SEN iu RPE I Xa A by Robert Tobin Monday May 7th was the 1984 season opener for the Port Perry Ball Scugog Arena. There has been a 2 team addition into the league, which makes 8 teams now. Two games are played every Monday and Tuesday night start- ing at 7:00. The 2 new teams are Whitby and the "'Islanders". The Hockey League at the The ladies of the Tuesday Afternoon Bowling League celebrated the end of season with their annual banquet at Emiel's Place, Tuesday night. The champions were the "Gutter Lovers" team mates Chris Tripp (left), Doris Tripp, Loughlin, Verna Slute and Ona Tremble. YX ~ dubious honour of the skunk (low score). Yamaha has Two New Models ... MOTO 4 (wheel) 200 with Reverse 7 Models in All - Serviced to Go! TRI ZINGER 60 for the Kids. You can test drive them. FOR GOOD SERVICE AND A STRAIGHT FORWARD DEAL TRY ... ASSELSTINE'S YAMAHA BLACKSTOCK 986-4437 High average went to Doris Dargavel (left), awarded to Celia Dickinson and May Olaise 4 oi 3 FA wy Most Improved [Pe ce | ------ } TROPHIE and & HOBBY WORLD Queen St., Port Perry i | LENGRAVING DO-NO's § RECORD, CRAFT ! | last including Joan Fleming, Lynn was n was awarded the S on mat § 9852839 a Dire me -N results from their game are as follows: Island- ers 3 and Whitby 0. Scoring for the Island- ers were Gord Hintze, Fd Woodward and Steve Snyder. Assists went to Gord Hintze, Ed Wood- ward, Tim Parker, Rick Hope and Terry Flieler all with one. There was only 10 minutes in penalties. The second game Monday night saw the Flames start their winn- ing streak already by easily defeating the Packers 5-1. Scoring for 'the Flames were: Carl ~ Durward with 2, Al Faux, Greg Fedyk and Brian Samos each with one. Assisting on the goals were Ritchie Le- fort with 2, Dean Abra- ham, Ken Jeffrey, Doug Bronson, Carl Durward, and Brian Samos all with one. Scoring the lone goal for the Pack- ers was John Churchill assisted by Ken Fraser, PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 15, 1984 -- 21 and George Hillis. There were a total of 7 penalties in this game. . The first game Tues- day night posed no problems for J&D as they defeated the Raid- ers by a score of 8-2. Scoring for J&D were: Laval Poulin with 2, Bill Bridge with 2, Martin Paulin, Wayne Taylor, Tim Kane and Dennis Lycett all with one each. Assists went to Tim Kane 3, Dennis Lycett 2, Martin Poulin 2, Bill Bridge 2, Keith Fraser (goalie) with 1, Rob Evans, Brian Carr, Laval Poulin, Wayne Taylor, Richard Honey and Ross Pettifer all with one. Scoring for the Raiders were: Scott Herd and Dave Cann- ing. Assisting on the goals were: Dave Dick- son, Brian Pomeroy, Keith "Gretzky" Barr all with one. There was a total of 18 minutes in penalties in this game. The final game of the night was between the "Bandits" formerly the Trojans, and Utica. Even though the Band- its were out-numbered 2 to 1in players, they still managed 'to defeat Utica by a close score of 2-1. Scoring for the Band- its were Dennis Frann- sen and Doug Potts. Feeling If you'd like a shot at $4,000, don't forget the Second Annual elimin- ation draw and dance to be held June 16 at the Scugog Arena. There are still tickets available at $10 each (includes admission to the dance) but there will only be 1000 of them sold. The draw, to be held during the dance, will have a grand prize The consolation winners were the "Care Bears" including (at top, from left) Connie Townshend, Mary Pipher, and Kacey Harper; and in front, Joanne Leach, Karen P WANTED | port Perry MoJacks -Jr.C- COACH WANTED Serid full resume of experience to: Murray Parliament, General Manager, P.O. Box 595, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO. Deadline of May 28th, 1984. COACH & MANAGER FOR MEN'S LOCAL LOB BALL TEAM Call 985-7251 ayne and Louise Hartney. Ball hockey teams open new season Assists went to Doug Potts, Bob Ireland and David Roth, all with singles. Scoring the only goal for Utica was J. Jefferies assisted by A. Matmens. As usual, there were a lot of penalties which seems to be natural when the Bandits play. There were a total of 28 minutes in penalties. lucky? of $4000 for the LAST ticket pulled from the drum that evening. There are also several other smaller cash prizes to be handed out that evening. All net proceeds from this draw and dance will be turned over to the Scugog Arena Board who will use the funds to. help keep ice rentals down, and thus reduce costs for all groups which use the Scugog Arena during the winter months. Tickets are available at Greg's Mens Wear at the Port Perry Plaza and from Don Thomp- son at the Scugog Arena. They are also being sold by reps from numerous organizations which use the arena. So join in the fun, help support the local arena, get yourself a ticket, mark down June 16 on the calendar, and who knows, you could end up richer by $4,000. SEAGRAVE LADIES LOB BALL needs enthusiastic ball players. FOR DETAILS CALL: 985-8321 CLIP THIS OUT & SAVE PORT PERRY MINQR SOFTBALL SCHEDULE NOTICE PEE WEE BOYS HOUSE LEAGUE Starts TUES., MAY 15th - 6:30 P.M. North Diamond (Years of birth 1970-71) BANTAM 2 HOUSE LEAGUE: Mondays 8 p.m. North Diamond CLIP THIS OUT & SAVE -- -------- DEKOKERS PONTYPOOL - ONTARIO We Custom Kill, Cut and Wrap Your Beef or Pig for Less ... KILLING BEEF ... $5.00 (o1us nice) KILLING PIGS ... $10.00 CUTTING, WRAPPING & FREEZING ... 16¢ Ib, We supply the boxes to take your meat home in. BUS. 705-277-2324 HOME 416-725-4245 Tn -- ---------- -- -- -- ----)]