Arts, Craft Show well attende Scugog Island News by Mrs. Earl Reader At this time of cele- brations of Family day we are remembering the sick and those con- fined to hospital. Bob Healey of Con. 6 east has been in the Oshawa Hospital almost a week with heart trouble. Mrs. Mary Lang of Aldred's Beach has been in and out of hospital several times and presently con- valescing at home with a collapsed lung. Cliff Love is in the Port Perry Hospital improv- ing from a bout of flu. If ~ we have missed any of the sick, we trust they may soon recover too. The activities at the Centre of the Island were well attended on Saturday for the hot luncheon and then the Art and Craft Show. In the Art room we could view pictures of different types and mediums. In the display room there were plants of many varieties, afghans, quilts, craft pictures, carvings, - knitted articles, cer- amics and many new crafts. Demonstrators worked on Candlewick, chicken scratch, silk flower arrangements, silk dying, decoupage and Tri-Chem painting. Bonnie's Boutique offer- ed a great selection for gift giving. The kitchen became a BUSINESS DIRECTORY very popular gathering place, when Dorothy Martyn, the first presi- dent of the "Head" UCW recalled her period of office and the > continuous work of this group and then officially . declared the Bake Sale open. The ladies at the Flea table seemed to be very popular when des- cribing their collection and distributing bar- gains. At the tea table many had an opportun- ity to visit with old friends or make new acquaintances. In the Art room we must draw special attention to the out- standing display from the Art Club of Prince Albert School when the teacher, Mrs. Marta Gill of Claremont was kind enough to bring the special collection from the Group of 17 as the work of children 8 to 11 years old. This being a timely tribute to the Bicentennial celebra- tions of Ontario. One Island girl is among this group. We'll certainly see more of their accomplishments in the future. Two recipients of lucky draws were Clara Dowson and Ritchie Tripp. We thank all who participated in this annual event. The Scugog Island Church was well filled' for Family Day when we welcomed many strangers who attended to witness the Baptism of 5 children. Those being baptized were: Kristen Patricia, little daughter of Patricia and Paul Mark of the Island; Matthew Adam, little son of Carol (Manns) and Brian Stevenson of Oshawa; William Ryan and Katharine Ashley Ann, children of Nancy and William Tripp; Derek AOI IN 0] YY 1:4" [d 13 Alex J. Shepherd CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AUTOMOTIVE TAYLOR'S GULF SERVICE CENTRE specializing in BRAKES - TUNE-UPS COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK CARE GOVERNMENT SAFETY CERTIFICATES Cars - Trucks - Motorcycles - School Buses HWY. 7A WEST, PORT PERRY 985-3655 foun on MARLOW'S = (Behind Philp Pontiac- Buick Limited) DOG FOOD - CONDITIONER SALT (Ya mile west of Port Perry) FEED SERVICE Af ££] ANIMAL FEED & HEALTH PRODUCTS GARDEN SUPPLIES - FENCE 985-7363 FARM FEED & SUPPLIES 40 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry FERTILIZER -- WILD BIRD SEED |» MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Port Perry Star ADVERTISING | | DON CORNEIL DEADLINES Sales at You Rescence ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAY 12 NOON . R.R. 1, Little Britain Call: (705) 786-2183 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Corporation, Small Business Accounting & Taxation Farm Accounting & Taxation - Bookkeeping Services . PHONE (416) 985-7031 LAW OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 12 Noon RONALD D. BRIDGEWATER BARRISTER & SOLICITOR 230 QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY Bus.: 985-8491 Res.: 985-8828 EMIVIEF BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY "All Lines of (416) 985-7306 General Insurance!" IME 89.1 {TAI 1:4" 1d 33 R.R. JONES ML SEPTIC TANK PUMPING HAU LAGE Sumit Limestone -- Year Round Service -- Sand & Gravel Phone: 985-3481 Topsoil 985-7013 PORT PERRY KARATE NOEL'S -- CLUB CLEANING LATCHAM CENTRE JANITORIAL SERVICES Sundays & Tonsdays - 1:00PM. INFORMATION: Rob Dods 985-9111 or 579-6237 Otces Banksy Churches Etc windows Floors Carpets PHONE 985-2925 MOTOR CITY TURF SERVICES Lawn Care - Fertilizing - Weed Control - PORT PERRY 985-3383 Danforth L. MARTINS T it PAINTING & ypewriter WALLPAPERING RENTAL - SALES oy Sram re SERVICE - REPAIRS Exterior Acrylic Stucco 408 Dundas St. W. 852-7 129 Whitby 666-1131 40k 8 ¢ LYNDA'S BASSETT'S HOUSE ts CLEANING Repairs to Sw" | |, oo Bonded cleaners "Fibreglass Repairs . ' n , ave 433- io an62 | | 985-8677 Scugog Appliance Repair REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES HalE ; £0) Washers - Dryers - Stoves TOM VANDERENDE Fridges Dishwashers - Freezers Call 986-5312 anytime ) REASONABLE RATES! RICK'S WEED CONTROL -Lawn Care - Fertilizing - Weed Spraying - Chinch Bug Control - Crabgrass Control -Insecticide Spray - Dormant Oil Spraying - Nature's Touch Products. BLACKSTOCK, ONTARIO 986-4889 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 15, 1984 -- 35 CAESAREA COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. W.H. Crawford, D.D. Brian, little son of Sylvia and Brian Weber. Rev. Tansley gave a -very timely and approp- riate sermon on Family Life today and for the 'future. Following the Church Service, Doreen Adam and Bonnie Gerrow call- ed upon Dorothy Free- man to accept an address and gift in appreciation of her interest and work within the Church as she and her family are moving to a new Community near Fenelon Falls. With much surprise, Dorothy accepted the gift of a silver tray from the congregation, thank- ed all graciously and said she would try to return for the Induction Service for Rev. Robin- son in thg summer. Jackié Freeman also received a beautiful Bible as a going away gift from the Sunday School for her devoted assistance in this area. A week ago, Reta and Earl Reader with son Bill travelled to Kin- mount to visit with Elsie and Alfred Angus. From here they travelled to Peterborough to visit Marlene and Sherry Martin. Over the weekend, Linda Herold's parents from Minden visited with Linda and family on Con. 6 East. Mina Steer of Conc.6 and Reta Reader of Road 5, attended the retired women teach- ers' dinner in Sunder- land last Wednesday. This Wednesday is the special meeting for the Island Women's Instit- ute with guest speaker, Mrs. Petrie from Analda Nursery. BIG SUMMER BASH UXBRIDGE ARENA Co June 8 & 9 YAMAHA Generators (The Quiet Ones) *6 Models to Choose From. SPECIAL For Your Boat or Trailer 600 WATT For Under $400.00 Also: WATER PUMPS ASSELSTINE'S YAMAHA RD. 57 BLACKSTOCK 986-4437 d SPECIAL VISIT OF "Sunshine Club Singers" THIS SUNDAY, MAY 20th ... 11AM. "We Welcome You tothe Country Church." UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Glenn Jackson M.A.B.D. SUNDAY MAY 20 Bible Society Sunday : 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship and Church School PRINCE ALBERT 11:30 a.m. Morning Worship and Church School - rev. Andrew Brndjar Regional Secretary of the Canadian Bible Society Both Services Mons; . van? PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH WELCOMES YOU Hwy. 7A just east of Port Perry Pastor D. Payne B.A., B.Th. Assoc. Pastor T. Kartzmark & Bible School 9:45 a.m. Praise and Worship Service 11am and 6:30 pm Nursery Provided Ladies Coffee Hour Tuesday 9:45a.m. Family Prayer and Bible Study Wed. 7:30 p.m. C.S.B. (for boys) Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Youth Activities (for details phone 985-8681) ~ Special Welcome to the Handicapped. HOPE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF PORT PERRY (166 Simcoe St. S. Prince Albert) Watch our Church Program Faith 20 on Global TV every Sunday morning at9:30 a.m. Service 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Rev. Carel Geleynse R.R.2, Port Perry 985-3402 Ladies 'Coffee Break" Thursday 9:30 Va to11:30 a.m. Everyone Welcome CAESAREA COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. W.H. Crawford,DD Worship Service 11 a.m. "Welcome to the Country Church" ANGLICAN ST. JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK Rev. M. Ansley Tucker SUNDAY MAY 20 Fifth Sunday of Easter 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer CHURCH OF ASCENSION PORT PERRY Wednesday May 16 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion SUNDAY MAY 20 Fifth Sunday of Easter 11:15a.m. Holy Communion PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA B.A., B.D. Phone 985-3409 or 985-3881 ST. JOHN'S PORT PERRY 319 Queen Stre t 9:55a.m. Family Worshi} Church School and Nursery during Worship A Cordial Welcome Awaits You! BURNS CHURCH ASHBURN 10 a.m. Church School 11:15 Family Worship (Junior Church and Nursery WELCOME TO EMMANUEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Queen and Rosa Sts. Pastor R. Hilsden 985-9222 SUNDAY MAY 20 9:45a.m. Sunday School I1a.m. Worship 7p.m. Family Fellowship Service Special Music Nursery Service Children's Church EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP Durham Rd. 23 and 7th Cone. Rev. G.B. Parks 852-5871 9:43 a.m. Sunday School 11:00a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Bible Study "A Charismatic Bible-Believing Church" SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Donald Tansley B.A., B.D. Scugog -9:45a.m. Manchester 11:15a.m.