10 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 27, 1984 Two couples celebrate Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly On Saturday (wo pop- attended a family ular couples celebrated shower at the home of wedding ann- iversaries with Open House given by their families. In the after- noon Lorne and Maxine Hoskin celebrated their Golden Wedding Ann- iversary with an Open House in the Sunday School Room of the Blackstock United Church. Their two sons, Murray and Allyn, their wives and families join- ed their parents to welcome the large crowd of relatives and friends who came to wish Lorne and Maxine best wishes on this happy occasion. On Sat- urday evening a large number of relatives and friends gathered at the Nestleton Hall to wish Roy and Edith Mc- Laughlin a happy fortie- th wedding anniversary. . Their family, Donna and David Kyte and family, Denis and Jo McLaughlin and Aaron of Montreal and Deb and Ron vice and Emily of Solina were all pre sent to welcome the many guests. The even- ing was spent dancing to the music provided by Frank Barkey. Best wishes from the comm- unity are -extended to Lorne and Maxine and Roy and Edith. It is a delight to see the many robins that 'have returned to our area over the weekend. A very welcome sign of better weather ahead, we hope. ' Many of the local residents have been suffering from a severe strain of flu. Better health is wished for all those at home. Mr. Cecil Hamilton is in Oshawa Hospital and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham and Mrs. Roy Taylor are all patients in Port Perry Hospital. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hector Shortridge on the recent of Hector's brother-in-law Carl Fice of Oshawa. On Sunday John and Manetta Martin (Hector's sister) and his niece Marlene and Ross Williams all of Engle- hart called to visit. On Sunday Bill and Jean Ferguson and Kevin, Thelma Wright, Harold Wright and Melanie Williains, Don and Diane Wright, Andrea and Travis 19) QUEIN ST PORT MERRY AiG WY) ALL LINES OF GENERAL INSURANCE -------- VICTORIA AND GREY VG a 12% 5 Yr. Annual Interest 11%% Semi-Annually Rat.s Subject to Change Without Notice Ll tt a Ruth and Grant Fergu- son, Toronto in honour of Dwayne 'Scott and David Morton. David is the son of Sandra and Noel Morton and his bride-to-be is the daughter of Allan and Maxine Scott. Many of their friends will be interested to know that Rev. and Mrs. Eric Barr have become grandparents when their daughter Beverly and her husband became the parents of a baby boy. Neil and Elaine Bailey and Tara recent- ly hosted a family dinner party in honour of Elaine's mother, Mrs. Grant Thompson who was celebrating her birthday. There was a lot of quiet households .over the weekend. The Guides along with their leaders enjoyed a week- end at Camp Adelaide while the Youth Group along with their leaders spent a Get-Away Week- end at Camp Quin-Mo- Lac. In the absence of Rev. D. Davis the guest speaker at the United Church service was Miss Michelle Morison, a student at Emmanuel College. Michelle delivered a thoughtful sermon entitled Dis- cipleship, Commission- ing and the Church. Glenn Larmer sang a beautiful solo Bless This House. Larry Hoskin of Lake Louise, Alberta is spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and is visiting many rela- tives and friends during his short stay in Ont- ario. On Sunday his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin hosted a family gathering. Attending were Harvey and Joan Graham, Cheryl, Mark and Rob, Pat Fletcher, Diana and Scott, Ron and Sandra Hoskin, Craig, Shawn and Tracy. Denis and Jo McLauglin and Aaron of Montreal spent a few days with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Roy Mc- La . Mr. and Mrs. Orlin Junkin of Peterborough were Sunday evening callers of Gerald and Joyce Kelly and girls. Mr. Couper Hyland of Scarborough and Mr. Arthur Hyland of Port Perry were Tuesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. The Region 45 East Public Contest was held on Wednesday March 21 in Mount Albert. Niki Bardeleben ted Blackstock and District Lions Club. Congratulations for a good effort Niki. A correction for the date of the Nursery School Fashion Show to be held at Cullen Gardens must be made - It will be on April 11 not as previously reported. Please mark your cal- endars accordingly. Ralph and Peggy Larmer and Harvey and Joan Graham attended a wedding reception on Saturday noon in honour of Lorna and David Fyfe at Port Hope. Lorna is the daughter of Gord and Cathy Wilson of Garden Hill. Harold Bailey was home for the weekend from Wilfred Laurier of Waterloo. He along with Music exam results The following students performed well at their examinations from Western Ontario Conservatory: Grade 2 Kendall Chorostecki - 84 first class honours; Grade 2 Susan Kyte - 82 first class honours; Grade 2 Tracy Malcolm - 66 pass; Grade 4 Jennifer Fletcher 60 pass, Grade 4 Esther Maschke 66 pass, Grade 4 Jill Van Camp - 77 honours; Grade 8 Jason Kyte (1st partial; - 83 first class honours. All are students of Linda Kyte, Ass. Mus. Paed. For 24 HOUR COMPLETE HEATING SERVICE IN PORT PERRY & AREA CALL: Tom Wilson (day or night) 986-4964 TOM WILSON PLUMBING, HEATING & ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 29 - BLACKSTOCK, ONT. -- AUTHORIZED ESSO SERVICE DEALER -- Fuynaces - Air Conditioners - Boilers - Air Cleaners - Humidifiers - quite a number of local men curlers participat- ed in the Goreski Bon- spiel at Port Perry. This bonspiel extended throughout the week- end The date has been set for the Blackstock High School At Home as Sat- urday May 26. On Sun- day afternoon a very special event is being planned. Cartwright's "Toast to Gord - an after- noon honouring Mr. Gordon Paisley who is retiring this year from the position of Principal of Cartwright High School. It is hoped that many former students and staff will be making plans to return home for this. special weekend. Please pass the word to family members and friends that will be wanting to attend both events. The weekly card party on Tuesday enjoy- ed better weather con- ditions than over the past several weeks. There were 8 tables with the following winners: 1. Ethel Goble 81; 2. Florence Larmer 81; 3. Nerta Masters 80; 4. Bernice Wells 79; 5. Gladys Potts 78; 6. Ann Manns 76; Low - Mary Poots; Draws - 1. Leon- ard Cane 2. Ethel Goble 3. Ann Manns. # piss, SOP RE a Blackstock United Church was brimming with special guests on Saturday when Lorne and Maxine Hoskins celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Their two sons, Murray and Al, five grand- children and three great grandchildren organized the event. The Hoskins are known throughout the community for their interest in horses. PAINTING & Pine Ceilings & Wainscotting FREE ESTIMATES! WALLPAPERING *Spring Specials * CALL AFTERG PM, ESN TIM PELYK - 985-3490 H&R BLOCK TAX REFUND SIVA 4] [eR 247 [] 2 NE expertly prepared tax return free-of-charge plus 85% of your refund, usually within two working days. Ask about Cash Back, the tax refund buying service from H & R Block. Available at H & R Block offices displaying the CASH BACK sign. WHY WAIT FOR YOUR TAX REFUND? If you qualify, you can get an Something extra' is a vitamin-trace mineral premix for horses It is designed to be lop dressed on the regular grain ration to provide extra nutrient fortification. Ingredients include vitamins A, D,. E. K, and B.,. thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, niacin, choline. and pantothenic acid. plus trace minerals, iron, copper, manganese. zinc, iodine and cobalt SHUR+GAIN "Something extra has been specially formu- lated by professional livestock nutritionists Before Something extra" was introduced to the equestnan market, it was tested by independent horseowners, breeders and trainers. Their comments and observations reflected our own conclusions that this new SHUR «GAIN product for high performance horses of all kinds 18 truly Something extra". A Basinet and M. Brouillard, Quebec Standardbred breed- ers and owners of 'Cathou Damour', Quebec filly of the year, tried SHUR +*GAIN "Some- thing extra" and found it very oi for high performance horses of all kinds at Si Feed Service Centres across Canada Gary Hughes, Helyer Farms, Ontario on Guthrie Flit, holder of NCHA Certificate reports: 'Something extra" is conve- nient and easy to feed SCUGOG BOOK EXCHANGE 175 Perry St., Port Perry MON. to FRI. ... MARLOW'S FEED SERVICE DIVISION OF WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. BLACKSTOCK PHONE 986-4201 Yam to 8527409 M1 pORT PERRY PHONE 985-7363 ; a UTS. ms yr ------