TH EE ET HE rh Ashburn News by Mrs. Rose Heron The ladies Bible class met at the home of Bernice Gardner last Wednesday evening. The guest for the even- ing was Mrs. Russell Batten of Oshawa who gave the message. It was a bible study on the life of Moses and she applied it to today and ended with a Mother's Klin ] oa] 2 w= 1 @ Day message. Joan Knight was the program convenor and she presented Helen with a beautiful begonia for her talk. one to Evelyn Lynde for hav- ing the most grand- children and one to Margaret Davis for hav- ing the closest birthday. The next meeting will Pp. ERE Who says skipping is reserved for the public school set? Last week the kids at Cart- wright High School grabbed some rope and raised nearly $2,000 for the Heart Fund in a fund-raising Skip-a-thon, held at Cartwright Central Public School. Sixty-six skippers ' LAKESIDE ELECTRONICS , ) FORTHEBESTIN « SATELLITE SYSTEMS ® movies ® sports ® art ® music Call us for information and demonstration ... ® christian broadcasting ® 24 hr news ® children & adult programming ® educational programming You can now -- LEASE a Satellite System. Share with a neighbour and cut costs. 985-2652 ---------- GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES -- Annual Rates -- 4 YEARS 5 YEARS -- MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD -- Rates subject to change without notice. Call the office for more information. SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3832 All Members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corp. be held at the home of Florence Ashton. There was lots of activity around the community centre last Saturday when there were eleven concession tables for the yard sale and the ladies were busy inside at the bake table and serving coffee and hot dogs. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Batten enjoyed a holi- day on a boat cruise in the Caribbean recently. A belated Happy Birthday to Mr. John Ta Skippers raise nearly $2,000 Cincurah. Betty and John entertained a number of their family at a birthday party in John's honour on Sat- urday evening. . Wedding Bells are ringing in Ashburn again. Ted and Rose Heron enjoyed a trip to Ottawa to visit their grandchildren Robert and Jane McAndless and children, Michael and Ariana. On Saturday May 26th at 2 p.m. there willbe a participated in the workout including the top fund-raisers shown giggling above. Julie Bryant (top, centre in the white shirt) was the school's top money-raiser with $204 in sponsors. D) DURHAM REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM HOLIDAY CLOSURE OF SANITARY LANDFILL SITE The SCUGOG WASTE DISPOSAL SITE will be closed on Monday, May 21, 1984 "due to the Victoria Day Holiday. Normal operations will continue on Tues- day, May 22, 1984. W.A. TWELVETREES, P. ENG. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS Chris & Mike Allen ALUMINUM "RAINBOW ROOMS" Prices start under $3,000. OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: ® Siding ® Soffit ® Fascia ® 5" Seamless Eavestrough ® Shutters ® Awnings ® Replacement Windows ® Patio Doors & Storms Retail sales available for the handyman. "Free estimates for supply & install." CALL 985-3747 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 15, 1984 -- 25 Bonnets go on display at Kirk Guild tea "bonnet and bouquet tea" to be held in the church hall, sponsored by the Kirk Guild. Everyone is invited to attend and bring along your favourite hat, old or new, gorgeous or funny to contribute to the show. Joan Brack will be there to display and talk about flower arranging. Tickets are to be purchased in advance. Call 655- 3974 for more inform- ation. We are glad to report Ruth Agar, who is in Oshawa Hospital and after two bouts of surg- ery is progressing well. We all wish you a speedy recovery Ruth. Our best wishes for a happy married life goes out to the former Miss Dianne Lynne Budd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Budd, who was married to Mr. Christian De Gayardson De Flenoyle at Sacne' Couns Church, Toronto on April 28th. Mr. and Mrs. De Flenoyle will make their home in " Toronto. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Humphrey, Barbara and Chris over the weekend were Mr. Jim McGinn of Calgary and Mr. Gordon Hump- hrey of Toronto. Barb- ara Humphrey, Jim Mc- Ginn and Douglas Humphrey enjoyed a trip to Deep River: recently and visited Mr. and Mrs. David Hump- hrey and Amanda. After Sunday School last Sunday each mother and all the children who attended were given a lovely flowering pansy plant. This has become an annual Mother's Day gift to the Sunday School and much thanks is due to the Sunday School superintendent Douglas Geraniums for Port Perry Folk. "Our 12th Year" BRUNTON'S Queen Street West, Port Perry - 985-7114 TES RE To Ashton. At Burns Church Sun- day morning service Kimberley Ann Knight, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Knight was baptized. The certifi- cate of baptism was presented to Kimberley by her great uncle Hugh Knight, clerk of session and a new testament from the session was presented to her by her grandfather, Theo Knight. Rev. McEntyre had an appropriate Mother's Day message entitled "The Protective Love of God'. The scriptures were read by Ross Batten and Douglas Ashton and the men's choir sang 'When there's love at home", The Glory of life is to love, not to be loved, .to give, not to get, to serve, not to be served. HELPFUL HINTS Did you know that candles will burn more slowly and evenly with minimum amount of wax: drippings -- so place 'them in the freezer for several hours before using. NKNK -- THAPA DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 66 Brock St. W., Uxbridge 852-5291 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-7797 Open Weekdays including SUNDAY! -- By Appointment Only -- 194 King St. W., Oshawa 579-8752 MK NIC HK MHIC---- Gregony ec Men's Wear Lid. PORT PERRY PLAZA STORE HOURS: 985-8160 vi ) Mon., Tues. & Thurs. 10 to 6; Fri. 10-9; Sat. 10-5 FRANK'S RESTAURANT CAESAREA 986-5553 "Dashnell" FRI., MAY 18th SAT., MAY 19th IPM. to 1AM. Come out for the Sounds of Heavy Rock! (Cover Charge starting 9P M) ~ WELCOME... employees of BRANT OFFICE SUPPY LTD. ( Peterborough ) to a Blue Cross health and dental Plan. Ross Freer Suite 204 Peterborough Square 360 George Street North Peterborough, Ontario K9M 7€8 a (70%) 743-0877 ONTARIO BLUE CROSS 636831 ALA ALY LE]