24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 14, 1984 PHONE 985-7383 Classified AdS Classified Deadline Monday 12:00 NOON following. tire advertisement | CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS: $3.50 first 15 words, 10* each word REPEAT: Second insertion of same ad ... $2.50 for first 15 words, 10* each word following. ARTWORK/LOGO DESIGN PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no 'later than Thursday prior to insertion date. DISPLAY ADS: For rates or info call 985-7383. ALL ADVERTISING: Must be paid for in cash or by Visa before 12:00 Noon Monday. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS - 12:00 NOON (No Ad Changes after Monday 10:00 A.M.) Although every precaution 1s taken to avoid errors in all adver- tising. the Star accepts advertising with the understanding that should an error occur i is liable only for the cost of that portion of the adve tisement in which an error occurred, in relation to the en- cee EXTRA CHARGE Card of Thanks Thank you to all those friends and family who helped make it easier for my mother Shella, during my father's recent lliness and death. Your constant caring and help Is much ap: preciated. Thank you also to all of the Port Perry Hospital staff, kitchen and housekeeping included, for being so kind to both of my parents. Donna Chamberlain (Nichols) 1 'would like to thank family, neighbours and friends for their floral tributes, memorial donations, cards, and kindness shown to me during the recent loss of my husband Hugh. A special thank you to the nursing staft and Dr. Sllins of Port Perry Hospital, who were so kind and caring to my hus. band and myself. Shella Nichols | would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my familly and my friends, for all their kindness -- the floral tributes and hospital donations, cards and letters sent to me. Special thanks to Port Perry Hospital staft and to Dr. Tom Mlllar, also to Mr. Wagg of McDermott: Panabaker and Rev. Clark and to the late Dennis Gray. My last words-- God's finger touched him, and he slept. Margaret Sanders Thank you to all the Wonder ful People who made my stay In the Western Hospital 30 much more pleasant, the visits, cards and kindness | received. Sincerely Joseph Wygerde | would like to thank all my friends and relations for their flowers, gifts and good wishes following fny recent surgery In Port Perry Hospital. Special thanks to Doctors Cohoon and Stewart and the many nurses who looked after me. Laura Longo Personal ~~ Touch FLORAL A GIFT SHOP 200 MARY STRICT PORT PERRY Flor al Arrangement with the per sonal touch for All Occ agony 985-9360 Card of Thanks | would like to take this op- portunity to thank family and friends for the many acts of kindness shown to me especially those who helped at home. Thank you also to Doctors Cohoon and Price, and the staff of Community Memorial Hospital for their excellent care while | was a patient there. Peter Hood Births NOTTINGHAM Kelth and Mindy (nee Buckingham) are pleased to announce the arrival of their second son, Corey Adam, on January 23, 1984, a brother for Sandy. Proud grandparents are- Ross and Shirley Not: tingham and Bob and Vera Buckingham, all of Little Britain, Ontario. Great grandparents are- Mrs. Hazel Nottingham, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Alsop, Mrs. L. Patriello and Mrs. Helen Lockrey. VINETTE Rick and Julie are proud to announce the birth of Jeffrey's sister Danielle Christine, weighing 6 Ibs. 15 0z., on January 24, 1984 at 1:58 a.m. Special thanks to Dr. Beatty and Nurses at Oshawa General Hospital. Notice " PHOTOCOPIES. 15 cents each. Scugog Book Exchange 175 Perry St. Port Perry. 985-8845. F 21 WEDDING INVITATIONS personalized stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards, etc. Call The Port Perry Star, 985-7383. TF MANCHESTER Communi: ty Centre available for ren- tals. All new facilities. Call 985-7274. A 23 GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For bookings contact Cathy Galberg, 985-8351. TF WINNER of the Chocolate Heart from "Kreative Kit- chen" displayed and drawn at the Harbour Light Cafe was- Pauline Young of Port Perry. Watch for new Chocolate treats for St. Patrick's Day and Easter. TAKE NOTICE that the week of February 19th to February 25th, 1984 Is hereby proclaimed Kinsmen Week' and that February 20th is hereby pro- claimed 'Kinsmen Day" in the Township of Scugog. D. Jerome Taylor Mayor Village Stitchery Alterations & Repairs to all types of Clothing & Leather BARB McINTYRE 985-2269 SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE IS HOME SUPPORT SERVICES ... and a whole lot more! MAY WE HELP YOU? Call Weekdays 985-8461 9-12 Noon & 1-4 P.M. IVES FLORIST vo. 985-2525 166 WATER'STREET PORT PERRY A Complete Line of Floral Art for All Occasions Flowers Wired World Wide. At Rest DURHAM REGION Lung Assoclation needs your help to fight emphysema, asthma, and lung cance Memorial gifts gratefu recelved through McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Chapel, Port Perry. TF i 1] SKI HOLIDAYS Big White, Kelowna, B.C., S nights from $95 per person quad. Pool, hot tubs, kitchens, fireplaces, dining. Ski from your door. Summit Leisure 604-736-041) CARD OF THANKS Special thanks to those who contributed gifts to the Heart Fund Dance on Friday and helped to make the evening so successful. FRANK'S RESTAURANT SUBBY 3 STEDMANS RED & WHITE SMITH & SMITH ELEANOR'S BRUTON'S IVE'S GUARDIAN DRUGS VACHON INGREDIENTS UNLIMITED PORT GIFTS NEWBOLD'S BEACON MARINA We would also like to give a special thanks to every- one who donated to the Canadian Heart Fund. It was greatly appreciated. CARTWRIGHT HIGH SCHOOL HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA A Love, Mike & Ricky XOXOXOXOXOXO if You See PATTI THISTEL Valentine's Day Wish Her A "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" -~ YQ - HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY "CARL" Luv U Hugs & Kisses. -~Q@ - 4 Coming Events [ Coming Events Coming Events At the SCUGOG LIBRARY WED, FEB. 15 - 7:30 P.M. The Human-Animal Bond Lecture and Films by Dr. Stephanie Lehman -- ADMISSION FREE -- DOUG DEMPSEY Doug Dempsey has joined RE/MAX scugog realty limited, the newest and most progressive concept in Real Estate at 144 Queen Street, Port Perry. Doug has many successful years in marketing and is pleased to join a local firm and looks forward to hearing from all his acquaintances, past, present and future clients and invites them all to call him at 985-7361 or 985-9559. RE/MAX scugog realty limited is affiliated with RE/MAX of Ontario. The network of RE/MAX real estate firms has pioneered in the development of the 100% commission system, whereby sales associates pay a management fee and share office expenses. When a client lists his property with RE/MAX the associate is responsible for planning and paying for the sales campaign, giving him an interest in developing a dynamic and successful strategy. Only top producers with outstanding qualifications can operate under the RE/MAX sys- tem, assuring buyers and sellers of the best pos- sible service. Guy Latreille, Manager of RE/MAX scugog realty limited is pleased to welcome Doug, and is confi- dent he will contribute to the continued rapid growth of the RE/MAX organization in our area. 144 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY - 985-7361 4 "GODS OF METAL" film operation Dismantle Meeting, Tues. Feb. 21st, 1984- Port Perry United Church Lounge- 7:30 p.m. Speaker- John Wilkinson, from National Office, Operation Dismantle. SCUGOG Block Parent Association, general meeting, Tues. Feb. 21st, 8:00 p.m. R.H. Cornish School Library. All parents welcome. UTICA Memory Hall annual meeting, Sunday Feb. 26th, at 2:00 p.m. Come out and support your hall. F21 The family of Mrs. Ella' Bowers of Nestleton, invite you to a tea in honour of her 80th Birthday, Blackstock old Town Hall, Saturday, February 25th, 2 to 4 p.m. Best Wishes Only. F21 TRIP to China with Marilyn Wallace plus special music, Tuesday, Feb. 21st, Port Perry United Church Auditorium. Breakfast at 9 a.m.- Cost $3.50 person. Come and join us for a mor- ning of special fellowship. Sponsored by the Dorcas and Sarah Units of the Port Perry United Church Women. Everyone welcome. For tickets, call 985-7950; 7227; 2540. LEGION BINGO The next Legion Bingo; Branch 419, will be on Feb. 16, 1984. Jackpot $230 in 57 numbers. F 14 COLLECTIBLES Enjoy an evening with Mr. Clint Brake, President of Collec- tor Plate Makers of Canada. Demonstration and display of Coalport and Wedgewood by Mary Holdcroft. Royal Doulton film and speaker at Port Perry United Church, courtesy of Mr. R. Marsden, Pentland Jewellers. Mon- day, March 5th, 7:30 p.m. Tickets $2.00 at door. Lunch. Sponsored by Martha Unit U.C.w. F 28 Big Brothers of North Durham Region ANNUAL MEETING PORT PERRY COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL THURS., FEB. 16 7:30 P.M. - Everyone Welcome - VALENTINE'S DANCE Janetville Community Centre Sat., Feb. 18th 9PM.to1 AM. Music by Rick Johnson & The Country Band Lunch Served $10.00 per Couple For Tickets Call: 705-324-8905 Blackstock & District Lions Club Winter Western DANCE BLACKSTOCK REC CENTRE SAT., FEB. 18th $30PM. to] AM. featuring Diamond Reo Band Refreshments - Lunch $10.00 per couple FOR TICKETS CALL: Ciift Trapp - 986-5685 COFFEE BREAK - Ladies Interfaith Community Bible Study every Thursday mor- ning, 9:30 - 11:15 a.m. Discover for yourself the Bl-. ble. Enjoy coffee, fellowship, singing and shar- ing. Nursery and story hour (3-5 year olds) provided. Hope Christian Reformed Church, 166 Simcoe St., Prince Albert. Join us anytime and bring a friend. For Sale 1972 OLYMPIC twin- $300; 1972 SKIROUL single- $200; Electric snowblower- $50. 579-7715. 7 PIECE Gretch Power Tom drum kit, black, pearl hard- ware, hard shell cases, Zild- jilan cymbols. Excellent con- dition - one year old $1,995. 985-2734. TF ATTENTION COMIC COLLECTORS- We have everything that you need for your comics. We sell comic bags, price guides, comic boxes, back issues, and new comics coming in every week. If we don't have the one you want, we will order it. Scugog Book Exchange, 175 Perry St., Port Perry. 985-8645. F2 HAY 986-5566. ARCADE in your own house. Many video machines- Asteroids- reg. $1,800- sell $900; pin ball $400 and up. Make your own pro- fit. 986-4264. F2 MEN'S Downhill Ski equip- ment. Tyrol boots- size 11; Rossignol 190 skiis with bin- dings. Ples and boot carrier included. Asking $200. 985-2188. F221 DISTRIBUTORS of FARMI skidding winches; PowerK- ing economy tractors; Licki- ty Splitters ROTO-HO tillers and shredders. Monette Sales, 80 Townline Road W., Carleton Place. K7C 2E4- 613-257-1661. FIREWOOD in log lengths or 16 inch blocks; or- 16 inch, cut and split. 985-3361. TF ONE single milking machine. One milk separator. Call after 4 p.m. 986-5356. F 14 Han Studios . of Port Perry COMPLETE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Packages for all budgets. ALSO GROUP & FAMILY PORTRAITS 985-2649 985-3708 Firewood 16 inch Dry Hardwood (2 years) Face Cord . *60. Bush Cord *165. -- DELIVERED -- Pick It Up and SAVE $10. on Bush Cord. 985-7283 Water St., Port Perry a A aah