday. December 18 - Wednesday, December 19, 1984. Director Mr. Thomas Baker. Free admission. Goodwill offer ing. Tickets available at Yellow Brick Road. 852-5255. Dn ROSS STEVENSON MPP Constituency Office visits the Scugog area, Wednes- day, December 12, 1984- 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. Railroadhouse Motor Motel. For appoint: ment please call Zenith 33130 or drop by at your conven- ience. PORT PERRY UNITED Church Choirs present their annual Christmas Choral Festival on December 16 at 4 p.m. in the church sanc- tuary. Special guests will be harpist, Lori Gammel and organist, Keith Rasmussen. Everyone welcome. "AFTER THE BIGONE" a film which shows how a nuclear war would effect Canada- United Church Lounge, Monday, December 10, 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. PINE RIDGE POWER SKATING SCHOOL will commence on December 22nd, at the Uxbridge Arena. For information please call 852-3884. D8 TOUR THE British Isles with the Library Travel Club on Thursday, December 6 at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. D4 TRUCK TOOL BOX fits '; ton. $150. 985-3187. AMAZON PARROT, male, 2 years old, tame and talks - 2 cages. Best offer. 985-7174. 75 GMC '2 ton H.D. 6 cylinder standard, racks and tarp. Will sell separate. One large round bird cage- one Breeder cage $15 each. Phone 986-4692. EXCELLENT condition: five piece walnut bedroom suite. Good Colonial floral chesterfield set. 705-357-3016. DN AN ATLAS AT LAST. The perfect Christmas gift for Ontario travellers. 'BIG RED' the street atlas of On- tario in compact book form. Contains over 300 street guides of Ontario towns and cities with mileage in: dicators and highway guide. Big Red is the "Good Bud: dy" of anyone who uses On tario roadways. Order before December 18 to en: sure delivery before Christmas. We will ship by courier. Get $350 worth of street guides, all in one com pact library sized book. Easy to read, fits glove com partment. All for only $29.95 plus sales tax and $2 shipp- ing. Money back guarantee if not completely satisfied. Call (416) 239-5553 or (416) 239-8405. Credit cards ac cepted or send cheque or Money Order to Maple Leaf Map, 4800 Dundas Street West, Islington, Ontario M9A 1B1 AMAZING NEW DILLON MK 111 GAS WELDING TORCH Welds and cuts Aluminum, Stainless Cast Iron and all mild steels Fantastic new design saves 50 per cent fuel easily and sharply reduces slag and ox idization A better torch and we can prove it. MR B Dist. Box 33, RR 2, Frankford, Ontario KOK 2CO (613) 962-9717 $ OVERSTOCKED MUST SELL $ Quonset buildings available at tremendous savings. Limited quantities Manufacturer overstocked NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. Spring or Fall delivery. Won't be under sold Call (416) 486-1807 GERMAN SHEPHERD months old. obedience trained: all needles: male $25. Reason for selling: Allergies. 655-3485. PRE INVENTORY Sale ot in-stock farm fence. 10 per cent off list price. New stock will be up 7 per cent. Buy now and save )7 per cent. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry. 985-7363. BOYS size 16 two-piece navy ski suit, worn only twice. New $90- Asking $50. 985-8114 after 6 p.m. PHILIPS 60 channel Cable T.V. converter nearly new $75. Replacement cost $120. 986-4540. TWO SINGLE beds, $25 each. 985-2177 after 6 p.m. 2 HOUNDS for sale. One- 3 years old, female; one 8 months, male. 986-4950. SIX FOOT Myers snowplows with electric left $200; Gilanti electric organ $1400. 985-3396. 50 LAYING hens and a side of beef. 655-3203. GIVE A GIFT that finds money! Fun and profit for young and old begins with a Garrett Metal Detector! For free buyer's guide or nearest dealer contact: Canadian Metal Locators, R.R.S, Waterford, NOE IYO (519) 443-5193. ATTENTION HOG PRO- DUCERS reduced iron now available in bulk, $1.49 Lb., Epsom salts, 2 Lbs. $1.19, Baking Soda 2 Lbs. $1.00, a few Amaryllis bulbs still in stock. Dri-Kil 1 case of 12 X 900g- $49.95: Reg. $62.40. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry 985-7363. WATKINS PRODUCTS, spices, liniments, cleaning products, etc. For Iinforma- tion phone 985-2070. TF REPROCESSED fabulous 20 inch colour RCA TV, $188.88. Under $4 weekly. Krazy Kelly's, 350 Went worth St. E., Oshawa. 571-1412. TF REPROCESSED Marantz stereo receiver, 100 watts, dual turntable, cassette deck, 2 huge Cerwin Vega 3-way speakers $688.88. Under $9 weekly. Krazy Kel- ly's, 350 Wentworth St. E. Oshawa. 571-1412. TF REPROCESSED 26 Inch RCA TV, remote control $488.88. Under $6 weekly. One hour delivery. Krazy Kelly's, 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. 511-1412. TF BRAND NEW RCA Video cassette recorder, remote control, search and still pause; one year warranty $488.88. Krazy Kelly's, 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. 571-1412. TF IMMEDIATE delivery on Hockey Jerseys - $10 up. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Call toll free 1-800-661-6461 for your free catalogue. D 18 STEEL BUILDINGS. Manufacturers clearance. Limited quantities. Buy now. Immediate or spring delivery. No Interest or storage charges. Substantial discounts during sale. Call toll free 1-800-461-7689. Area code 807- call 705-335-5972. ' Dn FREE installation: Erie and Kinetico Water softeners and iron filters. Ultra violet purifiers and chlorinators. Buy, rent or lease. Free water analysis. Call Gary Young Plumbing, Brooklin. Days: 655-4936; evenings- 655-8989. TF CUSTOM MADE to order: Eskimo coats- your choice of colour, fur, design. Wrap coats, jackets, slippers and mitts. Also miniature parkas for Cabbage Patch Dolls. Call Emelda Jackson 985-7218. N 20 WHY PAY MORE We sell new chesterfields, kitchen and dining room sets, bedrooms sets etc., at low prices everyday! Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. E. (at Ritson) Oshawa. 728-3473- We Deliver. TF AIR COMPRESSORS, spray booth and accessories, all sizes. New and used. Buy and sell. 1-743-6299. TF FOR ALL YOUR Insulation and Air Sealing needs, plus air leakage Inspection and U.F.F.I. Remedial Measures. Call McCleave Insulation - (416) 852-5051. APPLES - Willowtree Or- chard, Durham Road 8, Y mile east of Epsom. Mcin- tosh, Courtland, Empire, Sparton, Delicous, Ida Reds, Northern Spy and Russets. 985-9205. TF HOME COMPUTER SYSTEMS We have Apple Compatible and IBM Compatible (Sanyo) computers for your business or home needs. Call for infor- mation and we will help you determine the system you require and quote you a very reasonable price. (416) 985-3126 We also have Software for the TI99/4A, Commodore 64, Apple and IBM computers. CHRISTMAS TREES 6-8 FEET HIGH Plantation Grown Spruce 3 1 5. each Available at: THE CANADIAN TIRE GARDEN CENTRE -- PORT PERRY PLAZA -- On sale starting Thurs., December 6 MONDAY - FRIDAY ... 3:00 P.M. to Store Closing Saturday ... 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Home Delivery Available if bought Mon. or Tues. sponsored by the PORT PERRY BOY SCOUTS/PARENTS ASSOCIATION. HOME VIDEO CATALOGUE All titles pro tected by copyright. Colour: ful boxes. Call toll tree, 1-800-663-6555 or write On Track Vision, 13381 72nd Ave., Surrey, B.C. SNOWBLOWER 4 HP Tecumseh, new carb, tune: up. plugs, points, condenser etc. $250. Grass seeders $6 and up. Roto tiller $150. Kerosun-heater, 13000 BTU- $100. Call Doug's Small Engine Repairs. 985-7590. ELECTRIC typewriter, an: tique items, 2 volumes of picturesque Canada, square oak kitchen table, brass bed, camel back couch. 985-8331. FISH HUT and ice auger; 1977 Dodge Van, Slant 6, auto. $1200. 985-9552. MONARCH Butterflies: wooden: 3 per set $25; Con: crete lawn ornaments, bird baths etc. 985-8258. PINE dining table and 6 chairs- asking $325; French Provincial love seat $65; Jet pump and tank, like new $95; small woodstove $15 for ice hut. 986-5599 -- 986-0096. STRAW: clean large bales. 985-3910 delivered. WOODSTOVE airtight, 2 speed fan. Best reasonable offer. Call 985-8031. TWO CABBAGE Paich Preemies and one Kid. Best offer. Call Jack between 7 and 9 p.m. Thursday even: ing. 852-5179. ALOE VERA and Honey Bee Products. 986-4769.Jy 31 VIKING dehumidifier, good working order $60; child's carrier seat for bike $5. 985-7369. MOVING SALE. 12 cu. ft. white fridge $160; white 30 inch electric stove $160 (both $300); 21 inch Lawnboy lawnmower with grass cat: cher $125; 15 sheets of 1/8 inch masonite $3 each. Call 985-919 or 668-5445. MIRACLE SPAN Steel Buildings: winter program: Buy now, pay later on spring deliveries. Save 25 per cent on your building. Call toll free 1-800-268-4942. Ask for Mike Maughan. D8 FULLER BRUSHES: brooms, mops etc, cleaners for everything. Products guaranteed and delivered. Phone 985-3828. Da KROKINOLE BOARDS - "Orders taken. Call 985-9165. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E., Oshawa. 579-5666. TF WATER Softeners, iron tiltérs, chlorination, systems, free water analysis. Rent or Buy. Call Randy Coombs, collect at Aquafine Water Refiners. 705-324-6888. TF PIANOS - used uprights from - $795. delivered and tuned. Portable keyboards from $199.95. Fender, Nor- man and Yamaha guitars. Irwin Smith Music Limited - 985-2635. SHELTIES Pet and breeding, C.K.C. registered. Also stud service. Candega Kennel - 986-5164. D4 SHAVINGS: kiln dried. Delivered. 985-7288. TF on Shopsmith 5 'n 1 tool $1,345; 6 Inch longbed |ointer with 1 HP and stand- $490. 985-2443. TF WOODWORKERS thickness planer, 6 Inch |ointer, 10 inch table saw, belt and disc, sander, shaper, 14 Inch bandsaw, metal cutting bandsaw, shopsmith machine. 985 2443. TF 1983 CR125R dirt bike, ex- cellent conditionn $1000 or best offer. Call Sam 985-2648. Allumiglass C | 4 umiglass Gompany rN ® Aluminium Store Fronts @® Sky Light ® Solarium ® Aluminium Sidings ® (lass Cutting to size R.R. 2, SEAGRAVE PRE-WINTER SEASON SPECIAL ... 30% OFF ® Repairs Aluminium Doors & Windows -- FREE ESTIMATES -- JOHN DAVIDSON CONSULTANT . 985-9306 ® Mirror Walls ® Table Tops & Shelves ® Caulking @® Insurance Work @® Custom Work Wi CHRASTMAS -- TREES -- CUT YOUR OWN. Large Selection of White Spruce. First place south of Durham 8 at Epsom. Weekend Sales Only ... Starting Dec. 1st. LADIES: Are you having trouble shopping for your man this year. If so... COME SEE US! We have Power Tools - Air Tools Floor Jacks - .. and many other Christmas Specials at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! WAYNE'S AUTO PARTS 179 Casimir Street - Port Perry HOURS: Mon. toFri. 8-5 Sat. 8 12

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