Now, why are these guys smiling? Well, Ken Goreski (left) and Wayne Stainton held the final two tickets in the elimination draw at the Scugog Arena Saturday evening and decided to split the $4000 grand prize. The ticket held by Wayne was purchased by the ex- ecutive of the Port Perry MoJacks and the money will be used for the club this winter. The dance attracted a large crowd and organizers say the event will net about $5000 for the Scugog Arena. Chesterfield Suites Love Seats Sectionals & Mattresses - A Large Selection - Less than _ gi McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 Accident (From page 1) found 50 feet away from the demolished vehicle and another was 25 feet away. Driver of the car, 21-year-old Wayne Rob- inson of Port Perry, is in criticial condition at Toronto General Hosp- ital. Hospital spokes- men said Robinson suff- ered extensive abdom- inal and head injuries. Todd James, 22, of Blackstock a passenger, is also in critical con- dition in the surgical intensive care unit at Sunnybrook Medical Centre. Both men were rushed to Sunnybrook by ambulance after being examined at Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital. Robinson was transferr- ed again to Toronto General. A $30,000 _ NI RE 2x [ ad * "BASS to be held on Lake Scugog Port Perry, Ontario RR, = Commencing 6:00 a.m. Finishing 8:00 p.m. Saturday, June 30, 1984 Hr an FIRST PRIZE » "is 30,000}. = - | I) «0 : 4 \arge mouth bass " . ] Hn a rom $25 to $200 ? » "ow . ENTRY FORM . 500 pm Friday June 29 1984 All valid entries must be signed by the participant NAME ADORESS PHONE SIGNATURE SPONSORED BY THE SCUGOG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 19, 1984 -- 3 Hospital auction successful despite the hot, humid weather Saturday, June 9th was the date for the fund-raising aucticn at Community Memcrial Hospital, Port Perry. Despite the hot, humid weather and sometimes sparce crowd, the event raised funds of approx- imately $1700. for the Hospital expansion pro- ject. The organizing Committee of the Hospital Auction would like to make a few comments about the fine community spirit displayed on behalf of Hospital. The public reaction to requests for consign- ment and donation articles was absolutely heartwarming. We would like to particular- ly thank the Port Perry Rotary Club for donat- ing all of their yard sale goods, originally destin- ed for their own Spring Sale. We would also like to add our thanks to Ted Leahy Trucking; Ted and his partner trucked all of these yard sale goods to the Hospital, and then donated their services. . YORM, FREE, QO FREEMAN early. you want. August and September weddings. 985-8160 The Canadian Imper- ial Bank of Commerce set up a temporary, no charge account, especi- ally for the Auction. Central Seven too, help- ed in the cause by printing our Bidder Forms at no cost. As always, the ded- icated ladies of the Hospital Auxiliary were hard at work, - making and selling sandwiches and serving beverages for a hungry crowd. Our special thanks go to Don and Freida Coch- rane. These two people generously donated their time, effort and commission to the Hospital. Without a break, Don coaxed and cajoled the crowd into buying, while Freida recorded the details. Finally, we want to thank all of the Hospital Staff and their families for donating their Sat- urday. The Auction would not have been and hard work. It is this kind of generosity and self-sacrifice that Those darn gremlins Those proverbial press room gremlins found their way into the technical production of the Port Perry Star last week. The result was the "reversal" of a photo on page 14 of the staff at the Hair Centre which donated money to the makes our Hospital the Community Memorial Hospital. Larry Cook fund. And a second photo on page 17 of Cartwright all-round cord recip- ients also came out "reversed" in print. Our apologies to both |, the Hair Centre staff and the Cartwright Guides for these pro- blems. HOME INSURANCE DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 170 Water Street North, Port Perry - 985-8416 possible without their enthusiasm, hard work and humour. Everyone involved helped to make the Auction a success Also see us about your Life, Auto, Farm, Commercial & Mortgage Insurance Needs! through their dedication % 4 S ! » Zane We are over the top. Book your FORMALWEAR Pick up your FREE Catalogue and choose the style and accessories Reserve now for THE FREEMAN DIFFERENCE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE, 7. - & VISA Gjregory's Men's Wear Lid. PORT PERRY PLAZA Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 10 to 6: Friday to 9: Saturday to 5. Ls Fo Ti