PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 15, 1984 -- 27 Notice Yard Sales Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For bookings contact- Cathy Galberg 985-8351. TF WEDDING INVITATIONS personalized, stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards etc. Call The Port Perry Star 985-7383. TF MANCHESTER Communi- ty Centre available for ren- tals. All new facilities. Call 985-7274. A 23 SATURDAY May 19, Conc. 3, east off Oshawa Road se- cond house. Ladders, win- dows, quantity of togls, pumps, steel shelves, Dep. glass, old signs, old bottles and antiques. WINNER of the Olympia Typewriter draw at Port Perry Star re-opening was A. Van Ravensway, Port Perry. WINNERS of draw spon- sored by Community Memorial Hospital Aux- iliary: Wooden bread box- Peggy Somers; Afghan- Rie Hoogeveen; Floral center- piece donated by Eleanor, won by Mrs. Brekke; Decorated cake won by Bev Brown; Hair-do by Sherry Stoffard. Our thanks to all who donated and participated. Village Stitchery Alterations & Repairs to all types of Clothing & Leather BARB MCINTYRE 985-2269 Yard Sales TWO FAMILY Yard Sale. 42 Orchard Rd., Port Perry. Saturday, May 20th, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. YARD and Bake Sale, May 19, on Oshawa Road across from Philip Pontiac. There is something for everyone. SATURDAY May 19th, 10 a.m. Cartwright East 4 line through Nestleton, first road on right. Large selection of household articles. TWO FAMILY yard sale. Children's toys, car seat, couch, chair, coffee and end tables, plus much more. 418 Kenny Court, Saturday & Sunday. 9to5p.m. MAY 19, 20, 21. Conc. 10E, Scugog Island. Pinto wagon, 2 ton tuck, rabbit cages, six wooden chairs, games, books, etc. MAY 19, 20 & 21. 5 miles east of Port Perry on 7A highway. 10 a.m.to 4 p.m. SATURDAY May 19th, 9 to 4. 386 Bigelow St., Port Perry. SATURDAY May 19, 1984. 9 am. to 4 pm. Swamp Garage (hwy 12 & 7th Conc.). Pooh Bear crib, playpens, GM love seat, change table, Fisher-Price toys, good children's clothes, riding toys, plus more! YARD SALE- May 19, 10 am to5p m 2 miles south of Manilla at Cressell Cor ners. Proceeds to St. John's Presbyterian Women M 15 INDOOR Yard Sale- Satur: day and Sunday, May 26 and 27: 10 a.m. to 3 p m. Port Perry Rod and Gun Club, 12 miles east of Port Perry off 7A highway. Rain or Shine Indoor facilities. Something for everyone! 5 x 9 ft tip up box trailer, dou ble Skidoo trailer, Coleco battery powered child's bike, toys, magazines, etc etc. Pop. Coffee. M 23 "LARGE neighbourhood sale, 95 HP Mercury, fibreglass ski boat- priced to sell, canoe, swing set, books, dishes, bikes, coffee machine, table cloths, good bedding, good childrens and adults clothing etc. Sunday May 20th, 9 to 3; Rain Date Monday May 21. Scugog Island, Conc 13, Fralick's Beach. Follow signs SATURDAY and 'Sunday. May 19th and 20th. Hwy 57, Lot 12, 1974 Volkswagon, 12,000 miles; 1971 Bus, Inter: national 24 ft. Call anytime 986-4714. MAY 19, 10 a.m. todp.m. 2 tamilies on Lakeside Beach, Scugog Island, on 10th Con- cession West, past Goreski Marine. Heavy duty log splitter. 8 horse power motor, clothing, dishes, cof: tee table, 2 end tables, elec- tric fan, baby clothes, books, toys and many more items. Watch for signs. Rain Date- May 20. YARD, bake and plant sale for the Historical Society and Museum. Saturday. May 19th, between Man- chester and Port Perry, on the north side at Christies. Donations gratefully ac- cepted. For pick-up call 985-8340. SATURDAY 'May 19, 152 Union Ave., Port Perry. HWY 57, Lot 12. 986-4714. Saturday and Sunday, May '® and 20th. SATURDAY May 19th, at Sunnyside Market, Caesarea, beginning 9 a.m. Kitchen items, baby items, pet items, dishwasher, buf- fet, cameras and more. Coming Events PIE 'SALE, Friday, May 18th, 1:00 p.m. at Porters on Oshawa Road. Sponsored by A.C.W. SEAGRAVE SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. May 27th, 1984, 11 a.m. Guest speaker- Mrs. Susan Genge from St. Andrews United Church, Oshawa. Social hour following ser- vice. M 22 FUND RAISING consign- ment auction for Communi- ty Memorial Hospital, Saturday. June 9th, 11 a.m. at the Hospital grounds. 20 per cent to Hospital - 80 per cent to you on items sold. Please have lists of any items that you wish to con- sign in to the Hospital Swit- chboard by May 24th for advertising. M 22 LEGION BINGO. The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419, will be on Thursday, May 24, at 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $210 in 56 numbers. M 22 PORT PERRY Karate Club- Registration for classes- Tuesday, May 29th. See "Sports Section' for details. M 23 BLACKSTOCK Nursery School OPEN HOUSE and REGISTRATION night, Thursday, May 17, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Blackstock Rec Centre. M15 ORIENTATION for Scugog Shore Museum Guides. May 16th. 2p.m_and 7 p.m. at the museum M15 THE UXBRIDGE Chamber Choir in "SONGS FOR SPRING at the Music Hall, Main Street, Uxbridge, Sun day May 27. 3 p.m. Directed by Tom Baker, accompanist Anne Baker. Refreshments: Adults $4.00, seniors and students $3.00. Door prize- . dinner for two- Hobby Horse Arms, value $50, donated by R. Tindley. Tickets available at _Irwin Smith Music, 191 Queen St., Port Perry - 4&lso at the door. Everyone welcome. M 22 For Sale WOODWORKERS special. 16 in. thickness planer $1395; 10 in. DeWalt radial armsaw with stand and automatic brake $659; 14 in. band, saw $200. 985-2443. TF 1983 450 CB, Honda, ex- cellent condition, 5400 km, saddlebags and helmet in- cluded $1,600 certified. 985-2778. SEARS weights and bench press- 240 Ibs. $100. 985-3878. MOBILE/BASE scanner, 16 crystals, complete with antenna (tower mounting) over $600; Value for $275; walnut coffee and matching end table $75. 985-3534. THREE PIECE bedroom "suite, excellent condition $100. 985-3566. 12 X 60 mobile home, 2 bedroom with extensions on living room, with porch and deck. Sitting on large lot 100 x 150 in park, north-west of Janetville. $15,000. 705-324-4055 OR 324-3957. A SELECTION of over 200 Simmental cattle- Ontario Simmental Weekend, fifth edition, May 25-27, 1984. May 25, Barrie, Ontario Simmen- tal classic Bull and Female Sale; May 26, 12 noon, Shelburne, HL Farms Sim- mental Production Sale; May 26, 5 p.m. Stayner Dou- ble M Farms and Sand- stream Simmentals Joint Production Sale; May 27, 12 noon Bradford, Kern Sim- mental and guest consignors Production Sale. For catalogues and further infor- mation contact the sale managers, Transcon- Charcan Livestock Services Ltd., 609-35 Avenue N.E., Calgary, Alberta. T2E 2L2. Telephone 403-276-9717. OTTAWA Valley Angus 1984 Bytown Bonanza Show and Sale. Lunch available at 11:30 a.m. Show 12:30. Sale to follow. June 2, 1984. Kemptville Beef Barns. Follow sign. 30 lots. Bulls, heifers, cow/calves, 4H catalogue. Lorna Jones 613-257-5516. Coming Events Rotary Club of Port Perry ANNUAL YARD SALE JUNE 22 & 23, 1984 Help Us to Help Others. Every item donated is greatly appreciated. Items can be dropped off or picked up. Please Call ... 985-8828 or 985-2284 Greenbank Centennial Hall announces their 3rd ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN-UP SALE SAT., MAY 19th - 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Thinking about a Yard Sale - well consider renting a table to sell all your unwanted treasures - old and new at Greenbank Hall and adjoining lanson Park. An ideal location and lots of fun! Reserve Space Early - Refreshments Available CALL: 985-8351 or 985-8239 BRAND new steel Quonset building. Selling for balance owed fo bank. Building is 36 wide by 56 long with doors at both ends 14 high by 15 wide. Balance remaining is $6,900. Serious inquiries only. Must take delivery soon. Call 416-663-5323. BARN Roofing and siding 30 gauge galvanized $39 per square. 30 gauge galvalume $39 per square. 30 gauge pre-. painted $55 per sq. Minimum order 30 square. Custom Farm Material Sales. Phone Laird McKeen 416-779-3322. McLEAN FLEA MARKET, Lindsay. Beside auction barn. Open every Saturday 9-5. Farm produce, new and used items, Dell meats, buns, good food, free draw. Permanent inside or outside vendors wanted. Special monthly rates. Information 705-324-2783, Lindsay. See you Saturday at the market. POLLED HEREFORD Dispersal- for Jim Jamieson, Blackstock. Sat. May 26, 1! p.m. Sows and calves: open and bred females. Herd bull by Charme Norden, yearling bulls with added con- signments. Barrieview Sales Arena, Hwy 27, south, Bar- rie. Managers- Cyril G. Cook and Sons. R.R. 5, Barrie. 705-737-2747 -- 705-458-9031. 16 FT. fibreglass boat, 35 HP Johnson and trailer. $850. Call 985-9533. WOOD LOGS by the trailer load. All hardwood. Phone C.J. Heard, Forest Products Ltd., Haliburton. 705-754-2515 anytime. J 4 ONE LORAIN ¥% yard shovel with grain boom and clam bucket. Fair lead for drag line. In fair condition. $3000 or make an offer. One golf cart, good batteries and charger. Make offer. One 15 ton truck win h. Twenty two hundred cement bricks. Fourteen hundred red, balance gray- 9 cents each. Call after 6 p.m. 985-3462 OR Daytime- 1-416-266-4488. SAILBOARD Freyrie 360, new last year. Good condi- tion. Call 985-9017 evenings. FOR ALL your INSULA- TION AND AIR SEALING needs, plus air leakage In- spection and U.F.F.I. Remedial Measures. Call McCleave Insulation. 416-852-5051. BOAT, motor, trailer, truck, cap, tools. Call 985-8271 after 2 p.m. 200- ONE INCH by one inch by three foot square- steel posts. Very heavy duty. Galvanized. 75 cents each. 985-8438. ' M23 BOAT, 40 HP Evinrude motor and trailer $1,500. 985-8290. LADIES 3 speed bicycle; two-ton trolley jack; aluminum door- 38 x 83 in- ches complete; bottle jack of 22 ton, all items in real good condition. 985-8384. FORD riding lawnmower. 5 HP. 986-0053. 8 FT. chesterfield- beige and foot stool only $200; 1500 watt Quartz heater $35; 6 drawer desk 52 x 26 inches, handmade $125; Vibrator heating pad for back, new in box $40; Clairol foot-fixer (heater and vibrator) $35; 12 inch B/W portable TV, like new $60; car rims, new- $7: used $4; new bumper for VW Beetle $40; Amerock self closing hinges $100 for 100 pair; new 5 leaf 2000 Ib trailer springs only $55 pair 985-3189 M 23 SIX Registered Quarter Horses- all ages. Must sell For more information call 725-2213 Ask for Bill MANUFACTURER'S Clearance, all inground and above ground Pool Kits are being sold at manufac turer's prices. Excellent savings on all pools. Call while supplies last 519-753-1460 EVINRUDE 4'2 HP motor. Used 12 hours. 14 ft. aluminum boat. 705 786-3451. ASPARAGUS plants: 10 for $2.50; Shavings: $2.95 bale; Peat Moss: all sizes; Pine Bark stone chips; Sheep manure. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry. 9857363. M 23 CAMPER and Aluminum cap for small pick-up. Cap with slide-in unit. Full size. Days- 985-7021. EARN extra income. Realize excellent profit. Selling fashion Pantyhose to your friends, relatives, co- workers. Call- 514-382-0360. Write- Perfect Impressions, 9500 Meilleur No. 802, Mon- treal, Quebec. H2N 287. 12 PIECE walnut dining room suite, 1 oak buffet with mirror, 52in. L x 54 in. H. All in good condition. 986-5552. M 29 1981 SUZUKI GN400, ex: cellent condition. Belle Star helmet included. Now reduc- ed to $1,000 or best offer. 985-2932. SAVE '10. FACIALS Book your appoint- ment now during the period from Thurs., May 17th to Sat., May 26th for a facial' any time this year and SAVE 1/3 OFF OUR REG. PRICE. DENTS ... ok upyour 10% Discoun Card .... \0d? / br COSMETIC SALON 227 Queen St. Port Perry 985-9111 { PROP AND SKEG REPAIRS (5 day service). Expert boat repairs. Do it yourself fibreglass supplies. OSHAWA GLASS FIBRE -- RAYPLEX, 341! Durham Street, Oshawa. 579-1433.TF STEEL BUILDINGS, fac tory prices Industrial, Com- mercial, Customized tarm, Airplane hanger, Work shop, Arena. 100 per cent clear span. Maintenance free. 416-985-7930. J 4 FOUR ROW corn planter. 985-3903. EUROPEAN Billiard (no pockets) ivory balls and cues. Excellent condition. $400. Medium size. 1'2 inch slate. 985-3854. 1979 YZ125 Dirt Bike, ex cellent.shape. $750 or best of- fer. Call 985-9001 after 6 p.m. USED oll furnances one 125,000 BTU; one 84,000 BTU, one 196,000 BTU horizontal unit - all with oil tanks. Thompson Heating, 985-3365. TF MAGNETIC SIGNS for your car, truck, mailbox etc. Call tor prices. Port Perry Star 985-7383. TF LIVESTOCK Bedding: _ fresh, clean, sawdust, 30 cu. yards per load. 705-454-3476 before 8a.m. or after 8 p.m. D2 SHAKLEE. For products or information please call 986-4771. TF _GLOXINIA, Dahlia, Gladiolus, Vermiculite. 7 kg. $12.99. Sunflower seed $18 - 50 Ib. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry. 985-7363. MS STEVEN'S MARKET Hwy. 12 - Myrtle Station VICTORIA DAY SPECIALS BOXED PLANTS FLOWERS VEGETABLES each 1.29 each 99 BANANAS .29 "OPEN: MONDAY to THURSDAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. OPEN: FRIDAY to SUNDAY 9 A.M.to 9 P.M. SPECIAL SAVINGS Canada Grade A Beef - Fronts..............*1.49n. Sides...............%1.69 mn. CUT - WRAPPED - FROZEN ATTENTION FARMERS Due to the increase in the price of Beef Hides we may now custom kill your beef for the HIDE ONLY! No Charge for ageing or taking beef out whole. LITTLE BRITAIN MEAT PACKERS 705-786-2101 By OFF APPLE, PEAR, PLUM & CHERRY TREES ... FRUIT TREES -1 WEEK ONLY - Starting May 16, 1984 100% GUARANTEE FOR 1 YEAR wna °10.40 f. > "od 1% S rr -, & DJ Vs rt . #; En 1 ake - ALSO NOW IN STOCK: *Annuals & Perennials ~ *Roses & Hanging Baskets We carry an excellent selection of trees, flowering shrubs, evergreens, fruits & fruit trees. Large Size Trees will be Delivered by our Crane Truck. 985-7667 -- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -- HOURS (Until JUNE 30th): Mon. to Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. UXBRIDGE NURSERY Greenbank Garden Centre Located on the Northeast Corner of Hwy. 47 & 12 852-7729 Ba i | A a, 3 RN i 1 a : oaks a a i a i Aa ee ee a CNR RN 2kRR 2 JRR