Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 20 Sep 1983, p. 27

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be SAND eh Co ai mv, RG 3 8 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1983 -- 27 PN! red NRT NRA ESL Fe. 750 Eg) : . ACEP Cid! as i rd Nah nig oda tn aie ATEN Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale PINERIDGE Garden Club Christmas Craft and Bake sale, Nestleton Hall, Oct. 4th, 7:00 p.m. Craft sale open to public. Anyone wishing space call 986-5330. Bake sale proceeds to Hospital Expansion Cam- paign. S27 HEREFORD SALE. Thanksgiving Banner Sale. Elzevir Hereford Farms, R.R. 1, Flinton, Ontario, Oct. 10, 1983 at 1:00. Selling approximately 75 head from free listed herds -- Elzevir Hereford, Golden Oak, Rox- wood, Lymdale, Elm Lodge and Hastings Polled Hereford Farms. PINERIDGE Power Skating School to be held at Manvers Arena, Sat. Oc- tober 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th. Call 852-3884. SCUGOG Choral Society will present Fiddler on the Roof; on Nov. 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 1983 at the Town Hall 1873.5 27 PORT PERRY United Church Rummage Sale, Thurs. Oct. 27, 10 a.m. to § p.m.; 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Fri- day, Oct 28, 10a.m. to 1 p.m. Scugog No. 2 Firemen's Assoc. ANNUAL TURKEY SHOOT CAESAREA FIRE HALL SAT., OCT. 1st 10 AM. HORN OF PLENTY BAZAAR PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH SAT.,0CT. 1 2-4p.m. Tea Room - Crafts Bake Table Delicatessen NURSERY AVAILABLE HAPPY TIME NURSERY SCHOOL 110 Lilla St., Port Perry Licenced - Qualified Staff MORNINGS: 9:00-11:30a.m. CALL: Mrs. Nancy Crowell 985-7871 DANCING Club Annrene Scugog Island Modern, country and Old-tyme Music. EVERY SAT. NIGHT 9PM.-1AM. Refreshments avail- able and door prizes. Floyd & Sandy Lloyd & The Country All-Stars $8.00 COUPLE ATTENTION! INGETTE PRE-SEASON SKATE for Girls registered and girls interested in joining. SUN., OCTOBER 2 12:30 t0 2:30 p.m. SUN., OCTOBER 9 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. More information to follow in next week's paper. y FACTORY clearance Steel Buildings. Example 40 ft. x 58 ft. Arch building, in- cluding 21 ft. W double slide doors $6,600. Similar savings on widths 20 ft. to 100 ft. wide clear span. Also available straightwall all-steel buildings 20 ft. to 60 ft. clear span. Priced to clear. For guaranteed savings call toll free 1-800-268-0802. FARMERS sprayed Urethane insulation. Quality work at Western Ontario prices. Certifled ap- plicators. Experienced In agricultural retrofit since 1975. Call Warmth Insulation 613-267-6711, Box 460, Perth, Ontario. K7H 3G. REMOVABLE steel parti- tioning, complete with gates, suitable for dogs. goats, pigs and cattle. Like new. 985-7267. KIRBY Vacuum cleaner, reconditioned, with rug shampooer and many more attachments. Asking $300 or best offer. 986-5020. TICKET to Calgary: good until Oct. 20, 1983. 986-4815.S 27 KEYBOARD Yamaha elec- tronic KYB - plays in stereo. $1,200. 985-8306. QUALITY ADULT Video VHS, BETA, uncut versions $39.95. 100 per cent guaranteed 1-800-663-6555. Colour brochure available. TriColor Video Sept. S. 13381, 72nd Ave., Surrey B.C. V3W 2NS5. PORTABLE sawmills for sale or lease. Save money. Lease our equipment. Com- pact enough to- set up anywhere in 45 minutes. Financing available. After § p.m. 705-746-4467. 'SUMMER - SPECIAL' prices still In effect for limited time on utility, agricultural, commercial and Industrial dome, straightwall steel buildings. Call collect anytime 705-474-1180. ONE Franklin stove $50; one boys suit size 16, blue stripe, 3 piece. 985-4515. MUST SELL - Purebred Black and Tan, German Shepherd, 6 months old, has all shots. Asking $200. 985-7519. : DASHWOOD double pane thermal windows 34 inch x 56 inch; 42 inch x 56 inch $75 each. Small woodstove $50. Light fixtures. Call 986-5179. THREE porch posts, 9 inch diameter, 80 inches long $75; pre-cast step 30 inches x 48 Inches x 7 inches $20; 5 aluminum storm windows $10 each. Phone after 6 p.m. 985-2880. DUNE BUGGY, front wheel drive, radio $200, good run- ning condition. 985-2975. ROUND Bamboo dining room table with smoked glass top, 4 matching bam- boo chairs $500. Call 985-2731. LAYING HENS for sale. 705-277-2077. S27 METAL garden shed 5 ft. x 6 ft.; box trailer 4 x 8 ; cap for V2 ton; rear bumper for GM 4 ton. 985-3717. ANTIQUE gate-leg drop leaf table and 4 chalrs. $300. 705-357-2112. TWO 39 inch box spring and mattress with headboards. 986-5539. ANTIQUE TABLE, % cut oak and 4 pressback chairs with cane seats. Also one single bed, 3 months old, mattress and box spring in- cluded. 655-4227 or 985-9040. DRAPES, semi-sheer, 90 in- ches x 52 inches, also decorator rod. Fits 7 ft. win- dow. 985-2396. SHOTGUN Ithaca Pump, excellent shape. $275. Call 985-8258. CHILDRENS SKATES, girls size 12; boys size 2; $15 - per pair. Very good condi- tion. 985-3496. APPLES $5.00 per bushel. 12 mile east of Port Perry on 7A highway or phone after 5 p.m. 985-2311. $20 We reserve the right to limit quantities. _ &= Windcrest Farms Corner Hwy. 7A & 12, Manchester 985-7267 § Loa Mon. to Thurs. 7:30 Store Hours: 8 A.M. FEEDLOT RESTAURANT HOURS: | Fri., Sat. & Sun. 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. ~ to 6 p.m. daily a.m. to 8:00 p.m. pC (FREE! DINNER FOR TWO purchased during th with every side of Beef or Pork at our "Feedlot Restaurant". e month of Sept. or [ PRIZE WINNING BE BEEF SIDES Canada Grade "A" Cut, wrapped & frozen LOCAL PRODUCERS EF FROM - 3.72. 1.69 ib. Prize winning Hogs from local producers PORK SIDES Cut, wrapped & frozen. - SMOKING EXTRA - 52.62. 1.19. mm SOLID maple corner cabinet, 81 inches x 34 in- ches. 985-2443. TF MOTOCROSS bicycle, 20 inch, good condition. Asking $65 or best offer. One pair boy's skates, size 12; one pair hockey shorts, both suitable for tyke, excellent condition. Two pairs boy's soccer shoes, size 12 and 1. Both in good condition. Phone 985-8685. M.F. 100 Industrial loader, 6 foot bucket, like new. $1,500 or best offer. 985-3903. A LARGE airtight woodstove, heating capacity 2000 sq. ft. Ideal for base- ment or workshop. $500 or best offer. 985-3903. 3 HP GAS lawnmower, ex- cellent condition $85; fridge- 24 inch width $75; large Tonka trucks, transport and fire engine $20 each. Air hockey 22 x 1% ft. board $10. Call 986-5223 evenings. CUB UNIFORM fits boy age 9 or 10. Call after 6 p.m. 985-3392. SIX INCH Jointer/Planer - 985-2443. TF SIXTEEN INCH Thickness Planer. 985-2443. TF GOOD quality hay - high moisture corn. Harry Kuenea. 852-7194. A 12 FOOT aluminum boat $250 or best offer. Call 985-8649 10 HP White garden tractor with grass cutter $1,000. 986-4885. SHOWER stall $20; Fisher Price toys; Cub uniform and accessories; ladies wool pants size 6. Call after 6 p.m. 985-7225. JOHN DEERE 110 riding lawnmower, excellent con- dition. $1,975. 986-4283. NEW WINE Velvet Jacket, size 9-10. Call 985-7766. KENMORE automatic washing machine- 5 cycle, suds saver, white; Phillips portable colour TV, $250 each. Both in excellent con- dition. Moving to England - Must sell. 985-9072. G.E. SELF cleaning stove, § plece dinette set, walnut cof- fee table, antique Goodcheer parlour stove. All in ex- cellent condition. Call after 5 p.m. 985-3483. 1975-17 FT. Citation trailer, tandem axle, washroom, fridge and stove. Excellent condition. $3,995. Phone 985-3885 after 6 p.m. WEANER pigs. 655-3759. FIREWOOD, Maple and Beech, cut, split and delivered. 985-8198. PICK-YOUR-OWN ww) APPLES APPLE ORCHARD 985-3902 Scugog Island OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 20 § 985-8619. PICK-YOUR-OWN vegetables. Tomatoes $5.00 bushel; carrots, peppers, cucumbers, cauliflower. mile east on Shirley Road, 4 miles south of Port Perry Bring your own containers. TF TEN INCH table saw. 985-2443. TF HARDWOOD slabs 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. Per bundle- $75 each- delivered. Limited supply. 986-4218 anytime. S ALOE VERA Forever Liv- ing Products. 986-4769. Ask for Joan. O04 UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, 'fools, etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E., Oshawa 579-5666. TF TOP SOIL delivered. 985-7013. S20 ERIE and Kinectico water softeners, purifiers, and iron filters. Buy, rent or lease. Rental only $14.95 per month as long as you rent. Free water analysis. "Yes" we take Aquafine and Culligan on trade-ins. Call Gary Young Plumbing 655-4936.0 18 FOREVER Living Aloe Vera Products. Phone TF PROP and Skeg repairs. Fibreglass and aluminum boat repairs. Fibreglass supplies. Oshawa Glass Fibre Products Limited, 341 "Graco" pumps painting equipment and parts "Meyers sewage and ef fluent pumps. "Ewing" steam cleaners and high pressure wash units. Div. of Johnstone Edmiston Limited, Agincourt, 9-4:30 p.m. 299-6508. After 7 985-8737- ask for lan. M 24 LOW PRICES on new chesterfields, beds, kitchen suites, coffee table sets, etc. Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. 728-3473. TF WATER softeners, iron filters, chlorination systems, free water analysis, rent or buy. Call Randy Coombs, collect at Aquafine Water Refiners (705) 324-2300 Lindsay. TF NOW IS the time to "fix up" your lawn with Fairway ""B'" lawn seed. $1.49 Ib., at Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr, Port Perry. 985-4092. S13 FIBREGLASS truck cap, 8 ft. long. New tail gate GMC. 986-5351. SHAKLEE. For products or information please call 986-4771. TF SHOPSMITH Sales and Ser- vice. 985-2443. TF PICK YOUR OWN vegetables, tomatoes, pep- pers, corn etc. Linton's, Sim- coe St. South, one mile east on Concession 9. TF ALLERGY Problems -- Durham St., Oshawa. Rent or purchase an lonizer 579-1433. TF from "'Brooklin Rentals' from $79.95 up. Call 655-3600. --------------Trme---- i, S 20 PIONEER 14 INCH Band Saw. 985-2443. AIRTIGHT HAY AND STRAW, F P INSERTS delivered, round bales and LL bales. 705-374-4235. 1984 MODELS Squace bales oi § STF OPEN: MONDAY TO THURSDAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M; FRIDAY TO SUNDAY - 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. y 34.4 ASSELSTINE'S YAMAHA Durham Rd. 57 - South of Blackstock Last winter left us with a Large Stock of Clothing! SALE BEGINS SEPT. 17th -1 WEEK ONLY - Snowmobiles. ® Early discounts on 1984 and most models of 1983 Yamaha ® Also see our large stock of new and used Tri-Motos. - Good stock of Used Yamaha Snowmobiles - OUR PRICES ARE GOOD - OUR SERVICE IS BETTER! For a straight forward deal ... TRY ... ASSELSTINE'S. Early Macintosh r 2sitestoM any opering APPLES PEACHES | | amma. | '2 Bushel ... 4.99 heaping 6 qt basket .. Cf (installation available) _- PIONEER STOVES Ontario Grown Quality & ANTIQUES NEW POTATOES BANANAS 7 Rol hgiase ny , 4qt. basket. 1.99 ib. 39° 985-2935 STEVENS MARKET HWY. 7 & 12 - MYRTLE Pick-Your-Own APPLES dD RED WING ORCHARDS 1983 SEASON OPENS THIS WEEKEND! SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10AM.to 5PM. (Weather Permitting) NOTE: Please remember our New Entrance off Durham Road 23, (1.3 km. north of stop lights at Hwy. # 2). It's Half Way between Whitby & Ajax. Featuring ... MacINTOSH & CORTLANDS from our own Dwarf Trees 2 Bushel Bag ... $5.50 Containers Provided. OPENING WEEKEND SPECIAL! Due to the small size of our Macintosh & Cortland apples you may PICK 1 BAG FREE with each bag picked at $5.50 WATCH THIS AD WEEKLY FOR AVAILABILITY OF 1-668-3311 SWEET CORN $1.00 dozen. Discounts for freezer or corn roast orders. Stan Feasby. 985-3546. Hla oY t ud (os ofPortPerry TT Complete Photographic Servi ices Weddings - Portraits Portfolios ALSO: Old Photograph Reproductions 985-3708 the roller "ROAD CONSTRUCTION SALE" All Units Must Go! -NEW & USED - Hwy. 7A, Port Perry 985-9151 Used Trucks 1976 E150 FORD display van, long wheel base, privacy glass, finished In- terior and mechanically sound. 985-9165. 1976 FORD F250 - % ton pick-up. Excellent for haul- ing wood etc. Certified. Ask- ing $1,700 or will trade for small car. 725-9382. 1979 GMC 4 ton truck with cap, heavy duty High Sierra. Asking $5,400. Also 1976 Chev Impala as is $500 or best offer. 985-2236 after s p.m. CAP fibreglass for Datsun long box truck. Excellent condition. Call after 6 p.m. 985-754). ~ ihe vs Nie Se Re ET PD iy ARS A Fa , 3 Lo Cral Ea rt

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