Kids Earn Awards The R.H. Cornish Public School winners of a recent Legion Literary Contest were presented with certificates last Thursday. The talented writers are (bottom, from left) Brigitte Lorish, Grade 7; Jody Luke, Grade 8; Corry Greenwood, Grade 8; (and top) Peter Wokral, Grade 7; Jackie Faber, Grade 8; Pam Philpott, Grade 7 and Adrian Don- nelly, Grade 8. Lions Club hosts for public speaking Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly Moira Fallis is happy to have her sister, Sheel- agh Collard of London, England spending a few days with her and her family. Sheelagh travelled over on the Concord which was a very thrilling flight. She is lucky to be able to combine business with family reunion. The Lions Club will be holding a Public Speak- ing Contest on February 15 at 8 p.m. when six speakers from C.C.P.S. will be present. This contest will be open to the public. The Lions will have eye glass drop boxes in the local stores during the month of February. The Club have plans welll under- way for the Winter Western Dance on Feb. 18 at the Blackstock Rec Centre. Advance tickets are available from 986- 4664. The Junior 4-H Club for girls in Public School - who are over 12 years of age will start next Thursday, Feb. 9 at the United Church. Wilma VanCamp hosted a dinner party on Saturday evening in honour of Keith's birth- day this coming Thurs- day. Several local couples attended to wish Keith many happy returns. Several local beef farmers and their wives attended the Cattle- men's Banquet at Orono on Friday evening. The Youth Group met on Sunday evening at the United Church. Election of officers was held. The officers for 1984 will be: President - Rob Graham; Vice- President- Angela Duivestyn; Secretary- Joy Werry; Treasurer- Brent McLaughlin. This interdenominational group meets every other Sunday evening. Several local snow- mobilers participated in the very successful Snowarama for Crippl- ed Children on Sunday. The Minor Hockey is progressing very well this season. There is a need for another adult coach for Saturday mornings 10:30- to noon, Anyone who can spare some time for this need, call Rick Bouellon 986- 4889 or Denzil Moore 986-5018. There will be a 50's Dance on March 3 with several contests. For tickets call Rick or Denzil. The A.C.W. held its regular meeting on Thursday evening at the home of Elaine Bailey with a good attendance of members. Rev. Ansley Tucker showed a film on the development of the Eucharist over the past 2000 years. The new president for 1984 will be Elaine Bailey. A delicious lunch was served. On Sunday, Jan. 29 the annual vestry meeting was held at St. John's Anglican Church. Favourable report indicated a fine year in 1984. Plans were made for the coming year in the life of the church. Ken Hudson and George Denny were elected Wardens. On Saturday, Norma Jean Newbold, Eleanor Kelly, Robert Green and Rob Graham enjoyed a day in the Junior Bon- spiel at the Newmarket Curling Club. There were nine tables at the card party on Tuesday night with the following winners: 11. Arvella Barrett-98; 2. Dorothy McDiarmid-82; 3. Ella Venning -78; 4. Lorna Swain-78; 5. Leonard Cane - 77; 6. Harold Swain -75; Low - Wilma VanCamp Draws - 1. Arvella Barrett; 2. Meta Swain; 3. Weir Swain. The Curling Club Executive met at the home of the President Neil McLaughlin on Wednesday evening. Plans were finalized for the Fletcher Bonspiel which will be held on this coming Saturday. Dinner and Dance tickets are available. Dinner costs $7.00 and Dance $3.00 to the music of Dennis Francis. The Kelly Bonspiel will be held on March 13 and the end-up Dance will be April 21. The Annual Congreg- ational meeting of the United Church was held on Sunday afternoon. Many favourable reports indicated a good year had been enjo, '1. Harold Hall and Richard VanCamp were elected elders. Coffee break included a lovely decorated anniversary cake in honour of Dale and Anita Davis' recent thirtieth anniversary. RUBBER STAMPS Fast Delivery PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 A Scugog Township youth is facing several charges following an ear- ly morning incident January 25 at a farm west of Port Perry. The incident began when Virginia Trevena noticed a person at the gas tanks in the yard about 3:00 a.m. She and her husband went to in- vestigate, and when she attempted to open a car door driven by the per- son, she was dragged some 300 feet along the driveway. She suffered minor injuries and had to be taken to hospital for treatment. A short while later, Regional Police arrested David Michael Koch, 19, of R.R. 4, Port Perry and PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. Janvary 31, 1984 -- 1S Woman dragged 300 feet on door of auto $200 and criminal charged him with three negligence in the opera- accounts of theft under tion of a motor vehicle. Scugog Island W.1. 12th Anniversary meeting by Christina Prentice Scugog Island W.I. held their 12th anniver- sary meeting in Scugog Hall. Twenty members answered the Roll Call -- Name the provinces in Canada you have visited - and quite a few have seen them all. The motto was- modes of transportation in Canada - this given by Christina Prentice, who took us from oxcart and EVERYTHING YOU TO BUILD A BEAUTIFUL NEW FAMILY ROOM or to remodel and improve any room in your home . / ~ For those who want a unique d and different wall treatment "1, kiln dried real wood strip | paneling. | \+ Easy-to-install tongue &; | groove strips, 3-5/8" wide by 5/16" thick in 8" bundles covering over 16 sq. ft Bundle Covers 16.3 Sq. 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Helen Redman our curator had her books on display - a business period followed and several items discussed. * Foam Rubber ~ Backing Prices in effect 'til Feb. 7/84 ~ Sh BS DEPT A DOMTAR 12"'x12"" White Stipple Pattern Ceiling Tiles . Stipple Design: A discreetly " subtle white-on-white textured pattern. Our Reg. 13 99 -- os b N TS ay #11002 ~ 10%" 7 oo J -_ SQUARE RECESSED FIXTURE «Cai 19.99 16.95 Crystal patterned glass white frame Bulb not Included Working Together To Bring You Extra Value! CASHWAY PETERBOROUGH LUMBER BUILDING CENTRES Telephone: 985-7334 Write: P.O. Box 329, LOB 1NO P/L in LINDSAY - Highway No. 358 7 CASHWAY in BROOKLIN - Hig "DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE