Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 27 Mar 1984, p. 30

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30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 27, 1984 T Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Auction Sales Auction Sales p R | MATURE creative son | PAINTING and Decorating. | with Salen phi bo Mike Driscoll. feo ation. DAYCARE in my home In | FURNITURE strippingand | HARRY MORRIS. Han: FRIDAY MARCH %» SATURDAY MARCH 31 : docu) store. Write fo: Box 3, | 725-3243. TF | of sri Sg mio core Espa Jatipishing. Free | dyman specialist. Work ful- SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, 985.9162. of J Pro je eg. Karwood Emits. ly guaranteed. References. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale of farm Port Perry, Ontarl. M 27 | ACCURATE TYPING IBM ; : F Spring clean-up. Renova: Auction sale- the property | stock, implements, hay and GOITOR Experienced per. | SeeClric: letters, resumes. LAWN cutting and | WOOD REFINISHING anid 3000 a 77 PERR of Lit RS Pe | BRUCE" THOMPSON. Lot son required by Eastern On- essays, statistical reports | Maintenance including free | Specializing in antiques and all. 985-3663 A 17 0 e Britain plus UCE T PSON. Lot tarlo Com: efc. Reasonable. 655-4940 | fertilizing on full season con- fine furniture. Call Terry } others. Nine plece walnut | 16 Con. 3 Dain fwp.. 5 1 ommunity rp tacts. Miminum charge $15 Dyer 655-4092 after 5:30 p.m. DRESSMAKING- Bridal | dining room suite, Hotpoint miles east of Sebright or 412 Newspeps:. Campaiitive per week. 985-8981 evenings : TF and evening wear, dresses, | automatic washer and | miles west of Uphill on Hwy. writing hogy a. Apply x. EE | Slouses, sults, saddlosest ory, chrome kitchen suite, | 503. 52 head of Hereford, , s, alterations. Call Freda | studio couch, four walnut Charolals, _Shorthor | Glengarry Neva. Box 10. BLACKSTOCK IN Jordan 1-649-3340. J 31 ) chairs, 4 plece bedroom | cross-bred Simmental hy . Alocande ' ario. KOC Business ANTENNA ME ss Suite, four dosh walnb) chest fio. 23 good cows with'calves ND. of drawers, oak sideboard, y si calves, 4yearl- | : & TOWER TAX Aucti G.E. refri ore. 3 years E. gerator and stove, ings, 2 heifers- 2 years old | MUNICIPAL Engineer - Opportunity oneers double box spring and mat- team of part Belg i The Town of Parry Sound In- .~_ Antennas spray Rar Bajgian)iorses Y n tN tress, Lawnboy lawnmower, ma d - | Hon of Nonjelpal Engineer. | $40,000 annual income. Ex- Toor SERVICE TRONKING | Clever" lawnmower. oxr Chunks, 4 'laying pulrs Please reply with complete | citing a rib , Boosters Certified Graduate - AUCTIONEER - J ae dining. on Tor ath laader, Hord r nw resume, Indicating salary | marketing new Revolu. will do Aucti table, portable and console | with hydraulic front-end | range expected. Proposals tionary Foods and related Compiets Personal, Senior Citizen uctions of All Types colour TV, mahogany | loader, J.D. combine pull | oul) hh mined y April products. Full or part time. Whois & Small Business Forms Phone Port Perry sideboard, Kenwood 11 air- | type7ft., M.H. baler- no. 10, 3, edt: W Rd Ewing, Phone wren Leaf tallation. REASONABLE RATES 985-2643 ight shave, Ivory Johnson in mower- 7ft., hay tork , 201. FREE TOWER ouble barrel shotgun, elevator 36 ft., N.H. sid 3 Seguin oy porey Sound, TE INSPECTION! Call 986-4257 jzzle loading shotgun, 1976 rake on rubber, J.D. . : COND Income. Be JOY rcury Montego- not cer - 2-furrow plow, Ferguson INDUSTRIAL Development a part time representative 986-5213 CE KELLY CO titled, new garden forks, | cultivator, Spreadmaster ck so sailing and renting our line Shovels, rakes, hoes, five | manure spreader, seed drill | Gonmmms mE | SN COME AUCTIONSERVICE | Soimncse> i PCT | andrei oranavaerss perience an asset, but not re- Dol hoote sotiicas on factory. GREENBANK Household - Real Estate Britain. 705-786-2183. of harrows, 2 single plows Guired. Appiicen shouldbe | Itormation' Water Pury TAX TV TOWERS "esoon SATURDAY APRILT | machinery, farm scale nowledgeable of Govern: | Systems, 537 Brant St., Burl: ; Livestock SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. M.H. grinder, set of I ht ment Programs end Scans. ington, Ontarlo. LIR 2G6. BOOKKEEPING & ANTENNAS Whatever Your Auction sale- the property | pleasure sleighs with ro boi ne Ao ua 416-639-0503. & ACCOUNTING Colour Heads Auction Needs ... of MR. AND MRS. TED | set of heavy sleighs, reronces and oxpecred | WONEY mak or oan a | | Cour ests Rotors | | pe EREIA | fin of aha, i ile | Dero func, read salary fo. D. Paul Willett, Mos Yio ng opportuni: Businesses - Farmers Ko ellite ing ot 4, rkham, 1% mile room furniture, treadle Secretary, Parry Sound motive dealers, and Companies. ishes - FM Antennas will be pleased of Hwy 48 on Hwy 7, | sewing machine, antiqse rant Boul: service centres, retailers - FREE ESTIMATES - toh then north 1%2 miles on 9th | barrel churn, chairs, crocks, ig i bulb Deming in sales agents. Seal-A- K. DAVE MUIR 5 Year o hear from you! line. INCLUDING: Int. I.H. | sealers, wringer-washer, P2A 2W9 - 705:342:5252. | paint a rovan, dually Reg. Industrial Accountant Workmanship Guaranteed 985 2788 ye ie white blece toilet se, 1 i wel oid - - or, e plece toilet set, flat irons, MATURE responsible per- outstanding guarantee Is 985-8494 10% Discount to Seniors s-furrow plow, White 18 ft. | moustache cup, and much onto SI 3 year old and Ing to establish dealers 985-8387 cultivator, White 18 ft. disc, | more. Property sold. Terms infant. Must have own jn ONjorio Nighi nous No 985-7079 AO} 8 1, <uliivaion, Get 1500 | cash or good cheque. Sale at on pln Rove Sun ee. -A-Shine ' PEARCE rou aler, M.H. haybine, 11:00 a.m. Furniture sells ra ay | Te Ore removerics arse narvar. 3. LI. | Johnson? Auctioneers NTING off a 2 , 22 LH. nson, uctioneers. in Perry. NY Joe fon and restores paint to PARADISE Port Perry Auction Centre self-unloading forage Phone 705-357-3270. Lunch operator/accounting clerk. on TDW Booipon Step Two Aut Gl On Shirley Road Wagons: Kool forage blower, | available. Owner or Auc- The successful candidate at shine - (Never 0 GLiasSs 4 mi. South of Port H. seed drill, Rosco 2700 | tloneer will not be respons wax your vehl ( hot Port Perry) bushel will be e ond with | I y vehicle again). & T ) ushel grain bin, 2 gravity | ble for any accidents in con- keyboard Skyy OO for more Money making & AIR rm ESTATES, grain wagons, 24 ft. | nection with this sale. ting methodology. To start , ack a CON Windshields - Vi Sit 1 9X8 200% mune americ Marketing, 45 . nvertible Tops - HOUSEHOLD SALES manure spreader, fertilizer AUCTION Write Box 5. c/o Port Perry | Winawasle. Ontario. MIN 10 Point - Complete Interiors - spreader, Dominion 34on | ino" Standordbred horse Str. Box %. Port Perry. | Vilowdale, Ontario. M2N Service Check - Boat Tops & Seats -* Your Place or Ours! A tty ainizan "Peppys Jade" Reg. No 1 nierto. Jo Eatinats Sunrools & Pinstripes ho iy a 749 electric stove, other tools, iii 9 by on SR---- nstal . uldings . 985 antiques and household ef- - "Peppermint Volo™ 1 rr Pais omen: | hed iy Sincere Express Soc ass hag tion. Terms cash. Auc. apie will bess by Public 5-9478 n tioneers W.F. Walker and on on Saturday, April 985-8507 Auction Sales Associates. 294-4970 A 3 28, 1984 at Woodbine Sales | RECEPTIONIST CoE SAT ONTARIO'S Largest Farm for feed and care accounts FILE CLERK OWOPEN | [Dead Stock | x Takes am | Miharu mrert| Sh. oh fie cn Holsteins : e, Norwich, Ontario, Fri- /90%:59, sale 10 con- " Auctl ' day, April 13, 1984 at 10a.m. ducted by the Canadian RANDY S FREE REMOVAL To Shion ie Complete | (sales conducted second Standardbred Horse | . A of Fresh. Dead or n Dispersal for Frida h Soclety TYPIST UTO TRIM & Disabled Animals Ont selling af 'the Wilson Fr ate 150173 trac.| GAIL FONG by her | 4 .. selling at the Wilson : UPHOLSTERY $5.00 Charge for Sales Arena, Uxbridge. 100 lors, Bus 81 pes of farm "NANT. MCEACHERN { * F i ' i . . : S nmen Ss ' Must have 5 vea . Household Furniture & sheep, goats & pigs. po pri R.O.P. Tested, | ye|come. For on Infor- P.O. Box 277 : years experience. Upholstery Supplies $20.00 Charge for gov Clans. h youny herd | mation call 519-424-9998 OR 18 Cambridge St. N., Accounting knowledge an asset. Automotive & Boat 2) (etion anfiisls, Vor ora aac | Bans. Proprietors. Lindsay, Ojario rect: 145-150. Fancy young cows ". amuleckl 8 Sons. 1 SEND RESUME TO: "FOR FREE ESTIMATES. MARGWILL | Dv Tene sengior Rove he | FOR FREE EST FURFARM | Hairers are ai' by proven P.O. Box 1509, ody bulley HAMPTON sires such "as Tempo, ! P vt . 986-5563 (416) 263-2721 Warden and Citamatt. Sale 0 Perry Ontario managed and sold by Lloyd M FOR SALE! [] Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge. . LOB 1 N 0 416-852-3524. M 27 The Farm Credit Corporation offers for sale: : | NCOM E TAX WEONEORY APRIL N A farm located Sus; Neng J of Port : 10:30 A.M. OR BOOKKEEPING PROBLEMS? | "Wiison's Spring 30 AM. | Parry, on paved County Road No. 6. | Let Me Help! 985 90 e plus the Sensation Calf LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part of Lot 22, Concessi ownshi Work - Sale plus the Parksvue Scugog, Regional Municipality of Durha oii A ip of | Wanted Call Betty ... 17 Dispersal, selling at the Go nian designated ss Par Von Pan Ach sAsz | ison Seles Arena, Ux- LAND: Approximately 140 a-res, with 90 workable ridge. s sale presents BUILDINGS: Frame, four bedroom dwelling with - one of the greatest oppor- garage. Other buildings include mult attached 2-car N SPRING MAJOR tunities we have to purchase 36' silo, imp} Rout iochucta uit purse barn, concrete 14' x 1 U i breeding stock oli calves Hote House ISOS ot ubjech to. oem vacancy notice. Date { young cows w remen- closing should 30, 1984. 3 E-UP TIME MANAGEMENT SERVICES dous production. Sale The purchaser of this property must rely on hi , a on you Complete Bookkeeping & Accounting pba ll BE & GAR latLonsuftmg 416-852-3524 ro or in writing by or on WN DEN EQUIPMENT *Personnel Recrui gh Abobo gl fog : ecruitment The highest : : . . " , or any bids will not neces: accept i Licenced small engine mechanic ® WE SPECIALIZE IN SMALL BUSINESS ORVAL McLEAN AUC property ts being offered subject 10a reserve bid 11 he reserve ' AND THE SELF-EMPLOYE TION CENTRE, LINDSAY. [Ll 440 aucron, 41 Sua wil ta Gioia aterive dv) Vie IDGLEY S . D. Next sale- SATURDAY, ation will be prepared to accept offers to purchase from in- for Your first consultation is free APRIL 14, 10 AM. Our jl bidder must S so for a better service at reasonable cost special spring anniversary drat, or provide a certified cheque. bank eee , Of money order it Corporati ER TRE PHONE: Keith Charles YATES Bobcaygeon and ET " , aygeon and ing a bid, those interested should ascertain that - ' 9 at Q . estate of DORIS ANDER: property can be used and occupied for the purposes i the 85-3373 after 6:00 P.M. SON. Dunsford. Don't miss sesondinde with Provineiat aviation aryl muiricion) Th Iau in " riscon somact hebestan | cau sso ki, he Soran ro New Homes - Additions of the year. Also watch for | at ths Corporations nding rate on he deta ofthe sake the 0 of the sale. General Carpentry - Pole Barns Country Upholstery ro MARGARET BILL, Auction . Beaverton: ERNIE BUT To Be Held: H Estate, Cann. 29 NORM S ington; MRS. H. SKINNER March ' 1984 at 11 AM . state, Canni ; . * G } . u Custom Furniture Wik MORAN: ROY PAT. At the Farm Premises. el 1er a ( ontracting phoistering Stripping & J ERLON: BERT WILSON, All enquiries should be addressed to: Steel & Asphalt Roofing ' Refinishing fall ae ao nant REGIONAL OFFICE: FIELD OFFICE Aluminum Siding - Soffit SATURDAY, APRIL 21 Is FAN CNC FARM CREDIT our spring farm machinery CANADA CORPORA CANADA NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 OFFICE: 985-8216 DONNA & BILL Call Now sale. Please consign now | 108 Serres cis Cong chard - P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY DNGTON opp For auction Information, | Gueiph Omtarte NIN 707 130 Willem 9. Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. Nestleton, Ont hp spring bookings, or pick-ups. | Te @19)a21-13%0 : , Ont. 986-5640 phone 324-2783 OR 0182. : Tek: (708) 324.5773 _ REFER TO FILE 38255 538

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